The weekend is almost over and I hope you’re enjoying every minute of it!
Our weekend has been full of holiday fun!
On Friday night, Ryan and I decided to stay in, decorate for Christmas and enjoy a homemade dessert. I loosely followed The Pioneer Woman’s recipe for pear crisp and we both had no trouble polishing off every last bite in our bowls.
Our house is now almost fully Christmasified, but we still need to decorate our tree!
Saturday began with a trip to one of our favorite local coffee shops, Cup O’ the Irish, for coffee and peanut butter smoothies.
Once we made it back home, Sadie made it quite apparent that she needed some serious attention.
We wanted to take advantage of the sunny weather, so we took her out to some local trails for a 90-minute hike.
Temperatures reached 85 degrees on Saturday which is great and all, but since I’m originally from Illinois, I cannot help but think, “This isn’t how the holiday season is supposed to feel!” (I know many of you are bundled up right now hating me for saying this, but I really do miss the seasons! I may need to unfollow all of you posting gorgeous snowy pictures on Instagram.)
Sadie, on the other hand, was loving the warm weather and had a blast on our hike.
(Her face kills me.)
After our hike, we drove home and made lunch before it was time for me to head into work for a few hours. Once I arrived back home, it was a little after 7 p.m. and I was more than ready for dinner. Ryan suggested Pronto’s Pizza and I was all for it!
As I looked over the menu, this sign caught my eye and made me feel 5,000 years old.
Yes, those born in 1992 can legally drink.
We each ordered a salad with garlic knots and decided to share one of their ridiculously cheesy calzones.
Once we arrived home, we did some research on a Christmas idea we have for my family and called it an early night. It was so nice to have a weekend in Ocala filled with quality time with Ryan!
On the agenda for tonight: Decorate the tree!
Such a fun weekend! Pioneer Woman’s pear crisp looks amaaaazing. I’m still in the Christmas-fying process. 🙂
Yes up in New England we are wishing it was that warm!!!
That pear crisp looks amazing! As does both of your salads with those garlic knots! When you said you went to a pizza place I was expecting both of you to order pizza 🙂 Calzones always remind me of Seinfeld when George used to buy them for his boss.
Living in NC, I feel like we have the best of both worlds. Mild springs and falls, but we definitely have enough cold days in the winter and around the holidays to put you in the spirit. And, where I live is less than 3 hours from the mountains, if you are ever feeling the need for some real winter weather 🙂
I am jealous of your temps! It’s 0 degrees here and with the wind chill it feels more like minus five! After a chilly day in work I’d love some heat!
That pear crisp looks so good! And even though I’ve lived in Florida my whole life, I still hate when it’s this warm this time of year! I’m glad we’re not having snow and ice like some parts of the country, but it would be nice if it were at least a little cool for December!
That calzone looks delicious!!
Awww have fun decorating the tree! We did that on Friday and it was such a blast – I am 100% in the Christmas mood now!
What a gorgeous trail! Being a South Floridian myself, I totally agree with wishing there was some snow or even sweater weather! I almost melted on my 9 mile run today. 🙁 you better take a bunch of pictures of you tree tonight. It’s so much fun to see all these trees!
mmmm that Pear Crisp looks heavenly! I wish we had some of that warm weather right about now!
Also, where I am from the legal age to drink is 18 which means… 1995 babies are drinking AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH they would have been born when I was 10 GAH
Ooooh that calzone looks so good! It’s been too long since I’ve had one!
Yea go bulls! Sounds like an awesome weekend!
’92 baby over here! But I’m Canadian so I’ve been able to drink legally for over 2 years at this point. And even sooner in Quebec (drinking age is 18, 19 in Ontario).
pioneer woman knows her stuff. looks like you had a fab weekend! yes, i wish it was 85 here…
Wishing it was that warm… -20 degrees right now. NEGATIVE TWENTY. It’s been like this for the past 5 days and I can’t do it. Send me your warmth!!
Looks like a fun and yummy weekend! Here in Texas we’ve been iced in all weekend and unfortunately the Dallas Marathon was cancelled; which I have been training to run…. major bummer and I would gladly welcome 85 right about now!
Low key weekends are the best!
I just moved to Florida from upstate New York and while it’s hard to complain to my family who’s currently trapped in a blizzard, I feel the same way!
I know exactly what you mean about the weather not feeling like the holidays in Florida! No matter how many decorations I put up and how much Christmas music I listen to, I just don’t feel like it’s December when it’s 80 degrees. Florida problems….
What a FAB weekend!!
Mmmm that pear crisp & calzone both sound so delicious!
We decorated earlier this week–it’s so fun to enjoy the holidays….and yep we’ve got tons of snow. I love how pretty it is!
that pear crisp looks delicious!!
Looks like such a fun weekend! We were going to decorate for Christmas this weekend too but my hubby got sick 🙁 We’ll have to decorate tomorrow. That pear crisp looks amazing btw! I’ll have to try out that recipe.
I hear you on the weather. It’s 30 C where I am and so not like Xmas…I can’t complain but it just doesn’t feel like the holiday. Christmas = Christmas = Heart though…
Where are you working? I thought you were a writer?
Can I email you to pick your brain about blogging and stuff some time? 🙂
whenever I hear that someone is born in the 1990’s it makes me feel sooooo old then I think that people born in 2000 are already 13… oh boy!
I live in Tampa so I’m totally on the same page! I find myself taking our warm weather for granted when I see pics of people shoveling their driveways but the cooler temp just puts you in that much more of the Xmas spirt! I just hope we’re all not wearing shorts down here on Xmas day…. Again! Lol
OOH that calzone looks amazing! So jealous of your 85 degree weather 🙂
Sadie is awesome 🙂 I had to comment because we just got a vizsla puppy- she is 9 weeks old and adorable. We absolutely love her. However, I won’t be heartbroken to see the puppy days go- I’m ready for less biting, less chewing, and fewer early mornings! She does not understand the concept of sleeping in. Ha. Anyway, just had to share the vizsla love! Love your blog!
We’re from Pennsylvania but vacationing in Disney World this week. We’re enjoying the ‘almost record highs’ while everyone back home is freezing and shoveling. I do enjoy the seasons and don’t know how you get in the Christmas spirit without cold 😉
Yep, definitely feeling old about that one too!!! I’m not too much older than 21, I’m only 24, but still… my younger sister can drink now and that makes me feel ridiculously old!!
ahh, 85 degrees, we just got our first snow fall in philly!! sounds like the perfect weekend for much needed time together<3 I have garlic knots at my work.. soooo good!
That looks delicious! Yum! I want to try making an almond butter smoothie.
Fun weekend! I feel really old everytime I see those signs too. 1992?! Oy vey.
I feel you on the picture about feeling old! Every time I hear of a birthday in the 90’s it makes me feel SO OLD!! That pear crisp looks amazeballs!
When I lived in St. Pete, I would pray every year for cold weather on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It just doesn’t feel the same without wearing sweaters and drinking hot chocolate!
OMGOSH 1992?!?
First real snow in Illinois!! Finally! Although when you are missing it, don’t forget the sloshy snow driving and the last night snow plow sounds, lol
ahh I felt the same way when I saw the drinking date of birth sign at a bar recently! Craziness!
Ok 2 things! I lived in Southern California for 6 years and I moved back to Ohio because I missed my family and I really missed the seasons! I could not quite get used to wearing tank tops and flip flops on December 25 :/
And 2. I love the Pioneer Woman!!! I made her homemade green bean cassarole for Thanksgiving and it was FABULOUS!!!
It just got cold as of this weekend, its been in the 80’s all “Fall” – I totally know how you feel with the “It doesn’t feel like the holidays when its warm” thing. I was getting kind of bummed out until the cold hit – now it’s in the 30’s at night (For Southern Cali that’s cold!) and I am actually using my blankets and heater. Hope you get some cooler weather soon!
That pear crisp. Oh my goodness. Looks delish! Also, I am currently sitting in a couple of feet of snow in Ottawa, Canada…I wouldn’t mind switching places for a bit of that heat 😉
I know you miss the seasons and all, but seriously, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’d trade you spots in a heartbeat… I miss living in FL SO bad right now, this winter & cold really sucks (I’m in WI now)!! The snow is ok for about a day, then everyone is pretty much over it. 😉 My husband & I are dreaming of the day when we can move back to FL.
Your dessert looks amazing, as does that cheesy calzone, yum!!
I really love that you have a healthy balance with food and life. It’s great to see that you can indulge and keep your meals healthy too. Now I am craving garlic knots! Haha 🙂 Lovely post, as always.
Can I just say that I love how you and Ryan split food sometimes, work out together, etc.? He seems like he’s supportive of, and on board with your healthy lifestyle. I love that!
Thumbs up to Ryan’s shirt!
Ugh, 1992! I feel OLLLLD. 😛
Pear crisp looks awesome. I am from New England and I love the cold, crisp weather for the holidays. Come Jan 1st – not so much! I honestly love the change of seasons. I am always ready for the next one when the time comes.
What lovely gift ideas:)