I meant to tell you guys this yesterday, but two different recipe pages were updated!
- Snacks (Granola bars, spiced nuts, date balls, healthy granola, dips, etc.)
- Breakfast (Protein pancakes, baked oatmeal, frittatas, overnight oats, healthy muffins, etc.)
Hoping to tackle some more updates today!
I was pretty pumped about attending the morning TRX class at my gym today since I enjoyed the inaugural class so much last week.
Today’s class included some of the same exercises from last week and looked like this:
3 sets of 30 seconds of the following…
- Circuit One: Squat jumps with the TRX, Dumbbell flyes on exercise ball
- Circuit Two: Running in place while pumping arms and leaning into the TRX, Pushups with knees on exercise ball
- Circuit Three: Hamstring curls on TRX, Skaters
And then we took our workout outside and did walking lunges with bicep curls around the perimeter of the pool. Gosh, I was sweaty! The humidity had everyone dripping wet.
I was looking forward to digging into the fresh cantaloupe and honeydew I prepared yesterday and made sure to incorporate it into my morning meal.
I fixed myself a plate of scrambled eggs with a splash of milk and mozzarella cheese served with the fresh fruit and a toasted whole wheat English muffin.
I wish I didn’t kill every plant I bring into our house, because I would’ve loved to add some fresh mint leaves to the fruit. While we love the look of beautiful lawns and thriving foliage, neither Ryan nor I have a genuine interest in gardening or horticulture, so I fear for the yard of our future house.
Hope your Wednesday is off to a good start!
Happy Wednesday, Julie! 🙂 Your breakfast looks delicious. The fruit looks so yummy! There is nothing like a bowl of fruit in the morning. It’s so refreshing.
That breakfast looks so yummy!! And I feel your pain about killing plants…. No matter what I try, and how “easy” people tell me a plant is to keep it alive… It never lasts long!
Melon is one of those foods that I forget how much I enjoy until I bite into it. Mmmm… juicy yumness. Always a pleasant surprise!
totally agree. and when you get a GOOD one… watch out! they’re so fantastic!
Hehe maybe you can land a freelance deal where they repay you in gardening services!? I’m not a very good gardener too – that’s my roommate’s responsibility! Sounds like a great TRX workout. Skaters and squat jumps killll my legs!
ha! i love that… i’ll write up your family newsletter and you come trim my bushes.
I love prepared fruit – so easy to grab all day long! Have you tried canteloupe or honeydew in a smoothie? It’s delicious!
i havent, but i really should! i’ve never really thought to before for some reason!
mmmm melon!! TRX sounds so awesome! wish I had it by me!
Loving melon at the moment, never realised how good a smoothie it can make!
I’ll have to check out the new recipe pages, I’m always looking for new ideas!
I love melon balls. I broke mine while making a fruit salad and I keep forgetting to buy a new one. Last time I just used the cookie scoop haha. Have a great day!!
Using a melon scooper makes the fruit look so much more appetizing than it already is – I need to find one of those! Or maybe I could just use a sturdy spoon haha
Caroline- Pampered Chef makes an awesome melon scooper! I attached a link in case you are interested. 🙂
I used to think I was a black thumb. My fiance and I started a small garden last year, and it was so successful, that we expanded it this year! Once you do the initial work, it’s actually not a ton to maintain, and you have yummy, fresh veggies!
I’ve never done TRX before but I’ve heard really good things. Your bfast looks satisfying and colorful! Yummy 🙂
I don’t have a green thumb at all- I’m one of those people who forget to water my plants. But I do think mint is relatively easy to keep alive- as long as you cut it back often because it grows like weeds. Maybe you could get a small little planter of herbs for a window ledge or something? Basil is pretty easy to maintain too- I’ve managed to keep a basil plant alive the last 4 years. This is coming from someone who has nearly killed her bamboo plant 4x; and they say bamboo is hard to kill 🙂
i’ve killed two basil plants in the last year… but it was totally my own fault. i just forget to water them!
The small tub filled with herbs has worked well here. You can put everything from parsley to basil to mint all in one tub. Always fresh and you don’t have to run out to get something every time you need a need herb. Have a good day
I killed a basil plant in less than 2 hours. Figure that one out!!
And thank goodness my husband likes working in the yard, but I SO don’t!
That breakfast looks awesome!
I don’t have any interest in gardening either but Keith does so as long as he willing to do it I am going to enjoy the benefits! ha!
I too have a black thumb… I have killed more basil plants than I care to think about, but I keep trying as I am determined to have some plants around. The one plant that I have found impossible to kill is mint, so def try it!!! Last year my plant wasn’t doing so well b/c my cat had decided that the mint planter is a wonderful place to nap while hanging outside… but the plant still came back this year and is doing well now. Mint is known to take over your garden, so I think that’s why I have been able to keep a few sprigs around. I suggest you give mint a try! Good luck! 🙂
My neighbors gave us a mint plant that was randomly chilling in their yard in a pot. And then it died a week later… fail! I have one tiny plant I got as a baby shower favor and I’m trying hard not to kill it. It was looking rough for a little but now I’m doing better remembering to water it and it’s actually looking good. My sister always has a zillion plants and I’m jealous of her green thumb!
I think I need a melon baller – your little melon rounds look so much more appetizing than the janky melon slabs that I usually end up with when I cut mine out with a knife!
TRX classes are awesome! I took one at my schools gym on Sunday and boy is it a great workout! I’m trying to find classes that are dedicated to working on muscles. I can’t afford to pay for a gym membership that has body pump classes so I’m looking for alternatives. Love the new look on your recipient page! Have a great wednesday
Oops recipe.
Ohhh that sounds like a great circuit workout that’ll get my heart pumping! I’ll have to try it soon 🙂
And I don’t have a green thumb, but both of my parents do! They have a little garden in our backyard at home in Florida filled with green and red peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries! Yum!
Mmm melon + mint .. that sounds amazing! Thanks for the idea 🙂 My bf and I have NO interest in gardening at all either .. eeek!
A bowl of fruit in the morning is so refreshing! Looks awesome 🙂
I really want to grow fresh mint and basil, but I do not have a green thumb at all, it would be pretty terrible.
Mint is an *incredibly* hardy plant. A lot of herbs are (which makes them perfect if you’re not much of a gardener). Here is the history of our mint plant: I yanked it out of the ground at a farm I was working on for the summer, stuffed it in a pot, let it go, chopped it way back on a mint pesto binge (like way too much), it came back with a vengeance, it got bugs and we drowned it in a anti bug bath for a while, pulled it out, chopped it way down, it came back, re-potted it in WAY too dense soil, re potted it, Yanked it apart into three clumps re-potted those, and it is the happiest of our many many plants.
This is all just to say, if you want mint, I believe you can keep it. Start with a seedling (there’s no reason at this time of year to start from seed) or a transplant from a friend. Keep it in a sunny window and water it! if you’re not used to watering plants keeping them in the kitchen (if you’ve got the light) is great, because you’re right there all the time and so’s the water. dump in a glass that’s on the way to the sink, etc.
I would love to try a trx class! Sounds like a great workout. I’m moving soon and hoping to find something neat like that in my new town.
Hahaha I fear for the yard in my future house too. My mom always tells me that once I have my own yard I’ll care about gardening and such. Um…I don’t think so 🙂
Mint is like a weed in the south! Put some in a pot and I promise you won’t be able to kill it. Just make sure you water it, like every other week.
I’m notorious for having a brown thumb around my house seeing as I managed to kill a cactus because I just NEVER watered it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have dreams of a fresh, thriving garden full of fruits and veggies. Being able to just walk into my backyard and pick whatever I want. Maybe one day…
What brand of whole wheat English muffin do you prefer?
Mmm melon + mint sounds like a good adult drink recipe in the making. Not sure what it means that my first thought was booz this early in the morning while reading your post. 😉
I really want a garden, but I’m not sure I’d be so great at keeping everything alive.. the idea of having plants sounds nice and adult-like, though, you know?
The fresh fruit looks delicious! I love honeydew melon, perfect time of year for it!
Your breakfast looks delish! I’ve been all about fresh fruit lately!
Oooooh the b-fast looks awesome! I love fresh fruit in the a.m.
I too have a black thumb….and I am the daughter-in-law to a florist. So that has its perks, but it makes me look like a doofus around plants. HAH.
I have two brown thumbs for sure!! I am always envious of those who are able to make their plants/flowers/gardens thrive. I will receive a plant and the giver will tell me, “this is such an easy plant, you just can’t kill it”. Well, guess who always kills it? That’s right…..ME!!!!
My husband is also pretty bad at keeping plants alive but thankfully he has a knack for keeping the yard looking nice!!
hehe, made the same kind of eggs for my husband today. Yours looks like a huge portion! 😛
Julie! So, I was on Pinterest and I came across your picture! 🙂 Thought it was pretty cool! 🙂
Try a mint plant Julie! Seriously those buggers don’t die and they spread like crazy if you plant them outside!!!
I have a black thumb too…I’ve killed a bamboo and and aloe plant. Both of those are supposedly very easy plants to take care of. They usually die because people over water them…that wasn’t my problem.
That class sounds great! And have no fear… I too have no luck with plants. Maybe there is a gardening class for newlyweds we can take. Haha
how do you make those collages of pictures?
i use picasa! it’s free and you can download it!
Your blog has been such an inspiration for me & for my blog!!! Thanks for being so awesome and inspiring!!!