Are you ready to heat things up a little bit around here this morning?
My morning certainly was a sweaty one thanks to this treadmill HIIT workout:
There are quite a few fast-paced walking breaks in this workout, but the super-fast running intervals made my heart beat awfully fast. You can easily increase or decrease the difficulty level of this workout by playing with the recovery times and the speeds.
Just in case you’re unfamiliar with high intensity interval training (HIIT), this method of training refers to workouts that alternate between intense bursts of activity and less-intense activity (or complete rest). It’s fantastic for those who may be short on time and want to sneak in a quick workout and is widely recognized for its ability to improve aerobic capacity. (It’s also something I recommend to clients who are stuck in a plateau.)
After my time on the treadmill, I had to train a client, so I grabbed one of my no bake granola bars and a handful of almonds to tide me over until I had time for breakfast.
Once I made it home, I fixed myself a real meal!
On the menu for today was a green protein pancake (that apparently died when I tried to flip it).
On the side, I also had a small serving of plantain chips and sipped on a hot mug of coffee.
That’ll do it!
Now I’m off to work again. Hope you guys have a fantastic Wednesday!
Question of the Morning
- Do you ever incorporate high intensity interval training (HIIT) into your workouts?
Ahh yay! I’ve been looking for a good HIIT workout! Trying this one out today!
I need to try the green pancake!
I love interval training. if I’m forced to be on a treadmill I get entirely too bored just running so I always switch it up with sprints. Plus it makes things go quicker and you get a great workout!
Love the coffee mug!! Where is it from? 🙂
Thanks! It was a gift from my sister and I think she got it at World Market.
Yum!! Plantain chips sound good!! Do they taste like banana chips?? And I seriously need to add incline to my workouts, I don’t do them for a reason haha
I looove HIIT workouts! I always feel like I can power-pack so much into a shorter amount of time when I do them! And a HIIT treadmill workout is my total favorite! I’ve actually found it improves my speed and shortens my time per mile! 🙂
I try to do one or two HIIT workouts a week. I especially like to do a HIIT workout when I get bored with my normal running. It helps the time to fly by faster too! I think protein pancakes just decide that either they’re going to act like normal pancakes or get all crazy and not flip for you haha
I love HIIT workouts and they definitely help when you are in a slump or short on time!
I love a good HIIT workout. I just made a batch of those no bake bars too!
I LOVE banana chips! They’re my go-to snack right now – combined with peanut butter and chocolate chips of course 🙂
I am about to head to the gym to do a fartlek workout. The weather is not cooperating here so it looks like it will be inside again for me 🙁
Love this workout! I’m usually crunched for time at the gym, so a lot of my runs look pretty similar. I love how sweaty I get doing those sprints at the end!
I did a HIIT workout this morning as well. I love what a total wake-up call it is to your body. It is tough, but a great start to the day!
I do HIIT workouts a few times a week- I love the challenge and the burn!
One of my more recent goals is to add an HIIT running workout in every week – it really gets the heart pumping and improves speed!
I do a lot of FitSugar’s HIIT workouts and love them! I love that they have different levels of beginner, intermediate, and advanced to pick from based on what your fitness level is. Definitely helps to beat boredom when working out too – sometimes steady state cardio can seem to take forever!
Love a good treadmill hiit workout! PS, CUTE coffee mug!!
Still cannot receive your blog posts by e-mail. Keeps telling me “the feed does not have subscriptions by e-mail enabled” Is it not possible to receive your blog by e-mail anymore?
I live in a hilly neighborhood so I love doing HIIT on the uphills and then a nice recovery on the downhills
Since my half marathon in March, I’ve been all about HIIT workouts! They quick and efficient which makes it that much easier to spend the extra time with my family. Plus, they’re never boring and things are always changing throughout the workouts!
I love a great HIIT workout! It’s fast and convenient and I love how I feel afterwards!
Plantain chips! Love them! Always forget about them. Adding them to my grocery list.
I try to incorporate HIIT workouts but they always give me a headache! I’m super paranoid about headaches because my mom died of a brain aneurysm. I know it’s ridiculous but it’s kind of scared me off HIIT workouts. I need to work on getting over my fear!
There’s a whole HIIT class at my gym that I LOVE. I haven’t been able to make it in awhile, but it was by far my favorite of all the classes!
I incorporate HIIT into my workouts every week. Sometimes this involves speed work at the track, sometimes speed+hill interval (that is brutal), and then I often try and do intervals on my bike. I only started integrating HIIT into my workout this year and have already noticed a substantial change in my speed, heart rate, and endurance. It definitely works!
I love HIIT workouts! It is pretty much the only way that I strength train-plyos, burpees, etc. 🙂 I love this treadmill workout…treadmills can be so boring. I can’t wait to try it out!
I love HIIT workouts just started doing them last year. I like to do them on the elliptical to challenge myself more.
Which brand of plantain chips do you use?! I LOVE the ones from trader joe’s.
Great HIT treadmill workout!
I love a good HIT workout! Haha glad I’m not the only one that has pancake troubles sometimes 😉
Yes, I love interval training.
The green pancake is so strange looking, I really need to try that one out.
Have a great Wednesday:)
I love HIIT! I’ve been trying to incorporate it into my workouts recently- especially with running. I got kinda out of shape over the winter (WHOOPS! haha) so alternating sprinting and walking is the perfect way for me to get back into it!
I’ve been wanting to try that green pancake!!
Yes, love HIIT. I coached a HIIT class (Les Mills’ GRIT Plyo) this morning. It was sweaty, hot, and my ladies did a great job pushing themselves!
I have been doing HIIT workouts quite often lately! I am short on time as a college student, and these workouts guarantee I get in a great workout in a short amount of time. They are also amazing and curbing workout boredom!
I have been following your blog for 2 years, when my friend recommended it to me. I love your personality, and thank you for sharing you thoughts and life with all of us! You helped inspire me to start my own blog, and after much sweat, literally and figuratively, I did! I hope you check it out! It’s funny, informative, useful, and happy, with fitness, diet, running, and recharging tips! I even have some free workout videos. Thanks again for always keeping it real. And, I really REALLY need to try making a protein pancake, because I know how much you love them! Take care. Will be “seeing” you. : ) Jessica Joy I would LOVE to hear what you think!
Ok, I’m a newbie at doing scheduled intervals on cardio machines (I do them sporadically when I’m on there, just not so planned out). How do you safely adjust the speed quickly enough for those shorter intervals? Example: going from speed 4.0 to 10.0 at the 15 minute mark.
I try it, but I get nervous that I’m going to lose my balance and hurt myself! Any advice would help!!
Love this workout idea, I wonder how I could incorporate it into a road run. Ideas?
Either the neon yellow gray or pink and gray!! Love those combos!
Looks like a great workout!
I love these types of quick, intense workouts! 🙂 Julie, I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I really credit a lot of my fitness success to the workouts you post. I usually screencap them and save them in a folder. Thanks for being an inspiration!
I love HIIT workouts for the treadmill. It makes time go by so much faster! Hope you had a great day!
I love HIIT workouts thanks for sharing! I’m going to have to try our your green pancake recipe. Veggies and I have a love/hate relationship.
love HIIT! I feel like I get a better workout in a shorter amount of time than just going for a long run, for example
You’re brave! Running super fast on a treadmill scares the poop outta me…I’m pretty clumsy 😉
Thanks for the HIIT workout. I’ll be using this for my workout during my lunch today!
I love HIIT workouts! Adding this to my list to test out in the gym
HIIT workouts are my favorite because you can get a good calorie burn, even when you’re short on time. I’ll be adding this to my Pinterest board, thanks!
Julie I had a baby 6 months ago and have been getting back into the swing of things but struggling with how much fitness I’ve lost. I thought a HIIT would help take my mind of of it so I just tried this one of yours and holy cow I loved it!! I just finished 3 miles in the time it took me to finish 2 last week!!! This is great!