I think Sadie’s face in the picture below says it all.
Our vet appointment yesterday was a bit unnerving.
It started out okay with the veterinary technician telling us her little bump was likely just a lipoma, a fatty lump that is common in many dog breeds like labrador retrievers. I breathed a small sigh of relief until the vet came in and basically ruled that out. He called her lump “concerning” and extracted a sample from it to examine under a microscope.
He didn’t recognize what he saw so we’re sending a sample out to a pathologist and should hear back in three to five days. I asked the vet a million questions and walked away feeling quite concerned, as he said he thinks there’s a 50/50 shot her lump is something serious.
The good news is that we brought Sadie in to be examined early, so if it is something serious, he’s hoping we’ll be able to remove it and treat her accordingly since it is hopefully still contained at this point. I will definitely keep you guys posted and thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes yesterday! Sadie feels your love and is basking in it, I assure you.
(That would be my sister under there. I told you Sadie has absolutely no concept of personal space.)
Breakfast this morning was nice and simple.
Scrambled eggs + Lots of avocado + Small bowl of cereal
See ya after lunch, my friends.
Emma says
Hugs and good thoughts for you and Miss Sadie from me and my Louie! I know it is so stressful when there is something going on with our babies! But she is clearly a strong, happy girl who knows how much she is loved. I feel sorry for that lump thinking it can mess with Miss Sadie! She will show ’em!
Callie @ sMiles from Callie says
Aw hope Miss Sadie is ok! You guys are great dog owners to take her early and not wait it out. Also, like the scrambled egg with avocado idea. Sometimes I want more than just plain scrambled eggs and forget that something as little and simple as that can do the trick!
Zoe says
Me and all my friends are thinking many positive thoughts for Sadie!! If it makes you feel better my family had a standard poodle (typical lifespan is 12 years) and he had sooo many lumps and bumps. one was really big and he had to have it removed but he seriously was like an oatmeal dog! the poor lil guy was still really happy and after a certain point we couldn’t afford to get them checked out, so finally we just let it go (he was like 7 or 8 at this point). and you know what, he lived to be pushing 14! He was really healthy and happy way up until his old age and it seemed like finally his kidneys gave out- he was never in any pain aside from being a creaky old guy. the sweet doggie died in his sleep one night- obviously very sad for my family but overall a pretty good way to go in comparison with having to be put down or loosing the use of his legs. so, i know you’re scared about Sadie and of course i wish her the best- but in my experience dogs do get a little lumpy!
peanutbutterfingers says
you dog sounds like such a sweetheart. i’m glad he lived a long and happy life!
Cassie @RedLetterDaye says
Waiting for news like that is so anxiety provoking. Happy positive thoughts your way!
Nicole says
Hoping everything is OK with Sadie. It is hard to wait and find out…sending positive thoughts your way!
Mrs. Z says
My husband and I are proud pack leaders (he is the real leader) to 3 fur babies, including a Sadie of our own! All 5 of us send you and your family good thoughts for a healthy, wonderful outcome for your Sadie! 🙂
peanutbutterfingers says
this made me smile! please thank your whole pack for me. 🙂
Mrs. Z says
Will do! 🙂
Annette@FitnessPerks says
Hugs to you all!! That must be so frustrating. Hoping for non-scary news!
Erin kl says
I hope Sadie is ok! I guess better that you go in now and have it checked but how scary! I’ll be sending positive thoughts your way.
Kim @ Cooking in the City says
Aw, hope everything turns out well. Good for you on getting her into the vet and checked out so quickly!
Holly says
Julie, I’m so sorry to read this about Sadie 🙁 But the good news is, like you said, that you caught it early & went right into the vet.
I am praying for you guys…I know how much a family pet means, she is your little lady! <3
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
!! I’m so sorry to hear about Sadie! Sending positive vibes your way and hoping that it’s nothing serious. I know how difficult it can be to wait on news like that, but just try and stay positive and believe that it’ll turn out to be the 50% chance that it’s nothing serious.
Coco says
I’m so sorry to hear this- and I hope everything comes back ok.. I know how tough it can be when your going through puppy health issues- and have dealt with it myself for the last 8 months.. Best of luck <3
Lissy says
aww, poor pup. Both of my dogs had lumps that were cancerous, had them removed and they were fine. Hope it turns out to be nothing!
peanutbutterfingers says
stories like these make me so happy! so glad your dogs were okay!
Kristen L says
I hope everything is ok with Sadie — that can be so scary! I’ll keep you in my thoughts
Kelly says
Praying for you guys and Sadie!
Ali says
Hey Julie, so I have a black lab Doberman mix and he has a mass on the side of him it’s about the size of a softball. Every time I go home I ask my parents cause I’m always worried but the vet said its just fatty tissue and if it’s not bothering him to leave it alone. He still runs up and down the property everyday so he’s great. I am really hoping this is all that Sadie has.
Lindsay says
That picture of Sadie on your sister is SO funny!! 🙂 It’s like she’s totally un-phased that she’s on top of someone. Ha!
stephanie gramlich says
Prayers out to sadie! <3
That photo is so adorable.
Brittany (Healthy Slice of Life) says
Oh Julie, Koda and I are thinking of sweet Sadie and you and sending a million good thoughts your way. I know how unnerving it is when you don’t know what is wrong but you are getting it checked out early and Sadie is one tough cookie. I’ll be thinking of you guys and anxiously awaiting the pathology report.
Bobbi says
Aw, I hope you get the results soon and that Sadie will be ok!!!!
Potatoes and Pilates says
Oh, Julie. I am sorry to hear this! Sending positive thoughts into the Universe that the pathology reports reveals that there is nothing to worry about.
Tara says
Good luck with Sadie!!! I am praying that everything goes well 🙂 Positive thoughts!!
Courtney says
I hope Sadie is okay! I am getting a vizsla on February 16th and your blog is the main reason we decided on that breed!
peanutbutterfingers says
they are the BEST dogs!!! you will fall in love instantly. 🙂 so happy for you!
Sara @ sarasmiles says
Aww Julie, I’ll be thinking of you and Sadie! I just got a dog myself, so I now know what it feels like to love/feel for a pet (I had dogs growing up, but it’s different when they are all yours). Hope all is well!!
Kelsie says
aw poor sadie! hope everything is okay.
that breakfast looks delish!
check out my blog post today: http://runningathousandmiles.blogspot.com/2013/01/running-in-my-sleep.html
Carlene says
Hope Sadie is ok and that the lump is nothing to worry about. Sending positive thoughts
Fizz @ fizzsbizz says
Oh sending out healthy vibes to Sadie. It’s so stressful being a dog mummy sometimes! I do think though that dogs typically let you know when they’re feeling ‘off’. Their behaviour typically changes pretty drastically in my experience, and from your posts it at least seems like Sadie is being herself so that’s a good sign!
And if it is something, then just like with humans, early detection is the key and it seems like you were straight in the vet as soon as you noticed something.
Hopefully you hear back soon! 🙂
katy @ justplayinghouse says
Oh no! Hoping everything is ok with Sadie! I would be so worried!
Also glad to see that our vizsla isn’t the only one with no awareness of personal space. Her favorite place to sleep is on our faces. 🙂
Carmen says
How unsettling! As a dog mama myself, I can’t imagine how nervous you feel. Here’s to getting good news in 3-5 days!!
Brita says
Here’s hoping your Sadie is OK!! Try not to worry too much over the next few days, I’m sure she’s fine!!
Natalie Kirbo says
Thinking about you and Sadie! This post hit home for me today – I am leaving work early to pick up my pup from the vet! The little guy (13 pounds) was hit by a car Thursday night, and its a miracle he made it! Bringing him home to shower him with love and affection and a new temperpedic dog bed! Will be crossing my fingers for Sadie as well! I know how serious being a dog- mama can be! Good luck!
peanutbutterfingers says
oh my goodness. please give him lots of hugs from me, too!
Ellie@Fit for the Soul says
awww may she be healed quickly, poor thing~ I can’t imagine what it’s like to see a beloved pet go through pain or something unwanted like that lump.
And that’s too cute that Sadie doesn’t understand personal space 😛 She’s just full of love!
Stephanie @ My Freckled Life says
Oh no! Well I’m definitely keeping both you AND Sadie in my thoughts and prayers! I guess just try and relax in the meantime (way easier said than done, right?)
Kristin says
Praying for Sadie!
kyla says
Aww sweet Sadie. I really hope it’s nothing serious. Our family golden retriever had many fatty bumps. You are an awesome puppy mama for taking care of her.
Joy says
Sending prayers to Sadie and calming thoughts to you
Barbara says
Sending positive thoughts and hugs your way, Julie. Sorry you are going through this stressful time, you are a great doggie-mamma.
Leah says
Prayers and hugs for Sadie are on the way!
Lindsey Saunders says
Ooh! What kind of cereal is that?
peanutbutterfingers says
kellogg’s crunchy nut
peanutbutterfingers says
Julie says
Hope it turns out to be nothing!
Carley@optimisticHealth says
I hope Sadie is all healed soon! Good for you on catching it right away.
Sara says
Sending happy thoughts to you and your pup!
Linz @ Itz Linz says
I hope itz nothing serious with Sadie!! That can be so scary and the anticipation is the worst!!
Katie R says
Thinking about sweet, adorable Sadie! I also have a fur baby named Buddy and I know how concerning pup problems can be. Stay calm and think positive 🙂 praying for good news!
Renee @RunningForRedVelvet says
I hope Sadie is OK! It’s a good thing that you took her in early to get checked out. When it comes to stuff like this, you can never be too careful.
Also, that breakfast dish looks amazingly delicious!
Rachel B @ Busy Mama Fitness says
That must be really hard for you – the not knowing. I’ll send out happy healing vibes that Sadie’s okay and that her mama’s okay too!
Sarah (Inklings Read) says
You guys were smart taking Sadie in at the first sign! That really can make all the difference. I hope everything work out for you guys 🙂 Sending positive thoughts and lots of love your way!
And I thought Sadie was just laying on a blanket until I read your caption. She is absolutely hilarious!
<3 Sarah
Ali @ WHOLEistically Fit says
I’m so sorry to hear that about Sadie. You guys are in my thoughts and I’m hoping with you for the best! Love the pic of Sadie and your sis. 😀
Brie @ Eat Books says
Sending good vibes you and Sadie’s way!! <>
Stellina @ My Yogurt Addiction says
I’m sure Sadie is ok. Sending her all my <3
RENAE says
Is it weird that I love Sadie. Haha. Seriously. Too adorable