As previously mentioned, my workouts have dialed way down and I typically only work out three times a week these days — sometimes four days a week when everything aligns. It’s working well for me during this crazy phase of life!
My focus continues to be on strength training since motherhood keeps me moving a lot in my day-to-day life.
Week of Workouts: December 2021
Monday: Leg Day Workout
I was all about this workout because it left my glutes on fiiire! I don’t know what it is about that booty burn but I’m all for it and when leg workouts include a lot of glute work, I’m a fan. This workout kicked off the week on the best note!
Tuesday: Off
No workout on Tuesday!
Wednesday: Arm Day Workout (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders)
Arm workouts = Instant workout motivation! I love them so much and knowing I’m walking into our garage about to complete a biceps, triceps and shoulder workout puts me in the best mood! Wednesday’s garage workout targeted my biceps, triceps and shoulders. It was a good one and left me with Jello arms at the end!
Thursday: Off
No workout on Thursday!
Friday: Push/Pull Workout
I headed into the garage before the boys were up again on Friday morning to stream a Burn Boot Camp workout. I did the exact same workout the previous week so I knew it was a good one. The workout was a push/pull workout that targeted my chest and back. Something about a chest and back workout always leaves me feeling fatigued but strong and I love it! I’m often tempted to skip out on training my back because I find back exercises a little boring but I’m always glad when I take the time to focus on strength training my back because I know it’s incredibly important, especially as I get older. Thankfully streaming Burn Boot Camp push/pull workouts make chest and back workouts a little more entertaining!
Saturday: Off
No workout on Saturday unless you count spectating a race as a workout. Ha!
Sunday: Off
No workout on Sunday!
Questions of the Day
Are your workouts consistent through the holidays or do you tend to dial things back a bit?
On the days you say you didn’t work out did you take a long walk or do anything? I think that would be helpful to mention. Some of us count long walks as workouts. Thanks! Happy holidays. Stay well.
I do mention this if it happened! I definitely count walking as part of my fitness routine but it just didn’t happen at all last week other than unstructured running around parks with the boys. 🙂
I’m usually still consistent with workouts over the holidays. I typically go for runs when staying with family bc it’s the easiest. I used to take a few gym classes bc I had ClassPass but since the pandemic I haven’t been back yet. While I workout consistently, there is no plan at all with what I’ll do. It usually depends on how I feel and what the weather is like. Sometimes I’ll go out for a run or take a spin class on the peloton or do a strength video.