Salads get really old really fast for me if they don’t include a lot of different flavors and textures. Lettuce-only salads are not my friend.
But this little lady is!
Shameless Sadie picture, I know. 😀
My salad included a myriad of colors and flavors which made it a success in my book!
In the mix:
- Iceberg lettuce
- Celery
- Mushrooms
- Red pepper
- Sesame garlic tempeh
- Kraft light Asian sesame dressing
Who doesn’t love a lunch that is both pretty and delicious?
To Half or Not to Half?
As you probably gathered from my past few blog posts, I feel like I am in a bit of an exercise rut. Sure I’ve been going to the gym, but I’ve just been going through the motions and not really challenging myself. I’m motivated enough to get there, but have been struggling with pushing myself (mostly on cardio days).
With the help of a new playlist and reviewing some of my old favorite workouts, I’m definitely feeling more motivated to sweat it out. Initially I was planning on revisiting my old interval and plyometric workouts until late this morning when I received an email from a friend informing me about the First Watch half marathon in Sarasota, Florida on March 13.
I instantly felt a spark of enthusiasm. Is this what I need to push myself again and feel motivated?
Its been five months since I ran my last half marathon and I’ve been feeling the itch again. I’ve been going back and forth deciding whether or not to register.
I have three reasons I want to register:
- I love having a fitness goal
- The feeling of accomplishment after a big race (and even a long run) is amazing
- I think registering would help me break out of my exercise rut
But I have three things holding me back:
- I hate running in the cold
- I don’t like feeling like I have to run
- I would like to include more variety in my workouts
As you can see, the first two of the three things keeping me from signing up are pretty much the lamest excuses in the whole world.
Please weigh in… What do you think I should do? What would you do?
I think it’s great that you’re taking the decision seriously. I also hate running in the cold (not a lame excuse at all!) and I don’t like feeling like I have to run…but I would DO it! I just signed up for my second and third half marathons coming up, and, like you, I am so excited about having a fitness goal again. think it would be so much fun for you to run another one, especially after the great success you had last time. I think if you find a training plan that leaves you plenty of flexibility for your own non-running workouts you will be so glad that you did!
Of course you should do it. You’ll rock. Ps. I was pretty concerned that it was almost 10am this morning with no post from you. I felt like my morning was not complete. 🙂
Well, considering that I plan on running a 1/2 (my first!) around that same time–I say go for it! But that’s for selfish reasons–like I’d love to see how you choose to train! 😉
Having an upcoming race would certainly give you a reason to change it up and push yourself!
I would honestly say to sign up for it! The cold in Florida shouldn’t last past February (fingers crossed, I’m LOVING this weather right now!). Many training programs have you only running 3-4 days a week and on those other days you can do other workouts and exercises. And on the days where you don’t feel like running, don’t! (except if it’s a long run, since those are the most important in my book).
That’s just my opinion! Do what YOU want to do! 🙂
Well, Lisa (I’m an Okie) and I are running a half on March 20th. I have the same mixed feelings as you, but I decided to just go for it even if I have to do the majority of my training inside.
But if you decide you’re not ready, there will be other races!
Defintely run! You loved the Chicago half!
I’ve been looking for a delish dressing, I think you have convinced me to try out the Kraft light Asian sesame.
ahhh i DID love the chicago half, but that was a rock ‘n’ roll race which was AWESOME. i really didn’t love the first half i ever did which was a small-scale race. this one seems decent though! i can’t wait for the savannah rock ‘n’ roll half in nov!
Julie–I definitely feel you on the running in the cold. I live in Indiana, so it’s just not happening. But for now I have been doing my running on a treadmill while I train for a half marathon in the spring, and it’s only for a couple months, then I know I’ll be outside again. And for you you’ll probably be out there much sooner! 🙂 I would go for the half-marathon–there is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment at the end. Plus, it’s something to look forward to for months!
I think you should totally sign up! I’ve run 4 halfs, 2 of which were in the past two months. The first one was on Nov 6th and I only signed up three days before. It was my third half so I knew what to expect going in, but I didn’t get the “thrill” as I crossed the finish line (and I even set a PR!) like I think I would have gotten if I had set a goal and trained for it. The very next day, I signed up for my 4th half (for Dec 11th) –my favorite race to date (and yet another PR!)! Half’s are such a great distance, and I think training for them actually calls for quite a variety of exercise since you NEED to cross train and not over-run yourself. It makes you look forward to weight training sessions even more. So my vote is go for it, girl!
Oh and I almost forgot! Running in the cold really isn’t all that bad… Here in Charlotte it’s usually in the 20s in the morning, but it’s really only cold for the first two minutes of running (not even kidding!) It’s amazing how quick your body temperature warms up. Just make sure to wear lots of layers. I’ve found that I’m pretty miserable on a run if my hands/neck are exposed to wind (and it’s freezing outside). Earwarmer headband thingys are a must! You’ll be fine, the hard part is just stepping out the door into the cold. The rest is easy!
i hate to be the only one going against the grain here, but i would say don’t sign up! this is a totally biased perspective, but your third point is well taken by my. i was just chatting with my best friend yesterday about how when you sign up for a longer race like this, you’re so limited in your workouts – you spend so much time training/running, you don’t have as much time to be adventurous, weight lift, etc. i have been in a workout rut myself lately, so with a resolution to shake things up, i am going to take zumba, try more yoga, look for hiking trails (have not found a plethora of these in IL just yet), play tennis, swim (our gym has an indoor pool), try more workout dvd’s (the perfect antidote to the “it’s too cold/snowing and i can’t go to the gym”), use fitness magazines to create new workouts for myself. it’s going to be a great year 🙂
I have to agree with Molly. Maybe try taking some classes you haven’t tried before. Last time I was in a rut, I took kickboxing at my gym. It was awesome and my rut was ovahhh
I totally agree with this! I love racing and I love running, but there is always so much pressure to stay on a fitness plan, especially for a half marathon! This year I am going to try different sports and keep my fitness schedule different by taking dance classes! Because I love running so much, I was also thinking about just signing up for smaller races like 5k’s 10k’s so I am still motivated to run, but have less pressure on my shoulders if I don’t feel like it one day.
Hope this helps!
I think if it motivates you and gives you that gut feeling of excitement, you should go for it. The other half you’re planning for in Savannah (and that I still have nudging its way into my mind hehe) would be far enough away to where you could take a break from training and do different workouts for awhile too.
dooooo it!
Honestly if you like feeling that you have to run it my not be your thing! I think you would feel really proud after, but I don’t think its worth it if you don’t enjoy the process 🙂
Lunch looks great! I love all kinds of salads, including lettuce-less ones like yours!
Totally half! For Christmas, I just registered my friend for his first race/a half marathon in March because he’s been complaining about not being motivated lately and he is SO excited about it! I’m also a goal addict so I always support goals.
And half marathon training doesn’t mean you can’t still mix up your workouts. I find that it keeps me healthiest and injury free to cross train like a mofo while I’m gearing up for a race.
If that race was a little later in the year I would totally fly down and run with you! One of my best friends lives in Bradenton. I’m starting slow this year and running a 5 miler on St. Patrick’s day (the farthest I’ve ever run is a 5k). I hope to run a half marathon by the end of the year though! Go with your gut on this one–you know yourself best!!
you should do the national half instead! haha lots of bloggers are doing it as you probably already know, and i’m biased because i’m doing it too.
we have a wedding to go to that weekend. 🙁
I think you should go for it…there are many of us ( myself included) training for a half ( or full) now. We can motivate each other. I am in Michigan where it is REALLY cold! 😉 You can just think of me me while running in the cold and say ” It could be worse; I could live in Michigan right now! 😉
You can still cross train and take your workouts to the next level… Good luck!
Oh my goodness, this was like reading my thoughts. I feel the same way. I had a race in November and I have had a rought time getting motivated again. Who knew Florida would get so stinking cold!
Sign up for a race. I am doing the same thing. Actually, I am also doing that half marathon with some girl friends of mine. I think now that I know the RUSH OF RACING, I am bored without a purpose behind my runs :/
Good luck. You will do great =)
i think you should! it will give you that extra little push and i think once you get into the training- youll get more excited and ready for it!
I have a question about the tempeh. I haven’t ever tried it. What does it taste like? I have had tofu and it is ok, but not something I buy. I am always looking for healthier ways to increase protein. Thanks! 🙂
I say go for it! Imagine how awesome you’ll feel crossing that finish line! 🙂
Definitely do it! I’ve been feeling the same so I signed up for a bunch of halfs (including one in January in NYC)..I used to hate running in the cold too but trust me its NOT that bad, you just need the right gear! (tights, jacket, headband, gloves,etc) if you go on the runners world website they give great suggestions for clothes based on the temperature …good luck!
I say do it! Or just flip a coin and decide that way 😉
I think you should go for it! Having a race to train for is so motivating for me. Maybe you could go for a time goal as well and really try to push yourself!
I hate the cold in general, but being from WI, I have no choice but to just get out there and run, even when it is frigid. It makes me appreciate summer that much more 🙂
I’m picking up running again after I injured myself while training for my first half. My plan is to take it really slow. First train for a 5K, then 10K, then in the fall start training for a half I’ve been dying to do that is in November. That way I have the whole summer to BE a runner. I’m also a cyclist…so thats what I do my crosstraining days. I run three days a week and cycle (whether in a class or on the road) two days a week. Would having a designated crosstraining days work for you?
Its 30 degrees outside and running is the very last thing I want to do! Could you maybe start training for it now and see how you feel before you actually sign up?
Is there another half in May, so it would be warmer during your training? I debated signing up for a half in March too, but I knew I wouldn’t run outside and I hate running long on the treadmill. You could try some new things and do some light running during the cold months, then train in the spring for a spring or summer half.
if there is even 1 reason why you dont want to do it, then you shouldnt. otherwise it just feels like a chore.
How about signing up for a half later in the year? That way, you can try new workouts and then start training later. Best of both.
Go for it Julie! I betcha you won’t regret it! 😀
I think running the half-marathon would be a great idea! I’m running one the next weekend for the first time!!! I can relate to the issue of the cold weather, that was one of the factors I was thinking of too, but I went for it! 🙂
I would definitely do it. I’m in the middle of training for my second half right now. For about a month in between my first half and starting training for the second half it was so hard to motivate myself to work out.
Early on in the training I’ve been mixing up workouts too (and I’m doing a different plan too) for my cross training and strength training days. I find that if I have a race to train for I’m more motivated.
Is there a shorter race you could train for? Maybe a 15k or a 10 miler? That way your training would be a little shorter and you wouldn’t have to start as soon. In the meantime, you could try different workouts (yoga, zumba). Just a thought 😉
LOVE this idea. I’ll look around!
This is EXACTLY what I was going to say.. you don’t have to train as much as people who are running their first half, so why not balance out the training with some other classes (zumba, dance, burlesque (hee hee) and then you can run AND challenge yourself with something new 🙂
Run run run, do it!! I had to laugh when you say train in the cold, because its Florida right? How cold does it really get there (and no I am not trying to come across mean I am just asking, I have never been there)? You will rock a half marathon and it will give you something to work hard for as well. Also, hit the spinning classes or boot camp classes up, those are great cardio workouts where someone else pushes you. Just some ideas. Take care!
Not that I’m dissing lettuce but it could leave my salads high and dry and there’s a good chance I wouldn’t miss it…just sayin. As for the run, I say go for it…I mean me personally? I would most likely sit at home that morning, sipping on my oj, proclaiming…hmm sure is nice & warm in this apartment. I feel bad for all those runners out there. But this is why at 8am on any given weekday…I feel like “meh…” and you’ve conqured 5+ miles of Florida haha!
How about Gasparilla in February ??
i am going to sign for half Maraton,
Personally I don’t think you should — I also HATE running in the cold.. and you might start to resent it.
Why not try hot yoga or a new (indoor) class instead??
I have been struggling with the same dilemma! I have run 2 half’s already this season (nov and dec) and am thinking about signing up for Rock n Roll Dallas 2 weeks after the one you are thinking about. But I’m feeling like after training for the first 2 I’m wanting to do more than running in my work out routine. So I decided to keep running (and loosely following my original plan) without having the pressure of the race to be ready for. Then when it gets closer, if I have kept up with the training enough and feel ready, I’ll sign up!
I know its 2 weeks earlier than this half, but there’s also the Disney Princess Half. I’m signed up for it and as much as I love running, I think the idea of putting on a tutu and crown for a race is what’s getting me even more pumped than I normally would be! Just a thought 🙂
Hmm I would say don’t sign up for the half marathon. Your reasons against training aren’t stupid, they are things that could make training not very fun! Why not come up with a plan for more variety in your workouts and look into a shorter race to train for? Didn’t you used to go to spin a lot? I love to incorporate a spin class and a yoga class into my week to keep things interesting!
Hmm. That is a lot to think about! The only thing that sticks out for me is that I remember you lamented (I’m not saying that in a negative way) about how structured your workout schedule was because you always felt like you had to run, and there wasn’t much space for variety. Something to think about 🙂
YESSSS. that’s my biggest issue.
Just as a follow up – I started doing hot yoga a few months ago and LOVE it. Same mental benefits as regular yoga, but it’s a killer strength work out, too!
I vote to half but I love to run and I love having a schedule. However, since getting pregnant, running hasn’t been as enjoyable and I’ve found adding yoga to my schedule very refreshing. Just adding something new to you can be a boost. I’d check with your parks department or local schools to see if they offer any programs that are interesting.
This would be a breeze for you considering you work out every day! 🙂 Do it!!
About the cold–I ran the OUC this past December (and it was in the 40’s)..cold at first…but so beautiful once you got moving! Actually, I think my husband was standing next to you and Sadie at the race! Funny 🙂
**Nike makes these awesome long-sleeve shirts with thumb holes and almost like a built in mitten–keeps you toasty while you’re out.
oh my gosh too funny! i actually was in jacksonville that weekend, but my friend laurel was dog sitting sadie & brought her to the race! she has blonde hair just like me, so i can see why you might think it was me! i’m glad you got to see sadie!
I love your blog but come on girl! You KNOW you want to do this!
I hate running in the cold
-How cold can it really get in Florida…..30 maybe 20…..Us Northern gals run in a permanant winter from October to prob April…..It gives you a good excuse to go onto under armorsor Nike’s website and buy really cute winter running cloths 🙂
I don’t like feeling like I have to run
You dont have to run ALL the time to be in shape for a half….maybe run 2 or 3 times a week and work out hard with weights and class. Make it a mission to d/l 3 new songs a week 🙂 Look at the old NOW music cds to give some inpiration for some classics….backstreet boys anyone
I would like to include more variety in my workouts
Running is challenging go to runners world and pick out a running plan that includes hills, sprints, and short burst workouts. Grab a friend or a dog and get to it
30s and 20s are COLDDDDDDD! seriously, i am MISERABLE running in the cold… even if my cold is pansy-cold. 🙂
i love your music idea!
Do it!!! I love having something to work toward & signing up for a race always does the trick for me! You can do lots of different types of workouts (there are tons of treadmill workouts with intervals that keep you mixing it up), rather than just doing the 5 miles twice a week with a long run on the weekends. Plus you can buy cute new running clothes to train in the cold. 🙂
Go fot it!!!
I am doing my first half at the Disney Princess Half in February, and am considering doing the First Watch one as well. I do understand how you feel as far as training can feel like a job and not a pleasure. I say do it but approach it with a ‘not a job’ feeling…if that is possible ;-).
my vote is to stick with your plan to run the savannah 1/2 marathon and, in the mean time, to work on breaking out of your exercise rut by incorporating greater variety into your workouts through some interval training and group fitness classes. this way, you can have your cake (running a half marathon) and eat it too (breaking out of your rut and increasing your variety). whatever you choose, i think it’s a win/win situation! 🙂 keep us posted!
I’d say sign up for the race. There are many ways to push yourself through running. I’m sure people have mentioned this but you can do speed workouts, tempo runs, and weight training geared towards running to help in your performance. Also, you can set yourself a time goal. I find that the whole feeling like I HAVE to run is more present if I try and stick to a training plan rigidly. Its good to have a plan but seriously it won’t hurt if you miss some runs or change them. Good luck!
I say go for it, girl! I just ran my first half in November. I wanted to do another right away, but I took a little break. I weighed the exact same pros and cons as you, but started training today for another in March!