Thankfully I decided to give overnight oats another go and used almond milk with the Greek yogurt. This combination suits me much better. Now I love ‘em!
Since I finally figured out that using milk with yogurt is the key to my personal love of overnight oats, I had to make them again for breakfast this morning.
I’ll call today’s batch uber chocolaty overnight oats.
Last night I combined the following:
- 1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal
- 1/4 c. almond milk
- 6 oz. vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 heaping spoonful dark chocolate cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Then, this morning I added frozen banana slices to the mix.
After stirring everything up, it was time to dig in.
If you’re a big fan of really chocolaty foods, try this baby out. I’m all for sneakin’ a little chocolate into my day first thing in the morning.
Before breakfast, I headed to the gym with Ryan to complete 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before taking a BodyPump class. After BodyPump, I met up with my friend Merri to take Sadie on a 20-minute walk.
(The above picture of me and Merri was taken during my bachelorette party in Chicago! Remember my busted up knee? Thanks, Sadie.)
Merri is officially moving to New York at the end of May and I am getting really sad about her departure. I told her yesterday that Ryan and I have to find a time this summer to visit Merri and her boyfriend. I really want to see the big city (I’ve only been once before and I was too young to remember) and I like to have a date to look forward to in the future when I know I’ll see her again.
For me, having a date set when you know you’ll see someone in the future makes it easier to say goodbye because it doesn’t feel so permanent. I remember when I was in a long distance relationship before I met Ryan, I always wanted to have the next trip on the books before the current visit was over, otherwise I’d be an emotional basket case at the airport.
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
I’ve always felt the same way about overnight oats….I might have to give that a try. With some strawberries!
My boyfriend and I were together for 2 years in college and have spent the last two in a serious LDR… a weekend here or there every few months! And you are exactly right – if the next trip wasn’t already scheduled I was a wreck!
Holy yum! Those choc oats look amazing.
I am the exact same with long distance relationships. Tom and I dated long distance for 4 years (while in college), and before I left every Sunday, I HAD to know the next time I would see him, or I hypothetically thought that we would never see each other again.
Plus, NYC is awesome 🙂
Your overnight oats look awesome! I’ve been adding Nutella to my oats for my chocolate fix.
My boyfriend & I went to college about two hours apart… I guess you could call that long distance. We saw each other once or twice a month, and we are neighbors at home so we always were together over breaks. I think being long distance made me appreciate the times when we were able to be together, and definitely helped us build trust!
oh no! im sorry about Merri! but you two are so close that nothing will change!! nothing like choco in the morning- and a little pb wouldn’t hurt too!
I did a long distance relationship for about 6 months. We’d see each other on weekends only. We lived 2 hours away. Is that considered “real” long distance?
I wouldn’t mind that kind of relationship (if I HAD to) with someone I trusted, but I did NOT trust this guy and that’s why it didn’t last.
My best friend lives in Italy and I’m visiting her next week! 🙂 Great excuse to take a trip! P.S. Those oats look amazing!
oh that’s so exciting! have fun!
That photo of you and Merri is gorgeous! I’ve never been in a long-distance relationship but I have plenty of friends who have. It doesn’t sound easy at all, but I think if it’s right, you definitely make the time and put in the effort. That’s so exciting that you’ve got a trip to New York planned – I’ve never been but it’s definitely on my list!
Your overnight oats look so yummy. For some reason, I have been so scared to try them.
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years and the last two years have been long distance. Right now he lives in Las Vegas and I live in Virginia. It is REALLY hard but we make it work with several phone calls a day and some serious planning. I totally agree, having the next date set before you leave really helps!
I love overnight oats. Often times when I make them I use 1/3 c. almond milk and 1/3 c. yogurt. The combo of the two make the oats nice and soft! They are also great when substituting pumpkin for the yogurt and adding nutmeg/and or pumpkin pie spice.
I was in a long-distance relationship for 1.5 years. I think because we started out that way, it made it not so bad. If I were to go from being with someone all the time to them moving away and being long-distance, it may be a different story!
Aaand ya know, I just bought unsweetened almond milk the other day since I just discovered my love of vanilla and chocolate Silk. I HATED it… maybe putting it in overnight oats will do the trick?
Those overnight oats look amazing! There is nothing wrong with chocolate in the morning! 🙂 I bet strawberries would taste really good in the oats too!
I’m sorry that Merri is moving. But like you said, you can always go visit her and planning ahead definitely gives you something to look forward to! Plus, NYC is so much fun! That picture you and her is really pretty!
Ha. “If you’re a really big fan of chocolatey foods” If…
Since your nixing the sweets for Lent, try getting your hands on Scharffen Berger cocoa powder for unsweetened chocolate stuff. It’s good enough to eat straight (not that I would know) and is really intense – especially in banana soft serve.
And by “your” I mean “you’re.” Working almost non-stop on a small nuclear incident in Japan has fried my brain.
“small” – you’re a rockstar!
Ugh. Nobody in my office even knows what day it is anymore. Tomorrow, we’re meeting with a delegation from Japan, which will remove any remaining shred of sanity from my body.
dang, kudos to you Victoria…
Yep my boyfriend and I were in a long-distance relationship for a year (in 2010). We talked on the pone everyday but it was definitely hard.
My hubby and I were long distance up until we got married! He was in the Marine Corps and was stationed in NC while I was going to FSU. The ultimate long distance was when he was deployed for 6 months…thankfully I got to talk to him via email almost every day, but I would never want to go 6 months without him again! I get pouty when we don’t talk at least a couple of times throughout the day, hahaha
I just started making oats (previously I would just buy the pre-packaged bags of oatmeal), so I must try this… I love trying new ways to eat something! Chocolate in the morning is always a plus 🙂
6 months! you are amazing. thank you to your husband too for his service!
You both are gorgeous! And I love the way Merri spells her name!
I am currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. His jobs require him to split his time between DC and New England.. so we get to see each other for a week every month when he’s in Massachusetts, where I’m in grad school. If it weren’t for text messaging, skype and planning our next visit, I don’t know how it would work!
i do too! it’s short for meredith.
I’ve been in a long distance relationship for the last four years (my boyfriend is getting his PhD—we still have another two years to go!) It’s hard, but I agree with you—having the next visit planned makes it so much easier!
Those oats look amazing — and I love your idea of adding the frozen banana slices in there, I bet they get all melty but still kind of cool 🙂
I have not been in a long distance relationship — but I have friends that do not live near me — in Seattle, some in CO, MI, etc. It is tough not seeing them very often — thank God for email and phones!
Hey Julie! I love my oats that way too, but I also add a lil organic vanilla extract to the mix for even more flavour. Dessert for breakfast 🙂
Those oats look amazing! 🙂
I hate long distance relationships…I’m currently in one.(bf is in Afghanistan) and I don’t really know when I’ll see him…maybe in August. Tha’ts probably the worst part. I need a day so I can start my countdown…not it’s just kind of 5is months which isn’t as exciting!
Yes! I was in a long distance relationship for a year. Those planned trips ahead of time were definitely a must!
Yum, love this idea for a quick and easy workday breakfast. I haven’t tried overnight oats yet, but have been so curious since they keep popping up around the internet. Thanks for your honest opinions about the different methods.. will definitely give this a try!
I have to agree about the greek yogurt O.N.O.’s. There was something always a little off. Now I do water for the overnight part and then soymilk or coconut milk in the morning to enjoy almost like cereal! So yummy.
I am currently in a long distance relationship, and I have to agree it is always so much harder to say goodbye without the next trip planned. Unfortunately that doesn’t always happen but I have come to understand/recognize that that is just where we are in our lives right now. If we are meant to be, which we both believe we are, we know that our time apart is limited. Soon the idea of a weekend apart will seem too long!
oh coconut milk sounds amazing!
I would add peanut butter to that overnight oats bowl, I think it would go great!
My bf is going away to another country, so it will be a seriously long long distance relationship. I can’t wait to go and visit him, for the whole summer. it really is easier when you have something in the future planed, dates, trips and stuff like that.
Long distance relationships are no fun but the know ahead is a must! I was in one with my husband while we were dating because he was stationed in FL with the Air Force, while I was finishing college in TN. Luckily, now we are together in FL.. at least until he deploys next month for 6 months. It’s our first one and I am totally not looking forward to it.
you and Merri are so pretty!! great picture 🙂 I know the feeling, I’m in a long distance relationship right now (that will hopefully no longer be long distance soon) and I hate it!! Its hard! Def set some dates to visit!!
What time do you get up in the mornings? A work out before work and breakfast sounds like it would be amazing! Maybe I should also ask what time do you have to be at work?
PS – the oats look great!
you may see my morning routine here:
AGREED! My parents and brother live in New Jersey but I moved to Virginia Beach in August.. I feel like I always need to have a date planned for the next time I’m going home to visit or else I just get sad!! 🙁
My boyfriend and I were long distance for the first 2 years of our relationship. first 5 hours away, then 8-9, then 2.5. we still don’t live in same city but now we’re only an hour away from each other and I see him all the time. In june we will be moving in together, it will be a big change, I hope we don’t kill each other, haha.
My fiancée and I were in a long distance relationship for 3 years before we moved to Orlando together. I was the same way about setting a date for the next time we would visit. It was HUGE, circled, starred, you name it, on my calendar and I would countdown the days. It was hard, but worth the wait! 7 years and counting…and getting married soon!
i found your blog through your friend Merri (we’re FB friends and she mentioned your blog in her status before). Her boyfriend and my husband are in the same b-school. My husband is graduating this year though. You’ve mentioned that you like NC, have you come to visit CH? It’s gorge this time of year!
oh that’s awesome! hi, brooke! 🙂 believe it or not, my ex-boyfriend went to UNC chapel hill. 🙂 i love that campus. it’s absolutely gorgeous. i’d love to visit again!
Brooke! How funny that you read PBfingers!! Glad my little FB plugs work! I think I’ll be in CH in April…I don’t think I’ve seen you once since I’ve been up there.
Hope all is well!
Those overnight oats look DELISH! I must try it out.
I’ve had a long distance relationship and it was miserable and as a result he is now my ex bf. It was difficult from seeing him almost everyday to once a week. At times it was good because it made you appreciate the time you had with your partner, but other times you felt distant. We both weren’t phone people and you can only text/email so much. In the end we decided to break up after three months of doing the long distant thing.
My current bf might be going to Law School not in NYC and I’m not looking forward to doing Long Distance. Hoping he gets into a school in NYC. Fingers crossed!
My husband and I did long distance when we were in college. It sucked! But we made it work 🙂 We always planned our next trip before our weekends together were over.
My husband is originally from Ohio and I’m from NY, so we maintained our relationship long-distance for several months. It was amazing! Then, he moved to NY 6 years ago and we’ve been happy ever since. 😀
Keith and I actually did long distance for about 18 months and it was awful. We were only about 3 hours apart and we saw eachother almost every week but still I would just cry and cry when it was time to say goodbye. It was awful. I wouldn’t relive that for anything!
Your oats look delish! I’ve been craving OO lately, but haven’t made them, so I think tonight is the night!
My last 2 relationships have had a long distance component to them. I am a mess in a long distance relationship! I just want to be with the person so badly & it makes me miserable. 🙁
The first long distance was due to his deployment to Iraq . . . that was really tough mostly because I didn’t see him for 9 months & never knew when I would hear from him. Plus, he was in Fallujah when it was really bad there, so I was constantly on edge with worry. After he came back . . . it was just too tough. That kind of war changes a person. I wish the military would do more for returning soldiers to help them reassimilate into civilian life.
The next relationship was long distance almost from the get-go, and there were a lot of trust issues. At least now I know that I need to be in a same-city relationship from now on!
(end longest comment EVER!)
mmm… it kind of reminds me of old school cocoa crispies, even though I doubt it’s crunchy… looks like dessert for breakfast!
Most all my best friends are long distance now 🙁 but phone calls and setting dates to see each other (even months in advance) always helps!
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for close to 5 years now, yes 5!! I’m hoping that we are towards the end of it, but I know it can be tough – just realize that once you make dates to see each other, it always makes you feel better 🙂
I’m currently in a long-distance relationship and having the next trip already planned before the current one is over is a MUST. I actually just left my boyfriend last night and I was so sad. We have the next trip planned already but we have been seeing each other every 2 weeks recently and this time we have a month to wait…even though its planned it still seems like forever away!
My current relationship started as long distance almost 6 years ago. We hung out as friends all summer and got together less than a week before I had to go back to school.
Long distance sucked, but fortunately it was only for a year. When he graduated, he moved from Texas to Virginia to be in the same city while I finished my last year in college! I seriously owe him big time…
I have to say, based on my experience and those of my friends, I would much rather start a relationship long distance than have to separate part-way through.
I’ve been in a long distance for over a year and a half now and it’s been tough, but through the wonders of Skype/FaceTime it’s been much easier to manage.
Knowing that I can see my [now] fiance with only a click of the mouse is very helpful, because I need face to face communication often. We’ve also stuck to a pretty regular visit schedule wherein he drives to see me every 2-3 weeks, for a weekend, and when I’m not busy with weekend graduate school work I’ll take off of work to visit him on a long weekend.
Long distance isn’t for everyone, but it works for us and it won’t be much longer, less than 7 months [ah!!], until we’re in the same zip code again!
I just started reading your blog in the past few days, I found it through the Fitnessista and I love it! 🙂
I’m currently in a LDR, it’s only been 6 months so far but it’s going to be a long time before we get to be together all the time! Especially since I’m Canadian and he’s American..tough stuff.
i’m so glad you found me! 🙂 and very best of luck to you nad your love-ah!
My high school boyfriend and I went to colleges 5 hours apart. We made it through all 4 years! It was tough, but now we live together in the same city and we’re engaged. Getting married 9/4/11!
how exciting! congrats!
I understand what you mean about overnight oats…i will have to give this combo a try! Thanks for the idea 🙂
I have been in a LDR before and it did not work for me. Just made me unhappy. I currently live with my boyfriend so it would be a huge change if for some reaosn we had to adjust to that. I miss him just being separated during the workday. Haha, I’m so lame!
After seeing your oatmeal creation for this morning, I just had to share this recipe that I found and have used countless time; it combines some of the best ingredients, in my opinion- chocolate, oats, greek yogurt, bananas, and of course peanut butter! Trust me, you will not be sorry- it’s like dessert for breakfast, and healthy! 🙂
Tell me about it. I limit myself to making this once a week..and more often than not, I can’t even wait until morning to eat it! I end up sneaking into the kitchen at 3am-something about knowing that it’s just sitting in the fridge waiting, makes me lose sleep! hahaha
Yup. Me and my boyfriend of 2 years started dating during the summer..but I still went to school in Missouri ( we live in Houston). The whole fall semester was long distance and the longest I had to go without seeing him was 2 months. It was terrible. I transferred home the next semester! (a new baby niece in Houston and the multiple blizzards Missouri got had a little something to do with it too!)
Julie if you come to NY you have to organize a workout session / meet up! I was so jealous that I couldn’t come to the last one you had in FL!
BTW I also want to add that I used to be a runner in HS/College and I had stopped working out because I work a lot and “had no time” but I started reading your blog a few months ago and you motivated me to start waking up at 5am to workout and now my husband has joined me too!
that makes me so happy! 😀
Dark chocoloate choco powder?? What brand do you use?
Is this the same as hot chocolate powder?
i use hershey’s… and no, it’s different than hot chocolate powder. it’s unsweetened and a lot “stronger” tasting. i like it a lot!
I start my overnight oats with a little water — just enough to get all of the dry oats wet, but not soupy. Then in the morning, I add yogurt to them. That way the oats get soft, but I still get the creaminess of the yogurt.