Even though I’m constantly sleepy, one joyful little man also seems to make me constantly happy and he got to meet one of Ryan’s oldest friends and his wife this weekend!
But since our guests didn’t arrive until Saturday, let’s back up a bit.
Our Friday was a rockin’ good time. And by a rockin’ good time I mean I spent Friday night cleaning out our pantry while sipping on my favorite Williams-Sonoma peppermint bark hot chocolate after Chase went to bed. I am well aware of just how incredibly lame this sounds, but an overflowing pantry packed with expired crap has been bothering me for well over a month now, so it felt fantastic to clear it out. Yes, this is my life now.
Ryan and I also finished putting away all of our Christmas decorations, some of which were brand new! I took advantage of a couple of after-Christmas sales (60+ percent off!!) while making some holiday returns on Friday afternoon and left with a handful of fun decorations for next year.
I couldn’t resist a Christmas onesie for Chase! I’m not sure what size he’ll be next year, but I scooped up a pair of pajamas for him for $7 at Kohl’s and figured it was worth a gamble.
Saturday morning was pretty productive! Our friends weren’t scheduled to arrive in town until close to 11 a.m., and since Chase had us up at 6 a.m., we hit the ground running. I went through the clothes in Chase’s nursery and put the 0-3 month clothes he has already outgrown in a bin to store in the attic. (Cue all the mom tears…)
Then it was off to Burn Boot Camp! Saturday’s workout was one of the sweatiest and most cardiovascularly challenging workouts I’ve done since I began regularly attending BBC and I made sure to write everything down so I can share it with you guys soon. It was a tabata workout that smoked me in the best kind of way.
I arrived home super sweaty and in desperate need of a shower, so I quickly rinsed off, changed and fed Chase before Ryan and Janessa arrived.
Ryan and Ryan have been friends since childhood and grew up in the same neighborhood. They were groomsmen in each other’s weddings and we always have such a good time with Ryan and Janessa whenever we have the chance to see them!
We spent most of the day out and about in Birkdale Village, stopping for lunch at Smoke where we shared the most delicious burnt end mac and cheese as an appetizer.
I love vegetables and all but it sure would be cool if there was at least one vegetable out there that tasted like mac and cheese. Or ice cream.
Following our Birkdale adventures, we hung out on the couch while sipping on hot chocolate and tea. Ryan broke out the Mom and Dad mugs I gave him for Christmas and was kind enough to give his best bud my special mug.
Adorable, right? Haha!
Eventually Ryan and Janessa headed out to meet up with some of their friends from grad school for dinner while Ryan and I got Chase ready for bed. We were asleep before Ryan and Janessa arrived back at our place like stereotypical new parents. It’s a small victory if I can stay awake past 10:30 p.m. these days, my friends.
Any day that begins with brunch in Davidson is a good one in my book, so naturally our Sunday was a winner! We took Ryan and Janessa to our favorite breakfast spot and enjoyed a delicious morning meal and coffee at Toast before walking around outside for a bit.
Ryan and Janessa had lunch plans with more grad school friends in Charlotte (they are one popular couple, huh?), so we said our goodbyes in the late morning before they headed out. It was so, so great to see both of them and we’re hoping for another visit soon!
The rest of our Sunday included the usual errands. The grocery store took priority because our fridge was incredibly bare.
(I’m patting myself on the back for sticking with my 2016 goal of meal planning for the second week in a row. High five!)
Chase was pumped that we had Ryan and an extra cart with us at the grocery store this time so he didn’t have a ton of food piled around him while he chilled in his car seat like he usually does during our grocery shopping adventures..
Once we made it back home, I nursed Chase and we played on the activity mat with Sadie for a while before we headed out on a family walk around the neighborhood.
You guys, Chase is absolutely enamored with Sadie lately. He watches her like a hawk and is totally transfixed by his furry sister. I owe you guys a post on their ever-changing relationship, so stay tuned for that soon!
The rest of our Sunday was dedicated to prepping for the week ahead – both on the blog/work and food front.
And that was our weekend in a nutshell! I hope you guys had a good one, too!!
Any weekend with breakfast out is a win my book too! I love your outfit from Sunday too, so cute!
William is 21 months and slept teeeeerribly last night! I’m so tired! Coffee will definitely be happening this morning!!
oh my gosh last night was a beast. i swear we were up every 2 hours. i felt like i was back in the newborn days!
Hi Julie, thanks for the great post! In the picture of the Ryans with Mom & Dad mugs, there’s a tan purse in the background… where is it from? I love it 🙂
that is Janessa’s purse and it’s from kate spade!
Sounds like a super fun weekend Julie! I’m envious of the green grass you guys have right now, hah! We have what feels like mounds of snow in Chicago right now, and I’m officially ready for springtime. It was 9 degrees here yesterday (colder with windchill), and it’s just not very much fun to be out and about with a 1-year-old when it’s that cold out. I’m lusting for warm summer days and trips to the pool! But for now, I’ll have to live vicariously through your pictures of beautiful Charlotte! 🙂
Organizing plus wine doesn’t sound to me, sounds like a fantastic night! I’m looking forward to that work out!
I wish I could pull off hats and headbands like you! They look so adorable on you. Brunch makes every weekend better!
That last picture! So sweet!
Chase is so happy! <3
It sounds like a fun weekend! Chase is absolutely adorable! And eating brunch out sounds wonderful. They is nothing like a cafe brunch!
Looks like an awesome weekend. Catching up with old friends is the best, I love seeing my BFF and her new little guy whenever I can! And Davidson is a great town to take guests to.
I love the first picture of you and Chase! He is so sweet! Looks like such a nice weekend. Glad your friends were able to come.
Chase is so smiley! Love the first pic of you two. I’ve been wondering how Chase & Sadie are getting along… looking forward to that post!
I used to wear my daughter when she was chases age in the grocery store so I could have all the room I needed in my cart, buy more food at once, and avoid going to the grocery store more than once a week.
Sounds like such a fun weekend!! Chase is so cute! I love when little babies watch dogs, it is so precious.
What a fun weekend! Haha I’m in college and your Friday doesn’t sound lame to me. Getting organized and having time to relax is important 🙂
Isn’t meal planning such a help? I wish I had started a long time ago!
Looks like a fantastic weekend! I was actually looking at that picture of Chase in the cart and was trying to figure out where the groceries went, ha! What a little sweet heart. 🙂
xo, Jessica
It doesn’t matter if it happens on a weekend night or not, cleaning out a closet or pantry is incredibly satisfying. I feel ya, Julie! 🙂 Happy Monday!
Hi! I always love your Friday posts and then your weekend update posts!! I did have one question from a previous post and was hoping you could do a post on this- the ThredUp thing?? I am always looking for little extra ways to earn cash and getting rid of clothes could not be more of a perfect idea. I just wanted a little more details. Just like how do you get started? Is there an initial fee?
Also… you are very crafty… I have been wanting to ask you… a friend of mine got married last June, so she just hit 6 months in December. Do you ever do like gifts throughout their year of marriage (your friends)? You always do meaniningful gifts and thought I could ask. For their wedding, starting at 75 days out, I gave a present for them every 15 days (75, 60, 45, 30, 15, day of!) And it was all ‘bridey’ things – a “bride” bath robe before their wedding shower, a bride hoodie that said, Mrs Sapienza, etc… just fun wedding stuff! So just wondering if you have any thoughts or if you did anything like this.
Love seeing what your cute family is up to! I can’t believe how quickly Chase is growing. Such a fun time for you guys.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I remember when I started packing up clothes that #babybigtruck out grew I balled! It does get easier!
I am looking forward to the blog post on Sadie and Chase!
I feel you on your Saturday night! I had some “me time” on Sunday while my husband watched our baby and I chose to clean my closet. It was driving me nuts, so it felt good!
My little guy has been watching our dog more and more. He stares are her and she licks his face. He doesn’t seem to mind it, he’s super quiet and his eyes well up a bit but he doesn’t cry. It’s the strangest thing! 🙂
I have a 5 month old boy a few days younger than Chase. I love your updates, very similar to what we go through on a day to day. We have definitely done the pile the groceries around the car seat a few times but I love to baby wear at the grocery store. And a bonus, he usually gets a good nap in!
I’m obsessed with that photo of you and Chase at the top! So stinking adorable. Have a great week (and lots of well-deserved coffee), Julie!
Perpetual tiredness but look at you going shopping and still being the cutest little mama!!
This was a very fun post, and that pic of you holding Chase is just so adorable! So cute!! I feel a weird sense of joy when I clean out my pantry, too – and then I feel guilty ABOUT the joy because I’m throwing away food. Speaking of meal planning – I need to chop chop on that, so I do less throwing out. I wish veggies and salads tasted like ice cream and mac and cheese too. I’m always telling my bff, “if the food is good for us, why doesn’t it taste the BEST to us? We should be shoving cake aside and fighting over the last bunch of kale! Science, schmience!”
It sounds like you had a good weekend with great friends (cute mug pic!), and that little bin with teeny tiny Chase clothes is just so cute (awww). But that Christmas onesie will be fun for you to look forward to – when he’s walking on his own and hanging out with Sadie next year. Happy Monday!
Way to go on your meal plan! I really need to start doing that. I can’t believe how big Chase is getting. I remember the first round of my daughter’s clothes that I put away and it was so bittersweet for me. 🙁
ORganizing the pantry sounds like a dream…because I’m a mommy too, and I get it. I remember and miss the days of the car seat taking up the entire grocery cart. Throw in that a Trader Joe’s cart is much smaller, and it was a challenge. I started wearing my mini grocery shopping and she loved that she could see everything. Now, she’s 3, and my “helper” at the store with her own mini cart. Where does the time go?!
This was such a fun post in the middle of a crazy Monday afternoon! I have not commented much before, but I love your blog and always feel so motivated after reading it! I have a one and three year old, so I feel ya on the constant tiredness, it’s nice knowing others are feeling the same!
I’m usually in bed before 10pm and I don’t have kids, lol #noexcuse. Fun weekends with friends are the best!
I can’t wait to have mac n cheese pizza once this photoshoot I have at the end of the month is over. I’m obsessed with the mac n cheese pizza we have here in Chicago and have been dreaming about it for weeks!
Check out getting a Bixby for the grocery cart. I got one for Christmas!
Also, have you noticed any dip in milk supply while drinking peppermint beverages this holiday season. I have only had two to be safe, since peppermint can effect milk supply.
Sorry I mean Bixny
I also made a grocery store trip with my little guy. I find wearing him at the store is SO much easier. Now that he can face out, he totally loves it. I think my little guy is very similar to Chase; very active and extremely curious 🙂
I can’t stay up late if my life depended on it. The only reason I made it to midnight on New Years was the Starbucks I got at 5 pm! When I saw Taylor Swift back in July I was falling asleep while standing at the concert. Now THAT is sad!
Sounds like a lovely weekend! I think that any weekend that includes a brunch is a good weekend 🙂
Sounds like a good weekend! I’m looking forward to the Chase and Sadie update!
I started meal planning and Sunday prep too! You inspired me!
Hey Julie! Will you be sharing your meal plans?? It’s so much easier to copy others hard work of planning haha ???
I’m always tired too! Props to anyone who isn’t! 🙂
If anybody gets the chance to check out my blog that would be amazing:
Sounds like a great weekend! Love the mugs 🙂 I need to take a page out of your book and have a pantry cleaning/organizing night-we are in desperate need of that over here!
What a lovely weekend! That pic of Chase and Sadie is precious!!!! Hope to see more of the week 2 meal plan ☺
That sounds like such a nice weekend. It almost makes me want to tear up knowing that Chase has already outgrown his itty-bitty-baby clothes, so I can only imagine how that felt for you having to pack it all up.
So cute! Very excited for the post about Sadie & Chase’s relationship 🙂
Sounds like such fun weekend! Love all the photos of Chase and Sadie..precious!!
If it’s not too personal, when you write about Chase/Sadie, do you mind including Sadie’s age/temperament and talking a little bit about how you juggle having both, please? We have an energetic 6-month-old pup, and we’re thinking kids soon but the idea of managing both babies seems too much to handle!
Thank you!
Your family is so precious! Could you please tell me where you got the mom/dad mugs? I’m hopin to gift them to my friends who just became parents. 🙂 thanks in advance!