When I called her to come inside she just looked at me, her feeble little body shaking in the cold.
I figured that if she wanted to be outside in the frigid temperatures that badly, I might as well change into warmer clothes and take her for a run.
She practically did cartwheels when I grabbed for her leash.
Her prayers had been answered!
During our run today, I realized I do some pretty weird things as I truck along…
- Prior to running, if I cannot find a hair tie to pull my hair back, I always sing “Where have all the hair ties gooooone?” in my head to the tune of “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone” by Paula Cole.
- I make a race car sound in my head whenever I run past someone as I run, even if I’m practically running at a 30-minute mile pace.
- I say things aloud to Sadie that I am really saying for my own benefit to make myself feel better. “Almost done!” “Great job, Sadie!” “You’re so fast!” “Watch out Usain Bolt!”
- Whenever I find myself running up a hill, I always say “Engage, legs!” in my head, Inspector Gadget style. (“Go, go Gadget legs!”) If you know the Central Florida landscape at all, you know this is rather ridiculous considering a “hill” is basically a speed bump.
- The night before I plan to run, if I have a lot on my mind, I tell myself to “save it” for tomorrow’s run.
- I feel my body instantly respond when inspirational songs like “Proud” by Heather Small come on my iPod, and I lip sync all the words (assuming no one is around).
- Whenever a song with an awesome, repetitive beat comes on my iPod (think “Call On Me” by Eric Prydz or “What is Love” by Haddaway), I immediately want to start head-bobbing, a la Night at the Roxbury.
Even though some pretty odd things occur on my runs, my breakfast was the opposite of strange.
I call this one the “grab-and-go.”
I wanted a super easy, but still nutritious, breakfast this morning and grabbed for the nearest things in my fridge and the breadbasket that called to me.
Chobani + Apple + Sweet Wheat Alternative Bagel
This is my answer to anyone who says they “don’t have time for breakfast.”
BAM! 😀
Aaaand I’m off to listen to “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone” and “What is Love” on repeat. Lata!
I love the Inspector Gadget reference!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks silly things while working out – when I swim, I periodically pull up some Nine Inch Nails songs…or outline papers/presentations for work in my brain.
i played water polo in high school & would ALWAYS think about upcoming presentations in my head… well, that or which boy i liked best THAT day. 😉
Woo-hoo water polo! Can’t say I think about boys much while swimming. Cake, maybe, but not so much boys. Maybe this is why I’m single…
i was in high school… my mind has since expanded to other things. like chocolate.
I love that you shared all those silly but cute things you do when you run!!
I think we ALL have them. We just don’t share or speak of them often. And those little things certainly seem like they’d help!! I just might stay saying “Go go gadget legs” 🙂 and I am definitely going to use the “save it” for tomorrows run tip!! SO thanks for sharing what you do because it helps!!!!
This made me laugh out loud!!
I love the little things we do and don’t realize until we sit down and think about it. Love it!
i know! as i was singing “where have all the hair ties goooone?” in my head, i was like “hold on a second. this is NOT normal.”
hahaha this cracked me up. I have had a similar “wow I do some weird things when I run” moment! I love the reference to Gadget….I actually use this one as well hahaha
I totally lip sinc words all the time and I don’t care who’s around! I even did it during my half! Ha! I love the encourage words to Sadie/for yourself — I talk to myself throughout my whole run in my head.. great way to think about things and just relax?
Hahahaha you are rad.
“I’mma be” by black eyed peas gets me in the zone when I run… it’s so gangster, and i’m not… and that makes me laugh!
you’re so hoooooood. 😉
Hahah! That is awesome with the “where have all the hair ties gone” lyrics that you made up to the song! I randomly do things like that too! Haha! Love it!
Funny post Julie! I think we all do weird things. I definitely will talk out loud…I even do this when walking my dog. I sing to her: “Oh Naava-noodle, you’re a doodle, who likes a poodle. Doodley doodley doo” Clever, no?
i see a record deal in your future.
I do really weird things when I run too. I chant 1,2,3,4 in my head over and over or my husbands intitals for some reason K, R, C to the beat I am running at. It always makes me run faster, longer and better (or atleast that is what I like to believe)!
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to copy this post, I do the WEIRDEST things! You’ve also inspired me. I leave my weimaraner warm and cuddly on her big bed in the morning when i go for a run. Once NYC stops being sub-zero (aka spring) she is coming back out with me!!!
Love your blog, and your wedding pictures are UTTERLY incredible. I’m getting married in Sept and if I look HALF as good as you my life would be complete… 🙂
you will be stunning. congrats on your upcoming wedding!! and give your weimaraner a hug for me. i LOVE those dogs. i call them the “gray vizslas.”
i love that song “where have all the cowboys gone”! you’re hilarious singing it about your hairties though 🙂 i usually try to do math in my head to make the time go by faster…
Hahah I love this list! I congratulated my dog while running a turkey trot 5K and coming in 3rd place for dogs! I wonder if we get to share that 3rd place cause we ran together 🙂
the fastest 5k i ever ran was w/ sadie! i didn’t share the plaque. 😉
Cute post! I have “Call on Me” on my playlist, its a great running song!
My father, brother and I have Muppet-long arms and legs. Growing up, any time my dad needed to use his limbs (to reach far in the mailbox from the car to get the mail, to reach up and grab something out of a really high cabinet, etc) he would say “Go, go gadget arms!”. We all do it now. Love it!
hahahahha this post made me laugh!
Self talk is the best. All my good conversations are held there.
Haha, I got a good laugh out of this! I do some weird things while I run too. I sing songs from musicals in my head (and sometimes out loud. ;)). Whenever the song “All I Do Is Win” comes on my iPod, I put my hands in the air- and they stay there! 😉
I’m completely guilty of lip syncing (is that a word?) when I’m working out. I always wonder if people wonder what song I’m singing…I know I wonder what music some people are listening to…can you just a person’s music taste by their “book cover?”
HAHAHA This list made my morning!
I frequently lip sinc all the words. Even in the gym with a lot of people around!
I had the SINGLE for the paula cole song, do they even sell single’s anymore besides on itunes? I’m pretty sure I’m going to have that song plus the inspector gadget song in my head for the rest of the day “Da da da da da inspector gadget, da da da da da da woo hoo.”
Haha I totally do so many of these things too! Good to know I’m not alone! 😀
Last week I was lip-syncing my heart out on my run (thinking I was alone) when I saw someone watching me skeptically from their window! 😛
love this post! although, i now have “where have all the hair ties gooonnee” stuck in my head 🙂
whenever i’m running with my dog, i always give him pep talks..like “last big hill samson!”…which are really more for my sake than his…since he’s usually pulling me up the hill
Haha! I say, “If I were my ____, where would I be?” all the time. For example, if I were my hair ties, where would I be? And I’ve been known to say “go go gadget arm” when I have to reach something out of reach of my short arms. 🙂
“call on me” is a good one! “dragostea din tei” by o-zone is another weird, but really catchy one!!
hey julie, is chobani still a good “healthy eating” choice despite it’s sugar content? my favorite is the peach flavor and it has 19g sugar! i know lactose is responsible for some of the sugar content… but how much? gahh!
I have been sitting at my desk with that Paula Cole song in my head for about an hour now. God I miss great 90s pop.
Hey Julie, I love your “weird things you do while runnning” espc the “where have all my hair ties gooooonnnn eoooooooooooooooH?” haha! I smiled reading that one 😉
I think we all have those strange mannerisms – its what makes you, you! <3 It!
Happy Thursday!
Hysterical! Love it!!! 🙂
Um, I tell myself stories while I run. Like, I imagine I’m on a run with someone famous. Or I imagine that I’m in the Olympics. Or I imagine that I’m being chased. It’s very exciting haha.
hahaha so fun! i do weird things when i run too, but not as predictably as you 🙂
Delurking to say that I talk to my dog when I run too! He ALWAYS runs with me and whenever we’re tackling a hill I give him a little pat on the bum and say, “Let’s GO!” and his motivation to get up the hill always helps me!
I’m training for my first half-marathon and I’m afraid I’m going to find the race super boring because I won’t have me training buddy with me!
Haha cute post:) I do some pretty odd things when I run, too I’m sure. Sometimes I’ll count my strides and other times I’ll put myself in a music video of the song that’s playing on my iPod!
Funny Emril reference!
Love that your breakfast was so simple and quick, yet enough to totally satisfy my belly!
I LOVE “what is love” — that is the perfect workout song because it just gets me going!
You are hilarious — “saving” thoughts for a run — that is such a good idea. I sometimes get so consumed with thinking about things at night — I need to start “saving” it for a better time.
I can so see you doing each of these things. LOL
I like the “save it for the run” idea though. I should use that in the future.
Julie, I laughed so loudly while reading this that my four year old asked me what was so funny! Love it. 🙂
Does it make you less weird to know that half your readers (including myself) probably do a lot of those things too? haha. Loved this post 🙂
ahaaha, I can relate to so many of those on your list.
I’m fa sho guilty of the lip-syncing, and when I go up a hill, I have “I think I can! I think I can!” in my head. yeeaaah!
I enjoy your blog so much! You’re smart, funny, down-to-earth…you’re real. Thanks for the entertainment and inspiration!
thank you, heidi! 😀
Hahahha. This post is hilarious. I love thinking of weird little quirks I do all the time and don’t even realize how strange they really are. Sometimes when I get bored running I start chanting (to myself) left, right, left, right, when each foot hits the ground like some military march. It’s ridiculous!
Haha, I’ve done this before!
lol, I also sing a song although it’s “oh where is my hair tie?” In the fashion of “oh where is my hairbrush?” from Veggie Tales.
haha that’s hilarious!
I know that whenever I’m on a run and I get to 3 miles I just constantly think “less than 5k, less than a 5k!”
Just now seeing this-but it’s fantastic. It really made me smile after a long night. I needed it. Thanks, Julie!
Haha, so random, but I love ’em! 😀
hi julie! i love your blog, i’ve been reading if for awhile but have never commented, there’s so many old posts i totally identified with. anyways, i am 100% with you about encouraging my dog when its me who is gasping for air, and running to the beat of my music while mouthing all the words.
I do really weird things when I work out also. If no one is around, I’ll do arm movements while on the treadmill (walking fast) and sing my heart out. I’ll also head bang to the songs to pump me up or play the “air drums” HA! You gotta do what you gotta do to keep yourself motivated!
alternate title to this post? “Reasons Why THS loves PBF” #justsaying