It’s hard to believe that three years ago I had never even heard of a vizsla.
Now anytime I see one at the dog park or on a walk, I get really excited and love talking to vizsla owners and sharing stories about just how insane and amazing our dogs are.
When I put out a call to vizsla owners last week to submit pictures of their dogs to me, I received an influx of adorable pictures. I am so excited to share these pictures with you guys!
As I explained when I put out the call for picture submissions, YOU guys can vote on the dog you most adore. The winning dog owner will receive a sweet treat from me, and the winning pup will receive a little somethin’ somethin’ from Sadie.
To vote, simply note the number of the dog (not the dog’s name) that won your affection in the comments section of this post. Voting will be open until midnight tonight (Tuesday at 12 a.m. EST). I will tally the results and announce the winner on Tuesday.
Without further ado, let’s look at some adorable dogs!
Dog One: Daisy Dee (a vizsla mix), submitted by Stephanie(I just want to rub her belly!)
Dog Two: Dizzy, submitted by Casey (I’m a sucker for that sweet, white face!)
Dog Three: Libby(What a cute reading buddy!)
Dog Four: Jasper, submitted by LeAnn (That chicken didn’t stand a chance!)
Dog Five: Evie, submitted by Sarah(That is one cute hot dog!)
Dog Six: Izzy, submitted by Laura (I want to hold her!)
Dog Seven: Bethe, submitted by Lauren (Bethe, you have my heart!)
Dog Eight: Carter, submitted by Jackie(Like father, like puppy daughter.)
Dog Nine: Malley, submitted by Joanie (Just like her collar, she’s a star!)
Dog 10: Toby, submitted by Elizabeth (The perfect couch cuddle buddy!)
Dog 11: Rush, submitted by Jessica (Dear Ryan, I would like Rush for Christmas. Love, Julie)
Dog 12: Strider, submitted by Carol(I’d let you in… Right into my heart, Strider!)
Dog 13: Millie, submitted by Laura (And the award for the most adventurous vizsla goes to…)
Dog 14: Koda, submitted by Brittany(What I would give to be that duck.)
Dog 15: Lucy, submitted by Carrie (Those eyes! What a sweetheart!)
Dog 16: Coco, submitted by Anna (This literally made me laugh out loud! Such a cutie pie.)
Dog 17: Duncan, submitted by Kathryn(This dog was born for the fall! So beautiful.)
That’s it!
Now it’s voting time!
Please vote using only the number of the dog (not the name) to make tallying easy on me!
For those of you who submitted pictures of your dogs that are not vizslas, I will be compiling a picture of your cute dogs to post very soon! Stay tuned. 😀
Also, if you are thinking about making a vizsla part of your family, please consider rescuing. There are many amazing vizsla rescue organizations located nationwide. Click here to find one near you!
Dog # 14
Dog #17 :-)…it was a hard choice though.
Ahhhh this is so hard but I’m going to go with dog two. I LOVE that white face!!
How can I possibly choose?!?!?! They are all darling! I think I would like Rush for Christmas, too . . . #11 🙂
#6 ! adorable
Dog #11….Go Rush 🙂
Dog # 6 they are ALL adorable…..
This was hard!!!
numero 7 😉
They’re all adorable, but I have to go with Dog 6. Puppies are my downfall. 🙂
Dog #16, but they are all so adorable. I think I have decided my next dog will be a Vizsla! So precious 🙂
Dog # 11
Dog 6!!! Puppies are too cute!!
oh my gosh, they are all SO cute! But I wouldn’t be a vizsla mommy without voting for my sweet little #14!!
#14 🙂
Dog 11! So cute!
Dog #11. All the pics are great!
I am going to go with #7 since she is my dog! Can I vote?
haha yes you can vote for your own dog. 🙂 i know i’d be bribing all of my friends to vote for sadie if she was in the running.
Dog 7. Cute!
Puppy #6 – I want to rub her belly! 🙂
# 11 !! he is so cute!
I love adventurous dogs (and people for that matter) so I vote for dog #13!
4 because I love my pup 😉
Dog 11:
Dog #6!
Dog #4 Jasper!
Dog #11!!!!
They’re all adorable!! It’s so hard to choose just one. I want to vote on all of them!
But I’m going to go with 4. That face he was caught mid chicken eatin’ is too loveable!
Dog 11! (I hope my bf gets me a cutie like that!)
Dog 9. That is just such an awesome picture!
Dog 7….but they were all adorable and it makes me want a vizsla when I adopt a dog after college!
#15! what a cutie!
#1 – what a cute and trusting soul! Belly up – no worries!
# 7 – she is so sweet!
This is tough! They all look alike to me and appear to have that mischievious(sp?) personality, but to show some fellow blogger love–Number 14 it is!!
Love number 16 too cute too cute!
How the heck do you choose one of these? This is extremely difficult… I want all of them! Hmm… I’m going to go with 16 because I’ve never seen a dog on the dashboard like that. Love it!
Dog #11.
It was sooo hard! They are all precious pups.
#7!! Lauren I love that picture of her!!
Ahh! Dog #7 is so cute!
Dog #7 – How sweet!!
Oh my cuteness! This makes me so excited to go home for the holidays and see my family’s dog!
I vote #16! (With #11 coming in at a close second)
Number 10
This is SO difficult since they are all beyond adorable and huggable, but I vote for #11.
Jasper! i love that puppy…he is the CUTEST little man!
My vote is for #4!