This morning’s workout was tough!
It began with 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical. I read a magazine and got my blood flowing before heading into the weight room where I completed my 1000 rep workout. I followed the workout almost exactly, but decreased the weight on some of the lower body exercises since I don’t want to be sore going into tomorrow’s trail race.
That workout is no joke! It took me slightly less than 40 minutes and the time absolutely flew by since no exercise is repeated even once. It’s hard to get bored when something new awaits you after each exercise!
After our time at the gym, Ryan and I quickly popped into Publix to get some food for the weekend.
While we were there, Ryan spotted this monstrosity:
A 15-pound TurDucHen.
Ryan immediately ran over to the TurDucHen and coerced me into a game of How Much Do You Think This Costs? Let’s just say I significantly undervalue turduchens.
The TurDucHen was $70! Madness.
Once we arrived home (sans turduchen), it was time for breakfast.
Frothy coffee to start!
As I was cooking a batch of scrambled eggs with shredded cheese on the stovetop, I cut into an avocado that had the teeniest pit I’ve ever seen.
Such a little baby. Fortunately the avocado was nice and ripe and tasted delicious on top of my cheesy eggs.
Plus a blueberry and pineapple yogurt parfait on the side!
Time to get this show on the road!
Have a great weekend!
Question of the Morning
- Of the following three ridiculous food creations, if you had to try one, which one would you choose?
A.) The turduchen
B.) The turkey cake
C.) The cherpumple
I would choose the turkey cake. Anything with marshmallows is a winner in my book!
All of those kind of make me nauseous but if I had to choose…probably the turkey cake. 🙂 I cannot believeeeee how expensive that turduchen is! Who knew?! Also…I have never seen an avocado with that tiny of a pit, did it taste the same? So strange.
I actually really want to try a cherpumple!
I’ve heard of a turduchen, but I’m totally ok with never trying one. I’d have to say out of those, I’d try the cherpumple. It’s fun to say and if something is going to be in the shape of a cake, it better be sweet (I’m talking to you, freaky turkey cake!)
Ah probably the cherpumple..but soooo weird!
The TurDucHen! I have a feeling that turkey cake will ruin my love for cakes.. I’d expect sweet! But that cherpumple is just pushing my love for cakes.. Might be a bit too much for me!
They all seem kind of ridiculous! I dont know if even MY sweet tooth could handle the cherpumple..
hahaha the picture of that dish looks crazy with everything spillin’ out~and I wish all avocados had pits that small so I’d get more AVOCADO 😀
That turkey cake actually looks pretty good!
The cherpumple for sure! Mainly because I like the way the name sounds.
I am currently living in Cusco, Peru (near Machu Picchu) and the avocados here are AMAZING! One of my favourite dishes is palta rellana – stuffed avocado. When buying from the market, you tell the seller if you want an avocado for hoy (today) or manana (tomorrow) so you get one that is already ripe or will be ripe the next day. They are so delicious and cheap in comparison to back home in Canada!
As one of the comments indicated becoming sick …. I gotta be honest …. sooo, my answer is …. none. Ugh. Combining meats = icky & yucky. I’d be much better off hungry. Settle for a piece of toast and water. Even for 3 meals of the day.
By the way …. what did you choose Julie? {{Aahhaa … gotcha.}}
I’m thinking that they all look like frankenfood. Gross. How do people come up with this kind of stuff? And $70?! Wow.
I would have to say the cherpumple, whatever that is. At least it looks like a dessert, the other two just sound plain disgusting. That Turduchen in the photo looks disgusting. :p
The cherpuple.
It’s like 6 desserts in one <3
I, Brittany, am a sweets-aholic as well 😛
Yes yes yes to the cherpuple! My sweet tooth could totally handle it, alas, that would require me running a marathon directly before consumption.
Oh gosh…being honest, I don’t think I could stomach any one of those, even the cherpumple! And that’s saying something…desserts are my favorite meal of the day 😉
Ha! I spotted the turduchen at Kroger a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe people actually buy (and EAT!) those!!!
I actually have made the turkey cake before, TWICE! My family adores it and we make it at Thanksgiving using our own recipes for the ‘fillings’. My hubby does not like turkey, he always thinks it is too dry so this is my way to get all my favorite Thanksgiving sides (I make a LOT so I have leftovers for days!).
The turkey cake looks surprisingly good…haha
That 1000 rep workout looks super tough, but awesome! I’m going to try that soon.
Isn’t it crazy the food concoctions they come up with? My answer would be “none of the above”! Yikes!
The cherpumple is definitely the least vile of the three. But that’s not high praise.
I would try the turk duc thing. Everything else looks too crazy!
The cherpumple! That Actually looks like it might taste scrumptious!
Hi Julie,
I’ve never commented on your blog before, although I’ve been reading for about six months. I just wanted to tell you that reading your posts every morning really brightens up my day, and that you have been such an inspiration for healthy change in my life. I’m a senior in college, and was feeling generally low energy and unhappy with my body last semester (especially because I was very active in high school as an athlete, but struggled to find time to exercise at school).
I found your blog and began reading to help give me ideas for changes that I could make in my life. The most important thing I’ve learned is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution; you show what works for you, and encourage others to find what works for them. I so appreciate that, because by reading your blog, I’ve learned to start listening to my body in terms of what workouts make me feel best (and that workouts should be stress-busting, rather than stress-inducing!) and what foods make me feel best too (always whole, real, unprocessed items!). Above all, you’ve helped me realize that healthfulness is a commitment for life…but that it’s OK to be human and enjoy indulgences every once in awhile too! As a result of everything I’ve learned just by reading about you and your routine, I’ve lost fifteen pounds, have made lasting healthy changes to my diet, and feel happy, healthy, and confident. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences on this blog- you have helped me immensely!
Warm wishes,
Eggs and avocado, my FAVORITE breakfast! Thanks for sharing!
The turkey cake looks interesting… But I bet the Cherpumple would taste the best!
Ewww I would choose none of them! Good luck on your run tomorrow!
The Cherpumple is the all in one dessert! I would totally try that bad boy! The Turkey Cake would probably be delish as well. It looks like a turkey meat loaf layer, stuffing, meatloaf layer, topped with sweet potato mash and covered with mashed potatoes… It’s like a Savory Thanksgiving “cake”, clever if you ask me!
OMG that blueberry parfait looks soo good! I want some right now!! I think I might try and make some at home. Thanks for sharing!
I love the word turduchen, so just because of that, I’d have to choose the turduchen. Such a strange food.
I’ve done your 1000 rep workout a couple times and it is kick-butt! Love it!
I’ve tried tur-duc-hen before and it’s not bad! But I would not have it again…just thinking about what it actually is. The other two things gross me out haha!
I am pumped to try the 1000 workout tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration!
Definitely the cherpumple! I don’t have to worry about people judging me for getting 3 slices of pie when… it’s expected for me to get 3 types! 😀
The cherpumple hands down! It looks the most decadent and I could see myself actually enjoying it. The other ones hmm not so much!
Turkey cake, it seems like a funky twist on meatloaf.
You are a huge inspiration to me- I read your blog everyday and have decided to create one of my own thanks to you!
And I choose the Turkey Cake!
I’d definitely go the dessert option- the cherpumple. Or whatever it’s called haha. Because savoury foods all combined like that totally grosses me out- BUT dessert is just sugar fat and loveliness so mush that together and you’ve got no dramas 😉
I always thought the turkduken thing is weird! I’ll just combine a couple of cookies and some ice cream, that’s all I need.
Definitely dessert, although I’d probably barf.
haha none of em sound quite appealing to me however my hubs likes turduchen!
I live in London and those things are really popular over here around Christmas time. But they are very expensive, so I haven’t tried it. Seems like a waste of money! Ha.
I would have to say the cherpumple. I’m not sure what color that Turkey cake is supposed to be but ground up dark meat doesn’t sound appetizing…
Plus the cherpumple looks like the ultimate combination of cake AND pie, impressive. Not to mention, how fun is that name?!
I would have to choose the cherpumple. The other two look less than appetising and dessert wins every time in my book!
Cherpumple for sure! I’m not much for turkey but dessert is always a winner! 🙂
That pizza is HUGE! Love it!
Ewww! I think if I tried any of them, I would try the Turduchen. My fiance has had it and loved it! He would put just about anything in his mouth though! Haha1
i’ve known a few terduckhen fans.
but your other choices reminded me of the Friends episode where Rachel tries to bake a trifle….pages stick and she ends up with layers of lovely ladyfingers and fruit before the layers of ground beef and peas
I’m not sure which I would WANT, but the idea of that turkey cake seriously grosses me out!
I am recently a pescatarian (vegetarian + fish/seafood only), but my old roommate makes a Turduchen every year for our version of a Friendsgiving. They are DELICIOUS. $70 is about right once you go through the trouble of getting all that meat and then de-boning it! It’s no easy feat, that’s for sure.
OMG, my husband and I tried a Pumpple cake in Philly this weekend! We couldn’t believe what we were seeing…pie inside layers of cake?! We had to try it. That was our first and last time!