This is also the time of year I like to open up my comments section for your blog post topic requests! If there is anything you’d like me to write about in 2023 or anything you’d like to see more of in the new year, please let me know!
Top Blog Posts of 2022
I typed up this blog post when Rhett was 4 months old and addressed a bunch of the questions I received from you guys about the transition from 2 to 3 kids.
I know I’ve been terrible with sharing house content and updates and this blog post only served as a reminder to me that you guys really do want to see more house stuff! There’s always a lot of interest when I share home-related content and I’ll try to be a little better about sharing more of this in 2023.
I shared this blog post as a follow up to the blog post I wrote when Rhett was a baby. This blog post dives into life with three kids once the youngest child reaches toddlerhood. Spoiler alert: The crazy kicks up a notch!
I poured over blogger pregnancy recaps when I was pregnant with Chase and found it so helpful to read about real women’s experiences rather than generic blanket information about pregnancy. It is my hope that my pregnancy recaps have been helpful for you guys as well!
This is the blog post where I announced we were building a home! We were well over a year into the process when I shared everything but this blog post is the one where I finally broke the news and filled you guys in!
Take me back!!! This early 2022 ski vacation with college friends we’ve had for years was such a blast!!
Amazon hauls are always popular on this blog and I get it! You can’t beat the convenience and they have everythinggg. I frequently receive requests to share more Amazon hauls in this space and have them on my radar to share more of in 2023 as well.
This is quite the throwback blog post but I think it ranked high this year based on Google searches by people looking for random survey-style questions.
These updates basically serve as an online baby book for our boys and I’m glad you guys seem to enjoy them, too!
Ryan did a guest post of sorts on the blog in the beginning of 2022 and answered a bunch of questions you guys sent his way about his first Half Ironman. (This was a fun one for ME to read!)
To quote this blog post, “If you feel like your kid is a sweet-and-spicy child who is the sweetest of the sweet but also a freaking habanero pepper, I feel ya. And if motherhood is kicking your butt lately, you are in very, very good company.” Just a little real talk relating to mothering a toddler who did not get the “third baby is supposed to be chill” memo.
I need to do more Currently-style blog posts in 2023 because they’re always a fun way to share little updates about what’s going on over here.
Aw Lucky!!! Our little leopard gecko lady joined our family on Chase’s birthday last summer and this blog post dives into what life with a leopard gecko is like! The short version: Lucky is so darn easy and we’ve loved having her in our family!
I loved seeing this gift guide make its way into my top blog posts of the year as it is my favorite of all my gift guides to assemble every holiday season. It’s always a fun one to create because it allows me to share some of my favorite finds for the boys, my nieces and our boys’ friends in one place! I’ve also heard you guys reference this one throughout the year for birthday gift ideas and really hope it’s a helpful resource for you beyond the holiday season.
Our family’s first ski vacation was so, so fun! We had a blast in super-snowy West Virginia and this blog post recaps our trip!
Hooray a book-related blog post made the list of top blog posts in 2022! I love sharing my latest book recommendations with you guys and credit you with introducing me to amazing books all year long through YOUR recommendations.
Gift guides are always a hit but it can be hard for them to crack the top blog posts list each year since they’re not shared until the end of the year and don’t have as much time to accumulate pageviews. Clearly that wasn’t stopping you guys this year as this gift guide was the second one to make it into my most popular blog posts recap this year!
Hopefully this blog post will prove useful again soon! It incudes a roundup of some of the items we swear by for the boys all summer long.
I first became a Burn Boot Camp member when Chase was a baby and have never looked back. It is, hands down, my all-time favorite workout and this blog post recaps what you can expect when you attend your first camp!
Another book post! I remember this one taking me a looong time to assemble so it’s nice to see it’s been a helpful resource for you guys as you look for new books to read.
This blog post recaps one of my favorite memories from 2022: Our family’s participation in the North Carolina 70.3 Half Ironman!
I was admittedly a bit of a mess when it came time to say goodbye to the first house Ryan and I owned together. We will never, ever forget this special place!
Question of the Day
Do you have any blog post topic requests for 2023?
What kind of blog posts would you like to see more of on this blog in 2023?
Thanks for taking the time to put this together! You and Ryan seem to have such a strong, supportive, and wonderful partnership, so I’d love to read a post on what you’ve learned during your marriage and/or what you think are the keys to the success of your marriage. I’d also really appreciate a post on your approach to finances—not specific numbers but, for example, the ways you try to save money (like shopping at Aldi and cleaning your own house) and the things you decide to spend more on (like organic food). I also love your posts on “cleaner” alternatives (beauty, household cleaning products, etc.), as well as your day in the life and weekend recaps (my favorite!), so please keep those coming! Thanks for considering our requests, and looking forward to continuing to follow along this year—I hope it’s a great one for your family!
Love your book recommendation posts, organization of house, kids, etc. posts, product recommendation posts! Would love to see a mom hacks post!
Hi Julie! I can’t wait to see photos of your new home (it looks so stunning!), and would love to hear how you are doing right now (if you feel up to sharing of course), particularly how you manage your emotions while taking care of your three boys. I remember crying in the shower after my miscarriage but there were definitely times I couldn’t hide my tears from my then three years old. I remember him saying, “But mom, if you’re sad when Gaga comes over, then she’ll be sad too.” (He was talking about my mom.) He knew I had been pregnant (my stomach popped very early) and I’ll never forget the picture he drew of an angel baby in the sky. Kids – and animals – can be so comforting, even without knowing what’s going on.
I may have mentioned this before but I would absolutely love it if you would share some your favorite Instagram pages and why you love them. I have some (including yours of course) that I just love.
I just read your 25 things about me post from 2014 that was included on this list! So cute! I would love to hear the story about how you met your husband! I know you met in college but I don’t remember hearing the story of how it happened or what you remember from the night/day. I feel like I constantly bring up the night I met my husband (to him!). I just love “how we met” stories!
I love daily life posts and how you handle motherhood. I will be having my third and nervous about logistics etc.. but it is so great to see how much you get out and do things on weekends with everyone. Would love to see house/organization items and easy kid friendly meals.
I always find such joy reading your blog and really it is only one of the ones I read now a days. It is like a little quiet time for myself after the kids go to daycare and before I start work.
Hi! As a first time mom of a toddler, I’d love to see a post about travel tips for an active toddler (flying and road trips), how do you cook dinner with 3 kids post, how you find time/motivation to work out, kid friendly vacation spots (you could do a poll of your friends/readers and include different ideas depending on budget,
Love hearing book recommendations, amazon hauls, fashion finds, definitely healthy recipes, all home updates, and just life updates in general. Long time reader here, and always enjoy hearing about how your family is doing too! Makes me smile to see Mae and Pop with your kiddos!
I would love to hear more about your faith and what you do as far as Bible devotional readings now. Also any resources you use to teach your kids about the Bible.
Just wanted to say thank you for the Burn post- I’ve been following you forever but just started going last year. I’ve never been a gym person, and the options felt overwhelming but reading other people’s experiences at different gyms helped me make my choice. I’ve been absolutely loving the workouts and the community!
I would love posts about how you meal prep during nap times and how you reheat or cook it for dinner time! I need all the dinner hacks you can share! You seem to always get such healthy options on the table!
Definitely more home-related content, and more Day in the Life posts would be fun as well!