It’s official. I am plagued with a wedding curse.
As you may remember, I was throwing up like it was cool two days before our wedding and awoke with a pink and crusty eye the day before Ryan and I exchanged our vows.
Apparently weddings have quite the effect on me and my health because after Ryan and I went to sleep last night, I awoke every two hours to spend some quality time in the bathroom.
Not so fun.
I really thought my sick feeling from Thursday was on the mend, but I don’t plan on moving from our big comfy hotel bed for quite some time in hopes of making it to the wedding tonight.
Don’t you love my meds to my left?
Ryan ran to CVS this morning to pick me up some Pepto Bismol and Imodium to hopefully make me feel better.
(Wanna know something strange? I love Pepto Bismol. I think it tastes delicious and have joked with my family that they should make Pepto flavored ice cream. I’m sick.)
While Ryan was out, he also swung by Starbucks and bought me a bowl of their oatmeal since we figured that would be really easy on my stomach and I clearly needed to eat something.
I added all of the toppings (brown sugar, dried fruit and nuts) and ate the whole thing… which I’m really hoping wasn’t a huge mistake.
I’ll check back in later. For now I have a hot date with The Parent Trap on ABC Family. I sure wish I was out exploring Ft. Myers right now. Our hotel is in such an adorable area and the sun is shining brightly.
Crossing my fingers for a quick turn around…
P.S. The Fashion page was updated last night.
Feel better little bear 🙂
Aw, feel better quick!
Aww I’m so sorry you feel so crappy 🙁 I’m sure you’ll make a swift recovery just like for your wedding! Do you remember what the style name of those Jessica Simpson pumps is?? Thanks!! Feel better 🙂
OH NO! Rest up and feel better…tummy troubles are the worst. 🙁
What a bummer that you are sick! I hope you feel better and that those meds kick in quick!
Grooosssss, pepto bismol???? Hope you feel better soon! For what it’s worth, you still look purdy when you’re in bed sick! Haha.
Okay so typically when you are sick you need to eat really simple carbs…bread, bananas, applesauce, crackers, rice, etc. Nothing that takes work for your body to digest. So I hope that oatmeal works but I probaby would have stayed away from the nuts….hope it sits well though!! Sending good vibes your way so you can make it to the wedding!!!
Feel better soon!
I’ve never heard of anyone that likes Pepto Bismol. That’s definitely a first!
I’ve been reading your blog for months now, but I finally got one of my own so now I can comment!
I hope you feel better soon. It’s awful that you’re not feeling well when you have stuff planned.
Feel better!
Glad I’m not the only one who thinks Pepto is tasty! 🙂 lol. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Julie ! U poor thing : (
I hope you feel better! Well you look beautiful even when your sick : )
Get better love, I hope tonight you feel better than new!
Man! I have the same kind of luck. Feel better!
Aww, I hope you feel better!! I really like Starbucks oatmeal with all the toppings. It’s pretty tasty!
Have a great day!
I hope you feel better!! But I must admit parent trap is a pretty good movie… it makes me want some oreos and peanut butter!! haha
OH NO!!! but for real the Parent Trap, pepto and computer is SUCH a nice day! oh and i see Sadie is your wallpaper on your comp- so so cute !!!
Oh no, I really hope you feel better soon! Is it bad that I’m laughing because I love the taste of Pepto too? I’ve never met anyone else that likes it. I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while but I just had to comment on that! 😀
Aweh! I hope you get better super super super quickly! Seriously, just take it easy all day! 🙂
Oh and Pepto scares me! It’s soooo bright pink, I’ve never taken it!
PS The Parent Trap??? Great Movie! I still have it on VHS!
Oh boy, I hope you get better verrry soon!
Eugh, when I was little I had to force down the Pepto, otherwise just thinking about its thick texture made me want to throw up. And now thinking about Pepto reminds me of that commercial they had on tv with that really catchy song…darn, I’m going to be singing it all day!
haha i love that song! 🙂
I hope you feel better soon!!! It is no fun being sick on vacation.
Maybe your preggers??
get better ASAP! maybe a bit of fresh air will feel good in the lungs. worth a shot (and then you can get back to bed!)
I hope it settles well! I’d stay away from fish apparently. Then again I stay away from fish in general, so that’s easy for me to say!
i totally agree. just the thought of fish makes me feel nauseous right now.
you seriously have the sweetest husband ever! hope you feel better sooooon 😉
I hope you feel better!
I think pepto tastes good too 🙂
Sorry you are still sick — that is no fun. I hope you feel better soon!
Oh no I hope you feel better 🙁
I love the taste of Pepto…totally odd, but it’s good. Haha!
Sending good vibes your way!
I love Starbucks oatmeal with all the toppings!! Yummy! Hope you feel better!
sick or not, you still look beautiful! i’m jealous of your TAN! is it natural or a sunless tanner?
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Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
Crossing my fingers that you’ll feel well enough to go tonight!
ohmygosh, i’m so glad i’m not alone!!
get well soon 🙂
Oh noooo, I’m so sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Hopefully it will pass in a flash so you and Ryan can dance your booty’s off tonight! Feel better!! xoxo
Good to see that we all love Pepto! Pepto ice cream sounds amazing! 😀
Sending a swift prayer up that you are feeling back to normal ASAP! Hugs!
Don’t feel bad Julie. I was sick this week too!! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I had the flu. I haven’t felt back to normal since. It’s going around right now. I hope it doesn’t stick with you as long as it stuck with me!! Feel better soon!! 🙂
Awww I hope you feel better soon! At least you have the comforts of a nice hotel and loving husband!
Awwww 🙁 Feel better!
Oh no! Talk about bad luck! I always seem to get sick on my breaks from school (I’m a teacher). Never fails!
My mom thinks it happens b/c we finally allow ourselves to relax. Gah!
Ohhh no 🙁 Get better quick!! It’s always the worst getting sick when you’re on vacation and you just wanna explore.
Hahah too funny about the pepto bismol. I hate the taste, but I think it’s because I have a negative association with it, because objectively I can see it tasting good, I see your point about the ice cream flavour haha! I used to have a thing for cough syrups to the point that i’d exaggerate colds when I was little just to have some cough syrup.
That sounds awful!!! Feel better!!!
So sorry to hear that you’re sick 🙁 I hope the rest today gets you back on your feet soon!
I HATE peptobismol! but then again most people hate cherry cough syrup and theraflu and I’m in love with that stuff! The only reason I get excited when I have a sore throat! hehe 🙂
Feel better!
awe I’m so sorry, I hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Oh no!! I hope you start feeling better so you can party it up at the wedding tonight!!!
I saw the tweet while I was out shopping with this title, and thought “I hope she’s not sick again!” Not cool!! Rest up and hopefully you will feel well enough to go tonight!!
Hope you feel better soon. I also love the taste of Pepto. My husband thinks I am insane!
Awww! Feel better! Ryan’s a real catch.. those late night emergancy shopping trips are real love! Sweat it out!
I know. God bless him!
You’re always so positive. You have the most beautiful energy and attitude, Julie! Sending you get well prayers!
Hope you feel better soon! I’ve been sick all this morning too, so I feel your pain. Hopefully it’s just a 24 hour stomach bug. That was so sweet of Ryan to pick up some oatmeal from Starbucks for you 🙂 Enjoy the wedding tonight!!
Did you know cooked shrimp (especially from a buffet or shrimp cocktail at a restaurant) is one of the biggest carriers of food poisoning? You may have gotten sick from the shrimp you had last night! It’s because they cook it then it touches other stuff and never gets hot/cooked again to prevent bacteria from growing. I always steer clear of the shrimp at events! Sorry you’re sick and hope you feel better soon!
Ahhhh that SUCKS! My roomie and I have a birthday curse…we get deathly ill on each other’s birthdays. It’s kind of sad…our goal/gift to each other this year is to stay well. So far we’re 1/1…..Feel better!