Good morning!
For those of you who woke up a little too early this morning and are still feeling a little sleepy, I have a cute video to share with you that my sister sent to me. I hope it makes you smile.
Animals are adorable. Ridiculously sleepy animals melt my heart.
When my alarm went off at 4:20 a.m., I was sound asleep. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed, but once I got moving, I slowly began to feel more awake. I suppose the coffee I had at the gym after I arrived may have helped.
Today’s work shift has me working from 4:50 a.m. to 11 a.m., with a short reprieve to quickly publish this blog post! Then I plan to eat a quick lunch before it’s time to teach water fitness and work with a client. I’m already dreaming of crawling back into my bed tonight.
Breakfast this morning was prepared last night.
I made myself a batch of scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, spinach and al fresco chicken sausage.
Enjoyed in the break room!
Top 4th of July Destinations
Are any of you guys going somewhere fun for the 4th of July? Though I will be staying in Florida, I still got a kick out of reading about the top 4th of July destinations in 2013.
New Orleans’ French Quarter is number one, followed by Chicago, New York City, San Francisco and Las Vegas.
Here are the top 10 travel destinations:
- New Orleans, French Quarter
- Chicago, North Michigan Ave./River North Area
- New York City, Midtown West
- San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf
- Las Vegas, Strip North Area
- Oahu, Waikiki Beach Area
- Paris, Champs Elysees/Arc De Triomphe
- Paris, Opera Quarter East/Louvre Museum Area
- New York City, Upper East Side
- London, Westminster
For the full list of the top 50 travel destinations, you can check out this article.
Questions of the Morning
- Will you be going anywhere fun for the 4th of July?
- Have you ever been to any of the top 10 travel destinations over the 4th of July?
I grew up outside of Chicago but never ventured into the city for the 4th of July until after I moved to Florida! I returned to Chicago with Ryan for a fun 4th of July weekend with friends in the summer one year when I was still in college. It was a blast and is still one of my favorite 4th of July memories!
P.S. I will be selecting the winner of the $100 Reebok gift card giveaway this afternoon, so if you haven’t entered yet, now is your chance!
That’s so funny Paris is on the list, that’s not very patriotic. 🙂 It does make sense to get away when you have a break from work. I get the rest of the week of starting tomorrow and I’m soo psyched! I’m just staying around boston, but it’ll be nice to have that break.
I have an extra long weekend at work and it is much needed! I live in Ohio and while we won’t be attending Red, White, & Boom, the hubs and I are hosting a cookout on the fouth that I am super stoked for. My Aunt is visiting from NC and we are breaking in the new grill we just got. Happy 4th!!
I’ve never been to any of those destinations on 4th of July and I have to say, I’m not sure I agree with this list! In my opinion, the best 4th of July destinations are not big cities – rather, smaller New England towns (or any towns, for that matter) or wherever there is a beach! My boyfriend and I have tentative plans to stay at his parents’ place in Massachusetts since we both have Thursday and Friday off from work – pending the weather and us feeling better.
Oh my gosh that video made my day! I live in Williamsburg, VA, which is a super patriotic place for 4th of July (for obvious reasons). I’m surprised it’s not on the list! I’ll probably be spending the 4th in the ‘burg, fighting off the tourists 🙂
Those are crazy hours! 0450-1100- wow. I am new to your website, what do you do for a living? I am a nurse, and we have crazy hours as well. Happy 4th!
I am a personal trainer and group exercise instructor. 🙂
OK, OK, OK, that video might have just been the cutest thing ever. The little puppy at the beginning just about made me melt. SO ADORABLE!
Usually have a big family BBQ for 4th of July. We’ve been to FL a couple times for it, but its been a while. We had a big city event on SAT. for 4th of July and the fireworks rocked my world. This girl, LOVES fireworks.
I live close to NYC but it gets way too crowded for me to venture in there! I prefer watching them at a beach nearby.
I knew you had said you were originally from outside of Chicago, and just saw in your about me you were from Palatine. I grew up in Schaumburg! I never went in to the city for the firework show when I lived there, but keep wanting to go back every year now to see it!
My boyfriend and I are headed to Chicago for the 4th. Any suggestions of must do things?
Small town beaches with fireworks are the way to go! We just have plans to go out on my husbands family’s boat to watch the fireworks after a family BBQ!
I usually don’t travel for the 4th. It’s one holiday I like to relax, boat, cookout, or whatever else strikes my fancy close to home.
Cute video, btw. OMG, the gray kitten, what a sweetie! My cat snores a little when she sleeps. It’s not enough to be annoying, just cute!
The kitten was my favorite!
I wish I was going somewhere for 4th of July lol. Instead I will be staying home with the animals for my parents, I don’t mind though, the animals are quite pleasant to be around 😉 Chicago sounds like a blast!! I’ve been wanting to go there for a while, just to visit and explore.
Well, since I’m Canadian not going anywhere for the fourth. Although Canada Day was yesterday which was a lot of fun.
I’ve only been to Paris before on that list and it was one of the best times of my life ever. I love it there, I kind of want to live there actually, just for a year or so.
Hi! I read your blog every morning, yawning with my cup of coffee and whenever you mention the time you wake up I give you serious props! May I ask what time you go to sleep? I’m curious how many hours you get to keep up with your busy scheadule!
The farthest I’m gonna go for the 4th is to my mother-in-law’s backyard for a bbq! So I’ll just be travelling half and hour to Deltona. lol
Umm that’s one of the best videos EVER! Love it! I have a bulldog and watching him sleep makes me laugh and makes my heart melt. Too cute!
Sleepy animals are the CUTEST. Most of the pictures I take of my puppy happen when she’s sleepy (because that’s when she’s the most still, haha), but they’re probably some of the cutest. 🙂 Not going anywhere for the 4th, but later this month my family and I are going to Yellowstone–I’m beyond excited!
my family is going to innsbrook… itz about 45 minutes outside of st louis with hundreds of lakes. my parents have a vacation home there and there’s really so much to do and they put on an awesome firework display!
OMG that video made my day!! So precious! We just moved to MD late last year so we might venture over to DC for fireworks =) We moved from Oviedo, and loved our little firework show at the mall haha!
We are going to Philly for the holiday- to be where it all started! I’ve never been so I am excited to get my fill of US history on such a patriotic week!
I’ve been to most of those places but never on the 4th of July. We spent most of our 4th of July’s in the Bahamas growing up and I would loooovvvvveeeee to go back and do that again soon 🙂
We had some fun plans for the 4th to have all the cousins over, rent an inflatable water, slide, do a bonfire, fireworks, etc. Unfortunately, it’s expected to rain all blessed day long. So we’re going to have to reschedule. I’m sure it will be just as much fun on July 9th or 10th.
I guess I’m automatically at one of the top destinations since I live right by the Chicago lakefront, although I’d prefer London!
That video was so cute!! I’ll be going to the jersey shore but its nothing like the show thank god! nice beaches with family!
I’ve been wanting to make breakfast the night before since my mornings just got busier, but wasn’t sure how well scrambled eggs would taste reheated. Your breakfast looks great though–does it taste as good the day after?
That video was sooo cute!! I have been reading a lot about people re-heating eggs in the microwave because I’m curious about trying it. Do they get rubbery or taste different? I’m very intrigued…
Aww that entire clip was so cute! I loved the one with the kitten and her mama pulling her in close. Heart=sufficiently melted.
I’m going to be making a short two day trip up to Santa Barbara with my man to spend some time with college friends!
My plans to head out to a friend’s backyard and pool fell through, but since I work in #3 and live in #9, I guess I should just stay put! Manhattan is actually pretty empty for the holiday.
I’ve never been to NYC for the 4th, and I live about 40 minutes away! One year, I spent the holiday in Nashville, visiting my fiance’s brother who was stationed in TN with the Army. It was fun…but I definitely prefer to travel NOT on a holiday weekend. Not worth the traffic when you’re limited on time.
Ha! Well, since I live in Chicago, I suppose I’ll be “visiting” that area on the Fourth…though I don’t know if it counts as visiting when you can go there whenever your heart desires. Paris and London seem like especially strange places to celebrate America’s independence, though…hahaha.
I will be at top spot #3 for the 4th (I get there tomorrow!!) I am dying of excitement. My sister lives in Manhattan. I can’t wait to see her again and see the fireworks.
That video was ridiculously cute!! Especially the momma cat who pulled her kitten close to her 🙂 I haven’t been to any of those places for the 4th. In the past my family just stays at home and watches the local firework show. We’ve also been in the mountains during the fourth and Austin. This year I’ll be in South Dakota to see my boyfriend’s sister and we’re supposed to go to Mt. Rushmore!
I have not been to any of those destinations, but now I want to haha. We will be swimming and having a cookout at a friends house, can’t wait for time off work with friends and good food! And the next day I’m off to see Beyonce, so I am very excited about the next few days 🙂
Haha…I find it ironic that some of the destinations on the 4th of July travel list are to places that don’t even celebrate the 4th (particularly London).
P.S. Those sleepy animals are adorable! I’m glad to know that humans aren’t the only ones that do the “nod and jerk”…lol 😛
That list is funny. London? Paris? Not Boston or DC? Who came up w that? lol We’re going out to visit my parents about an hour outside of the city (Dallas). I’m already dying to eat my mom’s potato salad. Mmmm. 🙂
Oh my goodness that video had me laughing and smiling from ear to ear! Thank you for sharing 🙂 I am sending it to my coworkers as we speak. Too cute not to pass along! The dog at the end was hilarious! Ahh animals are so adorable.
I agree with a few of the above comments. That list is intense! I wish I had time to jet off to London this weekend! What a life! We’re just having some of our friends over for an old fashioned cookout. Including but not limited to the men shooting off fireworks in the street and the women watching the baby inside and stuffing our faces with a patriotic dessert 🙂
I agree with the above – as soon as I saw there are some locations on the list that aren’t even in the USA I was wondering what the heck is up with that?? haha I would love to go to somewhere fun for the 4th but unfortunately I have to work on Friday! 🙁
I am sure that celebrating the 4th of July in any of those cities would be absolutely fabulous. However, I am JUST as excited (if not more) about being able to go home to my hometown and spend time with my family and friends. It wouldn’t be the 4th of July without them!
I am leaving for Rapid City, SD the 5th. I won’t be there for the holiday but I will be visiting Mt. Rushmore so that is decently patriotic.
That might be the greatest thing I’ve watched all week! 😀 So cute!!
I’m hoping to head to Disney for the 4th — I’ll bet they have a fantastic fireworks celebration.
This video melts my heart! Also, it makes me miss the days Elmo was this tiny! UGH, too cute.
I haven’t been to any other those destinations except for New York City. It surprises me half of the 4th of July destinations are in other countries! Lol
I’ve been to New Orleans but never around the 4th. I’d love to go! This year we will be stay home lighting fireworks with the little munchkins. My son is at the age where he can light them himself so he’s very excited.
I’m from New Orleans…I don’t know why anyone would want to come here for July 4th! It’s sooooo hot and humid!!
That video just made my day! Sooo adorable!!
Oh my gosh I bet New Orleans would be CRAZY fun on the 4th! I’m just staying home and hanging out with some friends!
The 4th is one of my favorite holidays to spend at home. I love grilling out and watching the local fireworks from our deck. I wouldn’t say no to a 4th on the lake though!
I’d go to Hawaii for the 4th no prob. 😉
We’re travelling to a mountain house my parents own with my husband’s fam. It shoudl be fun!
oh my gosh that video was adorable. Definitely had me smiling. Just last night my puppy was falling asleep while sitting up. I couldn’t help but laugh because he wanted to stay up so badly…like a little kid.
I love the 4th of July-not for the fireworks but for getting outside! I wish I could attach a photo from my hike last weekend-you would love it (it seems you and Ryan like to get out and hike). We are planning on doing a day hike on the 4th and then leave Friday to raft/camp down the Yellowstone River for the weekend. Nothing beats MT in the summer!
Have a great 4th!