I’m sorry, I just had to! Hopefully my fellow Full House fans will understand!
Did you know you can buy a Wake Up San Francisco t-shirt with Danny Tanner and Aunt Becky’s faces on it?
I swear there’s a t-shirt for everything.
San Francisco: Day Two
My second full day in San Francisco began with a five mile run along the water.
What an incredible view! Anytime I travel somewhere, I love to sneak in a morning run if time permits. It’s a great way to explore a new area before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Running in a new city also often allows me to discover new places I want to visit later in the day.
As I ran, I noticed a ton of other runners. San Francisco is such an active city and I’ve seen people walking, running and biking everywhere. I love it!
I ended up running slightly more than five miles and couldn’t get over the fact that I was wearing long sleeves in June. I didn’t miss the thick, humid Florida air one bit. It was glorious!
After my run, I came back to the hotel to shower and quickly change before it was time to meet up with two of the public relations women from Smartfood and our group of bloggers for breakfast. We all walked to Honey Honey and it was a fabulous choice.
I was in the mood for a basic breakfast and ordered two eggs with whole wheat toast and fruit salad.
I expected the fruit salad to be a little more substantial than it was, but it was still very tasty and I had no trouble finishing every last bite on my plate.
Though breakfast was good, the real highlight was the cappuccino I ordered at Honey Honey. It was so creamy and frothy and I loved every last sip.
Sarah ordered the freshly squeezed orange juice and gave it rave reviews. Apparently the beverages are a highlight at Honey Honey! My cappuccino totally made the meal for me!
My flight to Chicago is about to board, so I gotta cut things short this morning! Bachelorette party fun begins right when I land around noon, but I’m hoping to type up a blog post about the rest of my time in San Francisco on the plane and pop back in later today.
Happy Friday!
Question of the Morning
- Whenever you travel, what is your favorite meal to enjoy out at a restaurant? Breakfast, lunch or dinner?
I am always anxious to get the day started, so I typically opt for breakfast on the go when I travel. My favorite meal to enjoy when I travel is dinner. I love relaxing over a delicious meal and talking about the adventures that happened that day.
I LOVE the Full House reference! I have always been a fan of Full House. Whenever my husband and I catch it on tv, we have to watch. That cappuccino looks delicious. I love a good coffee drink 🙂
Have a safe flight!
me too! uncle jesse is such a babe. 😀
When I travel I think I love dinners the most. I usually love going out for brunch at home but in Melbourne, Australia where I live we have some phenomenal brunch places and whenever I’ve travelled I’ve not found ones that compare which is why I prefer dinners 🙂
Full house that definitely takes me back!
LOVE your Full House Reference. Whatever happened to predicitability…?
I hope you took lots pictures by Alamo Square and maybe even saw Uncle Jesse (have mercy! ow ow!) How is he still so gorgeous?
My favorite meal to eat when traveling is usually lunch and dinner. I love finding hidden gems and also splurging on one really great restaurant everywhere I travel. Lately my favorite meal to eat with friends though has been boozy brunch. You get the whole day to let the mimosas wear off 🙂
I love hunting down vegan restaurants when I travel, I can cook tofu but it amazes me what a vegan joint can do. I am a meat eater so it’s always a treat to try something different that I don’t normally eat. I would say lunch / dinner.
Dinner definitely after a long day of exploring! 🙂 That is mightily fluffy cappuccino and the orange juice is incredibly vibrant! Safe travels!
Hey Julie!! Ill be in Chicago today and this whole weekend for a wedding too! Yay for being back in our official “hometowns”!! Where are you all going? Ill be down at Smith and Wollensky for dinner tonight and then on a boat cruise! Cannot wait!! Have a fabulous time!
Obsessed with the Full House reference. That was my favorite show for years. So much so that some people referred to me as “Full House girl” when I was younger. I was such a weirdo.
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, but I don’t like going to restaurants for it. I’m not a huge fan of brunch either. I think it’s because I’m so particular about what I eat for breakfast that I like to just make it myself. 🙂 Ha. I love going out for dinner when I’m on vacation. Definitely a perfect way to explore a city and relax!
LOL! omg best throw back EVER!! i totally forgot that was danny tanner’s job on the show. oh man, thats probably the best reference of the day, nice work 🙂 glad your trip is going well!!
Probably dinner. I love trying new restaurants in new places. San Francisco has a lot of great ones!
That shirt is hilarious!!
I absolutely love reading your blog, and I can’t help but point out the fact
that you are absolutely gorgeous!! You should seriously think about modeling 😉
I’ve been to San Francisco and had an amazing time there. Hope you enjoy your
stay there as much as I did. 🙂
Ooooh that cappuccino looks devine! Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day! I always have a hard time deciding between sweet and savory, but it’s alway delicious. I’m a total coffee girl though, so a lot of times I’ll do what you did: simple meal with a coffee drink as the highlight! YUM.
I love breakfast out, but usually it is too much food so we end up buying groceries for it and eating in the hotel, so I might have to say supper, or dessert 😉
Oh full house .. I watched it every morning when i was younger
When I travel I love to try different foods. When I was in Spain I was NOT a fan of the breakfast options so I was looking forward to lunch and dinners.
Breakfast/brunch food. Breakfast just has the most delicious food options and I am always excited to try out new places. I went to San Fran for a swim meet at Stanford in high school and I have been anxious to get back ever since. It is an amazing city! So jealous!
Everything looks so fantastic. I’m so excited to go to Yellowstone later this summer and go running as the sun rises! My favorite meal to enjoy out at a restaurant whenever I travel would probably have to be dinner. It’s just a lot of really yummy food. 😀
Whenever I travel to a new place, I always go explore by going running. It’s such a good way to see all the sights and sounds while getting a workout in! Have fun!
I almost always opt for dinner while traveling. I like to workout in the morning and establish a plan for the day; long planned breakfasts and lunches always seem to interfere.
Welcome to Chicago just in time for the real heat and humidity! I’m sure it’ll definitely feel like Florida here this weekend! ;-D
I love eating breakfast at a restaurant, probably because I always make pretty quick ones when I am at home. Plus, it just feels nice to take the time to really enjoy my mornings and doing that over good food is all the better.
I love the San Fran weather. Near the bay, it is so chilly in the mornings but warms up to the prefect temp by afternoon. You are really making me want to plan another trip….soon!!!
And I am dying to know….did you get to meet Brooke Burke while there? I saw that she was there promoting Smart Food, too. She is my favorite so I am going to be totally jealous if you did!!!
Oh Full House! Loved that show! And still do! 😉
Glad you’re having a great time! I’ve only been to San Fransisco once, and it was just a day trip, so I’d love to go back to explore more. It sure is an incredible city.
When I’m traveling, I really love to go out to eat for ANY meal. I just love going out and trying new restaurants. But breakfast/brunch will always be one of my favorite meals to go out!
Ok, I HAVE TO KNOW what you’re doing with you hair — it looks SO good! I also have fine hair, and i would LOVE to be able to that with mine! my hair skills are so basic…. can you help a girl out? 🙂
I love San Francisco! And Full House. Glad you had an amazing time.
Haha I love the Danny Tanner and Rebecca Donaldson reference!! I used to love that show. San Francisco has always been a place I’ve been wanting to visit. My favorite meal when traveling is probably dinner too. After a day of exploring, shopping, or whatever it’s always fun to try to new place for dinner.
You’ve gotta love a Full House reference!
There is a band called Honeyhoney that’s one of my favorites… Check them out!
Welcome to San Francisco Julie!!! best city ever although i live here so i’m biased 🙂 When I travel I always plan a run somewhere that’s supposed to be nice and breakfast or coffee somewhere with good reviews.
My husband was lucky enough to go to high school with John Stamos! Always said he was a really nice guy, which makes him even more of a babe! 🙂 tee hee hee
Love Full House!!
I like enjoying lunch on vacation. I usually do the free breakfast at my hotel & often just a sandwich or pizza for dinner, so I like to get a tasty lunch out 🙂
I swear up and down that I was going to marry Uncle Jesse when I grew up…My Andy and I still have an agreement that if he comes around, I WILL marry him 🙂
That cappuccino looks AMAZING!!!
I live about 45 min from San Fran and I love taking trips to the city, it’s so fun and there are a ton of great restaurants! The weather here is almost always beautiful too (in the East bay). I just wish I could work less so I had more time to play! Glad you had a good trip!
I live in Chicago (well I used to, now the suburbs) but I can’t wait to hear about your trip to the city!
Guilty for reading “wake up, san fransisco” in the same voice and song theme as the show. It’s only natural!! What a great show, if only it could have lasted forever! Your trip looks like it’s been a blast!! That sunrise looked gorgeous!! Safe travels!!
I love the quietness and peacefulness of the morning as well! I have the HARDEST time getting myself to run if it’s midday or the evening.
That cappuccino looks heavenly!
Where have I been? I didn’t realize you were in SFO. I’ll be there soon for a bachelorette party and wedding. Let the fun begin!
haha LOVE the Full House intro! I’ve been a fan since probably before I can remember and to this day love it! hehe 😉
I love running whenever I’m in a new town! We’re in Nashville for my bday and my BF and I just finished exploring Vanderbilt campus.
I’d say my favorite meal to eat while traveling is either brunch or appetizers. I like to go to local places and get a bunch of appetizers throughout then night. That’s what we did last night!
Ah, catching up on my blog reading and just found out you were in the city. Just north of me. Hope you had a lovely time 🙂
I really enjoy a good breakfast to get me going for the day (since lunch may not happen with business of travel) and look forward to a dinner spot. Every time I visit SD we pick a breakfast place and a dinner place and wing it for lunch 🙂 Those two meals can give you an idea of the area in a city.
where is your purple shirt from? love it!
HA! Love the Full House reference. Oh my childhood…
I visited San Francisco a few years ago and LOVED IT. You are spot on, it is such an active and healthy city. I love that!! The picture you snapped on your run is absolutely beautiful. I am envious you had such a beautiful backdrop this morning.
Yay…Full House! I often say that too my husband in the a.m.! 😉
When I travel my favorite meal is breakfast because we NEVER go out to breakfast when we’re at home, so it’s kind of a special treat for me.
Such a beautiful place to run!
I’m so glad it was such nice weather when you were here! Running along Crissy Field and in the Marina is my favorite. The views are beautiful and there are always so many other people out. I’m glad you had a great trip 🙂
PS I read your post title “Waaaaake Up!” like they said on the show! Love Full House 🙂
Full House will always be one of my all time favorites. Nothing on TV now can compare! I still find myself saying Michelle’s coined phrase – “you got it, dude!”
Also, I agree, running to explore new places is a perfect way to see the sights you can’t always see when you take a tour or drive around! Awesome pictures, Jule!
Julie **
Ohhh my gosh I just read an article that said that Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse dated in real life years and years ago but I read the headline as they were dating now and I almost cried tears of joy but then I actually read the article and saw that they had been like 18 and 19.
I LOVE your blog Julie! What lipstick color are you wearing? It looks great!
I definitely love finding local coffee shops, or a savory brunch since morning is my favorite time of the day, but I think dinners out (that someone else cooked!) are a relaxing way to end the day.
I love Full House! My boyfriend and I were watching it last night and I finally saw the episode where they say that Uncle Jesse’s real name is Hermes. Haha!
That run sounds heavenly! I’m in south Louisiana and the humidity is squashing my run times! Come back “winter”! In my dream world mother nautre says, “you got it dude” right back to me. Can’t wait to read more about San Fran!
My favorite meals to eat out when I am on vacation are dinner meals! For some reason I always seems to forget about great breakfast options!