Ryan and I were up for the day at 5 a.m. He was off to meet up with a friend to work out and I was up to do my devotional and crank out some work before the boys were up.
Just as I got settled with my coffee at the kitchen counter, I heard Ryder on the monitor and he once again peed through his diaper. What’s the deal with this!? Ever since we transitioned Ryder out of his Merlin Sleepsuit, he’s peed through his diaper 3(ish) times. We never really had leaking issues with Chase unless he needed to move to the next size diaper but Ryder’s current diaper size seems just fine. He’s a big-time belly sleeper and never spends any time on his back in the crib anymore so I’m wondering if that might have something to do with it? Or maybe it’s time to start using stronger nighttime diapers for overnight sleep. Any other tips out there?
Thankfully Ryder seemed to do okay with a quick change and went back to sleep for another 90 minutes or so which gave me time to get a little work done.
Chase was actually the first kid up yesterday morning and we eased into the morning together. Right now Chase is big into pretending he’s a different kind of animal every morning so I never know what I’m going to walk in to find. Yesterday he was a saltwater crocodile but apparently a cuddly one so we curled up in the chair in his room to read a few stories together until Ryder made some noise from his room. Eventually everyone was dressed for the day ahead and we made our way into the kitchen for breakfast.
Chase and I made scrambled eggs for all of us to eat along with some peanut butter toast and then the boys played for a bit while I packed Chase’s lunch and then corralled everyone into the car.
Meanwhile Sadie napped on the couch. She likes to be near the action in the morning but not in it. (She’s definitely not a morning dog!)
Once the whole preschool drop off was done and Chase was settled at school, Ryder and I made our way to Burn Boot Camp where he hung out with his baby friends while I did a cardio workout.
I paired up with my friend Brooke for a partner whiteboard workout and it left us nice and sweaty!
The workout was a drop set workout, so one partner would complete the highest number of designated reps of the exercise with a number next to it while partner number two did the other exercise. The partners would then switch places and then for the next round, the first partner would decrease the number of reps they did according to the next number on the whiteboard. I hope this makes sense! If you’re hoping to try this workout and have any questions, just let me know.
After my workout, I said goodbye to my friends, scooped Ryder up from childcare and headed home to nurse him and put him down for his morning nap. Ryder settled quickly and I snacked on a square of collagen baked oatmeal and then dug into the mason jar chia seed pudding I prepped the night before.
I ate my chia pudding as I worked through the morning and spent some time on a conference call until it was nearly time for Chase’s preschool pickup. Ryder took the best nap he’s taken in weeks yesterday which was amazing but I ended up having to wake him up to nurse in order to make it to Chase’s school in time for pickup.
After we scooped Chase up from school, we played at the park with friends for half an hour or so before heading home for the boys’ afternoon naps. Whenever we arrive home from school, Chase generally likes to unwind a bit and play by himself so I let him play while I sat Ryder up in his high chair with me and I did a little dinner prep. Eventually we read some books and ate a snack as a trio and then I settled Chase and Ryder down for their naps and grabbed a much-needed shower.
Once I was all clean, it was lunchtime for me! I reheated a bowl of white chicken chili and loved every bite!
Plus a chocolate chip sweet potato muffin on the side!
When I made Gimme Some Oven’s chili recipe on Monday night, I followed it almost exactly except I substituted 1 cup of edamame for one of the cans of beans because I wanted a little more texture. Edamame in chili? Don’t knock it ’til you try it! I ate my bowl for lunch with a big scoop of plain Greek yogurt stirred in for some tangy creaminess.
While the boys slept, I worked away until Chase was up again. His latest National Geographic Kids magazine arrived in the mail, so we had fun flipping through it together and doing some of the animal games while we snacked on apples and almond butter. Once Ryder was up, we bundled up and spent some time in the backyard playing fetch with Sadie and enjoying some fresh air before coming back inside where the boys played with trucks and I threw some sweet potatoes in the oven to serve along with our dinner.
The rest of the night passed by in a blur of our usual bed time routine and dinner. Ryan and I are still loving Lexi’s Clean Kitchen Instant Pot Chicken and Broccoli recipe and I made it for dinner again last night and served it bowl-style along with mashed white sweet potatoes.
Once the boys were asleep, I joined Ryan on the couch and we caught up and chatted about our days while I inhaled a butter pecan Yasso Greek yogurt bar.
It was my first time trying the butter pecan flavor and it did not disappoint! I ended up eating a second one immediately after finishing the first. YUM.
By the time we made it up to bed, I was too tired to read for too long but managed to make it through a few pages of my new book. I just started reading Of a Certain Age, another novel by Beatriz Williams, and so far it’s pretty good! It’s not roping me in right away like some of her other novels did but I’m still looking forward to reading it before bed.
And now I just heard Chase make some noise upstairs so it’s time for me to get this Wednesday rockin’! I hope you all have a fantastic day and thanks so much for stopping by the blog today!
My first was a “heavy wetter” and had lots of trouble with leaky diapers. I swear by pampers baby dry! The honest company also makes a great overnight diaper!
We loved their overnights with Chase! I haven’t bought them yet for Ryder but it looks like it’s time!
I’ve found that sizing up on the diapers at night works. So my daughter wears size 3 diapers during the day, but size 4 at night. My son went through diapers at night and this is what I did for him.
Oh that’s smart!!
This is exactly what I was going to say! Pampers swaddlers size 3 for day and baby dry size 4 at night! Rarely any leaks!
I second this tip! I’m super frugal and hate spending a lot of money on diapers, and for us anyway, many of the generic brand diapers (or Luvs, which we swear by) are effective for us at night if we size up. Worth a try!
We do the exact same thing with overnight diapers and it’s worked!
Hi Julie,
We had the same issue with our little one too around that age. We switched to Pampers Ultra Dry 12 hours, and we never had that same issue. We just use them at night since they are more expensive. I love your blog; have a beautiful day!
How do you get Chase to crack eggs without getting egg shells in the mix? Or do you just pick them out? I’m letting my kids do more in the kitchen, but eggs we struggle with. They like to crack them, but the shell ends up in everything and then their hands are coated in raw eggs!
He cracks them (lightly — I just say to “tap” them) but I split the egg! I think if he did the splitting part there would definitely be shell pieces in there! 🙂
Both my girls were belly sleepers and I always had to go up a size or but overnight diapers when they were around 2! I have to ask… does Chase eat the same thing you guys eat for dinner? My 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 year olds are so picky and we are trying to incorporate more of a family style dinner… any tips?!
Very rarely does he eat exactly what we eat for dinner! This used to stress me out until I read this blog post from Lindsey’s blog (she’s a registered dietitian) –> — That made me a lot more laid back about it! Now he basically gets deconstructed versions of our dinners — so, for example, last night he had broccoli and sweet potato from our dinner but since he’s not into chicken, I made him a quesadilla (just a whole wheat tortilla microwaved with some shredded cheese) and apple slices on the side.
We use overnight diapers and size up for overnight!
We use the Huggies overnight diapers and those work great. We still get the occasional pee through those but they work great and are super absorbent!
My baby boy is a belly sleeper and very heavy wetter. Tried multiple diapers and tricks the only thing we found that helped was Huggies overnight diapers!
We had the same issue at that age and started using Huggies overnight diapers and that did the trick.
Sposie pads! Amazon has them. They are extra absorbent pads that go in the diaper (and they just added a sticky back). We’ve been using them since our little guy was about six months old overnight and they work with your regular diapers!
I’ve never heard of these but they sound fabulous!!! Thanks for the recommendation!
Yes! I also 2nd a “pad” that goes in the diaper. My son was such a heavy wetter at night. I had tried all the overnight diapers and sizing up. Adding the pad was the only thing that worked. We used a babies r us brand that worked well. I’m sure any one does the trick. Good luck!
I “third” these sposie pads! My son is also a stomach sleeper so I fold it in half and place at the front of his diaper so it soaks everything up. I think he’s only peed through once since using and that was on a heavy overnight feeding night!
I also used sposie Pads with my little boy! He eventually stopped using them but for about six months they were a lifesaver. Our use them with the sized up pampers baby dry.
Yes- another recommendation for the Spoosie pads! Even when we sized up our overnight diapers, my little guy still leaked through. These saved us from early morning wake ups due to wet pajamas.
SPOSIE PADS ARE A LIFE SAVER! Our 7 month old is a stomach sleeper and these keep him dry at night. We size up with an overnight diaper and a sposie pad! works like a charm!
Yes! We have used these for our son for about six months now. I swear he holds all of his pee for nighttime. We tried overnight pull-ups, doubling up diapers, etc. Every so often he still pees through, but that’s mostly due to poor diapering by mom and dad lol. I highly recommend these!
Literally hopped on here to see if anyone else had mentioned this- the Sposie pads are a game changer! You can find them on Amazon or in Target.
Ok, maybe you already thought of this but make sure the umm… boy part is pointing down. We found that if somehow it was pointing up he would leak. There is not as much absorbent material for pee to go to if it is pointing up. 🙂
Ha!!! Yes! Totally got that one down with Chase. 🙂 I remember telling my friends who had girls first that little tip, too. It’s crucial!!
Seeing them playing together is so cute! I have a 21 month old and a 4 month old. #boymom ! To be honest, I am ready for my 4 month old to be “sturdier”. I can’t wait for them to interact/play together!
Try the Huggies night time diapers. Those work really well in my opinion! They are expensive but you only use one a day so a box will last you quite some time!
totally get that! i feel like once they hit the six month mark they can do so much more and interact better with everyone around them which is so much fun!
Same thing everybody else is saying…I had this with all THREE of my kiddos. Size up at night, Pampers Baby Dry. No more leaks in the morning!
Our baby boy is also a tummy sleeper and was out peeing all his diapers and waking up soaked. We finally gave spoosie inserts a try and they work really well! Now he rarely leaks and if he does, just his outfit gets a little wet vs his outfit, sleep sack and sheets!
I highly recommend Sposie diaper inserts, available on Amazon! Way cheaper than overnight diapers and absorb so much!!
I’ve always gone up a size in overnight diapers (we use Target brand- Pampers worked well for us, too!) as soon as my daughter hit about mid-way through the weight recommendations on the diaper. Seems crazy big, but we never really have/had issues with leaks- and her diapers are definitely soaked!
My boys were tummy sleepers too and would leak. Put a second diaper over the first but turn it around backwards so there is more absorption in the front. Works like a charm
My belly sleeping little guy also encountered this around the same age. Huggies overnights (normal size) has made it an extremely rare occurrence anymore!
My daughter always leaked too… I used the Spoosie brand diaper inserts and they work wonders!
The Up & Up nighttime diapers work well for our almost 8m heavy wetter, belly sleeper!
Could you share what devotional books/workbooks you use? I’m just starting to explore my faith and would love your recommendations!
It looks like you’ve gotten some great recs, but in case this is helpful too—
My first son was a BIG eater, milk and then later food too, and we had so much trouble with leaking (and then funny enough I was ready for it with #2 and had minimal issue—go figure!)
Pampers overnights have always been our best bet but even doubled up, reversed backwards, in tighter pants
To keep it from moving around…still no luck.
Then we tried the Charlie Banana diaper inserts that are disposable but meant for cloth diapers IN and overnight and it was a total success! We bought them on amazon.
Might be worth a try! 🙂
I just discovered Yasso bars and they are ADDICTING. I’ve never seen the butter pecan flavor, I need to find this!
I don’t like saying OMG, but seriously…OMG. SAME!! We have battled the same night time diaper struggles – I have no idea how such a little person can fill a diaper that it feels heavy enough to sink a ship! We tried so many diapers, including Honest overnight, Walmart generic night time diapers, Pampers overnight diapers, and Huggies overnight diapers. All of them leaked. Then we found Sposie pads….*cue hallelujah chorus*! So they work like a menstrual pad and have a sticky backing to them to stick to the inside of the diaper to add an extra layer of absorbency. We found that going up one size in the overnight diaper (we use Huggies overnight since we felt these were the ones with the best absorbency on their own) and then adding the Sposie pad, we now rarely ever have leaky diapers and soggy pajamas. Oh, and we found making sure the diaper is wrapped snuggly around their torso makes a difference too since we felt the diapers tend to loosen a little during the wear throughout the night. I hope this helps!
Printed the white chili recipe ~ it looks good.
Julie – you are such a good mom! Your 3 boys are lucky to have you. What are your tips for getting yourself out of bed in the morning? Do you just know you have to do it and that gets you up? I have a 5 month old and I’m dragging in the morning if I wake up too early. I’m super impressed that you’re always an early riser & you do your devo before the kids wake up.
Agree!!!! So inspiring!!! Would love to know tricks to get going in the morning and what time roughly you go to bed each night??? Whenever I wake up early I end up needing to take a nap with the kiddos hahaha fail
Sposie pads (can buy on amazon or target) and sizing up in an overnight diaper is the ONLY solution that keeps my babies dry for 12 hours overnight!
Diaper pads! They’ve been a life safer over night.
If you have an Amazon Echo you should check out the animal workout for Chase (just say “Alexa play animal workout”). It gives a fact about an animal, and then gives a little activity to do while the music is playing (swinging your trunk like an elephant, flapping your arms like a bird, etc). My daughter loves it! We play it at least a couple times a week!
That sounds adorable!!! We have a Google Home — I wonder if it would work with that one, too?
When my first started leaking through, I was told size up and buy overnight. Target makes a great overnight! Also, belly sleepers are definitely more likely to pee through!!
My daughter had the same issue with wetting through diapers overnight – we did the same as what basically everyone above said about sizing up for nighttime! Also those Yasso bars look AMAZE 🙂
Ditto on sizing up and we use overnight swaddlers!
Unrelated, can you share your favorite devotional over the past few years as a mom? Thanks!
Overnights are a must and size up too! good luck!
We did not have good luck with leaks and the honest overnight diapers at all but the Huggies overnights have worked so well for us for the past 20 months! We’ve (knock on wood) never had a leak using them.
Sposie diaper pads off of Amazon!!! We struggled with this issue for months with our son and sizing up diapers didn’t help, and neither did wearing two diapers (or trying every.single. diaper brand). He now wears an overnight diaper with a sposie pad (I think it absorbs an extra 8 extra oz) and we never have pee throughs anymore. It’s been LIFESAVING!
Sposie booster pads!! They are the best. And physically tuck his “little ryder” to point down before you fasten his diaper. My cousin told me this trick, since our kiddo peed through his diapers and sleeps on his belly. Made a huge difference.
The cardio workout looks interesting, but I’m not sure what many of the exercises are? Any link backs to any of your previous workouts that have pictures of how to do the exercises?
Hi Heather!! I’ll try to comment back here later this afternoon with links to some of the exercises when I have a little more time!
Great! Thanks!
I think we tried almost EVERY diaper out there when our little girl was leaking through her diaper at least 5 times a week. The only ones we found that worked for us were The Honest Company night time diapers. We still had a few leaks, but it was only once every couple weeks, and it was such a relief!
Another thing I did to make our night times a little easier was layer her bedding. Mattress (our crib mattress is waterproof), sheet, waterproof mattress pad, sheet, waterproof mattress pad, sheet, so that all we had to do in the middle of the night was strip off the first sheet and mattress pad, and I could worry about the laundry the next day.