Just a typical Sunday around here!
First, we woke up nice and early and I typed up my morning blog post before quickly making a smoothie to drink on the ride to church.
I made my chocolate peanut butter cup smoothie, but added two large handfuls of fresh spinach to the mix.
It was great, but the cold smoothie made me shiver my way through church. Brr!
On our way home from church, we stopped by the grocery store and picked up food for the week. Once we made it back to the house, I took out my food processor and got to work in the kitchen making raw cashew butter and sunflower seed pesto.
I omitted the walnuts from my original pesto recipe and left some of the cashew butter in the food processor in their place.
The pesto came out great and I used it to make myself a plate of pesto chicken salad with carrots and cherry tomatoes for lunch.
On the side I ate some vegetables. Kind of.
They were giving away free samples of the Snikiddy Eat Your Vegetables chips at the grocery store and after trying one chip I was sold and bought a bag. Delicious! I used the chips as dippers for my chicken salad and loved the added crunch.
Since I wanted something sweet after lunch, I had a small bowl of white chocolate covered pretzels.
After lunch, I tried to read Gone Girl. Last night I hit a huge turning point in the book and all I want to do today is read!
Unfortunately someone had other ideas…
Indoor fetch! Sadie’s favorite summertime game.
We played several rounds of indoor fetch before Ryan suggested braving the heat and taking Sadie for a walk since her energy level was clearly off the charts. Walking at 1:30 p.m. in the middle of August in Florida? Brilliant.
Even know we knew we’d sweat like crazy, we headed out and walked about three miles with Sadie. Yesterday Ryan watched some of the Olympic speed walking and we spent about two minutes of our walk trying to walk as fast as we could. It was really hard and we both agreed that jogging is way easier than crazy-fast speed walking. Those athletes deserve some credit!
When we returned, we were a sweaty mess and immediately hopped in the pool.
Now we’re brainstorming dinner ideas. Burgers are the current front-runner.
Hope you’re enjoying a relaxing Sunday!
Yum at those pretzels! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
indoor fetch is my dogs favorite game ever too!
I was never allowed to play indoor fetch with the family dog as a kid.
But, now I’m a grown up and indoor fetch is the best!
I’m currently reading fifty shades freed but Gone girl is next on my list to read!!
Ahhh sounds like a fantastic sunday! I thought about making a smoothie this morning but Nevada was so blasted hot I had to escape to a starbucks for some iced coffee. can’t wait to hear how your burgers turn out!
Sounds like a lovely Sunday. Sadies face looks impossible to resist. I think I’m going to have to try making the raw cashew butter, sounds scrumptious!
The same thing happens to me with my dog almost every time I try to read in the living room! And I can never turn him down!
I just finished Gone Girl last night! After the “turning point” it gets SO GOOD and I just couldn’t put it down. Definitely one of the strangest but really good books I’ve ever read. It was just so intriguing and written so differently than anything I’ve ever read before.
I was the same way!! Wasn’t a huge fan of the ending though… at least it packed a punch
I love your blog!!! I sent an email a few weeks ago, do you respond to emails or only on here?
hi katie! i try to respond to emails, but blog comments, tweets and facebook comments usually get my attention first. 🙂
I’m glad you’re enjoying your Sunday!!
Most of mine has been spent indoors with my laptop and a jar of PB by my side.. Never a good idea, especially when I’ve got a spoon with me, too! 😉
Haha, enjoy the rest of your day! Give Sadie a hug for me! She’s the cutest! 🙂
I’d love to make my own cashew butter one day – I think I’ll need a better food processor though. Mine’s kind of awful and I feel like processing nuts would cause it to self-destruct, haha.
Just came across your blog on pinterest and noticed you are a Bodypump fan. I’m a Bodypump instructor from GA, so obviously I’m a fan too! 🙂
I didn’t even know speed walking was an Olympic sport – crazy!!
Pls share your cashew butter recipe!
hi jeannie! i just grind cashews in the food processor and add a bit of oil. that’s it!!! 🙂 nice and simple. sometimes i’ll add cinnamon, too.
LOVING Gone Girl!!! I think I hit the same TURNING POINT last night!!!! Couldn’t stop reading!
Sounds like a great Sunday! Your pesto chicken salad looks amazing — I’ll have to try it soon!
As I type this, my mini dachshund is jumping at me to get me to throw the ball for her — better get to it 🙂
I used to love those pretzels!
I’m going to have to get Gone Girl soon!! Your smoothie looked so good!! I agree!! I never realized how hard speed walking is til yesterday haha Those people are crazy good.
Your experience with Gone Girl sounds like mine… after the 1st part of the book, I could not put it down… I stayed up late into the wee hours of the morning to finish!
That pesto looks SO good! I went to the pool yesterday b/c it was so hot here–so fun!
I’m convinced that speed walking, (especially on an incline), is harder than running!! Every time I do it on the treadmill…I end up doing running intervals to recover! That smoothie looks delicious 🙂
I just finished Gone Girl this afternoon. It was so good! I couldn’t put it down. It’s not a book I would have picked on my own, but it was a great book. It kept me on my toes, nothing went the way I expected. CRAZY is all I can say. 🙂 Have a great Sunday…..By the way I tried the english muffin with honey and coconut and it was so simple but SO delicious. My new go to snack. Thanks for such an awesome blog. 🙂
Hi Julie, just a heads up, your fashion page doesn’t show new posts past July 8th. Hopefully it’ll be easy to fix!
it made me laugh thinking of you and Ryan trying to speed walk like the olympics!!! 😀
Julie! You should totally use that last picture of Sadie for a “caption the picture” contest! So funny and cute…and all the submissions would make for a hilarious post, I’m sure! Winner gets a lifetime of bragging rights.
Hi Julie,
As a long time male reader, congrats on the blog! I admire how you and ryan both workout together and keep a fit lifestyle. Is there any possibility for you to do a post or describe ryans workout routine/diet loosely? I remember a fair while back (early 2011 i think) where you did mention you would discuss it in a future post!
once again congrats and keep up the great blog 🙂
yes!!! i need to do this. it has actually changed quite a bit, so i think it might be interesting!
Thanks so much Julie! I appreciate it and also appreciate you not taking a strictly female inclined blog 🙂
I meant to ask you what part of the book you were at yesterday. I’m guessing you hit part 2!!
I love those chips too! I bought them a few months back.
That chicken salad looks so delicious! Definitely want to try that!
Those kind of pretzels are too addicting…I eat them once a year…Christmas. Lol.
Mmm I love chicken salad! I’ve been on a chicken salad kick lately, especially with pita.. chips are a great idea though!
Ah! Part two!
I finished the book yesterday! It was SO SO good! I couldn’t put it down after the turning point!
i know!!!! the turning point hooked me!
I love yogurt pretzels! They are so good. 🙂 I really hope Gone Girl comes in from the library soon. I’m dying to read it.
I love all your photos of Sadie!!! She’s too adorable!!!
See Keith and I can’t buy those preztels. I can go through them so fast that I will literally get a tummy ache. I can’t help it…they are just soooooo addicting.
Not to ask a dumb question…but how do you make cashew butter? Is it simply cashews ground in a food processor? And do you make your own almond butter, etc. as well? Thanks!
not dumb at all! yep, just grind them in the food processor. i add a little oil too, sometimes, just because i prefer it to be less dense that basic cashew butter. and no, we usually buy almond and peanut butter. 🙂
My dog Laney is the SAME way! As soon as I sit down to read a book or watch a TV show, suddenly that seems like the best time ever to play fetch. And she is quite a persistent little bugger…
I picked up Gone Girl after seeing it as your book club selection… and finished it in two days!! There were so many great twists I just couldn’t put it down! My family thought I was crazy because I was gasping and saying “oh my GOD!” through the whole end. AWESOME choice!
Have you ever tried buffalo burgers? I know it sounds sketchy but trust me…. they are sooooo good and healthy!!! Low in cals and high in protein and sooo yummy!
yes! delicious!
I remember watching that also! It’s amazing that the are only ‘walking’ yet their pace is incredible! They sure move quickly haha.