Thankfully I decided to give overnight oats another go and used almond milk with the Greek yogurt. This combination suits me much better. Now I love ‘em!
Since I finally figured out that using milk with yogurt is the key to my personal love of overnight oats, I had to make them again for breakfast this morning.
I’ll call today’s batch uber chocolaty overnight oats.
Last night I combined the following:
- 1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal
- 1/4 c. almond milk
- 6 oz. vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 heaping spoonful dark chocolate cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Then, this morning I added frozen banana slices to the mix.
After stirring everything up, it was time to dig in.
If you’re a big fan of really chocolaty foods, try this baby out. I’m all for sneakin’ a little chocolate into my day first thing in the morning.
Before breakfast, I headed to the gym with Ryan to complete 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before taking a BodyPump class. After BodyPump, I met up with my friend Merri to take Sadie on a 20-minute walk.
(The above picture of me and Merri was taken during my bachelorette party in Chicago! Remember my busted up knee? Thanks, Sadie.)
Merri is officially moving to New York at the end of May and I am getting really sad about her departure. I told her yesterday that Ryan and I have to find a time this summer to visit Merri and her boyfriend. I really want to see the big city (I’ve only been once before and I was too young to remember) and I like to have a date to look forward to in the future when I know I’ll see her again.
For me, having a date set when you know you’ll see someone in the future makes it easier to say goodbye because it doesn’t feel so permanent. I remember when I was in a long distance relationship before I met Ryan, I always wanted to have the next trip on the books before the current visit was over, otherwise I’d be an emotional basket case at the airport.
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
Yes, with my now hubby…it worked great actually 😉
Now my bestie is in Boston and I’m in Cali and this long distance is super hard =(
I’m in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend right now and have been for almost 2.5 years! Right now we only see each other maybe 1x/month. The summer is always easier since we are both on break from grad school and live in the same hometown. Once I’m done with school and my internship, (2 more years!) we will be able to be in the same place at the same time, finally! :-). I think we are used to it know, but it’s definitely really hard to leave him after a weekend of fun.
Have a great day!
Woops, now* instead of know…I hate when I make typos!!
Those oats look super chocolatey and delicious!!! 😀
I was in a “LDR” in college and it was fun and exciting for a while but then just got to be too much, especially since we had just turned 21 and wanted to have fun and enjoy the college experience. Looking back, it is definitely for the best.
I did long distance for almost a year with my current signifigant other. During that time I was miserable. But now it is like it never happened and we have been going strong for 5 years+. Also, You have to go to NYC and summer is the best time. It is much easier to walk around when your not weighed down by a heavy jacket and cold wind blowing everywhere.
I love chocolate in my morning oats! So good. 🙂
Right now, I’m going through a long distance relationship since my husband is in Texas before he goes to Afghanistan. It’ll be a tough year, but I trust he’ll come home safely.
I dont’ like the tangyness of overnight oats with yogurt. I love it with milk and either some pumpkin or a small bit of yogurt to thicken it up a bit. Cocoa ones are delicious!
I’ll have been with my bf for 6 years in July. We’ve been doing LD for 3 of those years. 🙁 It’s super hard, but when you know in your heart that something’s worth it, you’ll put up with almost anything! On a happier note, I’m going to see him tonight when he picks me up at the airport! WOO!
Long distance relationships can be so challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. My high school boyfriend moved to Israel during my first year of college, and we stuck it out for about a year before going our separate ways. Of the 4.5 years that my current boyfriend and I have been together, nearly a year has been long distance. With long distance relationships, I’ve noticed that every little thing can get magnified if you don’t have a strong foundation of trust. Patience, persistence, respect for the other’s time and personal space, and great communication skills are also helpful with LD relationships (and ANY relationship! :)).
Before I was with Ryan, I called myself the queen of LDR’s! I had 3 of them, all lasting 3+ years. I thought I was destined for nothing else. Clearly they worked for me. I could do my own thing all week and then live on “vacation” all weekend. But, I knew something was missing. I wanted more. I found that and know I won’t ever live apart from Ryan.
I did LDR for the first year my BF and I were dating. You’re right- it helps a LOT to always have another visit in mind!!
YAY for coming to NYC! There’s so much fun stuff to do here 🙂
I’ve never had a LDR… but I’ve seen friends who have and it can be done! Very tough on the heart, though.
Also, I knew Merri was moving (didn’t realize it was to NYC… amaaaazing!!!) but what is she moving for? A job? School? Just curious!
her boyfriend is currently getting his MBA and has an internship there this summer. she’s ALWAYS wanted to move to NYC to pursue a career in fashion, so the timing was perfect for them.
Psh, I’d totally do that too!!!!!!! That sounds absolutely incredible, she’ll love it, I’m sure!!
Currently in one! We have visits planned out pretty much every six weeks until August. Because I also tend to become a basket case at the airport. He lives in Wisconsin and I’m in VA 🙁
I had the same thing for breakfast minus the banana. I added pb which totally made up for the lack of nanner. I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 5 years now, 3 of which have been long distance. We went to the same college in WI for awhile but he then transfered to NYC. With breaks and everything we see each other every 2-3 months and are currently on our last stretch before he graduates(5 weeks left) which I am more than thrilled about. It takes a toll after awhile! 😛
Did the long distance relationship thing and it didn’t work (I was the only one putting in the effort.) Now, I find I’m that way with my family. (they live about a 20 hour drive away) Everytime I visit, I need to have my next visit planned, so I can say “see you in three (4, 6 8 etc) months.” It definitely makes it a little bit easier to say goodbye.
P.S. I LOVE NYC!! I try and go every fall. The city makes me feel so alive!! I can’t wait to someday “read” about your trip 🙂
Chia seeds are the best! I love them in oats, they make them have so much volume!!!
Awwwwww thats hard when a good friend moves away, but yay for a visit to see her in NYC, that is something great to look forward to!
I was in a long distance relationship for three years, it was not too much fun.
I love chocolate oats. I usually add chocolate protein powder to the mix!
Those oats look great! I was in a long distance relationship when I went to college. It didn’t last long. But friendships? That’s a different story. Hey, at least you’ll have a fun place to visit! That’s a perk about my best friends living in Florida 🙂 But yes, we always plan our next trip when we’re together.
I have only ever been in one relationship and I married the guy. Since we’ve been together (almost nine years) the longest we have been apart is when he went on a work trip for three days. We’re definitely odd!
I find that overnight oats made with milk are way too soft for me. I am so weird about my oats though! When I make hot oats I use HALF the amount of liquid most people use because I like my oats thick and chewy, almost like a cookie’s texture. Because I hate a soupy mess.
I read your blog everyday and don’t usually comment, but today’s pot struck a chord with me.
One of my closest BFF’s is getting married in just over 2 weeks and is moving to New York the day after she marries. I’m beyond happy for her, I can’t even tell you how happy I am. But I am sad at the thought she will be so far away from me. The dynamic of our relationship has changed over years with our different circumstances, but we’ve remained BFF’s for about 14 years years now. I know we’ll stay in touch, and I’m looking forward to hearing about the new people and experiences she’ll have living there.
My hubby and I and I also dated long long distance. He’s from England and I’m from California. It worked well for us and when he came to visit never left. We’ve now been happily married for 9 years this May and are expecting our 2nd child in August.
Long distance relationship can be hard, but if we’re committed and love our friends, we can make it work no matter where we live 🙂
Hey Julie! Love your post today. Had a question for you — what kind of chocolate protein powder do you and Ryan use?? We got some Myoplex a few weeks ago but I wasn’t the biggest fan. Thanks girl!
i love all the whey or optimum nutrition’s gold standard. both are great!
Aww I can relate abt living apart from your bff! After living in London together, I now live in Mumbai whereas my bff lives in Singapore! We’re constantly emAiling which helps. I’m actually visiting her in Singapore next week which I’m super excited about!
If you like chewy oats, try adding the yogurt/milk in the morning: only way I eat em, so refreshing…not-so-overnight-oats !
My husband and I dated for 5.5 years before getting married. About 3 of those were long distance (as in Los Angeles to Jackson Hole, Wyoming). It was fun learning how to live together when we got married and moved to Colorado!
Overnight oats are awesome with almond milk & chia seeds – I love to make them doughy. I had chocolate overnight oats this morning too!
My boyfriend & I were in a long distance relationship all last year, and it was hard only seeing each other every 1-2 months. It helped to know that it was only for one year and to know when the next time we would see each other.
I’ve done long distance once and I kind of loved it. I’m anti-commitment so the only seeing each other once a month or so really worked for me. Well, clearly it didn’t since we broke up. But I liked it at the time 🙂
We can plan a run in Central Park when you visit JB and all the blogger friends can meet up too…SO FUN!! Afterwards we can go drink beer, b/c the hills in Central Park are very deceptive and wear ya’ out! xxxoo Can’t wait for you two to visit!!!
Those oats look great!! My boyfriend and I were in a long distance relationship, but then we were together at college. Now he is done so its going to be long distance again….. but totally worth it! 🙂
Hey Julie, I just found your blog and spent the last week or so reading every entry! Very inspirational, and you’ve motivated me to start exercising every day and eating healthier, especially since I am about to graduate in May. Keep up the good work.
I can definitely relate to the long distance relationship thing. My Fiance and I lived on separate coasts of the U.S. for about a year and a half. I shed many tears at the airports and I think it was because we never set a date on when we’d see each other again.
Now that I’ve joined him on the west coast, I do the same with my family. I never say goodbye to my Mom, I say “I’ll see you in July or I’ll see you at Christmas”. It does help, but I still miss her like crazy.
I sorta am in one right now. My boyfriend lives in the same city as me (san diego) but he’s an aviation mechanic in the navy. The good news is when he goes on detachment it’s only for a month at a time, the bad news is it’s for a month..and he just left for one yesterday : ( The worst part is none of the guys have cell phones out there so you can’t just call them whenever, it’s all skype, emails and calling cards, which is really hard. The good thing though is that at least I do have a definite date locked down to when he gets back. I agree that I would totally break down as well if I didn’t know when we get to see each-other again.
Those chocolate oats look amazing!!! I have never been in a long distance relationship….I give a lot of props to the people who can do it! I find I really need that face time with my significant other!
i’m the same way. 🙂
In 2 weeks I’ll be in a LDR! 🙁
My boyfriend is getting transferred to Orlando for work. We live near Boston now and have dog so it’s triple hard. I’m moving down there at the end of the year so there’s an end in sight.
ps love reading your blog
aw, well at least you have an end in sight… plus, orlando is pretty darn cool! 😀
The chocolate oats look delish !!! I’m thinking I might try those later this week if my throat feels better. Maybe I might try them any was…they might go down easily. Have you ever tried to make overnight oats with protein powder?
One of my best friends lives in Dallas now. She moved there about three years ago when her husband got transferred. I don’t get to see her very much but we keep up via email, texting, calling and facebook.
I have another best friend that lives in Belfast, Ireland. We usually talk about 2-4 times a month on the phone. We also talk via email a lot too. We plan to meet up at least once a year on vacation if we can.
I have another good girlfriend who lives an hour away from me and we make every attempt to see one another a few times a month. We also stay in touch via phone, text, and facebook.
I believe that friends will always be friends no matter the distance between them. Sometimes the people that are far away are the ones that you are closest with because you try to make it a point to stay in touch.
NOW THAT looks like a hearty meal! Next time you should add a tablespoon or so of flaked cocnut on the top!! So yummy! 🙂
P.s Love the bowl! Where did you find that?
I’m also pretty new to overnight oats; my favorite so far is to combine ½ cup oats with ½ cup fat-free milk and ¼ cup pumpkin puree, plus cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. It’s like a cold bowl of pumpkin pie by morning! Delish : )
I’ve done long-distance only once and I won’t EVER do that again. It’s really emotionally grueling, especially when you’re a broke student who can’t afford to travel much. Skype is great, but it’s just not the same.
Too funny! I like ONO much better with yogurt – everyone’s different.
And I’m currently long-distance and it’s awful. I can’t plan my trips because work changes so much for both of us. It’s hard not knowing when w’ell see each other next! It’s been a bout a year of averaging once a month…
Ive been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 3 years … its all we’ve ever known. Over the course of these three years we’ve both lived in various cities and in various countries, but never in the same place.
Right now i’m in the states and he’s working in Kuwait.
Sometimes it toally sucks but i appreciate the relationship for what it is. I’m a very nontraditional person so it doesn’t shock me that my relationship isn’t traditional either.
I just try not to let the stress of seeing other people around me in “normal” relationships make me feel like mine is somehow wrong or a waste of time.
I agree with you completely that having a set date for your next visit makes things feel less intense & dramatic. In fact, im off to Dubai to visit him in 2 weeks!
Love your blog, girl.
I’ve never tried the ONO but I totally am now! Thanks for the idea…
I am currently in a long distance relationship and it suuuuuuucks! 🙂 We’ve done this twice before though so we know how it goes. It just takes more patience and communication. Luckily we will only be doing this for one more month when I join him back in our hometown of Dallas, yay! I can’t think of a better thing to look forward to at this point, than knowing we’ll be together on a daily basis again very soon.
I’m in a long distance relationship right now. I go to Northern Kentucky University and my boyfriend goes to Indiana University. We are about 2 1/2 hours apart. It really stinks only seeing each other 2-3 weekends a month, but I love him and he makes me very happy; so it’s worth it. Communication is KEY! We talk as much as we can on the phone and text every day. We always tell each other good morning and good night. It helps me to feel more connected to him. We had a rough patch a couple months ago because we weren’t communicating as much as we needed (especially him!). We worked through it though, and decided we are happier together than apart. The next big obstacle is that he graduates in May and is looking into an advertising job in Ft. Lauderdale. I don’t graduate until May 2012. We know it will be hard, but if he does move we are still going to try to make it work. I’m getting a bachelor’s in elementary education and would have no problem with moving to Florida! Honestly, the job outlook for elementary teachers in my area isn’t all that great. I hope that it gets better in a year! Thankfully, I’m flexible with moving to another state.
P.S. I love your blog! I read it every day. 🙂
I was once in a bi-continental relationship, talk about long distance. It actually went really well though, Skype was a lifesaver!
Your oats look delicious! I was in a long distance relationship all throughout college. It was definitely hard and took lots of planning and ended up not lasting. Luckily I found an amazing guy that lives in the same city as me. Thank goodness for him and no more long distance!
Those overnight oats look delish! I’ve been in a few long-distance relationships, sadly none have worked out. My sister was in one, and is now married. They were together almost 4 years before getting married and for the majority of that time it was long distance, and well before the internet, and email took off… so lots of snail mail, phone calls and visits took place. They will be celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary this August and they will be together 20 years in October!
i have a longdistance relationship w/my very best friend. she moved to california about 4 years ago. but we email/text practically daily—with time differences and work schedules, it’s so hard to have phone conversations but w/email, facebook, texting, blogging and twitter….we have some form of communication daily!
I just discovered your blog and I love love it! Your healthy lifestyle is such an inspiration for me! Thank you for posting this question about long distance relationships. My boyfriend will be commissioning to be a Marine Corps officer this spring and moving to Virginia while I’m staying here in the Midwest. I’m nervous about starting our year-long long-distance relationship, but reading all the comments to this post have certainly given me a boost of confidence.
Keep up all the wonderful posts! : )
I am currently in a long distance relationship – I met my boyfriend in San Francisco last year, now I’m back in Germany and he’s back in Canada… BUT I’ll go to Canada in 2 weeks and 4 days *yay* and stay there for a looong while, so the tough times will be over very soon!! 🙂
That is my favourite combination for overnight oats too. But instead of almond milk, I use soy milk.
Long distance relationship? I’m in one right now, and it’s certainly not easy to be apart. We live about 3800 miles apart, and only get to meet up once every 3-4 months. We do skype everyday though. All thanks to technology:)
Hi Julie!
I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now at the recommendation of a friend and I love it!
I definitely recommend a long distance relationship tips post… I’ve been in one for few months now while my boyfriend finishes grad school. It’s always nice to see other people’s perspectives and know that we’re not the only silly people doing it!
I’ve so enjoyed your blog as I’ve been browsing around the last few days! Just mixed up my first ever batch of overnight oats to try. Used Silk dark chocolate almond milk….looks so chocolatey delicious that I think I will actually WANT to get up early on a Saturday! 🙂