Good morning from Charlotte!
I made it back to Charlotte in the early evening on Saturday and Ryan and I spent the remainder of the weekend exploring our new hometown. We’ve had no trouble locating lots of hiking trails and dog-friendly parks which is fabulous!
Sadie had a ball playing fetch in the lake yesterday and Ryan and I talked about how nice it is not to have to worry about gators in fresh water anymore. Woo!
We have also been loving the weather! We went for a walk late yesterday afternoon and a woman who was taking out her trash called out to us and told us we were brave for walking in the heat! We smiled and laughed but both agreed that, so far, Charlotte heat is nothing compared to the Florida heat. It’s definitely hot and sweaty, but Florida heat smacks you in the face and drenches you in sweat.
One great way to beat the North Carolina or Florida heat? A lemonade stand!
We bought lemonade from a few little girls yesterday and I had to admire their business acumen. After we bought a cup, they realized our street was pretty dead and headed off to the pool at our apartment complex to hit up all the people lounging by the water. Smart little ladies!
Our Temporary Home
While I was in Vermont late last week, Ryan moved our stuff out of our teeny hotel room and into the apartment where we will be staying for the next 30 days. We may actually be here longer (we have the option to extend temporary housing to 90 days), but we’re hoping we can find a place to live sooner rather than later. All of our stuff is still in Ocala, but we both filled our cars with clothes and other essentials so we would have something here with us before we make the permanent move.
Our temporary home is actually pretty nice and we really like the location. We’ll be staying in a fully furnished one-bedroom apartment with a kitchen, washer and dryer which is all we really need. Here’s a brief tour:
Dining Area
Living Room
That big white balled-up blob in the middle of the couch would be Sadie. She’s apparently part-hamster and likes to build herself little nests out of blankets and sheets. I didn’t have the heart to move her for the picture.
Doesn’t the bedroom look a total bachelor pad bedroom? It’s not our style at all, but it’s comfortable and 10 times better than the hotel.
And that’s the tour! Short and sweet!
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever lived in temporary housing (a hotel, apartment, etc.)?
Haha that picture of Sadie is adorable!
The lake looks so much fun – Sadie is just so happy!
That definitely looks better than your last place, but very cookie cutter. At least you have space now! I’ve never lived in temporary housing, but I’m sure I will at some point since my husband’s job moves us around a lot.
It looks like you guys are transitioning so well! Charlotte sounds amazing 🙂 and, by the way, great job on scoring that temporary apartment! Way better than the extended stay hotel move we pulled after suddenly moving up north. So cute!
How nice you can move into a more comfy home. Sadie is too cute running through the water…that is one happy dog!
Hey looks nice and fun! Omg Sadie! She’s great hahaa
I have had temp housing and its fun! I kinda feel like I am living another life for a few weeks and then bam back to my new home! Enjoy 🙂
We lived in a hotel for 6 weeks before our house was built!
Whether carrying a big ol branch or nudging under a blanket fort, that’s one happy pup!
Cute place! I’ve certainly seen less fashionable digs for temporary housing so enjoy it until you find “home home.” 🙂
Love the digs!
Haha Sadie is too cute! Our dog Bentley does the same thing – he loves to curl up into a ball on the couch. When we first moved to Orlando, Nick’s company paid for us to live in an extended stay while we looked for an apartment, and I think the stress of that is what caused us to jump on the first apartment we found. Good luck looking for a place! 🙂
hahha that bedroom totally does look like a bachelor pad! My dog curls herself into and underneath blankets all of the time. Actually, it’s hard to keep anything folded and looking proper around my house haha
Nice part time home! When I was younger we lived with my grandparents for a month until our new house was ready…it was a bit squishy!!!!
I totally want to be Sadie right now, curled up in a ball of blankets on a couch 🙂 I’ve never lived in a temporary home per se, but between undergrad and the first year of grad school we moved 5 times in 2 years! Not fun at all, but you learn to be really good at packing.
That bedding is definitely bachelor pad, but the balled up pup makes it seem like home! And I’d trade my bedding for those views of nature any day of the week!
I did temporary housing when I did the Disney College Program and it was furnished, but we had crummy twin sized beds with roommates haha, not exactly upper-class! It was a fun experience though and I definitely think it beats staying in an extended stay hotel. You can actually feel at home with this alternative. I love Sadie all balled up on the couch! Our cats like to do that actually, but our dog doesn’t like to get inside of them, he prefers to create a hole in the middle so his sides are surrounded.
Where do you take Sadie swimming? I live in Charlotte also and have been looking for a good spot to take our pooch swimming!
We went to the Latta Plantation Nature Preserve yesterday and there are tons of little beaches along the hiking path where dogs can play (on the trails to the left). We also randomly stumbled upon a dog meetup on the Cattail Trail there yesterday and the dogs were having a blast!
We’ll have to check it out, thank you!
HA! My puppies do the same thing with blankets. So stinking cute 🙂
I am loving Sadie all curled up in her blanket! That is really nice that you will have some time to really explore the area and have some time to look for permanent housing without making a quick decision. A couple years ago my husband and I sold out house much more quickly than expected and had two months before we would be able to move into our new place. We could find ANY temporary housing so we ended up house surfing (friends, family, etc) and lived in 5 different places. It was pretty crazy. Your situation, bachelor pad bed and all, looks a lot better! 🙂
Sadie is hilarious! Your new place is actually pretty nice. I remember when you first moved to Ocala, that place seemed much smaller. Are you guys looking to rent or buy after the temporary place?
Yeah we were living in an extended stay hotel when we moved to Ocala! We aren’t sure yet what we want to do as far as housing so we’re trying to keep an open mind and explore all options.
Julie, you’ve found the good spots ‘up North’ in Charlotte — once you venture into closer to uptown try Freedom Park (can get crowded) and McAlpine Creek Park.
Logan (@lbstewart)
Too cute! We have a dog named Sadie as well!
That’s a nice temporary home, hope you’re loving NC so far!
Hahah that pictures of Sadie is the cutest. Happy to hear you’re enjoying NC. I love following along as you explore a new place!
When I was 3 my family lived in a hotel for 3 months before we had a military house available. We were lucky enough to stay at the Hilton Hawaii Village though (my dad was station din Honolulu) so it wasn’t too bad ;)!
That is definitely some nice temporary housing! Can’t to hear about the house hunting/renting process!
my husband and i recently moved to nashville from dc at the end of march. first we lived with my parents for a month and a half, and THEN lived in a hotel for 3.5 weeks before we moved into our new home. it was pretty tough living such an unsettled life for 10 weeks, but it sure made moving in feel sweet :). hang in there!
LOL I love that Sadie is all bundled up in her blanket on the couch. I didn’t even realize she was under there until you mentioned it. Too funny! It looks like you guys have a nice temporary housing set-up – such a blessing! Glad to hear you guys are enjoying your new home. 🙂
What a cute little dining area!
Yes! My husband and I traveled for 3 years with our jobs and lived in apartments just like that one for three months at a time! It was fun while it lasted but it felt nice to finally have our own place and not have to pack up for a while! Enjoy Charlotte!
So interested in this post, because I’m in the corporate housing industry 🙂 Your apartment looks great! So much better than being in a tiny hotel for a few months.
Your temporary place looks pretty nice, even though you won’t be there too long. Hopefully you find a new home soon. Do you know if you’ll be buying or renting?
Sadie is so funny! That’s nice for temporary housing! I’m glad you are enjoying your new home:)
I’ve stayed in temporary housing while working a freelance job in LA. It was a little annoying at times, but for the most part I didn’t mind it! I stayed in a few different places, and it was definitely interesting exploring all the areas. Your place is cute though!
Hahaha my dog does the exact same thing with blankets! Always wants to be cuddled up under them, even when it’s 90 degrees outside. Such silly animals!
Your temporary place is actually really nice. I had to stay in a hotel when I moved from TX to AZ and living out of a hotel room is a big pain. I really missed having a kitchen!
We did the hotel thing for 45 days when we moved to Ocala! Not having a kitchen definitely gets old!
Sadie looks so happy in the water picture! I love it!! Your temporary housing looks perfect for the 3 of you. I hope you find something for yourselves soon. 🙂
Sadie always make me laugh .. the look of sheer ecstasy with that stick in her mouth is priceless!
Every time I approach my bed I have to poke the cover-lumps as my one cat is always buried in there somewhere. You would not believe how many times I have sat on her! … at least Sadie is a little bigger and easier to see!
Haha!! That is adorable. Sneaky kitties!
Sadie makes me smile!! What a cutie! Glad you’re loving your new “temporary” home 🙂
That place looks great! I had a furnished apartment temporarily when I had an internship in college, but since then we’ve always managed to find our own place in the nick of time.
It’s nice that your temporary home comes with some furniture! Looks like a nice little place.
I hope you have fun apartment hunting! I’m sure there’s some great options in NC!
The closest i’
Sorry about that typo! I’ve never lived in a temporary home, but my aunt uncle and cousins are right now. They’re building a house so they’ve been living in a rental house. They’re definitely ready to get out and into their own home. Sadie looks adorable on the couch!
That apartment is quite adorable (though I agree with the bedroom comment!) I also LOVE that picture, and basically any picture of Sadie, of her on the coach all rolled up in the blankets! Adorable!
Sadie looks so happy! That place really doesn’t look bad at all. Thankfully, my husband and I haven’t had to do go-between housing, but if we ever do, I hope it’s like yours! Enjoy Charlotte! 🙂
Sadie looks so happy! That place really doesn’t look bad at all. Thankfully, my husband and I haven’t had to do go-between housing, but if we ever do, I hope it’s like yours!
I can’t even imagine Florida heat! Sadie looks like she will be enjoying it.
Oh man Julie – I never ever thought about the water having gators in it – of course! Florida! Crazy scary. Luckily now in NC, Sadie can dive in all she wants and not have a worry.
You’re right, haha that bedroom totally looks like a single man’s bedroom.
First of all, I love your blog! I have been following it for years as I took on my own health and fitness journey a long time ago. Second, I live in Charlotte and have for the last 3 years. I would be happy to provide any tips/cool places around Charlotte to check out or exercise in if you are looking to find some new stuff! Feel free to email me : )
Thank you!!!!
Cute little place 🙂 I hope the house-hunt isn’t too stressful of an experience for you!
I’ve never done temp housing, but I’m sure it’s 10000x better than a hotel! I would NOT like living in a hotel for an extended time- I would miss cooking!! Good luck house hunting! 🙂
That picture of Sadie is hilarious & so awesome!!
Ooh la la! That looks like a model home!