Hello and Happy Monday!
My workweek kicked off with an early morning workout at the hotel gym.
Ryan and I began our workouts with 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before hopping off to use the hotel’s free weights. Ryan did a chest workout while I did a shorter total-body strength workout that looked like this:
- Superset 1: Deadlifts, Tricep extensions
- 3 min. Bicep curls
- Superset 2: Bridges, Reverse crunches
- 3 min. Shoulder exercises (front and side raises, overhead press)
- Superset 3: Lunges, Crunches on exercise ball
The three minutes I spent doing bicep curls and shoulder exercises reminded me of a BodyPump-style workout and made me miss the class so much. I love BodyPump!
Remember how I said working out at the hotel gym is kind of nice because it’s always deserted? Well, that just wasn’t the case this morning.
The little gym was quite crowded and the small space made today’s workout a frustrating experience at times. I seriously wanted to scream “Do something!” at a guy that was just standing around in everyone’s way watching the television. Maybe he didn’t know that the TVs in his room work?
Plus, he was a trifecta of annoying:
- Always in the way
- Grunter
- Starer (not in an “oooh baby” way, but in an spacy way, thus contributing to the “always in the way” issue)
After the gym, Ryan and I took our sweaty selves to the breakfast buffet for some food and my mood changed from annoyed to happy.
Food seems to have that affect on me.
My meal included a jelly and cheese breakfast quesadilla that I made using a whole wheat tortilla I brought from our room.
Blueberry yogurt and an apple (which I ended up saving for later) plus a small side of corned beef hash and a weird flattened tater tot thing rounded out my meal.
I also snapped a picture of the egg patty stack Ryan made so you guys could see what exactly these egg patties I’ve been talking about look like!
Ryan was awfully proud of his stacking skills. I’m glad someone likes the egg patties, I guess.
Today’s plans are taking me back to Orlando. I have a lunch date with my friend Laurel and an evening meeting about a conference coming to Orlando in December. I’m looking forward to being back in the old stomping grounds!
Question of the Morning
- What gym behaviors are at the top of your “most annoying” list?
My number one pet peeve at the gym is guys that cannot stop checking themselves out in the mirror. Obnoxious.
The weird men who take the treadmil right next to you… when there is 40 others around!
I’m with you on the people who stare. I just wrote about it in my one post, it’s definitely something I can NOT stand. It takes people watching to a totally uncomfortable/annoying level. I mean glances… Sure. If you’re actually doing something and staring off into space… Sure. But please do not turn your head at me or stand in my way because you’re watching someone else.
BTW, those egg patties… Lady, I just hope Ryan has a good stomach because those.look.awful! Haha!
I can’t stand it if people are staring at me. But my BIGGEST pet peeve is when I see someone get off a cardio machine and NOT clean it off/wipe it down. It’s just disgusting. Maybe it’s because I worked at a gym all through college, but I know how gross those machines get. Be courteous and wipe your sweat off.
My biggest pet peeve is also when people leave machines super sweaty!
But I’m not gonna lie, I am sometimes that person that stares at themselves. But ONLY because I have recently been losing weight and toning up and I love seeing my muscles where there used to be none! haha. I’ll try to keep the staring to a minimum.
I don’t mind people staring at themselves I mean heck I always try to sneak a peek of what I look like too they’re just confident enough to stare haha!
What I DON’T like though is when people just stand around doing nothing. Not that they’re in my way but it upsets me kinda. Like this one girl in my aerobics class mid workout will just stop and stand there. Get moving girl!!!!!!
Oh, my #1 pet peeve at the gym is sweaty people who don’t care they’re sweating literally everywheeeere. Now, I’m very okay with sweat- I sweat like a beast after a run or a good workout and I’m totally happy with that – but you need to not let yourself sweat onto other people working out beside you, or all over the machines without cleaning them afterward. SO gross.
I used to belong to this gym that had this big, obnoxious alarm called the Lunk-o-meter that went off when guys would grunt too loudly. It was hilarious!
my biggest pet peeve is when men make abnormally loud and obnoxious grunting noises! A small grunt is fine, but some guys seem to want the entire gym to hear, and trust me, my gym is pretty big!
Oh my goodness, I cannot stand it when someone on the treadmill next to me is grunting and groaning. Needless to say I speed up so I can get off faster! lol
I find the girls/women at the gym that are just there to socialize really annoying. Whether they’re scantily-clad, and trying to meet men, or older women trying to catch up on gossip (and then complain when the “hours” they spend at the gym do nothing), they uselessly hog all of the cardio equipment and get in the way. I go to the gym for a sweat-fest, and I’m definitely not a fan of anyone that gets in the way of that!
Throw some cell phone talking into the mix, (yes it really does happen!) and you have my trifecta of annoyances!
Definitely the grunting is annoying. There was one guy at my gym back in the day that would make animal noises as he was going through his various exercises. I swear he was on something. Ha.
And then yeah, the cocky guys (and gals) that walk around with their noses in the air and are checking themselves out in the mirrors…I agree, way obnoxious!
I can’t stand the old ladies who pour their bottle of perfume on before coming to the gym. I understand that they want to smell nice – but please.. I need clean oxygen. Not smelly oxygen. It seems like I’ve been a magnet for this type of person lately 0 as they’ve been hopping on the treadmill right next to me fairly regularly!
I love this question! I think it is a tie between people who talk loudly on their cell phones, and people who take group exercise classes but do their own thing the whole time. I mean, come on. If everyone in BodyPump is lying down to do chest presses, you really don’t need to be doing a semi-step routine that includes bicep curls.
I HATE people who hog machines and just sit there. Doing nothing. For long periods of time. I just don’t understand it! You’re at the gym! Do something!
Biggest gym pet peeve? Someone who hogs machines, they sit on a machine for 5+ minutes. Get out of my way! Oh and the guy who uses the squat rack to do arm curls.
One of my pet peeves is when people are on the phone talking as loud as they possibly can while next to you on a machine (esp when there are 25 other machines open) or when people walk on the treadmill next to you and talk as loud as they can. It always seems to happen when I forgot my ipod!
I think I have a “weird” pet peeve lol…when you take classes at the gym or go at the same time you tend to see the same people. I’m a very friendly polite person and will end up at least nodding or having a short chat before the class starts with someone. But why do some people go out of their way NOT to say hi, every time? It’s like that Seinfeld episode where that guy and Elaine go from having a nice conversation to utter hatred for each other lol!
If you can dish about this Orlando conference I want in 🙂 I’m dying to meet other bloggers in the area and grow my blog online.
I totally agree with this one! I have taken a class for over six months and while most of the women in the class are super nice some of the “hard-core” girls will not make eye contact or acknowledge that they see me and take a class with me multiple times a week! This includes the teacher.
Yikes, the teacher too?! You would think that she would need to be more friendly to make sure her class attendance is up.
it’s called techventure! the details are still being hammered out, but be on the look out! it seems less blogger-oriented though and more techy.
I am more techy oriented anyway lol! If you are looking for speakers/presenters let’s chat, I might have a skill to share 🙂
My pet peeve is when people leave the machines all sweaty without cleaning them off. YICK!
I think the spacey starer is worse than the “ooh baby” kind. At least you can mess with the “ohh baby” kind but the space cadet is just oblivious! My pet peeve is people on their phones while on a treadmill or elliptical. I just don’t want to hear people’s convos while I’m in the gym!
Starers are the WORST!! Even if it is in a spacey way, it’s still uncomfortable and annoying! One of my biggest pet peeves in the gym is when someone is sitting on one of the machines and having a conversation with someone, at the same time I would like to use that machine.
Oh boy, what annoys me at the gym? Way too much, I try to just let it all go. 🙂 The guy that constantly flexes in the mirror looking like a douchenozzle. The people that are incapable of putting the dumbbells back in the correct (LABELED) slots. Really? Is it that hard?
Those egg patties look disgusting, I don’t blame you.
My pet peeve is when guys or gals would stand around in the aisles at the gym flirting loudly with other people in the gym…this was especially annoying when I’d be sharing a free weight bench with someone (our college gym only had 2 bench press benches) and I’d want to get in a quick workout!
I almost went to a BodyPump class last week (we are in DC right now, unfortunately there are no BodyPump classes near my home in Cleveland) because I wanted to see what they were like after reading so much about them on this blog…unfortunately, wedding planning and preparation for my BIL’s wedding wore me out and I didn’t make it. =(
I can’t stand when people dont follow the ‘max 30min per cardio machine’ rule. I don’t always either but when it’s busy, I always get off in time- it’s only decent!
I can’t stand the people who grunt. My ipod never seems loud enough to drown it out!
LOL…trifecta of annoying made me lol!
I can’t stand the men who grunt loud while dropping the weights on the ground making oh-so-much-noise. Yes, it was heavy, I get it!
Although a guy I know feels that’s the boy equivalent of girls who go to the gym with perfect hair and make up and don’t break a sweat 😛
I hate the grunters. Not like the “I’m working hard and a grunt escapes every now and then” people, but the “I’m a douche and maxing myself out and want everyone in the entire gym to know every time I do a a press” people.
Are the yellow things the eggs? They kind of look like polenta.
Guys who like to check themselves out in the mirror the entire time they are at the gym is also my biggest pet peeve. Along with guys who tend to come in groups, although they aren’t really working out, just standing around socializing which leads to the getting in the way problem. My roommate and I called these types of people “gymtools”.
omg. I cannot stand grunters.
there was a guy at my school who used to hop on the elliptical beside my treadmill and grunt his ENTIRE way through his cardio workout. I wanted to slap him. every single day.
what is it about other people grunting that makes YOUR workout seem like its more difficult?
gosh. I’m glad I got that out. apparently, I’ve got a lot of pent up anger over the issue.
ughh grunters! They kill me, and the fact there he had two other rather annoying behaviors…yeeshe! I’m glad you made it through 🙂
Most Annoying: when there are several open machines or several mats open and the person chooses the one RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. I like my space, okay?
I hate when people try to chit chat with me while at the gym. I’m sweaty and can barely talk, what makes you think I want to talk to you!
I have many pet peeves in the gym, but I will only list a few:
1) crowding my space
2) when guys pile on the weight on the leg press or squat rack and then JUST LEAVE IT ON THERE for this poor little girl to try to take off by herself. Ugh!
3)Not wiping down equipment and leaving a river of nasty sweat for everyone else to enjoy….
Basically, people just need to be more considerate, then the world would be a happy place. 🙂
Grunters and weight slammers, and both for the same reason: They’re egotistical attention seekers. They make those noises hoping someone will look at them and think, “Wow, look at that big muscley man and those huge weights he’s lifting. He’s so badass.” But really we’re thinking, “Look at that turdmuffin grunting like a buttmunch. Gross.”
The thing that frustrated me most in a gym was when people wouldn’t use the circuit training machines the way that they were supposed to be used, like sitting on the machine and chatting, resting between sets instead of moving on, not wiping down, etc.
By the way, that egg patty looks nasty. I would never guess they were eggs unless they were marked. They look more like polenta cakes.
I would say grunters are pretty bad and guys that are trying to pick up girls at the gym. I really don’t want to be hit on when I’m working out!
I cannot stand when people don’t wipe off their machines after using them! That’s the germ-a-phobe in me! Also when people peer over at my treadmill settings… Uhhhhhh, I can see you looking out of the corner of your eye there, trying to be sneaky!
And this is why I run outside now, haha.
Lol I used to do a lot of traveling for work and saw those egg patties at all the hotel buffets. In my opinion they make better frisbies than they do a breakfast food.
My pet peeve at the gym is when people sit on machines while texting or talking on the phone.
I can’t stand when you see the same people over and over at the gym who just stand there and talk to people all day. It’s like they come to the gym for an hour and maybe do 5 minutes of work because they’re just talking!
Oh and the grunters- ahhh! Let’s decrease the weight, buddy! But it does offer some entertainment.
Hi Julie,
greetings from an old blogger / wannabe new blogger Vee (VeeChats). Just wanted to say how proud of you I am for following your dreams! I’m sure you will do great. 🙂
Started a new blog and as you have inspired me to follow what I’ve always dreamt about doing, I hope there will be plenty to write about. 🙂
And my pet peeve at the gym? People who interrupt me in the middle of my workouts as they want to ‘chat’. 🙂 I enjoy socialising at my gym but not when I’m halfway though my BodyPump chorey practice etc.
Pet peeve: ladies checking other ladies out. HEllo?! Gross, annoying, and there is no need for comparisons!
I had an egg patty once while on a work trip, with an english muffin and jam, and it was actually pretty good. Heh!
Grunters. Dudes who wear a ton of cologne. Chicks who wear a ton of makeup. The person walking at like a 2.5 pace on the last available treadmill when I want to work out for real! (I don’t mean to be mean, but REALLY?!?!)
I cannot stand when guys check themselves out in the mirror for ages! At my college gym the last time I worked out there, there was a group of three guy friends who had just all benchpressed, and they stood in front of the mirror by the last spinning bike open for thirty minutes and I couldn’t do my fifteen minutes of spinning. It annoyed me to death.
The egg patties make me think of the eggs on egg mcmuffins, which I cannot stand whatsoever.
People who come to an aerobics class late and then stand right in front of me!
ahhh reading these comments is cathartic.
my biggest pet peeve is when people will get on a treadmill directly next to mine when there are a billion other ones open!
I swear that people’s most annoying traits come out at the gym. I cannot stand it when people breathe down my neck waiting for me to be done with a machine or when they come up and ask if i am almost done. I also hate when people talk loudly and act like it is social hour. Feel the burn, people!
HA! That was funny 😛 My biggest pet peeve in the gym (which is exactly why I love working out in my basement):
-the guys who walk by and check you out…eesh!
-The people who sit at a machine you want to use for 10+ minutes…and they just sit there
-The ones that don’t wipe off the machines! eww
-People who bathe in cologne or perfume to ‘cover up’ their sweat smell. Uhmm..news flash: I’d rather smell your sweat if I have to because cologne/perfume+sweat is absolutely disgusting. Makes me gag and gives me a headache.
Those are just a few on a very long list 😛
Haha, I have a grunter at my gym. At first it used to annoy me, but now she just sort of makes me laugh.
But the people that just stand and stare totally creep me out and bug the crap out of me. I mean, c’mon…don’t they have something else to do?? 🙂
I totally agree with lots of you all, like the people holding onto the treadmill and just ‘being dragged along’ – you obviously should maybe think about lowering the speed or incline, when people just stare for no apparent reason..(I get paranoid after a while, like is there something on my face!?)
I love eggs and eat them all the time. But those egg patties look disgusting. I wouldn’t go near them either.
Obnoxious gym behavior….there are SO many to choose from…I vote unnecessary facial grimaces and the “tough” face that the guys love to put on. I promise, guys, it doesn’t make you lift more!!