I was up at 4:45 a.m. with Rhett when he needed to nurse. I never got back to sleep after feeding him despite my best efforts so it was an early start over here today! Thankfully my early wakeup gave me plenty of time to workout, say hi to Ryan and shower before the boys were up and ready for action.
Today’s garage workout was a biceps, triceps and core workout streamed from Burn Boot Camp and though it wasn’t a crazy sweaty one, it left me feelin’ the burn. After my workout, I quickly showered, got dressed and packed Chase’s lunch for the day before heading into Chase and Ryder’s room to see what sort of mayhem was underway since things were a little too quiet.
This lovely mess greeted me in the boys’ room:
Quiet kids = 100 percent chance of mischief and/or a mess.
Breakfast followed for me, Chase and Ryder. I had a big bowl of oat bran which continues to be my go-to breakfast lately — made with Kokada Coconut Spread, pumpkin seed protein powder, cottage cheese and sunflower seeds.
As Chase and Ryder dug into their breakfast, Rhett apparently sensed he was missing out and wanted to want to join in the fun. Rhett very rarely sleeps past 7 a.m. so I was surprised he slept in until almost 8 a.m. but if he wants to go ahead and start waking up a little later that would be fiiine by me.
We spent the rest of the morning before preschool drop off doing puzzles and bouncing around on the bounce house until we said goodbye to Chase as he sprinted into school. That kid loves running with a passion, I’m tellin’ ya.
Since Rhett slept in a bit this morning, we didn’t have to rush home for his morning nap and I took advantage of two happy kids and made a pit stop at the grocery store for some food to get us through the rest of the week.
Please note the scooter behind Ryder. When he saw it as we walked into the store he said, “I want to drive that motorcycle. That would make me happy. Rhett can ride with me.” Okay buddy!
Ryder was in charge of pushing Rhett in the Doona while filled a small cart with food and then we made our way home so Rhett could nap and Ryder could play! Ryder’s imagination has exploded recently and I absolutely love listening to him create various characters and scenarios. It’s adorable and since he seemed more than content for some solo play, I unloaded the groceries and checked my email for 15 minutes or so before Ryder saw me working and wanted to “work” as well.
I put my computer away and then we took some time to get a little crafty and made a mini banner to send to my dad. He had knee replacement surgery yesterday and thankfully is doing well but we figured he might appreciate a little something to make him smile during his recovery.
“I like green legs!”
Since Ryder is obsessed with being “Helper Man” (as he dubbed himself), I asked if he wanted to help me prep some dinner when were done crafting and he made a beeline for his cooking stand!
We prepped everything we needed for some BBQ pulled chicken in the Instant Pot and I have a feeling dinner tonight will be a good one!
Rhett woke up after about 75 minutes and once he was awake, we played outside for a bit before I did my best to settle Ryder down for a nap before preschool pickup. Ryder is still very much on a fluctuating nap schedule but since it had been four days since his last nap, I figured he needed one. He thankfully fell asleep after about 15 minutes of “reading” books in his bed so I left the monitor with Ryan and took Rhett along with me to pick up Chase.
We chatted about school once we got home (it’s ocean animals week which is right up Chase’s alley) and ate a quick snack before making our way back outside to play for a bit until Rhett was ready for his afternoon nap.
Picture by Chase!
(Linking my shorts here because they’re part of the ShopBop sale and my favorite denim shorts of all time. A splurge for sure but worth it to me because I’m so picky. Great for anyone out there with hips and a booty!)
Of course by “play outside for a bit” I mean we hunted for all the creatures.
Once I had Rhett settled again, it was smoothie time for me!
In my smoothie: Active Stacks chocolate protein powder, almond milk, peanut butter, frozen banana, frozen cauliflower and spinach.
And now I’m sitting on our front stoop blogging as Rhett and Ryder continue to nap and Chase practices basketball in the driveway. We have soccer for Chase and Ryder this afternoon so I know that the minute I hit publish on this post, I’ll be flyin’ through the rest of the day.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday and, as always, thanks for stopping by the blog!
Phew! Your busy! I’m exhausted reading about it.
Girl those shorts only go up to size 32. Definitely not for anyone with hips and a booty.
You can have hips and a booty and be a “smaller” size ❤️
I heard a quote on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast: “As a parent, you can either have quiet or cleanliness, never both” and it’s so true!
Hi Julie! What are your boys’ favorite puzzles?? Sounds like a busy, fun day!!