Since a couple of days trapped at home = Cabin fever for this mama, I am feeling a little all over the place today and figured I’d roll with it and share a few random things with you guys in today’s blog post. It’s kind of like a stream of consciousness but with bullet points because I like a lil’ organization!
Wednesday Randomness
- Electronic Junk Drawer Organization
Do any of you guys have an electronic junk drawer in your house that’s basically overflowing with random chargers, cords and old electronics? I took some time to sort through the abyss in our junk drawer when I was housebound with a sick toddler on Monday and stumbled upon some serious gems like an old iPod and my first running watch.
Those two gadgets got me through miles and miles of half marathon training and finding them underneath a pile of cords brought a smile to my face. Another thing that made me smile? The old school playlists I found on the iPod once I charged it up. We’re talking gems like “Still Not A Player” by Big Pun and “King of Wishful Thinking” by Go West.
P.S. I’m not sure if anyone would be interested, but if someone out there would like my old Garmin running watch, let me know! I’ll happily to send it to someone who would put it to good use! (I also promise to clean it beforehand.) The watch is giant but still works well.
- Peel Recommendations?
When I was in Florida last month and had the wonderful opportunity to receive a Vitamin C facial, I soaked up every piece of my aesthetician’s advice and walked away with some notes to help me better care for my skin. One piece of advice I received to help with aging and congestion (<— the kind term for “a crap ton of blackheads”) was to give myself a peel on a weekly basis.
I began doing this two weeks ago using a small sample of ACURE’s Purifying Fruit Peel I received in a past Birchbox and have been loving it so far! I swear my face feels 10x softer every time I use it! I’m 95 percent sure I’m going to order the full-size when my sample runs out (I found it for a discount on Thrive Market!), but since I’m far from a skincare expert, I figured I’d ask your advice just to see if any of you out there are currently using at-home peels and loving them. I have combination/oily skin (oily through my t-zone and drier around my cheeks) and would love to hear your peel recommendations if you have any out there!
- Grilling = The Best
We are officially smack-dab in the middle of grilling season which means I find myself wanting to throw everything on the grill right now! I feel like a light char from the grill makes basically any kind of meat taste better and I am dying to try grilling fish and pizza this year. I’m kind of ashamed to admit we’ve never tried grilling either, especially fish since we eat fish at least once a week in our house and previously lived in Florida. For some reason fish on the grill intimidates me but I am planning to follow this tutorial for our first attempt and have my fingers crossed! I also like the idea of fish in foil packets with veggies so that’s on my radar, too. Gosh, I LOVE spring and summertime cooking!
- Sadie Sniffs
Whenever I take Sadie on a walk and she takes an extra long time to sniff something, I imagine movie images flashing through her brain of something that would fascinate her like a squirrel hiding a nut, a particularly smelly dog, etc. I realize it’s probably an animal’s urine that makes her pause and sniff a little longer, but I still like to think that somehow a strong scent flashes some kind of cool dog movie through her brain which is why she wants to linger a little longer over certain spots.
- Nice Weather Obsession
When it’s particularly nice outside – not too hot, not too cold and sunny – do you guys feel like you cannot help but comment on the weather constantly or am I just oddly obsessed with beautiful weather? I feel like every time I find myself outside on a walk with Ryan, Chase and Sadie, I’m making some comment on the gorgeous spring weather we’re experiencing in Charlotte this year. I feel like a total broken record but then again if something as simple as nice weather can make me feel a little happier, I suppose I should embrace it and continue to take note of it, right!?
- Packing Is The Worst
Do you guys have little tasks or menial chores you have to do in your life that you loathe way more than you should? (Kind of like the opposite version of my Little Indulgences = Big Happiness post…) I once read that in a relationship, if there are certain tasks you hate that your partner doesn’t mind (and vice versa), you should help each other out and claim those tasks as yours… Sort of an “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” mentality. For example, if I hate cleaning our shower (which I do… it makes me gag) and Ryan doesn’t mind cleaning showers but hates cleaning toilets (which he does), we each claim that particular task as ours. That’s actually the only example I have for us personally as a couple which makes me think we should brainstorm on this subject a little more! Haha!
Anyway… I sure wish I could make Ryan pack for me. I don’t know why but packing has always been one of those menial tasks that I absolutely hate with a fiery passion. We have a long weekend vacation coming up and I am putting off packing for it as long as possible, which probably means I’ll be up way too late shoving too many clothes into my suitcase the day before we leave. I think I inherited my distaste for packing from my father because if there’s one person who hates packing more than me, it’s him.
Question of the Day
Can you think of one seemingly small task in your life you loathe way more than you probably should?
Another mundane thing I hate? Checking my voicemail. Bless the iPhone for transcribing voicemail messages. That was the best update EVER.
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a junk drawer! I need to get mine under control – you’ve inspired me to tackle it this week. The Garmin sounds awesome – I’ve never had one! If you’re really looking to get rid of it I’m interested 🙂
It’s all yours!!! Can you shoot me an email with your address?
I’m glad Chase is feeling better! I actually kind of like packing, but I do hate unloading the dishwasher and sorting through mail…no idea why lol.
The weather! I’m the absolute same. I think after living in upstate new york for so long, I need to treasure anytime we have a beautiful day and I will comment on it incessantly. Just in case other people aren’t paying attention to the warm sunshine 🙂
Yes to the voicemail! ha I do hate it. I also hate taking out the garbage. I don’t know why, but I just feel like it’s a man job. A long weekend vacation sounds so nice!
I would say taking out the trash, especially since we live in the city and its in small alley…..I always think a little creature is going to be hiding behind there. My boyfriend and I live together so he is on trash duty, I will clean a bathroom over taking out the trash any day.
I use a grape peel from the dollar store haha!! It works pretty well though, and fits right into a college gal’s budget. If Lauren falls through, I’d love the Garmin watch. Feel free to email me
Lauren emailed me with her address so it has been claimed! 🙂 Also, I see by your email that you’re a UCF student!!! Love it! WOOP! Goooo Knights! 🙂
I actually don’t mind packing, but it’s the UNPACKING that gets me 🙁 I’ll procrastinate that for days! This weather is so perfect, we’re hoping to get out on the lake soon!
I keep a running list (several) in Excel in my computer for what to pack on certain types of trips (work trips, vacation trips, etc.). I start revising that list or creating a new one weeks or days in advance of a trip. If I have my list, packing is a breeze!
Hi!! I have heard GREAT things about ‘Sunday Riley “Good Genes”‘ treatment. A little on the pricey side but sooo good and has amazing reviews on Amazon, Sephora, etc. Just a suggestion 🙂 Have a great day & I love your blog!!!!
I don’t like listening to my voicemails either! It’s stressful because I don’t know what the message will be about, haha! Thank goodness that we can read them now — plus it’s much faster!
I’m the exact same with the nice weather — I have to be outside in it as much as possible and can’t stop talking about how gorgeous it is! It’s the little things, I tell ya!
I’m actually all in on dividing up tasks with my husband based on what we do/don’t enjoy. I actually LOVE meal prep on Sundays (I know, I’m weird) so I cook a bunch of stuff for us to eat throughout the week and then my husband washes all of the dishes. I also don’t mind vacuuming so I vaccuum and he washes dishes every night (do you see a theme? I hate washing dishes, haha)!
Nice weather makes me too happy as well. I’ve been in the best mood lately because it was 80 degrees and sunny on Easter in Connecticut and in the 60s and 70s for the past few weeks. We grilled burgers last weekend and I cannot wait to grill more and get to the beach this summer.
I was just going to say that about voicemail! It is such an easy thing to do but I do not like to check it dries me nuts.
This is probably the weird to hate this chore but wiping down the kitchen counters. For some reason the thought of a wet wash cloth/paper towel wiping up crumbs. dust, and whatever else just grosses me out and my counters are never all that messy. When I’m done though I’m instantly happier since they look so clean but I have to talk myself into it each time.
No junk drawer, but I do have baskets! One basket is strictly electronics, one is climbing gear, one is hair things. I actually envy your junk drawer! I have a weird house, and drawers are oddly rare. There is exactly one–ONE!–in the kitchen.
We have been obsessed with grilling lately, too – and actually grilled pizza for dinner last night! I totally agree with you that a little char from the grill makes just about anything taste better. We do grill salmon a lot and like to do it on a cedar plank right on the grill. It’s simple and gives it a really good smoky taste and in my opinion is easier than putting fish directly on the grill.
I’m totally with you on the whole weather thing. I feel like a broken record lately with how much I talk about how nice it is outside, but it really is and it makes me happy, so why not comment on it?
I hate packing, too, and I think I hate checking my voicemail even more. I recently got a new phone and purposely took over a month to set up the voicemail feature because I just didn’t want it. Another mundane task I really hate is driving. That probably sounds weird, but I just hate it. I’m so lucky that I could ride my bike to work. So wherever we go, Chris drives. It works out quite well.
LAUNDRY! I seriously avoid it until it’s a problem and I have 5 loads to do.
I SO wish I had a grill. Nothing better than a juicy chicken breast with a good char. Wow my electronic droor looks the same. Wires everywhere. i cant wait for the day when wires don’t exist anywhere hah!
Hi Julie!
I love your random thoughts post. Glad Chase is feeling better!
Totally with you on the weather. My husband told me he notices a dramatic shift in my mood when the weather improves – we live in the northeast so being able to go on walks and take our daughter to the playground is a game changer on the weekend. If it makes you happy I think it is good to take the time to appreciate it!
Where are you going on vacation?
I totally split up chores with my husband but it is more because we are good at different things – I am good at tidying and putting things away (clothes, dishes, etc) and he is good at cleaning (wiping down counters and swiffer). We also have a division of duties when traveling – I do most of the planning and packing (including for him!) and he does most of the driving. I guess he gets off easy when we fly somewhere 🙂
We had to get rid of our old grill after it stopped working and since we’re moving in two months we haven’t bothered to buy a new one. I love how good everything tastes grilled, though! We might have to break out our little mini charcoal grill that we save for the beach, cause it’s definitely grilling season!
I love random posts! They’re the best! Here’s my ramble-y random response: We have a tech tote instead of a drawer, where all our little electronic doo dads find their way. It works! And I loooooove grilled food, but sadly, I am NOT a grill master! We don’t have a grill, and I have to say that I am rather intimidated by it (something about propane tanks and high heat kind of freaks me out.) And yes, I am commenting on the weather constantly! We have amazeballs days sprinkled with rainy days (April showers….). Allergies (that I didn’t use to have) have made the spring less happy for me, sigh. But I still love the look of it – right when it’s warm enough to be outside but early enough for there not to be tons of bugs yet! I’m a fan of bug-free or less-bug times of the year!
I really dislike packing but I came up with a packing HACK right when I started flying and traveling multiple times per year. It’s this: doubles!! Get doubles of everything (deodorant, ibuprofen, chargers, SLIPPERS etc.) and KEEP THEM PACKED. So I have a bag of toiletries etc. that is always packed, and I don’t have to remember to take any of my lotions etc. because they already ready to go! So you have your “home” set of things you use, and your travel set of things you use, already packed! Then I only check for expired products right before each trip, and only end up replacing one or two things at a time. It’s great! I also created a standard packing list of all the things I take with me, and I go through it and I check off each thing as it gets packed or double-checked. I also bought special smaller bags (think of a bigger-than-a-make-up bag type pouch) that I use to pack “sets” of things (like alllll the chargers and electronic accessories go into one zipper-up pouch. That way, whatever I need – headphones, car charger, extension cord, whatever, I know it’s always in the pink and white zipper pouch! It has really made this packing sooooo much less painful!
Me and my husband are the same about the shower/toilet, except *I* am the one who hates cleaning the toilet and doesn’t mind cleaning the shower, and vice versa. It works! My biggest small “I don’t like to do it” thing is grocery shopping – it just seems (and IS) endless. Endless, endless, endless. Sometimes it gets to me (okay, a lot of the time it gets to me.) I especially hate giant shopping trips that include things like paper towels and lotion and dishwashing liquid PLUS groceries etc.
And that concludes my stream-of-conscious response! Hope you have an awesome WEdnesday!
This is exactly the random kind of pick-me-up I needed this morning! <3
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with a burning hate for packing – and I don't even have a child! Haha!
Hi Julie. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time but haven’t commented on anything yet.
Unfortunately I have more than one junk drawer.?.regarding the peeling I have been using and loving the shiseido product which I have found that really works with my oily skin.
When it comes to diving tasks around the house I real ly dislike making the bed and my boyfriend loves that. He hates anything bathroom related so that’s something I always do.
Happy to hear Chase is doing better.
Have a great Wednesday
Putting dishes away / taking them out from the dishwasher…a total mental block but I’d rather clean something else than put things away hahaha
I totally feel you on the voicemail problem, I don’t like checking them either. I have no idea why though…?
And yes to amazing weather! It has been in the 70s all week and we can’t get enough of the sunshine!
This is somewhat off topic, but do you have tips for traveling with a baby or a previous blog post that touches on that??
I hate all chores. Although my hubby does a ton of them and I do more of the running around errands, I think I probably should just get over it! ha ha
So true about the menial chores! I HATE doing the dishes, so my sweet husband does them for me. He doesn’t like organizing things or daily cleaning, so I do that. He is also really great about doing laundry. 🙂 And I actually love packing for trips, it’s the unpacking that I hate!
Have so much fun on your vacation! I actually hate washing pots and pans….if it can’t go in the dishwasher, it tends to stay in the sink way longer than it should!
I would love your Garmin watch if it is still available! I’m training for a half marathon and so far all my running has been on the treadmill but I can’t keep that up forever!
I actually trained for my first half totally on the treadmill! 🙂 But yes, taking my runs outside was a lot more fun when I trained for other races! Unfortunately the watch has been claimed but I hope your training goes well!!
I love the Real Chemistry Luminous 3 Minute Peel! I got it in a Birchbox awhile ago and it works so well. The price tag is definitely steep but I think it’s worth it!
I hate doing laundry. Like for real.
Tip of grilling fish! There is a snazzy flat “pan” that is made out of wire mesh. It is specifically made for grilling fish so the fish does not fall apart and into the grill.
I would love your old watch if you’re still looking for a new home for it! I’ve been wanting to give one a try forever!
Hi Lindsay! The watch has been claimed but thanks so much for reading today!! <3
You should also try grilling fish on a wood plank. Cedar planks are great! They give the fish so much flavor, keep it from drying out, and also make cooking and clean up easier too. And you won’t risk losing any fish through the grill grates!
Origins charcoal face mask is seriously amazing! It isn’t too harsh, but you definitely feel the tingle. It removes so many blackheads. I love the stuff!
Oooh! I’ll look it up! Thanks for the rec!
YES. Baseboards ?????
This randomness is exactly where my headband is today too!
I’d love the Garmin watch, if you still have it! I’m training for a half marathon and have been running by time, not miles so far. If it’s not available, do you have any recommendations on a gps watch for training?
Hi Allyson! The watch has been claimed but if you are in the market for a new one, I LOVEEEE my TomTom Spark 3 fitness watch. It has GPS capabilities and is very user friendly. Good luck with your training!
I can’t stand packing either. But I’ve come to embrace the last-minute packing style, because I find that I’m much more efficient if I’m pressed for time. If I try to start packing several days in advance, I’ll draaaaaag the whole process out and wind up hating it even more. So cheers to last-minute packing!
i hate picking up/dropping of dry cleaning. living in nyc (manhattan) it’s such a pain to walk around with a ton of hangers/hanging clothes
Hey Julie,
My dad always uses a grill basket to cook fish on the grill, like this one:
It can also be used for delicate or chopped veggies and makes flipping so easy. If you spring for it just make sure to coat the basket well with cooking spray so that the fish doesn’t stick.
Happy hump day, enjoy the rest of your week!
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing!
I would love your watch, that’d be perfect for marathon training! If you want $$ please let me know!
The watch has been claimed but I wish you the best of luck with your marathon training!!!
We are retired and travel quite a bit and I was so with you in the “packing hater” club. But I figured out a solution that has changed my attitude completely. It took a few times of packing, but I came up with a detailed list of what all I need to take so I just print off my list and get going. I’ve recently moved the list to DropBox so I can also check it from my iPad or iPhone. We have several different hobbies (like Harley, sailing, golfing, etc.), so I developed specific lists for each activity. I still have to think about what particular clothes to pack, but just having everything organized and in front of me has really simplified my process! I also shared it with my two daughters and they each personalized a list for their travel needs.
This is a great tip. I’ve toyed around with the idea of making a list for packing (especially now that I have a 1 year old), but haven’t bit the bullet. I’m definitely going to before my next trip!
This is so smart! Love this idea and I’m sure your daughters appreciated you sharing!! Also, I hope you are enjoying your travels — sounds like so much fun!! <3
Grill tip for fish: once you put it on, don’t touch it! The reason fish (or any other protein) sticks is because it’s not done. If you try lifting a corner, and it sticks – walk away. Once it’s ready, it will naturally shrink away from the grates and flip without falling apart.
Thank you for this tip!!! The stickiness has been my biggest reservation with even attempting it!
I’d love the Garmin and would happily send along the money for shipping! I’m sure someone already reached out to you, but if they haven’t I’d love it!
Hi Julia! The watch has been claimed but I appreciate you reading very much! <3
I’m obsessed with Boscia products! I highly recommend the Luminizing Black Mask that you peel off. All of their products are really wonderful, especially for someone with sensitive skin (like me).
I’ve tried Acure’s shampoo, but I didn’t know that they had a fruit peel! Could definitely use that for my…ahem..”congestion.”
Yes! For some reason I despise unloading the dishwasher with the fire of a thousand suns. 😉
I love random days! LOL
And I would love the running watch if it’s still available!
I am with you on the hatred of packing. I am type A, extremely organized in every aspect of my life to a FAULT. But when it comes to packing I do exactly what you described. Last minute, TOO MUCH. I am going to Maui Saturday and have a list and plan to have it all organized the day before this time. I think the list does help somewhat. Also what is the transcribing you mentioned for the voicemail feature on iPhone? I hate listening to them a well!!!!!!!
Have a great day.
p.s. agree if the gorgeous weather is something that makes your happy and touches your soul…..embrace it. Every little bit of happiness you get makes me happy for you!
I actually hate cooking. I love eating, but I hate putting any effort into my meals LOL. Luckily, I found a guy who is awesome in the kitchen, and enjoys making me meals! He cooks, I clean the dishes – a win-win for both of us since he HATES doing dishes.
I HATE putting gas in the car. HATE HATE HATE. I also really hate doing laundry. However I love tidying and doing dishes, so hopefully whoever I marry will agree that forever and always, he will put gas in the car and do laundry, and I will tidy and do the dishes. 🙂