Ryan and I are expecting a…
I cannot believe we are going to have a son! We are absolutely thrilled!
I always knew I wanted to find out the sex of our baby ahead of time. I joked with Ryan and told him that if I could’ve peed on the pregnancy test stick and had it tell me then, I would have, but the few months we had to wait to find out were filled with a lot of fun as we tried to guess, hone in on any “strong feelings,” research ridiculous old wives’ tales and toss around various baby names.
I was hit with two super strong feelings about the sex of our baby and the first occurred during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Around week 7, I told Ryan I was convinced we were having a boy. Totally convinced.
Then, I started to do research into old wives’ tales and read up on Ramzi’s Method and all of that made me waver in my confidence. I started to lean toward girl. Almost everyone around me started saying they thought we were having a girl and I basically talked myself into thinking we were having a girl, so I rode the girl train for several weeks (as you can see in my weeks 11, 12 and 13 pregnancy recap).
How We Found Out
After a miscommunication with our doctor, Ryan and I decided to schedule our own 3D ultrasound at a local imaging clinic at 14 weeks because Ryan wanted to see our baby move for the first time. This ultrasound also came with the option to find out the sex of our baby and we jumped at the chance to get the news four weeks earlier than we would have had we waited for the 18 week anatomy scan at our doctor’s office.
The appointment went so, so well and the ultrasound technician was so kind. She sat with us for 45 minutes, showing us the most incredible images of our little one. His tiny fingers and toes. It was all surreal and absolutely amazing.
Before she began the ultrasound, we asked her not to reveal the sex of our baby during the appointment and requested that she just jot it down and seal it in an envelope for us. Once we left the appointment, I took the envelope to a local bakery and they opened it and made us a cupcake filled with blue icing without me knowing. The outside of the cupcake didn’t reveal anything and simply said “He Or She” so I took the cupcake home and left it there to cut into with Ryan later that night after work and Girls On The Run. It was a looong five hours to wait, but the anticipation was almost exhilarating. The moment before we cut into the cupcake is one I’ll remember forever. We just looked at each other with the goofiest smiles, freaked out and sliced into the cupcake.
We were so excited and truthfully not really all that surprised! Remember how I said I was hit with two strong feelings about the sex of our baby? Well, one occurred during week 7 and the other occurred right when we saw our baby during the 3D ultrasound. He didn’t look like a boy, the ultrasound technician never slipped and said “he,” and we couldn’t make out anything that would tell us we were having a boy, but I was so, so sure it was a boy. Ryan was, too, and that was the first time he offered up a prediction. Whenever I would ask him what he thought we were having, he’d always say, “I have no idea,” so for him to agree that our baby was was likely a boy was kind of crazy!
We both said we would’ve been totally shocked if we would have cut into the cupcake and seen pink icing. When the blue icing became clear we just smiled and laughed and Ryan said, “I’m at a 10 out of 10” on the excitement scale. I think he’s happy to have a boy on his team since Sadie and I outnumber him at the moment!
When our 18 week anatomy scan came up earlier this week and we went into the examination room, the sex was yet again confirmed.
We’re having a boy! I cannot wait to meet our little one and will do my best to give him a good place to hang out for the next few months until we get to hold him in our arms.
A boy!!! Ah!
P.S. I loved reading your predications about the sex of our baby all week! Though most seemed to center around my symptoms and pregnancy recap posts, the comments that said I was “hinting” at things all week or that Ryan and I wore certain colors to represent what we were having on certain days were so creative! You guys seriously give me way too much creativity credit, though I wish I would’ve been more creative and done something like that beforehand! Very fun!
I knew it!! My friend was telling me her face broke out when she had her boy, but cleared up during her pregnancy with her daughter! Everyone is different, but I guess that’s a good generalization. 🙂
Congratulations! I bet your hubby is so proud!
I could just tell by Ryan’s face…that is the face of a proud papa of a boy!!! 🙂 (not that he wouldn’t have been as equally excited for a girl…)
Oh I cannot believe I was wrong in my prediction!!!! (I said girl) How exciting! A friend of mine is having a boy in May and bought a halloween costume already! It’s a red onesie that says handsome devil with a knitted hat with eeeety beeeety horns. She ordered it and said “am I horrible for making my unborn child a devil?” We both agreed that the cuteness factor trumped the underlying message! Oh how FUN for you to start planning decore, names, clothes, toys, YAY!
So great! We’re also having a boy in May, and I was having some of the same cravings/aversions right about the time you were. Funny how those things go 🙂 I’ve heard such wonderful things about having a boy – it’s going to be a wild ride for us both, I’m sure!
I thought for sure it was a girl 🙂 Congratulations! Love the way you found out 🙂
Little boys are just the best!!!
A boy! My prediction was correct 🙂 Such a cute idea for the gender reveal…and it will always be a special memory. Congratulations again and have fun with all of the planning, decorating, shopping….and, most importantly, anticipating and celebrating the future arrival of your son! Thanks so much for sharing your pregnancy journey on your blog!
That cupcake idea is adorable! I may steal it when the time comes. I had no real reason for assuming you were having a girl except that I think you would be cute with a little girl since you’re always so feminine. A boy is also great and I am definitely excited for you!
Congratulations!!! My firstborn is a son. I have to say he sure did love his mama when he was a baby/toddler. It is the best feeling!!
I guessed a boy! I know it’s an old wives tale, but when you shared the baby’s heart rate from your ultrasound appointment, that gave me a clue! Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!!
I was so so so sure you were having a girl!
This little boy is going to be so stinkin cute and so loved! <3
Congratulations on your new baby boy! Very happy for you!
Congratulations! My husband and I are expecting our first child in May (a BOY as well)!
This is so sweet, got me choked up! Love that you and Ryan still kept the gender a surprise with the cupcake — makes finding out even more personal and special. I’m definitely keeping this idea in mind when my time comes…CONGRATS to both of you!!!! I hope he is a happy and healthy little guy!
Congrats!!!!! Being a momma to a baby boy is amazing! I’m holding my two month old little man as I type this and watching him grow and change almost daily has been absolutely incredible!! I hope the rest of your pregnancy as well as delivery (which I was TERRIFIED of and it sucks, but it is SOOOOO so worth it) go as smooth as possible for you. Enjoy the kicks, punches, and hiccups from the inside for the next few months 🙂
thank you!!! congrats on your little one!
AHHH YAY congrats!! A little boy will be so much fun! 🙂 That’s so cute how you did the cupcake reveal! Man, I wonder how stressful it is to be one of those ultrasound technicians and try your hardest NOT to slip up and call the baby “he” or “she”!! (oh and not to brag, but I totalllyyyyyy guessed boy 😉 hahahah yesss!)
I’m pregnant with a boy right now (due any day or hour haha). From the get-go I knew it was boy! I think moms have strong instincts about these things. Congratulations!
Hooray! You guys will be great parents of your little guy! Sadie will love having a little brother to chase around.
At least you can get all prepared! I think I’d have to find out the sex too, I’m so impatient!
Congrats on your sweet little man! I’ve no doubt he’s going to be the sweetest little heartbreaker! As energetic and action loving as little boys are, you and Ryan are going to be wonderful boy parents (not that you wouldn’t make great girl parents…). So happy for you guys!
OH JOY! IT”S A BOY!! Congrats…and that’s just perfect because you already have a sweet girl. (SADIE!) I know you will adore and love your little boy as much as I do my two amazing sons! Who are both taller than their Momma. And they are my world. I have a daughter too…and she is also my everything. It has been a BLESSING beyond compare to be their Momma. Again, congrats to all of you and just enjoy it all!!!!!
Awwww, congratulations!! I love the idea of doing the cupcake thing – I might steal that idea when I have a baby one day 🙂 And I love Ryan’s comment about his level of excitement… You two are too cute!
Congratulations! I kinda thought you were having a boy when you mentioned how excited Ryan was on his pic. Guys always get super excited for boys!
Aw congrats! I totally thought girl! haha xx
Hi Julie,
My name is Janet. I’m 36 and live in Ireland (I am Irish by the way!). I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years. This is the first time I have written a comment to you. I have loved following your life and all your adventures. I am beyond happy for you and Ryan. This is such a happy time and I love sharing in your excitement and the baby updates. I am getting married in July and have been using your wedding posts (and Leslie’s!) for inspiration, encouragement and for calming my nerves!! Thank you so much for sharing your life, encouraging me to try to be a better person and posting lots of photos of delicious looking food. I used to live in Boston and miss all the American foods that we can’t get over here! Congratulations on your delightful little boy 🙂 I look forward to following your journey
Love, Janet
Thank you so much for the sweet comment and big congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!
I just found out yesterday that I’m having a boy too! I’m due at the end of July! 2015 is the year of boys!! Congrats Julie xoxo
Yayyy on the BOY!!! A boy was my first thought until you mentioned you bought a pair of TOMS, then I thought you were having a girl 🙂
Yayyy!!! So exciting!! I KNEW IT! haha I have a good track record for guessing baby genders so I like to think of myself as a baby psychic. If only I could turn that into a career…
I legit cried reading about when you and Ryan cut into the cupcake. Such a special moment for you two! My husband and I are having our gender reveal tomorrow night with cupcakes that say “lad” or “lass” on them so our guests can pick which team they’re voting for
As the proud mommy of two boys I can tell you YOU are going to love it. Boys have such a special bond with their mommies. My boys, Aidan and Colin are happy, funny, loving…the list goes on and on. So excited for you and Ryan. My husband loves doing stuff with our boys. We are pretty active like you guys…hiking, biking, walks. Congrats! Can’t wait to see your little one
That was such a cute story. I really like the way you hade the bakery surprise you guys with the blue or pink cupcake filling! My guess was wrong but so happy for you two!
Congrats! I had a feeling you were having a boy! I am nowhere close to getting married or having a baby but I am relishing in your experiences and I am sooooo excited for you! I look forward to your seeing your journey!
That cupcake was such a cute idea! I bet it was fun for the bakery and even more fun for you guys to cut into! Congrats 🙂
I tried to stay up only to read your post hahahahaha sounds a little obsessed. 🙂
Fell asleep on the couch and woke up jost now. Checked your blog on the way to bed. Call me crazy but i did not want to wait until tomorrow.
i am happy for both of you. Enjoy the upcoming weeks and month and once again all the best for you 4. Thanks for sharing all this moments with us.
Many greetings from the Netherlands
Susann – who isfinally sleeping now hahahaha
Congrats you two! Ryan’s beaming face in the photo with the ultrasound made me think it was a boy. 🙂
Hi Julie! I came across your blog yesterday (I was looking up Lake Norman hikes and actually live in Charlotte too haha) and have been enjoying catching up on your posts. Your healthy and happy lifestyle has inspired me! I look forward to checking out your blog daily and in the meantime catching up. Congratulations on your baby boy!
Congrats!!! So happy for you and Ryan!!
Congrats! So happy for you! This little fella is already so blessed to have you two as parents! Enjoy your pregnancy!
Yay! Boys are the best!! We have 2 little guys and they just *love* their mama. You’ll have his heart for life 🙂
Aw, I am so excited for you both! I was wrong in my prediction for you – I was so sure he was a girl! – but I can speak from experience that your heart will be fuller than ever before once you meet him. My guy is 7 months old today (actually just about to the minute come to think of it) and I couldn’t possibly love him any more. You are in for such a treat.
BOYS are the best!!! So happy for you guys!!!
I love that you and Ryan are wearing pink and blue in the sonogram pics haha. It’s like team girl and team boy!
Oh, little boys just steal your heart! I have a three month old now, he’s a little lovebug. Congrats, what an exciting year ahead!
I KNEW it was a little boy! Congratulations!
Congratulations! A boy! : )
And I loooooooove that bakery reveal ; )
Yay! How exciting! My first is a boy (who’s almost 4!) they really are the sweetest little things! Congrats! You guys should put your registery info up when you make it….I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d love to send you something!!
aww congrats! There is nothing in the world like a little boy’s love for his mommy. You’re going to love having a son! <3
What a sweet way for you both to find out! If I were that baker, I’d have been having so much fun imagining you two cutting that cake. That’s awesome, congratulations.
Congratulations!!! I have a son as well and he is definitely a Momma’s Boy! Can’t wait to keep following along your pregnancy journey! 🙂
So very happy for y’all!!! I’m making my guess now that your next one will be a girl…..Lol. Enjoy every second you can and treasure all these moments and memories you have. Time goes by way too fast. Blessings to you.
I regularly read a number of different health/lifestyle blogs and have seen many of the bloggers experience the miracle of child birth through their posts. Every post and update is so amazing and fills me with joy. But, I have honestly never felt more excited for any blogger than I do for you and Ryan!! I have been waiting for this to happen and I got chills when I read you are having a boy! My eyes filled with tears. Wishing you both and your little one the healthiest and the happiest times!