Hello and Happy Monday!
My workweek kicked off with an early morning workout at the hotel gym.
Ryan and I began our workouts with 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before hopping off to use the hotel’s free weights. Ryan did a chest workout while I did a shorter total-body strength workout that looked like this:
- Superset 1: Deadlifts, Tricep extensions
- 3 min. Bicep curls
- Superset 2: Bridges, Reverse crunches
- 3 min. Shoulder exercises (front and side raises, overhead press)
- Superset 3: Lunges, Crunches on exercise ball
The three minutes I spent doing bicep curls and shoulder exercises reminded me of a BodyPump-style workout and made me miss the class so much. I love BodyPump!
Remember how I said working out at the hotel gym is kind of nice because it’s always deserted? Well, that just wasn’t the case this morning.
The little gym was quite crowded and the small space made today’s workout a frustrating experience at times. I seriously wanted to scream “Do something!” at a guy that was just standing around in everyone’s way watching the television. Maybe he didn’t know that the TVs in his room work?
Plus, he was a trifecta of annoying:
- Always in the way
- Grunter
- Starer (not in an “oooh baby” way, but in an spacy way, thus contributing to the “always in the way” issue)
After the gym, Ryan and I took our sweaty selves to the breakfast buffet for some food and my mood changed from annoyed to happy.
Food seems to have that affect on me.
My meal included a jelly and cheese breakfast quesadilla that I made using a whole wheat tortilla I brought from our room.
Blueberry yogurt and an apple (which I ended up saving for later) plus a small side of corned beef hash and a weird flattened tater tot thing rounded out my meal.
I also snapped a picture of the egg patty stack Ryan made so you guys could see what exactly these egg patties I’ve been talking about look like!
Ryan was awfully proud of his stacking skills. I’m glad someone likes the egg patties, I guess.
Today’s plans are taking me back to Orlando. I have a lunch date with my friend Laurel and an evening meeting about a conference coming to Orlando in December. I’m looking forward to being back in the old stomping grounds!
Question of the Morning
- What gym behaviors are at the top of your “most annoying” list?
My number one pet peeve at the gym is guys that cannot stop checking themselves out in the mirror. Obnoxious.
Hahaha the trifecta, oooh man. Gotta love the grunters, though 😉
Seriously, those egg patties belong at McD’s or Burger King. Orrrr a truck stop. Tasty Ryan, real tasty.
Enjoy your day Julie 🙂
I’d have to say the starer is the WORST in my yoga class. He makes me feel anxious instead of peaceful when he’s there, ugh.
And those egg patties look….. Like little discs of lemon pie filling. Now I know why you stay away from them! Lol
People who don’t take their weights off the machine after using them! This usually happens on the Leg Press, when typically men leave six plates on each side. SO ANNOYING! It drives me nuts. HA! Happy Monday!
Sounds like such a tool ! At least breakfast made up for it! 🙂 have a good trip to Orlando!
OMG, I agree whole-heartedly that grunters are SUPER annoying! And staring, and not putting weights away. Oh, and dropping the dumbells from shoulder level (pretty much making me fall off the treadmill in shock), and checking themselves out in the mirror for longer than they actually spend working out. That’s all really. 😉 Have a great day Julie!!
There’s a guy at my gym that always ends up next to me on the machines.. And he’s always drinking iced, milky coffee.. Out of a camelbak. Ugh. Gross.
EWWW gross!! I can’t imagine how smelly the inside gets!!
SMELLY PEOPLE!!! People who either: a) have disgusting B.O. or b) rip ass! SICK!
I’m on the “those egg patties are weird” train! Can’t wait to see what the conference is in Orlando!
I know the feeling about the gym…I try to go when I know the least annoying people will be there. I actually think its frustrating that I see so many gym romances happening….these moms who drop their kids off at school and then go to the gym at a certain time to see certain guys workout and flirt with them. Its strange but thats what happens at the time of day that I go to the gym.
Pretty sure I saw those egg stacks on last week’s Iron Chef. The secret ingredient?
And I think it’s very important they wrapped that apple in 2 layers of cling wrap, just in case…. it spills?
Your hotel restaurant always leaves me with the funniest thoughts about what goes on in the head of its Maitre’d (which I’m certain it has.”
Wow, definitely thought those egg patties were pancakes at first glance.
…I think I’d rather have pancakes.
Those egg patties are pretty interesting…I wonder if they’re frozen and come like that?
I don’t go to the gym anymore because I was always complaining about it.
I cannot stand it when people get on the machine right next to you when there are a bunch of other free machines. Why are you all in my space!?
That and people with extra strong B.O., guys who give “advice” when you didnt ask for it, and people who dont clean off machines. Yuck.
Oh and people who talk on their cell phones! Get off the phone and work a little harder!
That guy at the gym sounds so annoying! He should just go back to his room if he wants to watch tv!
Those egg patties look interesting. Haha. Not sure if I would be brave enough to try them or not.
Have fun today! 🙂
Top gym pet peeve is when someone gets on the cardio machine RIGHT NEXT to me when there is a whole LINE of free machines. Hellllooooo personal space invader!
People who don’t clean off machines, people who stay on past 30 minutes when there’s a line, crazy girls who lean their entire body weight on the treadmill/eliptical making you want to scream YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG… but the number one is definitely the BO issue.
I have one guy at my gym whose BO is just not okay. And it’s unfortunate because he’s tall and in great shape and good looking and I feel like someone should tell him. I not-so-affectionately refer to him as Smelly Cat (a la Phoebe Buffay) and sit around at work plotting with my coworkers how to communicate this message to him….
Are these the same women who have immaculate make-up while I am bright purple and dripping with sweat. Grrr!
Sometimes I go and offer them my spare hairband just to be mischievous!
hahaha i would love to see you do that!
My biggest gym pet peeve is really shallow but I CANNOT STAND IT when women workout with their hair down. Just put it in a darn ponytail! If you can workout with your hair all up in your face, then you just aren’t working hard enough. That’s my theory and I’m stickin’ to it!
I can’t stand people who slam waits. Always a dude. No we are not checking you out we are glaring at you hoping yOu get the hint. Ugh. Oh, and people that get on the cardio machine right next to you when there is a room full of empty ones!
and by waits I mean weights. wow, sorry. Need some coffee.
I hate it when people slam weights. It is loud, unneccesary and it always scares the crap out of me!
I can’t stand the guys who check themselves out and grunt as loud as they can. I also can’t stand the dudes who don’t care if I’m working out or not, they just HAVE to tell me something.
I was running on the track and a guy randomly kept pace with me until I took OUT my earphones. I took them out to find out what the deal was but he thought it was his cue to immediately start chatting me up. REALLY??? Can’t you see I’m trying to run here?
Ugh that guy sounds awful!! My pet peeve is when people (especially guys trying to lift way too heavy weights!) use terrible form… It makes my whole body ache!! After I get out of physical therapy school, I’m going to start handing out my business cards to these guys for after they throw their backs out! 🙂
Definitely the guys who are using barbells and lifting more than they can handle–then instead of lowering the weights to the ground like they’re supposed to, they bring them halfway down and drop them on the ground, which makes the LOUDEST crashing noise ever. I almost fall off the treadmill or the elliptical every time this one guy is in the gym lifting, because it happens every 30 seconds the whole time he is there. Rawr!
I can NOT handle gym-starers!
i wish someone that worked at a gym would write a book about all the weird stuff that goes on. i am friends with someone who use to own a gym and the stuff she tells makes my jaw drop
I used to work at a small gym and i would see the weirdest stuff. Its amazing how many people go there just to socialize, im like ‘start working out! you need it’
i would read that!! 🙂
I can’t stand the people who gossip and socialize on a machine or exercise mat but aren’t using it at peaks hours of the gym. Let us use those!
Ah my ultimate gym pet peeve is when guys have in their headphones listening to music but then rap along with the lyrics OUT LOUD. They must think they are being bad a$$ or something but I always think they just look crazy! 😉
I HATE when I see women on the cardio machines talking on their cell phones, and not breaking a sweat one bit!
I just want to scream at them, “Get to work lady, you are at the gym, you can talk on the phone at home!”
Sooooo annoying!
Confession: I love egg patties. Any of those crappy, fakey, fluffy egg nuggets that go on breakfast sandwiches at fast food joints…yup, they’re my total weakness! I’d be all over that mess!!!
The wanderers are the ones that drive me nuts. You know, the ones that don’t really seem to do much of anything but walk around the gym tinkering with this machine or that, maybe doing one rep and then strutting over to the next one. PICK SOMETHING, fool!
Gym grunters are the worst! I also hate when people at the gym drop heavy weights on purpose, it really rubs me the wrongway! haha Not to mention those same people are usually the grunters too 😉
1. Yay for lunch!
2. I hate when you are clearly doing a circuit and you have most obviously marked your territory, yet someone moves your marking (a.k.a waterbottle) and starts using the machine, thus throwing off your circuit.
Mmmmm egg patties, now don’t those just look appetizing?! 😉 Glad Ryan can enjoy them though. I think I would be freaked out by their shape- perfectly round little patties.
& what annoys me at the gym is when I see people walking holding onto the machine. I’m like either slow your speed, or lower your incline, it’s not helping by holding on! Drives me nuts.
I agree. They look totally unnatural.
starers- there is one guy who always stares at others. i have been so annoyed that i actually told him to stop or glared at him
girls with their hair down, make up on, boobs out.. you know the type. that arent at the gym to work out.
That egg patty thing looks….interesting. I really dislike people that stand around to talk. I’m here for a reason and I want to get in and out not be waiting for you to finish your conversation while you’re sitting on the bench i want or holding the weights I need.
It would have to be that people do not wipe off their machines after a workout. They see everyone else doing it, but will not do it. Their sweat is all over the handles and buttons! Its repulsive. That is what those little wipes are for! USE THEM!
I haate it when people just stand in the way and look sort of dazed! hahaha
Those egg patties look very, very strange! 😛
There’s these high school girls at my gym who do 2 situps and then sit on the mats and gossip. and it always happens to be during peak gym hours (5 pm). It’s just annoying–be courteous and take your conversation elsewhere so someone else can get her ab workout in!
I once had someone running on the treadmill next to me try to have a conversation with me while we were both running and while I had my earbuds in. Um?
I workout at home so it isn’t an issue for me.
I bet people not cleaning up their sweat would bother me!
my biggest pet peve at the gym is people who don’t wipe the machines down after, or the guys that do one set and then walk around the gym looking at people or take a sip of water from the water fountatin every two seconds. Bring a bottle of water with you and don’t worry about what I am doing, mind your business!
i honestly hate when people don’t use the changing rooms. call me a prude but i do NOT like seeing naked people in front of me! i also hate when there are a bunch of open machines and someone elects to sit RIGHT next to me.
Ahahah – that really IS the trifecta of annoying!! I think you captured every annoying gym behavior I’ve ever encountered!
And haha – that egg patty stack has my boyfriend’s name written all over it. Boys are something, aren’t they?
I hate when people put all their equipment next to a bench and then don’t even use it. There are several people who put their water, weights and notebook next to the only flat bench available and just to bicep curls. Gah!
I hate the grunters. We all know you are here, so stop it!
I can’t stand grunters! I mean – really – does that noise have to be released everytime you do a rep? I don’t think so! Also – women that wear inappropriate clothes (too tight, too small, not covered enough, etc…) to the gym! xoxo from Trinidad
hahahaha “ooh baby” I could almost picture that expression. I’ve never owned a gym membership (booo) but I can see the annoyance of the staring and always being in the way. I have a low tolerance to pure unadulterated nincompoops!
That looks like an egg patty lasagna! I actually belong to the gym in my apt building and luckily it is usually empty so I get all the weight machines to myself!
Starers and guys and/or women who hover over equipment or decide to socialize near equipment. Back to the starer part, I actually go to a gym where you literally cannot look up without some guy staring. Annoying!!
When guys are “trying” to max out but drop there weights!!!
At our old gym ther was this guy that was always on the elliptical and he was always there the same times I was… he would chug like a train when he got running hard “CHOO.. CHOO…CHOO…CHOO…” so annoying!
Grunters, BO, and people who chew gum/pop bubbles while working out!
DEFF grunters! or people who try to chit chat during a set. esp. people you dont know