A perk of working as a personal trainer is the ability to wear comfortable gym clothes to work every day. Yoga pants or spandex capris and sneakers? Sign me up!
The gym where I am working provides a polo for trainers to wear (mine should be arriving soon) and we have to wear black exercise pants or capris on the bottom. This makes getting ready for work a breeze and so far I am a fan.
Earlier this month, Reebok sent me a pair of the PWR fitted capris and they have quickly become my go-to workout capris and my favorite capris to wear to work.
When it comes to working out in the capris, I love them because they don’t fall down or ride up. Though the legs are fitted the whole way through and are nice and snug, the bottoms are thicker and slightly more fitted which keeps them in place during plyometric movements like box jumps, burpees and mountain climbers.
Overall, the capris are thicker than the majority of workout capris or pants I’ve owned in the past which is why I love to wear them to work.
The high-quality material makes them look more professional (no pilling!) and work-appropriate for a trainer. (Just FYI, should these capris interest you, I’d definitely order a size smaller than you think you might need as they seem to run a bit large.)
My shift at work today was only four hours, but it ran right through lunch. I ate a heavy snack before work, but was more than ready to dig into my real (late) lunch when I arrived home.
I made myself chicken salad with carrots and served it with kettle corn and a sliced Ambrosia apple.
At work today, I was able to sit in on some appointments with new members at the gym. I’ve been learning a lot about the various programs that are available to members and am continually impressed with my new employer. I love that they put an emphasis on helping those who are brand new to fitness develop an exercise routine.
There is a free 6-month program available to members where they can meet with a gym employee, set goals, discuss exercise obstacles and brainstorm ways to develop a fitness habit. I’m excited to be a part of it!
For example, one new member is trying to cut soda out of her diet and consume more water (in addition to fitness-specific goals). She’s been doing great with eliminating soda, but is struggling with water consumption. One of my fellow trainers encouraged her to buy two giant water bottles and use a Sharpie marker to draw lines on them with times that tell her when she needs to drink water.
Creating mini water goals to keep her on track throughout the day seems like a great way to encourage all-day hydration. I want to use this idea, too!
Question of the Afternoon
- Do you struggle with drinking enough water?
- How do you make sure you drink enough water throughout the day?
I only struggle with water in the Winter. But right about now is when I drink it all day!
I really like how your employer has programs for new people. My parents actually quit the gym because no one wanted to help them figure out the equipment. They kept trying to pressure my parents into buying personal training sessions….so frustrating!
Ever since getting a CamelBak water bottle I have not struggled to drink water. I have the 20oz insulated one that is blue/pink/purple. The straw is flexible and you bite on it to engage the straw, so I think that it is fun to use!! I just keep track of how many times I fill it up in a day, but it is pretty easy to fill it up 4-5 times in a day.
Haha…I just got the same water bottle. I couldn’t agree more, I just love the fun straw!!
I had one of those, too! I loved it. The straw’s a bit delicate though, so be careful with it. Mine broke and eventually fell off. I don’t think it’s necessarily a manufacturing flaw, though – will definitely be buying another
I had issues with the straw/top of my camelback and learned they have a lifetime guarantee!! I filled out a simple form on their site and got my new top in a week or so. GREAT customer service!
That is really good to know! I got mine as a gift and had no idea. I will have to look into that. Hopefully I don’t need a receipt or anything…
No receipt-they just ask for the model of your bottle and issue. Mine was 3-4 years old so no receipt for sure!
Thanks for the heads up! So far I’ve been gentle, but I know over time the flexible plastic may tear/rip/break with use. Glad to know they have good customer service. So far I have been impressed with it!
I have the 20 oz Camelbak as well. I find that I drink a lot more water with it.
Omg NO, I do NOT have a problem drinking enough water. I am such a “thirsty person.” I carry a Camelbak with me everywhere – even when I run errands. I swear, I drink double the recommended amount of water. The poor waitress at restaurants, too! Ha. Love my water.
I’m the same way! I might even drink TOO much water sometimes.
As long as I have a liter water bottle I’m pretty good with drinking enough water throughout the day, because I aim to drink 2 or 3 liters. If I’m drinking out of a glass I never seem to drink enough!
Me too!!!
I always thought that I was getting enough water, but then I started using the tracking feature on Livestrong.com/myplate and I realized I wasn’t always drinking 8 cups. Now I take 2 water bottles to work or take Mason jars with sliced lemon and water.
I’m gonna count tea as water, but even with that, I still don’t get enough. But let me tell you, if I drink any more, I’m gonna be peeing all day! 😉
I have a routine where I drink water first thing in the morning and right before lunch, getting into a routine makes things easier. By the way I drink tap water.
I sip on water all day long but I can never seem to drink enough because I’m always thirsty!
I have a reusable 32 oz water bottle so I make sure by mid afternoon I am refilling it up. When I feel myself getting bored with water I throw some lemon or lime slices in there to change it up.
Love this idea! I barely have enough time to go to the bathroom during the workday (healthcare), let alone drink enough water. This might make me motivated to sip in between patients :). P.S. your chicken salad looks delish!!
That is such a great idea!! I love that…I’m all about visual goals.
For some reason, I drink massive amounts of water all throughout the day. And I don’t drink anything else either (except for the occassional coffee or unsweet tea). I guess since my mom raised us without any other options other thank skim milk, I just haven’t grown any cravings for anything else.
As for the amount of water I drink, my boyfriend, family, and friends have ALL commented on the massive amounts of water I drink (I usually drink at least 64 oz. a day). My boyfriend treated me to a spa package for Valentine’s Day and even the lady doing my facial caught me off guard by asking me if I drink a lot of water. When I responded yes she told me she could tell I drink ample amounts (weird… still not sure how she can tell from my skin! 🙂 Haha). Anyways, the feeling of a dry mouth makes me antsy and I get thirsty extremely quickly/easily so I ALWAYS have either a full cup of water within reach if I’m at home or my 32oz. water bottle with me if I’m out and about. I’m the same way with food – if it’s in front of me, I’ll eat it even if I’m not hungry. So I decided to try the same with water and it works!
I really like the time deadline idea though! I usually try to drink one 32 oz. water bottle by lunch time and another by bedtime, but writing the times down provides nice visual motivation 🙂
As long as I have a full bottle next to me, I am usually able to stay on top of my water intake. But I think having it NEXT to you is key!
What brand are your pink shoes?????? I love them! 🙂
I agree! I’ve been searching for a pair of pink shoes!
Reebok Nanos!
http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/post/23121659546 <— this is actually the original source for that water bottle pic, in case you are interested!
I definitely struggle when it comes to drinking enough water throughout the day. It seems like I go in spurts. I may try this bottle idea. After all, you just never which idea will finally make it easy!
I make sure to bring water with me wherever I go so auto pilot move to drink the water happens. I used to love soda water but have noticed a constant bloatness from it so trying to avoid it as much as possible. Hope you have a great week! Love + Shine Courtstar
Wearing workout clothes to work sounds awesome to me!! I practically live in my workout clothes 🙂
I drink a lot of water, but on times when I’m traveling or out of the house for a while, I make sure I bring a water bottle with me. I get cranky, tired, and gross-feeling if I don’t get enough water!
I am a terrible water drinker! I leave for work with a full bottle, and come home with it 3/4ths full. Maybe I should try this sharpie-time deal hehe 🙂
I flavor my water with off-brand Crystal Lite packets! They are usually less then $2 for a packet of 8 and make water taste amazing. Grape is my favorite flavor!
Those time bands are a great idea!! I have a 24 oz Tervis Tumbler at school with me, and my goal is to finish 2 of them before leaving.
I keep on top of my water consumption by bringing my bottle with me everywhere. I like drinking out of my Nalgene bottle but really dislike water from a glass for whatever reason. So, constantly having my bottle at my side works great. Except that I’m always peeing haha.
I LOVE the water bottle idea! I do not consider myself to be very good about drinking a lot of water throughout the day. Carrying a water bottle with me everywhere that I go does seem to help, though. I try to drink at least half of my body weight in water each day. I read some where that this is a good goal for how much to drink. Does that sound right to you?
I use an app on my phone to make sure I drink enough water! You should drink approximately half as many ounces as your body weight. I usually drink more because I have a high activity level and drinking water makes me feel good!
Water consumption is one thing I have NO trouble with. I have an office job, and I fill up a 32 oz water Nalgene bottle when I arrive and finish it at lunch. Then I fill it up one more time for the rest of the day. It’s a great excuse to move around since the walk to the restroom is pretty far! Helps to keep me from mindlessly snacking, too.
Love those pants. Congrats on your new job. Water consumption has never been an issue for me as long as I begin my day with water. Great way to start the day.
I keep seeing those workout pants pop up on blogs and I seriously want them! I set a fitness goal, and when I reach it, I’m totally going to get them!
I’ve been trying to drink more water lately. My goal is 16oz 5x a day (so about a water bottle with each meal) but I also drink throughout the day too. The timed water bottle is a great idea for someone that is struggling with drinking enough water.
ha I need to do that!! Im lucky if I make it through 3-4 cups of water a day………
What a coincidence! I was just talking to my grandma about these water bottles yesterday. I like drinking water, so for me it’s not too difficult but my grandma’s doctor recently told her she needs to drink more water. I’m making her these water bottles so she can do a little at a time throughout the day! 🙂 glad you posted this! 🙂
Hope your new job is going well!!!
I drink a lot of water but not the recommended daily amount. I’ve been trying to drink 1 gallon a day but so far I’ve only managed half a gallon. I’ll get there eventually.
Love that water idea! I am a good water drinker since I’ve always got a bottle on me.
How exciting! I’m doing a PT course next semester I’ve decided 🙂
Those workout capris look great, I really need to try out a higher quality pair to see the difference. Right now I pretty much stick to Target and whatever I can find at TJ Maxx haha. And the water trick is a great idea! Sometimes I think I’m not getting enough water either..I have days that are busy and I just kind of forget to make sure I’m drinking enough.
I drink a full glass of water before and after each meal, and often between meals. It’s easy to remember, and also helps me feel more satiated.
I tend to get enough water throughout the day, but then at night I’ll just forget to drink anything. I should make water goals for the evening! I’m so jealous of your work attire 🙂
My husband tells me non-stop to drink more water!!! I just never want to….I too struggle with cutting out soda and still treat myself on weekends. However, I have been filling to void with crystal light or sweet n low in my coffee and I really wanna stop that because I know how bad those chemicals are for your body.
I need to drink more water! Every few months I implement a new routine or device to help myself drink more water, but it never sticks. I recently started a new job and bought a pretty pink water bottle with a place to put in fresh fruit to make the water fruit infused. I used it for about two weeks and then forgot to take the fruit out of it. Now, it stinks so I am back to drinking no water.
Water fail!
I picked up a couple Contigo water bottles from Costco a while back and I have to say, they definitely help keep me hydrated! We have an amazing water filter at work and I keep a Brita in the fridge at home – both make water more appealing. We have pretty hard tap water in my city so you can definitely taste the difference.
In all seriousness, Contigo water bottles (and travel mugs!) are amazing. I have NEVER had one leak. The travel mugs keep coffee warm for hours… never going back. Obviously not associated with them, but it’s nice to know that you can huck your bottles in a backpack and not have to worry about anything!
I love the water bottle benchmarks – my dad was given similar advice during medical treatment, to make sure he was staying hydrated. He said his generation wasn’t prompted to drink water like people are today and it was especially helpful for him as a reminder.
I also agree with the concept that you need to choose a water bottle that you enjoy drinking out of. I have a Camelback-style backpack that I use in the field (and love), but my work/car/water bottle preference is an open spout, rather than a straw or squirt bottle design (which is my wife’s preference). And though I don’t mind the taste of “spigot water”, I know folks who began to drink more water when they bought a water bottle with a filter, so they could fill it up anywhere.
I’m going to add a vote for Kleen Kanteen as my water bottle choice – they have different tops you can buy, even a sippy spout for kids, and you can get insulated or regular styles.
I love drinking water. I trink about a liter every night too (very uneasy for the toilet purposes). I think I take about 3 liter a day.
A tip for those having a problem with it: try very mild herbal tea (mint or so). You should put about 1 teabag pro 1,5L. While my dad was on chemo, doctors recommended him to take 5-10 L fluid a day, to clean the organism, and herbal tea was helping him a lot.
In my job, I’m in meetings for a large majority of the day – so before every meeting, I fill up my bkr bottle (http://www.mybkr.com/) and drink it throughout the meeting – always out of a straw – I’m weird like that.
If I don’t have a meeting, I make sure to still drink a bottle full of water every hour – so it usually amounts to 8-9 bottles throughout the day. It’s an easy way to get water in, and if I’m feeling bored, I’ll add 1/2 a Nuun Everyday Tablet to keep me hydrated/interested in the water.
Sometimes I struggle with drinking enough water, but as I go into the day I know how many ounces are in the glass I’m using and how many full glasses I need to drink that day. Then I just keep that in mind and keep pounding the water back!
That’s a pretty brilliant idea! There are also a few apps that are quite helpful 🙂 When I’m at work, I set an alarm every 10 minutes and that’s my cue to take a big gulp of water! It means I end up going pee once an hour or so, but it forces me out of my desk which is always good to get the blood flowing!
I use the food journal from May Designs and they have 8 water glasses to color in as you drink them. I use a 16 oz cold cup and shade a glass in on my journal every time I finish it. That helps me stay on track as my day goes on.
I have a huge problem drinking enough water but follow that exact tip – I saw it on Pinterest a while back. I still struggle to meet my deadlines, but this method has at least made me conscious about drinking enough.
By the way – loved reading your input in this month’s Women’s Health! I’m always looking for cooking tips and shortcuts and yours were so helpful 🙂
I don’t personally struggle with drinking water, but I know someone who does – I’ll have to suggest this to her! love it!
Wow I love that nifty idea to mark your water bottle!! I don’t generally have a problem with drinking enough water – I carry around a 1.5L bottle with me and I refill it frequently!
How cute are your pink runners!! Love them!
I use the camelbak water bottles with the straw…if it’s got a straw, I drink so much more!! I also have a set of three sticky notes on my computer at work – I move each one from one side of my computer screen to the other each time I drink a full water bottle and try to move all three every day! I have a 1 liter water bottle, so it’s definitely a challenge, but I always feel so much better when I drink more water!