Ryan and I had another buddy join us for our morning workout!
Our friend Ross and his dog Kona ended up staying the night last night. Ross is en route to Jacksonville, by way of Gainesville (where he’s a student at UF), to begin his summer internship for law school.
Ryan, Ross and I all woke up at 5:30 a.m. to hit the gym. Let me just say, Sadie and Kona were wiiide awake! We left the dogs to mouth and play while we got in a quick workout.
(For those of you who commented on Ross’ hotness last night, you should know that he’s single and in law school… and has one heck of a cute dog. 😀 You’ll be seeing more of him on this blog because he’s going to be one of the groomsmen in our wedding.)
Post-Workout Walk
After the gym, the three of us leashed up the puppies and headed out for a 40 minute walk.
(I think both dogs were mid-shake when I snapped this pic.)
I really enjoyed the extra company on my morning walk! Usually it’s quality Julie ‘n’ Sadie time, so having Ryan and Ross along for the journey was a treat. (Ryan doesn’t typically join us on our morning walk because he goes into work early. He had a little extra time on his hands today because he has jury duty. Fun!)
Post-Walk Breakfast
After our walk and showering up for the day, I made us quite the happy breakfast.
The banana and peanut butter combination alone is enough to make me smile, but when your food is literally smiling up at you, you know it’s gonna be a good day.
In the process of making our peanut butter and banana bagels, you know I indulged in a peanut butter finger.
For those of you who have asked in the past, Skippy Natural is typically my peanut butter of choice.
Not only is the ingredient list on this bad boy 100 percent understandable, this peanut butter actually tastes like the peanut butter you grew up eating. Plus, it’s much cheaper than a lot of the “gourmet” peanut butters.
Question of the Day
What is your peanut butter brand of choice?
I really like Skippy Natural, too, but I loooove Naturally More! I think it tastes like Reese’s!
swf here 😉 hahaha he IS a cutie!
love when your breakfast smiles back at you! it’s so much better eating it that way haha. Sometimes I’ll put my almonds or pb&j in a smiley face shape just for the damn heck of it.
I’m a UF student! I think some matchmaking is in the works;)
Yes, I like Skippy Natural too. I think my VERY favorite though is fresh ground honey peanuts straight from the grinder at the store! The latest jar I bought was Jiff Super Chunky (my husband’s request-I wasn’t sure I’d like crunchy) and to my surprise, it’s really good! I’ve made a pretty large dent in it and we bought it just a few days ago!!
I like skippy natural too. Honestly any decent peanut butter is fine for me but I do do prefer crunchy types. Remember those peanut butter grinders that you used to see in some co-ops? They made really good peanut butter with the only ingredients being peanuts but this peanut butter is kind of for the hardcore – its alot to swallow with dehydrating effects even. I love the Cavendish banana too but would like to focus on the good old bananas of the 1930’s which were apparently better in all ways than our current option. Thanks take care – Ronald
I really love the Trader Joe brand. And the regular peanut butter is actually cheaper there than it is at my grocery store. I know… what?!?!
I love Peanut Butter Co. and Smart Balance is good too.
I’m with Amy! Trader Joe’s all the way! 2 ingredients: peanuts & salt. Plus, it’s thick & yummy like the PB in a Reese’s! I think it’s like $1.79 or something. Love!
you guys are making me jealous! there aren’t any TJ’s around me!
I like 365 peanut butter, which just has peanuts and salt in it. I can get big huge jars of it at Whole Foods for a good price. I love Marnatha, but that’s way too expensive.
My preferred PB is chunky Jif. Not the healthiest, I know…but it’s so good. I’ve had Skippy Natural and I’m a fan of that one too!
I’m all about the TJ’s pb too…cheap and delicious.
Aww fun morning with the puppers and the boy!
Okay, I love your dog. I also love how it totally looks like they are barking at each other in that shot.
Skippy Natural is my PB of choice also! Ive tried several other natural brands and nothing has the same texture or taste!
heyyyyy ross 🙂 i’m in law school too! (in miami)
I’m a JIF peanut butter girl…I love it. But I really want to go to a trader joes and try their brand!
i love simply jif….or skippy natural is a good one too! but who am i kidding: i wouldn’t turn any of it down 🙂
I always buy Skippy Natural for the exact same reasons you listed. It still has quality ingredients and even though it isn’t 100% peanuts/almonds/etc it tastes awesome and is reasonable for our budget. Have you tried the w/ Honey one yet? soooo good!
what is this amazingness you say!? w/ honey!? i didn’t even know they made that!
do u eat other nut butters too like almond? or just straight up peanut!?:-)
i like almond butter too! peanut is my fav though…
We eat that same peanut butter!!!
Your happy breakfast made me smile!
My PB of choice is JIF 🙂
Ive never had Skippy Natural, but Im always looking for more affordable PBs to throw into my nut butter rotation!
This used to be my peanut butter of choice, until I discovered Whole Foods brand, 365. It’s fantastic, it’s so fluffy or something, almost like it was whipped. I can’t go back.. you should try it 🙂
When it comes to PB, my favorite is Smucker’s Natural Salted Creamy. It’s inexpensive, totally natural, and tastes absolutely delicious. I love my fancy almond butters and flavored PBs, but this stuff is the best when I’m craving straight PB!
For non-natural, run-of-the-mill peanutbutter, i’m a Jif girl. My favorite nutbutter overall, though is either the Whole Foods fresh ground peanut or almond butters or Blue Diamond honey almondbutter (the homestyle, need to mix version)
I’m a Natural Skippy girl too!
How’s Sadie’s harness working out for you? I have the same kind that you leash in the front for my dog. At first it was keeping him from pulling, but I guess he’s gotten stronger because he can still pull! I’m thinking that I might need to tighten it up a bit.
her harness is honestly a life saver!!! we LOVE it. it makes walking w/ a dog that pulls (like sadie!) a billion times more enjoyable.
Do you mind telling me where you got her harness? My lab is 60+ pounds and this morning she almost ripped my arm out of its socket. I told my husband it was harness time!
my mom got it at a specialty pet store in st. pete, but the brand is easy walk: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2751027
Thank you! I will be making a trip to Petco on the way home.
Smiling breakfast is always a good start to a day.
I love making my own peanut butter, it so much cheaper. Over here, we don’t have much nut butter choices, so I make my own creations 🙂
I use Skippy Nautral PB too, if I’m buying it from the grocery store. But I also LOVE my Saratoga Peanut Butter Company PB. They have a “Blizzard Butter”, which is white chocolate flavored – it’s AMAZING!
I am a Skippy Natural fan too! It is the best PB around 🙂
Oh — my husband and I made your eggplant/cauliflower risotto last night…..we used quinoa instead of the barley. It was AWESOME! Have you ever tried quinoa? It was the first time we had it and we both give it two thumbs up!
ahhh no! i bought some like a month ago & still have yet to try it!
Goodness, I have got to try this Skippy Naturals, sounds delish! And yes, he is a cutie 😉 I bet he is loving all this blog talk about him 😉
I love the Skippy Naturals…and then I found TJs Crunchy Almond Butter with Flax. Holy deliciousness. I seriously can’t keep my hands off that jar!!!!
ANY of Trader Joe’s peanut butters are amazing! Naturally More and Smuckers Natural are staples in my house as well 🙂
You HAVE to try cashew butter 😀
Enjoy your day!
I do like Skippy Natural but my ultimate favorite is Naturally More PB. It is higher in protein, has less fat, and tastes very very nutty. I love it!
HOLLAAAAAAA AT SKIPPY NATURAL!!! i love it!!! thats my PB of choice for oats.. NOW for spoon-age straight up i like PB and CO! AND cashew butta..tastes like cookie dough!
goodness im gona have to go get some PB after talking about it
I love a good skippy pb! I also love maranatha almond butter too…it’s not too pricey either if I get it at Walmart 🙂
You and Miss CnC had twinsie brex : )
I’m not a huge fan of peanut butter, but I love almond butter and always go with either Barney Butter or Maranatha crunchy no-stir almond butter. SO GOOD!!!!!! Love love love almond butter fingers haha.
I moved my blog and would love for you to stop by and say hello! It’s http://www.thecocoeatsandcritiques.com
Have a wonderful day my dear!
That breakfast made me drool and smile at the same time. You kick started my daily pb craving!
I know this is a really old post, but I’m totally creeping on Kona after your post today, and I had to giggle at this post, when you talk about Ross being single! Hehehe!