Good morning! Happy Cinco de Mayo and Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! I hope you’re able to enjoy some delicious Mexican food (sip on a margarita for me, please!) and make a teacher feel extra loved today! If you are a teacher, thank you so much for the time, energy and effort you pour into your job every day.
Last night’s dinner wasn’t anything crazy special, but I still feel the need to share it with you guys because I used something rather cool to prepare the simple dish.
A fruit and vegetable chopper!
I’ve talked to some friends who find chopping vegetables or fruit almost meditative and enjoyable but I am not one of those people. Truthfully I hate slicing and dicing veggies and find the task monotonous and mundane.
One evening a few weeks ago, Ryan and I were flipping through the channels at night and saw an infomercial for a fruit and vegetable chopper. We got sucked in and watched some guy easily chop vegetables for a little too long (<—Is this what happens when you don’t have cable?) and even though I didn’t end up ordering one from the commercial, I thought about it for a few days before doing a little Googling and ordering a new veggie chopper from Amazon.
Last night I used it to dice an onion and two green peppers and it was a breeze!
It took a little power to slice the onion, but it was easy to clean and cut my prep time waaay down. Maybe I’ll finally jump on the whole “Food Prep Sunday” train now that I’m the proud owner of this bad boy. Just wanted to share this with you guys in case chopping veggies is less than appealing to you, too!
This morning, I woke up, ate an apple and headed to the gym to teach my usual 6 a.m. spinning class. Once class was over, I cleaned off my bike, chatted with some gym members and headed home. By the time I walked through the door of our house, I felt a little nauseated. I have been packing snacks in my purse to eat immediately after a workout ever since I started feeling queasy if I went too long without eating in my first trimester and kicked myself for not remembering to pack one this morning.
Thankfully we had a box of snack bars CVS sent my way on hand in the pantry, so I was able to easily grab a protein-packed bar to eat which made me feel better almost instantly.
Pregnancy hunger and nausea is still so, so weird to me! How I can go from feeling like I’m about to puke to inhaling food and then feeling better 2.5 seconds later baffles me!
Breakfast this morning included a bowl of egg white oatmeal topped with cinnamon, served with lots o’ water since operation hydration is still in full swing over here!
Now I’m off to grab a much-needed shower and then I have to head back into work for the day before it’s time to coach Girls On The Run! Have a great Tuesday!
Question of the Morning
- Do you use any kitchen gadgets at home that you think make food prep a little easier?
The abound snack bar is the best. It keeps me full and delicious. Still trying to find where I can buy them at a cheap price.
I don’t have any gadgets at home but am thinking of getting some. this will be on my list for sure.
I need to get a veggie chopper, I cook with veggies every day and sometimes I don’t have time to sit there and chop!
I love my lemon/lime juicer. I have been trying to cook with citrus lately because it adds so much flavor to fish & chicken and when I try to squeeze them with my hands nothing comes out of those little limes!
This squeezer is AMAZING!
I LOVE my veggie chopper – my other kitchen go-to’s are:
1. Vitamix Blender/Food Processor- AMAZING for 90% of my kitchen work!
2. Kitchenaid mixer
3. Crockpot – I have three!