Normally smoothies do a great job of filling me up. Not the case today!
I made myself a thick, chocolaty and delicious smoothie, but found myself rummaging through the fridge 30 minutes later.
In the mix:
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon
- 1 large handful fresh spinach
I drank that baby up in about two minutes out of one of our new glasses that I bought on sale two weeks ago. I love how they start out big at the bottom and get smaller at the top. Fancy!
Apparently lunch today was meant to be a two-parter.
Part dos included Greek yogurt topped with a spoonful of Stonewall Kitchen’s maple pumpkin butter that the company sent me to try.
And then I preceded to eat about half of the maple pumpkin butter straight out of the jar because it tasted like joy on a spoon.
Modern Family
Earlier this week I meant to follow up with you guys to thank you for your recommendation to check out Modern Family.
Ryan and I are loving this show!
We’re about five episodes into the first season and cannot stop laughing. As lame as it sounds, we have a hot date planned for this evening involving dinner and hours of Modern Family episodes. It’s an ambitious goal, but we’re hoping to make it through the first season by the end of the weekend. Go big or go home.
As for my favorite character?
When he brought Lily out to the tune of “Circle of Life” from the Lion King, I was smitten. He’s speakin’ my language. (I seriously cannot watch that clip without laughing out loud, which makes me feel totally creepy since I’m alone in my house right now.)
oh my goodness I lOVE that you love modern family 🙂 That episode with the circle of life was probably the best one EVER. I just recently discovered the show, and am officially onto the second season of the show… so GOOD!
oh i know! when that song came on, i was DYING!
Modern family is the best show! It’s so funny and also warm and fuzzy at times too. I love watching it with my husband also. It feels so good to just laugh together and that show definetly does the trick 🙂
I can not seem to get full today either! That smoothie looks really good, now I am craving one. Haha..Have a nice weekend Julie!
Cam is my favorite too!!! Also, Gloria is just hysterical. Love it!
I haven’t seen that show….but it sure seems I need to check it out!
I love two parter lunches….that usually means I get to eat everything I truly wanted 🙂
Cute top, by the way–I LOVE the color!
Clearly, I need to check out that show! Everyone loves it! I’m just scared I will too and I already have enough shows to watch. 🙂
my husband works at Stonewall Kitchen and I’ve tried all sorts of things from there but didn’t know Maple Pumpkin Butter existed. I’m so distraught right now.
tell him he MUST snag you some. seriously fantastic.
Your hair look so cute in the picture above!
i love you for saying that. i feel like it’s stringy and gross lately. proably b/c i never blow dry anymore now that i’m working from home. anyway, thank you!! 🙂
I LOVE MODERN FAMILY!!!! maple pumpkin butter!?!!? SIGN ME UP!
I love love love Modern Family!! Cam’s one of my favorites too, and so is Phil the dad, he cracks me up! lol And Maple Pumpkin butter sounds absolutely delish!
OMG maple pumpkin butter??! I’ve GOT to get my hands on some of that!
Love pumpkin butter…I usually make my own though. I’d love to try maple pumpkin butter! I’ll have to add some maple next time I make it 🙂
I might be totally late on this – but I just saw that you were voted one of the top 20 best healthy living bloggers on the shape magazine website. Great job!!
thank you so much! i’m pretty excited about it. and you’re not late at all… it was just posted today!
I’m so glad you like Modern Family – it’s one of my favorite shows (that and Parks and Rec!).
Hey! Just found your blog and love it!!
Modern Family is great! The “circle of life” episode was good, but wait till you get to the last episode of the first season (I think) a bird gets into Mitchell’s house when he’s home alone with Lily, best.episode.EVER!!! I re-watch that one anytime I want a great laugh!
And I might have to attempt to make some homemade pumpkin maple butter now!
oh i’m excited!!
Maple pumpkin butter sounds delicious!
I’ve never seen Modern Family but I’ve only heard great things about it, so maybe I should start watching!
I don’t watch much of the shows that are currently on (my boyfriend and I mostly just geek out to older shows like Star Trek, Buffy, etc.) but one time I was staying over at my mom’s house for a few days and watched Modern Family with her – it was pretty funny!
Too bad I don’t have cable – I feel like I would watch WAY more TV.
Or maybe that’s a good thing…
Modern Family is the BEST show! I watched the latest episode yesterday and was LOLing. And that pumpkin maple butter looks AWESOME. i love stonewall kitchen products!
Modern Family is definitely laugh-out-loud-worthy! I will tell you, though, that although I still LOVE it, the first season is definitely the funniest. Pumpkin butter sounds so yummy!
Oh god. I love Cam. He is so hilarious. The funny part is that he isn’t actually gay in real life, but he is soooo good at playing that role. Pumpkin butter?? Where do you get that? I need some pronto. Also, I should seriously hire you to make me smoothies. lol.
I read these “healthy living blogs” but honestly I don’t know why. I enjoy the life-one-bite-at-a-time theme, but the daily unyielding self-portraits of you all drinking this or eating that is really bizarre. I mean, ok…show us once. And maybe show us again a few weeks later. And then next year, show us again what it looks like for you to drink a smoothie. But really, it’s just overkill to post those sorts of photos every single day.
i’m sorry you find blogs like mine redundant, judy. i typically try to use my food as a vehicle for other discussions and topics and i personally like photos of food and bloggers because i feel like these photos put a face to the voice, so that’s why i use them in my blog as well.
some days i think it would be a benefit to myself if i was more diplomatic… today was not one of those days, ha. <3
… so stop reading them?
it took more effort for you to comment about your disagreement than it would have taken you to simply click away from the site.
this is a happy place, a place for sharing things that enrich julie’s life and the lives of her readers. let me sum it up: be nice, or leave.
If this Reply had a FB ‘like’ button I would click it.. lol
WELL said Annie.
Hahahaha I loove modern family! My sister and I just started watching it as well!
I bought that pumpkin butter! So delicious!!
Don’t feel weird, I totally just did the same exact thing! So hysterical.
yay!!! I love that you’re now addicted to the show — I hope you catch up soon it’s so hilarious! My favorite are Claire & Phil… her husband is NUTS and they balance each other out so well 🙂
Best quote ever:
(in reference to “The Blind Side”)
Phil: He was the black kid in the movie and played tight end.
Daughter: Offensive Line.
Phil: Sorry, african american.
My husband and I were DYING with laughter, it’s so good b/c the humor is so smart!
Julie — I began reading you last October. I thought you were delightful! But after following along for a full year, I find myself hoping you’ll unleash yourself as a writer. You’re so determined to keep this blog benign that it’s become tiresome to follow along. I know you have original thoughts of your own…show us what you got!
Julie – I enjoy reading your blog each and every day and always find your posts interesting and enjoyable. You and courtney (sweettoothsweetlife) are what get me through my long boring work days! I dont think you need to change anything!
Totally agree Marci! You’re doing a great job, Julie!
I also completely agree with Marci B and Ashley. You are what inspires bloggers to BEGIN blogging and opening up about their life. There is no reason for negativity on your blog comments. I’m sure you already know how incredibly awesome you are and inspiring. So keep up the great work – and blog about whatever YOU want – it’s YOUR blog. 🙂
Judy, thank you for your comment. I definitely appreciate your encouragement to “unleash” myself and I can honestly say that while I don’t feel like I am holding back, I am a VERY aware blogger and know that what I say and my opinions are taken to the extreme sometimes. While that’s okay from time to time, I’m not a person who likes to stir up controversy and prefer to keep this blog a positive place. Again, I am truly sorry if you feel like it’s stagnant or uninteresting, as I simply blog about things that I do find interesting. It’s totally fine for us to have different interests. I really do appreciate your feedback and encouragement. I am taking your comment to heart when I say that I do want to be the kind of blogger that has something to offer readers and will stay true to myself and my beliefs and share them as I feel appropriate and necessary.
Also, if you have any post requests or topics you’d like me to dive into, I’m all ears!
Modern Family rocks my socks off each and every week!!!
I’d be eating spoonfuls of that maple pumpkin butter too! That sounds amazing!
LOVE Modern Family! Okay, smoothie question.. when you make yours, do you use a blender, or do you think it would be doable w one of the blender bottles?? I’m assuming the spinach wouldn’t blend well.. :/
Cam is hands down my favorite character, followed by Manny! Glad you are loving the show! 🙂
Haha I seriously cryed from laughing with the “circle of life” part. Loved it!
Hands down best show on TV right now! You better be recording the new episodes!
that pumpkin butter looks amazing!! my husband is nagging me every moment to watch modern family with him. i feel like i have so many other shows that i like to watch, but it seems like everyone just LOVES modern family… i might have to give it a go.
Hi Julie, just wondering, can you taste the spinach when you put it in a chocolate or fruity smoothie? I love both smoothies and spinach but I am nervous (wimp, I know) about what it might taste like blended together!
you can’t taste it AT ALL!
I totally tried this yesterday for the first time, and although it turned my chocolate banana smoothie a SERIOUS shade of green, I couldn’t taste the spinach one bit! It didnt even leave that “mouth-feel” that spinach sometimes does.
I hate when meals never make my tummy happy! I don’t have a problem with seconds when the food tastes as yummy as a smoothie does though =D
Oooh! I love the new glasses! The smoothies look perfect in it 😀
I love your hair! So simple and cute :o)
I love pumpkin butter! I always mix jelly into my greek yogurt but I never thought to try the pumpkin butter! Yumm!
And I’m glad to hear you weren’t a Modern Family fan and ended up liking it a lot. I, myself, seem to be behind so I’m determined to find time during my Fall Break to watch it!
Have you gotten to the football episode yet? Classic Cam!! 🙂
No way!!! I had yogurt with pumpkin butter for breakfast this morning. BEST DISCOVERY EVER!!!!! Ooooh, man.
Nice! I should check out on this tv show, seems quite fun!
I’ve always wanted to watch that show! I can’t believe I didn’t get on the train for that when it first came out. Fail!
Hey Julie!! Did you buy the Modern Family DVDs? I’ve never watched the show and want to get into but don’t feel like forking out for all seasons. How are you watching it?
we borrowed the first season from my sister!
That same thing happened to me with a smoothie the other day! Usually they make me so full that I almost can’t finish them but the other night my stomach was grumbling shortly after! Glad to know I’m not the only one! And I love MF too! I haven’t actually seen this season yet but Cam and Manny are def my faves. Wait until you see the Season 2 episode with Cam and the Princess house for Lilly. So good.
Modern Family is my favorite!! My mom and I are always in tears from laughing so hard during every episode!
Keep up the amazing job on your blog! I look forward to your posts every day. You keep me going and help me remember to stay positive even when things aren’t going well. Thank you for sharing your inner beauty with us readers.
I also voted for you in Shape’s poll – you deserve it! 🙂
thank you, jennifer. 🙂 your comment really made me smile.
bahaha I love modern family.
That pumpkin butter sounds amazing! I’d love to try it in a smoothie!
I knew you would love the show! Waiting for s.3 to end so I can watch it. It’s too moreish to watch one episode at a time, I love MF marathons! Can’t decide my fave character, they’re all so charming in their own way!
How do you get all these companies to send you food to try! That’s awesome! Pumpkin flavored anything is my absolute favorite and that butter looks delicious!
i actually did a blog post all about working with companies and company outreach that you may see here:
hope this helps!
mmmmmmmmmmmm to the pumpkin flavored butter! Pancake seconds that notion.
Maple pumpkin butter? I’m sorry, what?
I just finished the 4th season of Mad Men, and Modern Family is next on my “must watch” list!