Hello Monday! (Picture from FluffyPaw.com)
I adore my weekends, but my balanced eating can often fall to the wayside when I’m surrounded by tempting, sugary treats (ice cream!) on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.
Do you have a harder time making healthy decisions on the weekend?
During the week I have a routine and eat around the same time every day (9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.). My weekends are all over the place. I also prefer eating smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to the typical three-square meals. Hanging out with friends and family on weekends can make my mini-meals seem inconvenient, so I often opt for three large meals, but still eat some larger snacks as well. I just loooove to eat!
For some reason my vegetable intake also seems to plummet on the weekends. Somethin’ to work on, I guess!
Today I’m ready for healthy eating! Veggies, fruits and vitamin-rich foods (unlike the bag of butter popcorn with chocolate chips that I enjoyed yesterday 😉 are in my future.
Breakfast started with a toasted sweet wheat Alternative Bagel topped with creamy peanut butter.
Peanut Butter Bagel
I think this is a better choice than the two large chocolate-covered almond biscotti cookies I had yesterday, right? 😉
Monday Breakfast
This peanut butter lover thoroughly enjoyed this breakfast.
Sick Fiance
Poor Ryan is home sick today. 🙁 He is coughing up a storm and has quite the runny nose. He’s the go-to finance guy in the wedding-planning process and I think all the number crunching from this weekend may have taken a toll on him. 😉
I’m thinking I may make homemade chicken soup for dinner today for the sick patient. I love homemade soup and we have some chicken breasts just waiting to be prepared in the fridge.
Please send healthy thoughts Ryan’s way today!
Don’t forget to enter my first giveaway! You have until tonight at 8 p.m. to enter and the only requirement to be in the running to win eight packs of Brothers-All-Natural fruit crisps is to leave a comment on the giveaway post. Yay! I’ll post the winner tomorrow mornin’.
My weekend eats always tend to be a little worse – not having a schedule, etc doesn’t help.
Wishing Ryan a quick recovery, and YOU a happy Monday 🙂
hope ryan gets well soon! i also tend to eat like 2 or 3 big meals on weekends and drinks at night, often with less exercise too :O but i’d rather be social and enjoy myself i guess. i should make more efforts to workout though. but during the week i definitely prefer 3 meals and 2 snackies to get me through classes and work, etc.
I am the exact same way, no matter how hard I try… I like to eat all the time too and on the weekends I always start off good but by Friday or Sat night…when Hubby is not dieting, we always mess up with ice cream or something!! Much more structure during the week!
Hope Ryan feels better soon!
why do our lovely boys always ruin our healthy intentions!? 😉
mm that looks so good! still cant find those bagels anywhere in the northeast!! darnnn
i certainly have more of a routine during the week so I welcome mondays with open arms indeed 🙂
I’m a weird one—sometiems I have great weekends eating wise, sometimes I have bad weeks during the week! ah well!
Im the same way.. weekends are usually off for me. I enjoyt he consistency of the weekdays!!! 🙂
YA for you guys for finding a venue.. how exciting 🙂
mmm that bagel looks so good
sending healthy thoughts to ryan, hope he feels better
My eating habits on the weekend can get wacky as well. I eat either find myself eating not-so-great food or forget to eat altogether! Weekdays certainly do bring my body and eating back to normal.
Just entered your giveaway- how fun! My eating habits are actually BETTER on the weekend. My office is loaded with unhealthy food. The temptation is awful, especially around the holidays. I need to put a sign on my cube that says “no junk food” zone.
My weekdays are similar as I’m working I have my meals around the same times. I think my body clock has got used to this, but then the weekends I don’t mind that there’s no routine it’s a nice change and when Monday comes along again I too welcome it. I think there’s something to be said about both weekdays and weekends.