Ryan and I are expecting a…
I cannot believe we are going to have a son! We are absolutely thrilled!
I always knew I wanted to find out the sex of our baby ahead of time. I joked with Ryan and told him that if I could’ve peed on the pregnancy test stick and had it tell me then, I would have, but the few months we had to wait to find out were filled with a lot of fun as we tried to guess, hone in on any “strong feelings,” research ridiculous old wives’ tales and toss around various baby names.
I was hit with two super strong feelings about the sex of our baby and the first occurred during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Around week 7, I told Ryan I was convinced we were having a boy. Totally convinced.
Then, I started to do research into old wives’ tales and read up on Ramzi’s Method and all of that made me waver in my confidence. I started to lean toward girl. Almost everyone around me started saying they thought we were having a girl and I basically talked myself into thinking we were having a girl, so I rode the girl train for several weeks (as you can see in my weeks 11, 12 and 13 pregnancy recap).
How We Found Out
After a miscommunication with our doctor, Ryan and I decided to schedule our own 3D ultrasound at a local imaging clinic at 14 weeks because Ryan wanted to see our baby move for the first time. This ultrasound also came with the option to find out the sex of our baby and we jumped at the chance to get the news four weeks earlier than we would have had we waited for the 18 week anatomy scan at our doctor’s office.
The appointment went so, so well and the ultrasound technician was so kind. She sat with us for 45 minutes, showing us the most incredible images of our little one. His tiny fingers and toes. It was all surreal and absolutely amazing.
Before she began the ultrasound, we asked her not to reveal the sex of our baby during the appointment and requested that she just jot it down and seal it in an envelope for us. Once we left the appointment, I took the envelope to a local bakery and they opened it and made us a cupcake filled with blue icing without me knowing. The outside of the cupcake didn’t reveal anything and simply said “He Or She” so I took the cupcake home and left it there to cut into with Ryan later that night after work and Girls On The Run. It was a looong five hours to wait, but the anticipation was almost exhilarating. The moment before we cut into the cupcake is one I’ll remember forever. We just looked at each other with the goofiest smiles, freaked out and sliced into the cupcake.
We were so excited and truthfully not really all that surprised! Remember how I said I was hit with two strong feelings about the sex of our baby? Well, one occurred during week 7 and the other occurred right when we saw our baby during the 3D ultrasound. He didn’t look like a boy, the ultrasound technician never slipped and said “he,” and we couldn’t make out anything that would tell us we were having a boy, but I was so, so sure it was a boy. Ryan was, too, and that was the first time he offered up a prediction. Whenever I would ask him what he thought we were having, he’d always say, “I have no idea,” so for him to agree that our baby was was likely a boy was kind of crazy!
We both said we would’ve been totally shocked if we would have cut into the cupcake and seen pink icing. When the blue icing became clear we just smiled and laughed and Ryan said, “I’m at a 10 out of 10” on the excitement scale. I think he’s happy to have a boy on his team since Sadie and I outnumber him at the moment!
When our 18 week anatomy scan came up earlier this week and we went into the examination room, the sex was yet again confirmed.
We’re having a boy! I cannot wait to meet our little one and will do my best to give him a good place to hang out for the next few months until we get to hold him in our arms.
A boy!!! Ah!
P.S. I loved reading your predications about the sex of our baby all week! Though most seemed to center around my symptoms and pregnancy recap posts, the comments that said I was “hinting” at things all week or that Ryan and I wore certain colors to represent what we were having on certain days were so creative! You guys seriously give me way too much creativity credit, though I wish I would’ve been more creative and done something like that beforehand! Very fun!
Such exciting news! When I get pregnant (TTC now), I’ve always known that I want to wait until delivery to find out the sex, but your story is too darn cute and convincing to wait that long! Lol Congrats!
What an adorable way to find out the sex! I bet Ryan was so thrilled you waited for him. Congratulations on your baby boy! He is going to be SO CUTE. <3 <3
Congratulations!! Little boys are the best! Had my very own in October, life changing but so so fun and worth it!
Awesome!! I guessed right 🙂
I was hit with strong feelings too early on even when everyone else said different. Now our son runs around the house like the little tough guy he is and loves playing on his Thomas the Train table. He even has a little Jeep Wrangler bed!!! Like Mommy had when I met my husband.
Being a momma to boys is amazing! Enjoy every moment 🙂
Congratulations! This is so exciting 🙂
Congratulations! I have three nephews (ages 2.5, 1.5 and 1- each belong to a different sibling haha) and they are already SO much fun!! Can’t wait to hear name ideas if you decide to share them! 🙂
What a fun way to find out! I told my husband that I bet you were having a boy because you were craving some of the exact thing as I did and I had a boy! (Yes, I talk to my husband about blogs I read like I pretend they are my friends 😉 )
So happy for you!
Hi Julie 🙂 I am also expecting a boy – due July 30th. I have had the EXACT same food aversions as you – so I suspected you may be having a boy! Chicken, cooked veggies, and anything tomato based.. I have not wanted at all! So excited for you!! XO
So crazy!!! The tomato based aversion completely threw me for a loop and seemed to come out of left field! So funny you’ve had so many of the same ones!
Congrats! 🙂
That’s so exciting!! I’m sure he’s going to be super cute 🙂
Agh!!!!! I am crying at the car wash!!! So excited for you three….four! So exciting. Xoxoxo
Thank you, Kate!!!
Congrats on the little man! What a great way to reveal the sex to each other, I’d say that’s pretty darn creative!
Congrats!!!!! You and Ryan will remember that moment for the rest of your lives… so excited for you!
ps. I voted “boy” in the poll 🙂
Congrats! I’m pregnant with my second boy and let me tell you they are so much fun!! Which wives tales did you try? I mostly followed the one with the placement of the cervix (or I went with which side the head was on) and it was correct on the ultrasounds for my first and second! Now I’m following everyone I know who is pregnant to see if I predict correctly, and I guessed boy for you 🙂
aaaaaaamazing news!!!!!!! I had a feeling you were having a boy! OMG thrilled for you and your whole family — your and Ryan’s parents must be over the moon! Yay for baby boys!!!
Every pregnancy is different, but I must admit that your journey up until now sounds a lot like mine. We are also having a boy due in 8 weeks, so my vote was boy!
Oh and the acne? It has really taken a toll on my self esteem too. It just started to go away a couple of weeks ago. Currently sporting a clear face. Fingers crossed you get some relief soon!
Thank you! And congratulations to you on your little boy!
Congratulations! We are also having a boy, and I am so, so excited!! I always knew I couldn’t wait to find out, and I am still very happy with our decision to find out. It definitely doesn’t take away any of the excitement – I am dying to see what he looks like, and finally decide on a name!!
Kind of adorable that you did that at the cupcake shop 🙂 Congratulations Julie!
I love the idea of giving the envelope to the bakery. So cute! Also cool that you found out a little earlier. Very excited to hear about the nursery for your littLe boy.
Congratulations! What a fun way to find out the gender of the baby- it still keeps a little surprise for you! Someday in the (far, far) future, I think I’ll do that too. I was leaning towards a girl, by the way 🙂
I knew it was a boy since you knew the sex before your anatomy scan! Boys have little “extra” parts that would be easier to see on your 3D ultra sound than not see due to it being a girl! So I figured the confirmation on your anatomy scan was to confirm that little pee pee was still there. 🙂
Aw congrats!! I voted boy because of your nausea and salty food cravings! It seems to be a pattern among my friends who have been prego with boys!!! You’ll be such great parents, what a lucky little boy!
Such exciting news! I love that you and Ryan did a reveal just the two of y’all. I would have never thought of that but I think it is such a neat idea! Definitely making a mental note for myself 🙂
That is such a great way to find out together! I have to ask, did you take the envelope with the answer back with you? I can’t help but feel like I would have had to cross-reference it with the cupcake!:)
Is that neurotic?
So happy for you both!
I did! 🙂
Congrats! I have a baby boy of my own (Maxim)…get ready for tractors and cars!!
YAYYYY!! Soooo excited for you! Congratulations!!! I loved the way you revealed it to each other….and now I want a cupcake hahaha.
Such exciting news!!! And what a cool way to find out the sex. He is going to be adorable! 🙂
2015 seems to be the year of the boy! We are expecting a boy in July, as our three of my former classmates in June. My cousin just had a boy, as well. Only two girls that I know of predicted for 2014 so far. So YEAH to Year of the Boy! Congrats! So excited to continue to follow your journey!
everyone i know is having a boy, too! even the doctors at my office said it’s been “boy central” for them, too!
So great! Congratulations!
Congrats! Little boys are so much fun. I’ve really enjoyed your pregnancy updates and look forward to future installments!!
How exciting! Congratulations!
That’s so exciting! Congrats! I have all brothers and nephews and boys are just too much fun 🙂
Congratulations! You will love having a boy. I always thought I’d have a girl but now I have two boys and I just love ’em! Little boys are so sweet and a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing the news.
And while I didn’t notice any color themes throughout the week, I did think it was cute that you had on pink and Ryan had on blue after your 18 week appointment. Was that on purpose or a coincidence?
total coincidence! i didn’t even realize it until a few blog readers pointed it out! 🙂
The cupcake thing was so stinking cute! What a great idea, and amazing moment for you guys to share!
Aww yay! How exciting 🙂
Team boy here as well! Sorry you are experiences such nausea. Hope it passes soon. I didn’t have any nausea and people always say “A boy means less sickness.” Goes to show you that all those old wives tales are silly. Each woman is different!
exactly!! that’s another reason i was talking myself into thinking it was a girl for a while there! all of my symptoms screamed “girl” based on old wives’ tales!
OH MY WORD!!! I am so shocked! I was totally feeling the GIRL vibes! But wow, what an awesome, awesome surprise!!! Oh he will be the most precious little boy ever!!! I can’t wait to see how Sadie reacts to her new little brother 🙂 Congrats Julie!!
I guessed right, but only because now ALL my favorite bloggers have had a boy as their first baby ha! You couldn’t avoid it!
Awww YAY! Can I just say I knew it?!?! 🙂 I just totally envisioned you guys having a boy first, plus a couple of your symptoms were super similar to my pregnancy with Hunter. Little boys are SO sweet – the way they love their mama just melts my heart. I am so thrilled for you!!! Congratulations Julie and Ryan! xo
Thank you! I have loved following your pregnancy, too! Congrats again!
Maybe he’ll like older ladies? Because I could definitely see some looooooong in the future matchmaking in our families. <3 <3 <3
ETA — with my 2-year-old daughter. Because without that note my comment could have seemed super creepy.
Yesssss 🙂
Oh my goodness, major congratulations!! I was SURE it was a girl, but I’m so excited it’s a boy! 🙂
Congratulations on your little boy! I have a 5 month old little boy and he is so amazing, I LOVE having a little boy, more then I thought I would AND I don’t miss shopping for little girl clothes at all because little boy clothes are seriously SO cute 🙂 I knew it was going to be a boy. Congratulations.
Congratulations on the news of your baby boy! What a clever way to find out the gender. I bet the bakery was thrilled to be a part of it!
Yay! I had the same symptoms and am also having a boy (my due date was 3/9 so now I’m in the anxious just waiting mode!!). The acne on your back gave it away for me. I had never had that problem and it was awful!! Witchhazel helped and also letting it get some air. I had to wear the belly band (which is awesome!) until I caved and got maternity clothes; I think the belly band just exacerbated the acne. Definitely messes with your self-esteem, but remember that Ryan, your family, Sadie & your friends will love you no matter what! So excited to read along with your journey! It’s so much fun and I really do miss the early, exciting days of pregnancy. The heartbeat and feeling him move are the best ever!
Yay, a boy!!! That was my guess, mostly because my first was a boy and I now think boys are awesome. They’re the sweetest, I swear, even at just a few months old.
It’s so funny how your guy told you “boy.” I never had super strong feelings but let everybody else convince me I was having a girl. But in the last week or 2 before our ultrasound, I dreamt we had a boy and kept referring to the bump as “he” for no real reason. I also subconsciously wore blue the day before and day of the sonogram.
A lot of your aversions are similar to mine, but my symptoms were different (no nausea/acne but killer fatigue!).
I’m sure you and Ryan are on cloud nine. Congrats again! <3
so exciting… congratulations again, You and Ryan will make wonderful parents. There is so much love between the both of you. Your parents must be so excited and so proud of the both of you.. thank you for sharing… I feel like I am part of your family…
Congratulations on having a boy, I have 3 nephews and being around little boys is the best! I too was absolutely convinced I was having a girl and had many dreams about her but my family and mom were sure it was a boy and starting convincing me that it was a boy too. I found out recently my first instinct is right and its a girl, I guess your gut is right!
OMG I am so excited for you two!!! And what a cute way to find out. Congrats 🙂
congratulations!!! I just found out yesterday that we are also having a boy! I thought that I would want to wait but when the technician asked if my husband and 8 if we wanted know we decided we couldn’t wait.