A month or so ago, I purchased my NASM text book with plans to obtain my personal training certification.
NASM gives you 180 days from the time you purchase the study materials to take the exam, so while I feel like I have plenty of time, I want to get moving and hopefully take the exam sooner rather than later. I’ve already completed the CPR certification required to take the exam, but today was the first day I sat down and started going through the materials.
After spending several hours at the library typing up notes and reading through the first couple of chapters, it’s safe to say I have a lot of studying to do!
The other day Ryan was reading The 4-Hour Workweek and shared a little tidbit from one of the chapters with me. The book said that humans will almost always use all the time they’re given to complete a task. I couldn’t agree more.
A simple example for me is getting ready. I can shower, get dressed and be out the door in 25 minutes, but if I know I have an hour, I’ll use the entire hour. I’ll try on a couple of outfits, grab a snack, curl my hair and take my time.
I’m really hoping not to wait 180 days until I take my personal training exam and plan to study my booty off to hopefully take the test sooner rather than later.
Lunch was a welcome break from a morning full of reading and note-taking.
I warmed up leftovers from last night’s simple summer chili.
There wasn’t too much chili left, so I also made myself a smoothie.
In the blender:
- 1 frozen banana
- Handful of frozen strawberries
- 1 spoonful cocoa powder
- 1 scoop FitMixer chocolate protein powder (The company sent me this to try last week and it’s delicious!)
- Two handfuls fresh spinach
- Enough almond milk to get everything moving
Perfect for a hot day!
Now it’s time to turn my attention to a writing assignment. Enjoy your Tuesday!
Question of the Afternoon
- Are you good about getting things done right away, or do you tend to use all the time you’re given to complete a task?
I always take all the time that I have 🙂
P.s I am also studying for a PT exam, I can’t wait till I get my book!
I almost always take all the time I have, too! Why do we do that?! 🙂
Love those straws! Makes drinking the smoothie much more enjoyable! 🙂
I agree! I actually like it when I have a decently early commitment (currently in school) so that I am motivated to get up and moving otherwise I will lay in bed til 830am with no worries!
Good luck with your exam!!!
I definitely always take all the time I have. I have finals for my classes due this week. Most of my professors have said that the assignments are due by July 28th, but may be turned in earlier. Will I turn them in earlier? Probably not. The OCD side of me wants to proof each paper 50 times 🙂
They are so right on the time thing! I can write an article in 45 minutes, or putz around and do it in 2 hours. It’s been the same since college, and I always had the mindset of “why start a week in advance when I can crank it out the night before?” It’s an interesting phenomenon…and so true!
You’re so right about taking as much time as we’re given! A perfect example is one you used a few days ago when you were saying that you always use Groupons at the last minute. I’m the exact same way! I almost won’t even attempt to use the groupon until the month it expires! It’s funny cause I realize this, but don’t really want to change it! Is that odd? Hahah.
Hi Julie!
First off, I just wanted to say how much I LOVE your blog and how much I admire all the work you’ve done with it! You’re a blogger’s role model 🙂
Secondly, do you purchase re-usable straws for your smoothies? If so, where do you buy them? I’d love to have some for myself instead of just buying plastic ones over and over again!
I think most of us are procrastinators and take all the time we can! I’m definitely a deadline kind of person. I always liked to work ahead in school though.
I always complete tasks for work and when I was in school as fast as I can, even if it means I end up bored at work (I hate this, but can’t seem to “stretch things out”). However, I definitely take all the time I have when getting ready or things of that nature.
Me too! I enjoy the days that I have extra time to get ready…playing music in the background while I do my hair and makeup!
I just finished my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and contemplated personal training. I borrowed the NASM book from a friend who had already purchased it and flipped through to see what the material was all about. For what it’s worth, the book squeezes in pretty much all the material from my exercise physiology and biomechanics classes. I didn’t look to see how in depth they go, but I can understand why it’s overwhelming!
I try to complete whatever I need to get done before it’s due. I find that as I get older, it’s hard to do that. I hate procrastinating.
I couldn’t agree more with the statement that humans tend to use the time they are given. I am so guilty of this all the time. Going to college online proved this to be big time. If I felt like I had all week to do an assignment, I wouldn’t do it until the day before it was due. I had to stop that habit though and get real with my time management. Nothing’s perfect, but it certainly helps to realize how we use our time in order to use it better, hopefully. Good luck getting certified!
I’m a huge procrastinator, it’s horrible. From the 180 days gives, I’d probably start studying when there are 40 days left. Honestly, I think I do a lot better when I do things at the last minute. I do my best under pressure.
That chili looks delicious! I am a CPT from NASM too and I really loved the program! I learned so much from it!
For work-related tasks, I always do them before they’re due purely because the OCD in me kicks in and I want to tick it off my list. In terms of getting ready, I always wait till the last minute!
I usually try to do things quickly, actually–UNLESS it’s a non-work related task (i.e. getting ready, foam rolling, reading, etc.). Kinda funny.
I LOVE FitMixer too! Their stuff is legit and really tasty!
i definitely end up taking the time I have. On mornings where I have extra time I think I’ll just leave for work early and then I can leave from work early! And yet I still end up heading out the door at the same time…
I’m also studying for the NASM exam, and have found the first 5 chapters were definitely the most difficult to get through since they are more science based. Once the chapters starting talking about actual exercises and movements, I feel that I grasp it a lot quicker! I hope you do too!!
I’m the same with things. If I have several weeks to do a paper or something, I always wait until the moment when I *have* to start. It’s good that you’re starting early, though!
Procrastination is my middle name.
In college, I never once finished a paper BEFORE the day it was due.
It depends on the task … unfortunately, I usually live in Procrastination Nation. Whoops! Good luck with studying 🙂
Looks like you’re having a busy day! I’m still a student so I definitely know the ins and outs of studying.
Do you know of any place where I could buy a sampler pack of different flavors or brands of protein powders? I thought you mentioned it earlier in your blog but I can’t seem to find anything. I’m always curious about your fancy protein powder flavors!
I really try not to take the whole time when it comes to assignments or deadlines, but in my personal life I will take every minute to get ready or get out of bed on the weekends!
How is Ryan liking The 4-Hour Workweek? Sounds like an interesting read.
I try to get it done as soon as possible – rather have the extra time left for whatever I want! When I was in my undergrad, I would routinely have essays and assignments done 3-4 days before they were due – I would just much rather have it off my mind.
I’m a terrible procrastinator. It’s so rare that I get things done early : / I do always get them done though!
It really depends, in school I always started things early and liked to have them done ahead of time, unless it was any kind of writing assignment, then it was done last minute. haha. Now in everyday life I say its 50/50 and still depends on the task.
You should sign up for a test date and mark your calendar, that way you won’t take the full 180 days.
Good luck with your studying!
Heck no! I just started studying for the GRE I have to take next month. I bought my prep book back in May…
I tend to procrastinate for sure but I think I do well under pressure! Take my laundry for example….I need to do it so that I have something to wear on my weekend trip this Friday but I will probably wait until the last minute to do it. I don’t do this with everything but I pretty much always put laundry off as much as possible!
Oh, I totally agree too. I’m such a procrastinator. I’m even doing it right now! I know I should be working on something for my job….but I have til tomorrow to complete it. So, I’m looking at all the blogs I follow instead! I’m a sneaky employee 🙂
I actually find that I work best under pressure, so I procrastinate a lot lol
That’s something I’ve DEFINITELY learned while working from home. While I”m at the office, if I have an hour to finish something before my workday is over I make sure I get it done. BUT if I try to do that same thing in the morning and home, I can laze around for an hour or two before I even get around to it. The downside of being a procrastinator 😉
You sound just like me with the studying!! Haha.
I intended to fly through my certification, but it looks like I will be using all of the time I was given!
I always set my own time limits or at least I did when I was in University. It would mean I’d have plenty of time to focus on exams while everyone else was doing last minute assignments…Sometimes it also left me twiddling my thumbs! Always in a rush to the finish line!
I am certified under a different type of CPT program but I had two years, yep took the whole time!! (granted I had a baby in that time). I agree, the more time I have the more it takes me!
On a side note I love that you posted about this because I was just wondering how you were doing considering you have such a shorter amount of time than I did!
I know this doesn’t have to do with this post, but I definitely thought of you last night…
I know that you’ve put posts up about how your first Yoga class didn’t go so well and you didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t really understand that because I’ve NEVER taken a class at the gym that I didn’t enjoy. Until last night that is…
I took a Step Sculpt class, thinking that I’d be able to keep up, even though I’ve never taken one before. Actually, I HATED that class. The instructor, even though she knew it was my first time and I was nervous, only offered me a “good luck” when the class started. I couldn’t keep up. I didn’t know the steps and she made no effort to help at all. What a miserable experience…the one redeeming factor is that several of the other women in the class made a point to come tell me how well I had done, and one woman even came to help me during the class. I appreciated that so much, but the instructor definitely did not make that particular class one of my favorites. I can now offically sympathize with you and your bad yoga experience. 🙁
i’m so sorry that happened! ugh!
I need to order all my NASM stuff! I want to get my certification as well =D
This is SO TRUE! I have to admit, I’m a procrastinator and I’d rather take my time then rush.
You’re smoothie looks delicious! I want to try adding spinach to mine tonight but I don’t know if it will take over the taste too much.
I have to agree that I usually take all of the time that I have! Even if I TRY not to… it just doesn’t work!
Ryan is the reading the Four Hour Workweek and you’re studying for your personal training certification…funny thing is, I started reading that book AND I’m figuring out which program I want to follow for my personal training cert. I found that amusing! 😉
That’s a really interesting thought. I totally agree. Sometimes I think when I have a ton of extra time in the morning, I’ll drink coffee at the kitchen table and read the paper. It never happens!
good luck with the studying! that chili looks like the perfect study snack!
that’s so true, lol. With work stuff I tend to get things done ahead of time though because I hate rushing at the last minute. But if I finish, oh say a month early like I did this release, but have one teeny configuration change left that I know will take 30 seconds, that’s so waiting until the last minute, lol.
There are days I wake up an hour early and end up leaving only five minutes earlier than I usually do. It’s amazing.
You know, sometimes I am like that where I will take all the time to complete something, but other times I just want to get tasks out of the way, so I’ll complete them early.
I am seriously motivated by time pressure, so setting deadlines or booking a test usually is the way to go for me.
Question for you – which NASM package did you buy? I want to sign up, but I noticed there are a few options (i.e. pro, premier, platinum).
Best of luck with the studying!
my husband is reading that same book right now also! i couldn’t agree more… if we have the extra time, we take it. good luck studying!
I definitely use all the time I’m given. Most likely I’ll spend it dilly daddling around not doing such productive stuff. Imagine all the time I’d have leftover if it took the same amount of time to get ready each day.
I procrastinate way too often.
Oh I need to change my ways!
Who’s to say using all the time given is a bad thing? When we rush, we tend to forget things and make mistakes. Using the time we have allows us to enjoy what we’re doing, and do it well. Getting it done quickly doesn’t mean we did it efficiently. I don’t really care how long my personal trainer took to complete their exam. I want them to know the material and be dedicated to helping me reach my goals.
If I really like what I have to do then I’ll do it right away, otherwise I probably wait haha. If you want to get done with it early, maybe setting up a goal to meet at the end of each week would be good! And you could celebrate somehow for some extra motivation 🙂
i like that idea! right now i’m making daily goals… a chapter or two chapters a day… making an outline and then i’ll go back and review!