If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for boredom-busting workouts.
I used to think that in order to get an awesome workout on the treadmill, I had to run. Not true! Walking is legit!
Whether I’m speed walking or focusing on incline intervals, I’ve found myself super sweaty after many walking workouts. They can really get your heart rate pumping.
Below you will find some of my all-time favorite workouts that include lots of walking.
Do by itself as a warm up or repeat 2 – 3 times for a serious cardio workout!
- 30 Minute Intense Incline Walking Workout (+ a sneaky 5 minutes of running):
- Intense Incline Treadmill Workout (Running + Walking + Serious Intensity):
Happy walking!
More fun workout roundup posts:
I’m definitely bookmarking this! I’m really not a runner so I usually stick to the elliptical, stairstepper, and bike for my cardio at the gym, but I would love to use the treadmill more. Thanks for so many great ideas!
I’ve never done a complete incline workout. I must try one of these!
I don’t know if I could do it at an incline of 15!! But I may give it a try!
I love, love doing incline workouts. However, if I am doing an incline over 10, I hold onto the sides of the treadmill. I am afraid I will fall off otherwise. I have gone up to a 15 and it’s awesome!
I’ll have to try one of these out. Typically I only run outdoors because I HATE running on treadmills…but I think doing an incline walk might be a little more fun!
I tried the last one last week and it was hard, but such a good workout! I only made it to 8 minutes though, then I walked on no incline for an hour.
This is exactly what I needed for my big ‘ol pregnant self. I’m going to try to keep running (aka jogging) but this is good for those days when that’s just not gonna happen…
oh thanks for the workouts! i love the treadmill but also feel like i have to run to get a good workout in. i love doing interval training because it makes the time fly by!
Love this! I’m definitely more of a walker than a runner, so I’ll be book-marking these for future reference!
Definitely saving this for later! My treadmill is getting old and cranky and won’t let us change the incline anymore, but this looks great for when I have a gym membership again!
I always find that when I switch between walking and running I get WAY sweatier than if I just run, so that must mean something 🙂
looks like some great ones! i honestly would sometimes just rather run that incline walk… it can be tough!! walking is always a great switch up and a nice break on my knees & feet though. looking forward to trying a few of these out!
These are great! I can’t wait to try these, being that I feel comfortable with walking than running. Thanks! =]
I think I have nearly all of your workouts copied down and I absolutely love each and every one of them. You can’t imagine my excitement to find this post with your favourites all in one spot – thanks a million Julie, you truly do make my days brighter and I love the inspiration I get from your blog.
I haven’t had access to a computer for the past several weeks and as a result have been in a total fitness rut. I really look forward to your posts as they really do make me feel better about myself and motivate me to get back on track.
A little off topic – last Thursday you had chips and peanut butter for lunch, what were those black chips you had?? I have never seen anything like them.
i’m so glad! and the chips were blue corn tortilla chips. 🙂 delish!
I loooove incline walking! It doesn’t feel that hard but it sure does do the legs, booty, and heart good!
Whenever I am dreading the gym I will do an interval walking workout bc it “doesn’t seem” like it will be as hard, well after you are halfway through and about to die it only seems right to finish hard. It’s perfect when you are in a rut.
Thanks for sharing! I’m going to try some of these! 🙂
Incline walking is pretty much all I can do on the treadmill anymore. (I’m a 20-something with hip joints comparable to an 80-something). I love incorporating incline workouts into my cardio seshions. I’ve learned that if I do it right it’ll burn more calories than my jogging ever did.
Thank you for these! Running is too hard on my spine, and these are PERFECT for me.
I looove hilly walking workouts. I really work up a sweat walking and changing incline levels. Sometimes, I bring a book or magazine, or turn on the TV for entertainment, and before I know it, the time has passed and I’ve completed a killer workout! Walking inclines are especially great when I want to work out but am not feeling 100% up to it. I’ll be referring back to these workouts you provided very soon, I’m sure!
Nice Write up! I’m for sure forwarding this to some of my friends who travel for business and end up on the Hotel Dreadmill a lot. Good stuff!
pinning these great workouts!
Thanks for posting this. I already printed several out and going to try this week on incline walking. I don’t like running (more like I can’t due to my knees) and I much prefer a great cardio walk over an elliptical. Can’t wait to see what happens 🙂
I think this it the first time I’ve ever commented on your blog even though I read pretty regularly! I have problems with my knees and have been advised by doctors not to run, at least on a regular basis. I actually really enjoy running and do it every once in a rare moon for stress release alone (feeling both an exercise high AND guilt afterward!) so thanks for putting up these walking workouts. I love using the treadmills at my gym for incline walking workouts. Recently I read another blog where the writer was complaining about “lazy people” who take up the treadmills “just walking.” I understand this is true some of the time, but I’m never spending my treadmill walking time not getting sweaty and tired just like the runners out there, and walking can be just as much of a workout! Anyway, thanks.
These workouts are NO joke! My workout buddy and I take workouts from you blog all the time.. keep posting more, it’s great to be challenged!
Can’t wait to try some of these workouts at the gym! I am not a great runner so any new cardio workout is much apprecaited! 🙂
Seems like great work outs and maybe I’m just out of shape for a runner but at speed 4 I’m at a slow jog more than running. Do they work if I modify them to less then 4.0?
I did the 20 minute walking incline workout last night..wow!! Much more sweat than I expected. I could only go at 3.9 tho…I’ll bump it up next time! Hah. Thanks!!
This is perfect! I’m always looking for these types of workouts to keep things interesting.
Thank you so much 🙂
Just did one of your incline workouts for the first time… Totally butt-kicking!! I do have a question though… Should I hold on to the rails or not?
I could possibly research this all day!!
Hopefully you have an RSS feed I could subscribe to. I’ve truly been browsing all around the site with regards to content pertaining to incline walking workout.
Do you have any other kind of material involved with this one?
We’d love to study more about this amazing article!! 😉 I really like the blog posts, but I need to get additional facts concerning incline walking workout. Thanks a lot!!!