Let’s begin with breakfast, shall we?
I branched out from my typical Greek yogurt flavors at the grocery store this week and nabbed a cup of blueberry Chobani to use in one of my breakfasts this week.
Today was the day!
I made myself a fruity yogurt bowl with blueberry Chobani, sliced apple and a dusting of flax seeds.
It was creamy, crunchy, sweet and filling. (Adjective overload! 😀 )
Vacation Anticipation
Tomorrow I am taking a half day at work so Ryan and I can beat the rush down to the Florida Keys for 4th of July weekend.
We’re meeting up with my family on Thursday night to enjoy a weekend of scuba diving and outdoor fun. I can’t wait!
The anticipation of my upcoming vacation has me feeling very antsy! It’s hard hunker down and check important things off my “to do” list when all I want to do is pack and get on the road!
Working out is such a great release for me and the gym helped me work off some of my anxious feelings this morning.
I took my typical Wednesday morning BodyPump class where I got to experience the latest release (Release 74) for the first time.
I really, really enjoyed it! I thought the lunge track was killer, but in a great way. I could feel my legs burnin’!
Post-Pump, I took Sadie on a 40 minute walk around the lake by our apartment. On our walk Sadie saw her first armadillo!
I’ve gotta be honest… It was nice to see one of these guys alive for once. I feel like 95 percent of the ‘dillos I see are road kill. 🙁
Hope your day is off to a great start!
Question of the Day
Which do you think is worse, packing or unpacking?
I absolutely hate packing. Unpacking isn’t so bad because I just dump everything in the laundry. 😉
Unpacking, definitely! Packing is always exciting. I try to unpack when I first get home, but have gone weeks living out of a suitcase!
I hate unpacking because I don’t only take clothes with me no matter where I go. I’m such a girly girl, I almost take my entire make-up collection and bunch of other cosmetics and more with me no matter where I go. Oh and of course shoes! So in my case, when I am unpacking I don’t just ‘dump’ stuff in laundry. Packing for me is more fun because it makes me more aware of what I actually own and not. (That way I can multi-task and add to my to-buy list as I pack) Hope you guys have a wonderful time with your family, happy 4th! 🙂
I love packing because I enjoy the organization of it all – and it pumps me up for my trip. I loathe unpacking – the fun is over and all that laundry must be done and things put away!
I hate packing! Picking which things to bring and which things to leave at home takes me absolutely forever, and I always second guess myself about my selections. Unpacking is so much easier because, like you said, you just dump everything in the laundry….and there’s minimal thought involved!
Luckily on my last trip to Florida I only saw living armadillos on the side of the road!
I definitely prefer packing, due to the excitement that comes with an impending vacation! In terms of ease, then, yes, unpacking is much easier!
I hate unpacking! I feel as if it never unpacks as organized as when I’m packing!
I would rather pack, I hate unpacking and all the laundry and cleaning that comes with it.
saw you and Sadie walking down Robinson St. today around 7:30 🙂 looked like you guys were having a good time during the walk. hope you have a good time in the Keys!
haha how funny! she’s a little gem. 😉
I hate packing, because I feel like I am always going to forget something so it takes me forever. And I usually end up forgetting something anyway.
Packing. I don’t know what i’m going to wear tomorrow, much less Saturday. But at least things are pretty lowkey at the beach – as long as I remember the bikini!
Have a fabulous vaca.
Woo hoo! I have vacation anticipation too!
I love packing– I get to think about how much fun I’m going to be having when I wear all the things I pack! Unpacking is the worst for me, by far. Ugh.
Oh i hate unpacking! I overpack anyways… so then I get home and my bag will probably sit for at least 3 or 4 days and I’ll semi-live out of it until I finally bite the bullet and finish unpacking the rest…
i hate unpacking! nothing exciting about that and all tlhe clothes are dirty!
have fun on vaca!!
I hate packing & unpacking equally as much – is that possible? 😀
Ah, I’m so jealous! I’ve always wanted to go to the Keys. Have an amazing time!! 🙂
I have packing secrets that make it easy. Unpacking is a big ol pain in the arse!
Keys sound so fun!
That is hilarious… we used to take family vaca’s to Sanibel Island every summer, we would count all of the dead armadillos on the side of the road on the way down! I HATE unpacking… packing can be fun b/c I like planning my outfits, especially if I have new ones! Have fun on your trip!
I hate packing! Having to plan out outfits and what to take can be stressful. I’m with you…unpacking is just dumping everything out in the hamper. Easy!
PACKING is the worst! especially packing to go home AFTER the vacation! hope you guys have a blast 🙂
Agreed that packing is harder! Having to fit everything into the suitcases that are never big enough is a pain. And it only gets worse once kids are added into the picture. I seriously want to know how such small beings can require so much crap. LOL
I am jealous of your vacation. It sounds like it will be a phenomenal time!
Definitely unpacking. In fact I usually just dump everything in the laundry basket and wash it….haha!
I love packing! I can get everything organized and fit into the smallest possible suitcase (although I do tend to overpack). Packing also builds up the anticipation for where ever I am about to go. It makes me that much more excited. Unpacking is a different story. I just get lazy and don’t want to do it. I got back from a three week trip to Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvadore last week and I still haven’t finished unpacking. Oops!
I hate unpacking! Packing is exciting because I am thinking about the fun trip ahead. Unpacking makes me wish I was still on vacation!
I actually love packing. When I was accepted to Penn State, I packed my bags as soon as I heard, even though I wouldn’t be leaving for a good 4 months. I love getting organized, plus it makes me excited for the trip. I actually love to unpack when I arrive to, but when its time to unpack from the end of the trip I just can’t do it. Maybe its because I don’t want to see it end?
Unpacking is definitely worse! Usually I’m sad to be at home and not on vacation anymore. I’m always excited to pack (just because I know it’s one step closer to actually be away and freeee!)
Hey, have a great vacation. I love packing because it means I’m off somewhere lovely but I hate unpacking it all again when I get home and generally leave it for a few days! What are flax seeds like, I’ve never had them? They are supposed to be really good for you though so maybe I should give them a try.
Unpacking stresses me out, it usually looks like my suitcase puked all over my floor until I decide to put everything away. Unfortunately this weekend I’ll be unpacking a months worth of stuff…YIKES. That is so exciting that you’re going to the keys for the 4th – what a beautiful vaca! You and Ryan are gonna have a blast!
What a neato sight – a live armadillo?!?! I’ve never seen one! 🙂 And what a perfect way to round off a summer morning – blueberries and apples 🙂
Enjoy your day!
Packing is so easy for me… I have a system that I follow every time, and I can be completely packed and out the door for a week-long trip in about 30 minutes. Unpacking is such a drag. Dirty clothes go right into the laundry, obviously, but all the other stuff that isn’t dirty or isn’t clothes usually sits in the suitcase for about a week or so after I get back before I get around to unpacking it. 🙂
oh gosh I hate packing… for both trips and to move! for trips, I always try to pack light but fear I am forgetting something and never know what all we’ll be doing, ya know. and I detest packing for moving — we just bought a house and will be moving shortly and it just seems like so much to do!
I do love unpacking though… something about putting things back in their place and having it all clean and organized! 🙂
Hope you guys have a great time!!
Packing is easier for me because I get to think about all of the fun I’m going to have. Unpacking stinks because the fun is over and then I know I have to clean!
I like packing because of the anticipation of getting ready for a fun trip! It stresses me out a tiny bit because I like to have a lot of choices for outfits, so I always overthink & overpack!
Unpacking’s no fun . . . I have been known to leave my suitcase untouched or just fish random things out of it for a week or two after I get home. 🙁
Have fun in the Keys! I’m jealous of Fl weather! Also, I don’t know if anyone mentioned this yet, but did you know that if you eat flax seeds whole you don’t really get the omega-3 benefit from them? I learned this from my nutritionist after I was eating bread with the seeds in them then I switched only to flax meal. Unless you chew each individual seed then they just pass right through your system without absorbing the omega-3s. Just an fyi:) If you love the taste or texture of the seeds then it doesn’t matter I suppose:) But if you’re eating them for omega 3s…aybe switch to flaxmeal:)
thanks! my mom actually told me this as well! i wanna grind them up, but my food processor is out of commission right now. when i get a new one, i’ll be sure to grind ’em!
I’m awful at both packing and unpacking. As I said in my post this morning, so far all I have packed are bathing suits haha. Unpacking always takes me soooo long though!
i hate unpacking. Some clothes are clean, some are dirty. blah! I love picking out outfits and anticipating a vacation 🙂
Unpacking is definitely my least favorite! Yuck 😛
I am totally with you on the new lunge track with release 74 – my legs feel like JELL-O when I’m done! I’m not too crazy about a couple of the songs though — like the chest & back tracks? Kind of odd song choices, they don’t really do it for me!
You know what’s weird, I actually LOVE armadillos- I have ever since I was a little kid. I think that they are so ugly, that there actually cute..or maybe I just feel bad for them & want to give them love too 😀
I agree with you- packing is the worst! And I tend to overpack & take my whole closet..I always think ‘what if I need like every item in my closet?’ ‘what if…?’ haha!
I just walk in the door after vacation & dump everything right in the laundry room. ..and then I get to it eventually 🙂
I hate unpacking cause I always over pack so half of the clothes don’t need to be washed but then they get mixed between clothes that do or don’t need to be washed….it ends up being a big process
omg, i HATE unpacking!!! you have to sort, dirty clothes, clean clothes, and put back the clean stuff and toiletries….in fact i still haven’t unpacked from this past weekend! ah, procrastination…
Julie! What kind of flax seeds do you buy?
i bought the generic brand from publix. as you may see in megan’s comment above, ground flax is better b/c your body won’t absorb the omega-3s from whole flax seeds. 🙂
Unpacking because after you unpack there is almost always cleaning to be done. Move into a new house clean before you unpack. Come back from vaca, unpack your clothes and wash them. Too much cleaning lol.
Many years ago, I lived in Houston for a couple of years. When I was moving away from there, friends gave me a “Texas party” where all of the gifts had something to do with TX. One friend gave me a brass armadillo and I laid it on its side — it’s the only way I had ever seen one!!
I took pump this morning at my Gold’s up here in MD and you’re right, lunge track was crazy! But so good! My legs were definitely shaking for the rest of the class!
That looks absolutely delicious. I wish I could taste it.