All that talk about speed work and running this morning reminded me of one very important thing I’ve been meaning to do for about a week now.
Register for a Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving!
I was so excited to find a 10k Turkey Trot near my mother-in-law’s house this afternoon and immediately signed up.
The first time I did a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning was three years ago when I ran with my dad and sister. We had a blast and I loved kicking off a day of gluttonous eating with a little exercise.
I haven’t run in a Turkey Trot since my first one back in 2008, though my dad and I did our own solo Turkey Trot in Gettysburg back in 2009. (<—Throwback post!) I’d love to make running in a Turkey Trot a Thanksgiving tradition and figured I might as well start this year!
I’m also hoping to hit up WalMart this weekend to see if I can find some awesome items to put together a festive costume to run in on Thanksgiving morning.
If you have any photos from a Turkey Trot where you dressed up, please email them to me. I’d love to highlight them on the blog to give fellow Turkey Trotters costume ideas!
I had one requirement when fixing myself lunch this afternoon.
Include greens!
After Friendsgiving this weekend, I seemed to forget about green foods for the past few days.
I was more than happy to welcome green beans back into my life today and enjoyed them alongside a cranberry sauce and goat cheese sandwich.
Additional sides included POM pomegranate arils and tortilla chips.
Hoping to crank out a few more hours of work before it’s quittin’ time!
Sadie is not amused with me and my lack of playfulness today.
Can you see the fallen pig in the background of the above picture? She has tried to entice me into playing with it about 10 times in the past hour while I’ve been working on a freelance project.
Poor dog.
I promised her a good walk this evening which did absolutely nothing to satisfy her in the meantime.
Of Possible Interest
- For Alumna, It’s Peanut Butter Blogging Time (An article published about PBF in my alma mater’s student newspaper,
- Healthy One Pot Meals (
- 7 Thanksgiving Blunders: Solved! (
I have done the turkey trot in my city for the past 5 years with my dad and sisters, some years. Some years I’ve walked it, and some I’ve ran, this year I’m walking it (not in running shape due to grad school consuming me life!) but it is a great 5 miles to start off a day of food and drinking 😉
I am running the Turkey Trot 10k at the Clearwater location… I don’t know if that is the same one you are doing or not. If so, maybe I’ll see ya there!
Congrats on that interview by the paper! Very hip
Ya gotta get the Turkey Run Bic Band for your Trot!
I love the turkey trot!! Lots of turkey costumes usually. Some pilgrims or Indians. I like the fork/knife costume idea. Think of us at Lake Eola!
There isn’t one in my area, but maybe I’ll just have to plan my own trot with a friend 🙂
I’m doing one this year, too, my first ever 5K! Ever!
My husband’s family and I run in the Dallas Turkey Trot every year on Thanksgiving morning. Last year, my father-in-law and I ran the 8 mile instead of the 5K and this year we inspired the whole family to join us!
Congrats on the article on UCF’s website- it was great- sweet comments from Ryan 🙂