Ryan and I are expecting a…
I cannot believe we are going to have a son! We are absolutely thrilled!
I always knew I wanted to find out the sex of our baby ahead of time. I joked with Ryan and told him that if I could’ve peed on the pregnancy test stick and had it tell me then, I would have, but the few months we had to wait to find out were filled with a lot of fun as we tried to guess, hone in on any “strong feelings,” research ridiculous old wives’ tales and toss around various baby names.
I was hit with two super strong feelings about the sex of our baby and the first occurred during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Around week 7, I told Ryan I was convinced we were having a boy. Totally convinced.
Then, I started to do research into old wives’ tales and read up on Ramzi’s Method and all of that made me waver in my confidence. I started to lean toward girl. Almost everyone around me started saying they thought we were having a girl and I basically talked myself into thinking we were having a girl, so I rode the girl train for several weeks (as you can see in my weeks 11, 12 and 13 pregnancy recap).
How We Found Out
After a miscommunication with our doctor, Ryan and I decided to schedule our own 3D ultrasound at a local imaging clinic at 14 weeks because Ryan wanted to see our baby move for the first time. This ultrasound also came with the option to find out the sex of our baby and we jumped at the chance to get the news four weeks earlier than we would have had we waited for the 18 week anatomy scan at our doctor’s office.
The appointment went so, so well and the ultrasound technician was so kind. She sat with us for 45 minutes, showing us the most incredible images of our little one. His tiny fingers and toes. It was all surreal and absolutely amazing.
Before she began the ultrasound, we asked her not to reveal the sex of our baby during the appointment and requested that she just jot it down and seal it in an envelope for us. Once we left the appointment, I took the envelope to a local bakery and they opened it and made us a cupcake filled with blue icing without me knowing. The outside of the cupcake didn’t reveal anything and simply said “He Or She” so I took the cupcake home and left it there to cut into with Ryan later that night after work and Girls On The Run. It was a looong five hours to wait, but the anticipation was almost exhilarating. The moment before we cut into the cupcake is one I’ll remember forever. We just looked at each other with the goofiest smiles, freaked out and sliced into the cupcake.
We were so excited and truthfully not really all that surprised! Remember how I said I was hit with two strong feelings about the sex of our baby? Well, one occurred during week 7 and the other occurred right when we saw our baby during the 3D ultrasound. He didn’t look like a boy, the ultrasound technician never slipped and said “he,” and we couldn’t make out anything that would tell us we were having a boy, but I was so, so sure it was a boy. Ryan was, too, and that was the first time he offered up a prediction. Whenever I would ask him what he thought we were having, he’d always say, “I have no idea,” so for him to agree that our baby was was likely a boy was kind of crazy!
We both said we would’ve been totally shocked if we would have cut into the cupcake and seen pink icing. When the blue icing became clear we just smiled and laughed and Ryan said, “I’m at a 10 out of 10” on the excitement scale. I think he’s happy to have a boy on his team since Sadie and I outnumber him at the moment!
When our 18 week anatomy scan came up earlier this week and we went into the examination room, the sex was yet again confirmed.
We’re having a boy! I cannot wait to meet our little one and will do my best to give him a good place to hang out for the next few months until we get to hold him in our arms.
A boy!!! Ah!
P.S. I loved reading your predications about the sex of our baby all week! Though most seemed to center around my symptoms and pregnancy recap posts, the comments that said I was “hinting” at things all week or that Ryan and I wore certain colors to represent what we were having on certain days were so creative! You guys seriously give me way too much creativity credit, though I wish I would’ve been more creative and done something like that beforehand! Very fun!
AMAZING! congratulations! I guessed a boy too! =]
Thank you!! <3
I’m so excited to follow along on your journey! I can’t wait to hear about name ideas! 🙂
Congratulations!!! The PBF household will now be back to even on the gender scales! Can’t wait to see the nursey next!
Okay I think I was more excited than I should have been to read this.
Congratulations you two! I KNEW it was a boy!
Boys are the best!!!! You will LOVE being a boy mama <3 Congrats!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I’m a boy momma and absolutely LOVE it! I’m so excited for you and Ryan.
Ahhhhh congrats!!! <3 <3 <3 So exciting!!!
(I was so wrong on guessing girl, haha. But then again, I was just wrong guessing with my OWN so there's that. 😉 )
Do you guys have names you like or have you not thought that far?
I KNEW IT!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for y’all!! Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to continue reading! 😀
YAY!! Congratulations!! I’ve been saying boy all along but I’m still surprised and happy for you!! Can’t wait to see the nursery and hear baby names next 🙂
YAY!! Congratulations!!! I was actually gonna say that it’s funny how you wore pink and Ryan wore blue during that ultrasound appointment—keeping things cryptic 🙂
So excited for y’all!
I couldn’t cheat and offer up any guesses, but I’m (still) so thrilled and excited for y’all.
Time to buy ALL THE BLUE THINGS. 🙂 And learn how to strategically change diapers….
I thought it was a boy too!! Congrats! I have a weird sixth sense about babies, though, and I’m 6 for 6 on predicting my friend’s baby’s genders based on nothing but “a feeling”. I have this for other things, too, but for some reason, I have it for babies. And I don’t even have kids!
Anyhow, congrats. What a fun, fun, FUN and giddy time for you both! So exciting!! I can feel it through the posts, and it’s contagious! You make all subjects pretty entertaining. I love the cupcake idea! So cute!
And will you share the baby name before, or after? 🙂 (Obviously we’ll all be curious, but respectful too.)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! A mother’s intuition is rarely wrong 🙂 So happy for you and Ryan, you will both make terrific parents.
I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing!
You fooled me. I was convinced you were having a girl. I had a boy last June and he is just the best. The funny thing was EVERY SINGLE old wive’s tale and pregnancy symptom pointed to a girl and yet, I just knew it was a boy!
Congrats! I have two sons and they are so much fun!
My oldest was born at 25 weeks so I call him my miracle baby. He’s almost 14 now. It goes by fast!!
Congrats! I was totally guessing girl. I have a boy and a girl. My symptoms were much more like yours w/my girl.
I feel like so many of my symptoms (outside of craving salty thing) absolutely scream girl, which is also why I think I talked myself into believing we were having a girl for several weeks!
Yea for a boy!!! I guessed boy too! Get ready to fall in love with another “man”! I have two little boys and I have to say being a boy mom is the best! Congratulations!
Congratulations! My husband and I found out were are having a boy last Friday! Enjoy your journey! xox
So fun! I had a feeling. Can’t wait to find out his name (I know we have to wait
Yay! A boy! Congrats!!!!
Congratulations! I always thought having a boy first would be so incredible. Any other siblings born afterwards would have that older brother to look up to 🙂 I didn’t have any brothers, so the thought of having a little boy is just so exciting!
Same!!! I told Ryan I have so much to learn about boys!
Congratulations!! I love that Ryan won’t be outnumbered now!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He’s going to be such a cutie and little heart breaker, I can already tell! My husband and I aren’t quite ready to start a family but I totally teared up reading the part where you said you’ll always remember the moment before you and Ryan cut into the cupcake. I can only imagine how special that moment must’ve been for ya’ll. Thank you for sharing and keep the baby updates coming!
If you do want to find out the sex of your baby one day, I highly recommend doing it when it is just the two of you. It was honestly one of the most amazing moments of my life so far!!
I completely agree with Julie! My husband and I were planning to have a gender reveal party with all of our family and friends. So our initial plan was to go to the 3D ultrasound and have them write it down and put it in an envelope, and we would find out with everyone at the party. Well that didn’t happen LOL In the moment in that little room with the Ultrasound Tech, my hubby and I decided to find out and not tell anyone until the party. I am so glad we did that because it was such a special moment just him and I 🙂
Congratulations! I voted girl on the poll because I had a feeling you’d have a girl for some reason. I am a mom of a boy (and a girl, 4 years his junior) and let me tell you, it is so much darned fun. I have learned more about things I never got a chance to enjoy as a girl growing up. Trains, dinosaurs, you name it. I always joked that I’d be great on Jeopardy with those topics because my kid has forced me to learn more about trains and dinosaurs than I ever though possible. Also, boys will always have a special relationship with their mom, so just take it all in. It’s the hardest job yet the most rewarding. Congratulations again!
YAY BOY!!!! I guessed BOY!!! So excited for you Julie, Ryan, and Sadie. Let the fun begin. 🙂
Congrats!!!! That’s so exciting!!! I can’t wait to see the rest of your updates and see your little guy when he arrives 🙂
All the best to mommy, daddy and big sister Sadie!!!
A boy!! I was wrong! haha I was convinced you were having a girl. I have two boys, ages 3 and 1. They are so wonderful, you are going to love having a son. Congratulations!
Yay!! I guessed right!!1 I am so incredibly happy for the two of you!!!! 🙂 I have a little 13 month old girl, and my sister is pregnant with her first little boy right now as well 🙂 She is due mid July! 🙂
CONGRATS! That’s so exciting! Y’all are going to be amazing parents to him (and Sade will make a great big sister 😛 ) !
Can’t wait to continuing following your updates!
Congrats! Would you mind sharing where you had such a great ultrasound experience. My husband also missed our 12 week appointment (and baby moving) and I am considering doing an additional ultrasound…but am hesitant to have it done outside of my doctor’s office.
(ps. we are also in the Charlotte area)
Lake Norman 3D Imagery! They were absolutely amazing. So kind, patient and thorough!
OMG congrats! That is so exciting! My husband and I are wanting to add to our little family (step daughter and 2 pups) in the near future and I have always wanted a little boy first, then a girl. Family tradition I guess.
I love reading your complete honesty on how the pregnancy is going. I am so nervous and anxious about everything, its helpful to know others feel the same way sometimes.
You will be a great mom! Congrats again!
So so happy for you two! I’ve been reading your blog for…. 4 years now and I always knew you two would make such incredible parents!
Congratulations! That’s so exciting.
I definitely guessed girl…darn! SO thrilled for you and Ryan! I’m loving all the pregnancy posts 🙂 You look great!
Now your house will be evenly matched! Congratulations on a healthy baby boy!!!!
Congratulations! My parents waited until my sister and I were born to find out the sex and I definitely couldn’t do that. I would want to know immediately!
Congrats, Julie! It’s going to be so great to have a little boy. Blue everything! 🙂
You guys are the cutest.
Yay, congratulations! How exciting! 🙂
I sent you a tweet about having a boy and things you will never dream you will ever have to say outloud.
I think Sadie was secretly hoping for a brother so she could be the only princess in the house. Good thing. 🙂
Oh my goodness! So fun! Congratulations to your sweet family! You two will be such awesome parents. Little boys want to be just like their Daddy and LOVE their Mommy! Your son is already so loved! 🙂
Does Ryan have any siblings?
nope – he’s an only child!
Congratulations, Julie! I am fairly new to your blog and feel like I’ve known you and your little family for awhile. Little boys are the best – I am godmother to a 7 year old and 2 year old and they both have such great personalities. I also love your updates on Sadie too. My brother has a vizsla, Hunter, who is under a year and my family loves him. Congrats again and thanks for sharing your life with us!
Yahoo!! That’s what I guessed! So excited for you guys! Where can I send a gift?
Ahhh congrats!!! I guessed girl; I am never right:-) Raegan Megan Fagan may be off the table, but I am super excited for your little family!!
Congrats! I’m not sure why, but I thought for sure that you were going to have a girl! I’ve been lucky in the past by feeling like I usually can have people pegged one way or another, but you and Ryan threw a curve ball! It just makes sense though because 2013/2014 seemed like the year of the girls & 2015 definitely is the year of the boys.
The cupcake story made me laugh too; my future brother in law & sister in law revealed their baby’s gender with a cupcake (pink to be exact!) & for awhile, their grandfather was adamant that there would soon be a ‘blue cupcake.’ Just a week or so after he had passed last summer, they ended up finding out they were expecting again, & it was a boy! It just always makes me laugh because the grandparents just have no idea what all of this ‘gender reveal’ stuff is, but I think it makes the process so much more fun! Especially that it was such a shared moment between the two of you 🙂
Congratulations! I’m due with a boy in 8 weeks. I have an almost 2 year old girl and I am terrified because I don’t know anything about boys!!!! I’m so excited though! It will be a blast!
How’s it like a year later with your boy?
Ahhh! A sweet baby boy!! I definitely was one of the girl guesses, haha, I guess I was thrown off by your wavering confidence in the last update with girl, girl, girl feelings 🙂
How exciting! I was anxiously waiting until the afternoon to check back and see your results! Congrats again to your little family! I think it was cute how you and Ryan were wearing pink and blue tops in the photograph above, how fitting 😉
OMG….Congratulations to the PBF family and the new addition!
We are also having a baby BOY this June. From the moment we knew we were expecting, I always had a feeling that our little one was a BOY!! I am so excited and happy for you and your family!
So much things to learn about the boy’s world…:) we will be ok though!