I remember taking a family cruise to the Bahamas over Christmas break when I was a sophomore in college. My sister and I were seated behind my parents in an open-air van and I let my body give in to the bumps of the ride as my head bounced around from sleepiness.
A bump that must’ve been more like a pothole knocked the drowsiness out of me and I stared ahead at my parents. My dad was teasing my mom. She was laughing and rolling her eyes at him.
I remember thinking about my mom and dad not as my parents then, but as a couple. They got married in 1977 and from that day forward – through trying times and happy times – they’ve spent nearly every day with their best friend. As I watched them through my heavy eyes, I told myself I wanted to do that. I wanted to marry my best friend one day.
Two years ago, I married Ryan.
My best friend and so much more.
Happy two year anniversary to my husband! I love you!
It was back to basics for breakfast this morning with eggs and toast!
As you can see, my love for cinnamon raisin toast continues to thrive!
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite part of a wedding?
As much as I love dancing my face off at the reception, my answer is – without a doubt – the ceremony. I love it when the ceremony reflects the couples’ personalities and their relationship. The vows always give me goosebumps!
The vows, definitely. Especially when you can tell they’re speaking from their hearts (sadly, I’ve been to weddings where it was painfully obvious that neither was, or only one was).
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! Doing anything special to celebrate?
The introduction at the reception. I actually think that, more than the ceremony or the vows (which can be controlled by the officiator) show the personality of the couple and of the marriage.
The Kidless Kronicles
Happy Anniversary!!
I’d have to agree & say heartfelt vows, but I’m not a big church kinda person, so next, I’d have to say the cake!! 🙂
Happy happy anniversary Julie! I found your blog the summer before you got married and have loved following along this journey
Happy Anniversary! I love the vows 🙂
Happy anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! My sister just got married a few weeks ago, and I was surprised at how much the ceremony moved me. I instantly cried when my father walked her down the aisle, and again when her husband said “I do”. The way he said those words, I can’t even explain it but I knew right then and there that he was the right man for my sister. Such an amazing day!
my sister was emotional at our wedding, too! i’m sure this comment would mean a lot to your sister if she read it. 🙂 it sounds like a very special day for your whole family! congrats to your sister and her husband!
Cute! Happy anniversary!
I’ve only been to one wedding and my favorite part of it was the gorgeous outdoor venue. Luckily, the weather cooperated!
Wishing u and Ryan many more years together filled with happiness and love 🙂
Happy anniversary, Julie and Ryan!
Happy anniversary! Today is actually the anniversary of when my husband and I first met. Isn’t it crazy how time flies sometimes?
My favorite part of the wedding is also the ceremony. I love that ceremonies these days can be so different from one another too, so seeing the ceremony really reflects who the couple is. I’ve heard people say “no one remembers the ceremony,” but I don’t think that’s true. I’ll always remember my own ceremony and many others’ because they are all so unique.
Happy anniversary! You two are the cutest couple 🙂 Have a great day!
And of course, your breakfast looks as yummy as always 😉
Happy Anniversary! I have been married just over a year now and I loved every part of my wedding! Well, If I had to pick a part, it would probably be driving around in a sweet 1950’s car after the ceremony with my husband to take pictures all around town!
Happy Anniversary!! 🙂
My favorite part is the dancing and celebrating. I get too sappy during the actual ceremony.
Congratulations Julie, what a beautiful post!
So cute!! I love your story and your parents’ story!
the vows for me, as my husband and I wrote our own. So it was so special for me to hear what he had to say 🙂
Happy 2 years!!! You two are so cute together!
My favorite part is checking out the groom’s face as his bride walks down the aisle. I also love when people do their own vows.
When my sister got married a few years ago, I was the maid of honor, and so when my dad walked her down the aisle I could hear him whisper to her “I love you with all my heart”” as he gave her away.
I am tearing up just thinking about it. I will never forget it!!
Happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary Julie and Ryan! May you have many more years of love ahead 🙂 xoxo
Happy Anniversary!!!!! I agree, there is nothing better than being married to your best friend! My favorite part of the wedding has to be the first dance as a couple and the father/daugther dance and the cake is a close second:)
Happy anniversary! I agree with you. The ceremony is without a doubt the best part. There’s such a joyful energy in the air!
Happy Anniversary to you and Ryan! You guys are one of the sweetest, cutest, most genuine couples I’ve ever seen. Wishing you guys many more years of happiness!
Happy anniversary to you both; I think you hit the nail on the head: marriage is not easy, and it is so important to marry someone you truly want to spend every day with for the rest of your life. I got engaged a little over a month ago, and I love knowing that I’ll spend my future with the best friend I’ve ever had!
Happy Anniversary, Julie (and Ryan)! I just got married on the 26th and am looking forward to married life with new hubby! 🙂
Happy Anniversary to you and Ryan!! My husband and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary separated due to him being deployed 🙁 But, my favorite part of a wedding is when you see the bride and groom canoodling by themselves and in their own world in the midst of everyone else’s chaos <3
What a sweet post! Enjoy your day! 🙂
Happy Anniversary!
Weddings always make me cry, too.
The speeches!
Such a sweet post. 🙂
Happy anniversary and have a fantastic day!
Happy Anniversary! I like you adore the ceremony, especially the moment when the groom sees the bride for the first time. I always watch his face because it’s pure emotion and it’s awesome.
Enjoy this day!
Happy Anniversary!!! Beautiful pictures! I just celebrated my 3 year last Wednesday – happy times! 🙂
And cinnamon raisin toast – it must be one of those chilly Florida morning things – it was on my breakfast plate too!!
When the bride walks in – I love the look on the grooms face
How sweet is this!? Happy Anniversary! My favorite part is definitely the ceremony! It’s what the party is all about. 🙂
In the first photo you can REALLY see the resemblance you have to your mom…it is striking!!
Happy Anniversary to you and Ryan and wishing you many, many more years of blissful love and happiness!!
Awww happy anniversary! Wishing you many more 🙂
Happy Anniversary! This is so adorable! I like the dancing… and the cake 🙂
Happy Anniversary to you and Ryan!!!
My favorite part of Indian ceremonies is when the bride and groom see each other for the first time. And receptions are always a good time too!
Congrats to you and Ryan! Your post made me tear up a little, but I may be over sensitive since my fiance and I are getting married in about 7 months.
My favorite part of a wedding is definitely the reception as well. I have so many favorite parts of a ceremony, I love watching the bride and groom’s families watch their children take their wedding vows, I love watching the bride walk down the aisle with her father, I love the first time I hear one of their voices crack during their vows, I love seeing the groomsmen tear up and try to hide it, and I love the nervous excitement between the bride and groom right before their first kiss.
Obviously I love weddings a little too much lol, but in my defense I was in and at 5 weddings this summer!
I’ll always remember your anniversary because it’s my birthday – great date! You are so lucky to have married your best friend, I only hope I’ll be as lucky one day! And my favorite part is when the bride walks down the aisle, I love the anticipation and excitement!
So sweet! Happy Anniversary! I have to agree with you – there’s something so special about the ceremony that I just love.
Happy anniversary to you and Ryan! I think my favorite part of a wedding probably has to be the look on the groom’s face when he catches his first look of the bride walking down the aisle – I especially love it when they start to tear up 😀
Happy anniversary! May you and Ryan be blessed with many more anniversaries in the years to come.
My favorite part of a wedding is when the officiant says at the very end, “Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. _________.” I just love that <3
Happy 2nd Anniversary!! My favorite part of a wedding is usually the father of the bride’s toast. So special and you usually get a glimpse at their life from an early time.
Happy anniversary to you little love bugs! Enjoy your day and night together 🙂
My favorite part is when the groom sees his bride for the first time. I always get teary eyed and all sappy when he is blown away by her beauty
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!
SO many great things to a wedding – bride and groom seeing each other for the first time, daddy daughter dance, how the dancing starts off slow and is crazy by the end of the night. lol!
Aw happy 2 years to you and Ryan! You guys are too cute. I would say my favorite part of a wedding is when the bride is walking down the aisle and seeing the look on both of their faces (especially if the groom starts to cry). Gets me every time!
Happy Anniversary to the both of you! I remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. 🙂 Wishing you many many more years of unending love and happiness. <3