This morning’s workout was tough!
It began with 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical. I read a magazine and got my blood flowing before heading into the weight room where I completed my 1000 rep workout. I followed the workout almost exactly, but decreased the weight on some of the lower body exercises since I don’t want to be sore going into tomorrow’s trail race.
That workout is no joke! It took me slightly less than 40 minutes and the time absolutely flew by since no exercise is repeated even once. It’s hard to get bored when something new awaits you after each exercise!
After our time at the gym, Ryan and I quickly popped into Publix to get some food for the weekend.
While we were there, Ryan spotted this monstrosity:
A 15-pound TurDucHen.
Ryan immediately ran over to the TurDucHen and coerced me into a game of How Much Do You Think This Costs? Let’s just say I significantly undervalue turduchens.
The TurDucHen was $70! Madness.
Once we arrived home (sans turduchen), it was time for breakfast.
Frothy coffee to start!
As I was cooking a batch of scrambled eggs with shredded cheese on the stovetop, I cut into an avocado that had the teeniest pit I’ve ever seen.
Such a little baby. Fortunately the avocado was nice and ripe and tasted delicious on top of my cheesy eggs.
Plus a blueberry and pineapple yogurt parfait on the side!
Time to get this show on the road!
Have a great weekend!
Question of the Morning
- Of the following three ridiculous food creations, if you had to try one, which one would you choose?
A.) The turduchen
B.) The turkey cake
C.) The cherpumple
That’s such a pretty Breakfast. I love all the colors. I love when I open up an avocado and it’s perfectly ripe. I actually probably get a little too excited about that fact now that I think about it;)
I’m so excited that berries are coming back into season too as well. They are my favorite fruits.
Ick, I don’t even think I could chose any of those! I’d end up gagging the whole time. Lovely.
Cherpumple. For sure.
i tried that bad boy at an office party a few years ago!
You really can’t go wrong with three stacked pie. That’s like triple the fun! Except it’s missing ice cream. 🙂
haha did you really? how was it?!
i’m not gonna lie… i didn’t hate it. 😀
Ha! That is hilarious. I’ve never heard of such a thing!!
Ewwww, turkey cake? I guess I would try a turdunken, lol
look at the recipe; turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and marshmallows on top. sounds like thanksgiving to me!
oh my goodness – that is crazy and I can’t believe it costs so much – who would buy that??? And all those options are crazy! I can’t help but notice that you didn’t pick one. . . lol.
The cherpumple! I like sweet foods way mOre than savory, so that would be right up my alley!
I’ve never heard of that before. Why is it so expensive?! That’s insane.
As a vegetarian, i guess I default to “C” as my choice of foods. As for that avocado pit, it’s just more proof that size isn’t everything 😉 I haven’t had avocados in a while and I think it’s time to add them back into my diet 😀
im vegetarian so definitely cherpumple! also i prefer a sweet dessert to a savory one every time 🙂
You know what?
There’s certain times that you should live on the edge; when you’re presented with a Tur-Duc-Hen or a Turkey Cake–it’s not one of them.
The Cherpumple,
Fa. sho.
Cherpumple !!
I normally try every dessert anyways so it’s perfect.
Turkey cake!? No way. All of those are crazy!
Uhhh, I’d say the last one… I’m scared to even click on the link for that turkey cake. :-/
What a cute avocado! Anytime you get MORE avocado and less pit, sounds like a good deal to me. I’m looking forward to my dinner which will feature avocado! 😉
Though the turkey cake is very enticing, I think I would have to go with the cherpumple:)
None of those sound that appealing, but I would definitely choose the turduchen, it sounds a little safer…
the cherpumple seems the most normal of them all.
I first heard of the turduchen when I lived in Texas and thought it was a southern thing. Either way, it’s gross! And $70 is crazy!! I would pick the cherpumple. I love the mini avocado pit, you should keep it! 🙂
I’m not gonna lie, I would totally at least take a big forkful of that cherpumple. So sinful! 🙂
After following the link for the turkey cake, I became intrigued. I may actually make this one day…I like my food separated, but there were lots of comments on that site with rave reviews. It actually sounds kinda yummy!
You mean you didn’t buy the TurDucHen?! Haha. Definitely cherpumple – no meat cake for this girl.
OMG those are all ridiculous!!! I think I would have to go with the cherpuple because the others just look ridiculous!
Omg I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that! WHO would purchase that?!?!
turkey cake.
Your 1000 Rep Workout is literally one of my all-time favorites. I haven’t done it much recently, since I’m training for a marathon and don’t want to shred my legs. But I LOVE the flow of that workout, and have passed it on to many friends who love it as well!
by the way, the turkey cake is actually meat and potatoes! not frosting like i used to think!!!
That baby avocado pit is so funny, there normally huge. I would defiantly choose the Cherpumple. The others kinda freak me out.
The cherpumple hands down! The other 2 contain scary meat.
$70?! That’s truly insane. However, I think that’s the one I would have to try of the three. The other two look very scary!
It’s crazy that people come up with that stuff. Like we need that in America’s ‘diet’ today! But if I had to choose, I would definitely go with the cherpumple. Looking at those turkey ones makes me gag!
Oh, Julie! Please don’t make me choose from those options!.. I can’t do it! That avocado pit is the cutest thing ever! 🙂 xoxo
Hi Julie!
I am a budding exerciser…and am trying to get into morning workouts! I was wondering if you eat/drink anything before you workout? I see you hit the gym around 5:30 and didn’t know if you went on an empty stomach and ate when you got home or had a quick somethin’ somethin’ before you went? Just wondering your advice! Thanks!!
When I first saw the picture of the TurDucHen I thought you were going to tell us you bought it… phew! And the turkey cake actually looks incredible. If its wrong…. I don’t want to be right 🙂
I would definitely try the cherpumple! Bring on the sweets!
haha def. the cherpumple. I can’t believe they package such a thing as a turduchen–too funny :]
Tur-duc-hen reminded me of “turturkeykey” from How I met Your Mother haha 🙂
totally the tur-duc-hen.
I’ve never seen such a small avocado pit! How crazy…but lucky for to get extra avocado inside, yum! And I’m not sure I could stomach any of those items, but if I HAD to pick, I guess it would be the turduchen?
I remember seeing something about TurDucHen on Food Network before. They were featuring a place in Sarasota that served it. I have no interest whatsoever in trying it, but props to the crazy person who came up with that idea! 😉
Definitely the cherpumple! The other two options scare me a little…
C. cherpumple for sure!
And my husband and I love the “guess how much this is?” game too!! And it wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t guess way off. I miss Publix!!!
That is the tiniest avocado pit! It is so cute! 😉
Well, since I am a vegetarian, I guess I would choose the cherpumple…but, preferably only the pumpkin pie portion! 😉 The whole idea of all 3 of these is just ridiculous, though. And we wonder why America is SOOO unhealthy!
That parfait looks awesome!
My stepbrother always makes a turducken for thanksgiving! I tend to stick to the turkey though 🙂
I’d go with the Turduchen. I had cherpumple at a Thanksgiving party a few years ago and I honestly didn’t think it was that great. I’m not a big sweets person, though, so maybe that’s why I wasn’t in love with it.
The dessert definitely! I made up a new 1000 rep workout yesterday inspired by your good self – sent you the link on Twitter!
TurDucHen is amazing. Seriously amazing. We ate it growing up for Thanksgiving. It even comes with pre-made stuffing.. the only stuffing I will actually eat willingly.
I’m excited to plan for holidays in advance in 2014 and serve TurDucHen for our meal of choice!
I would def. go with the Cherpumple. I also enjoy that you the TurDucHen says cook-in-bag haha
The Cherpumple is the easy answer, so I would have to be crazy and try the Turkey Cake. I mean, if you laid a piece on its side, it wouldn’t be that bad.
Wish all avocado pits were that small…more avocado for the $$!
Haha! Today’s post was a learning experience. I had never heard of TurDucHen. I’m sure my husband would eat it. He is willing to try anything! I will pass!