I have some exciting news to share with you guys today!
Ryan, Sadie and I are packing up our things and leaving Florida. Yep, we’re moving!
Where are we going?
If you can think back to a place we visited a couple of weeks ago, you might have an idea.
We’re moving to…
I am absolutely thrilled!!!
A few weeks ago, I briefly blogged about a last-minute weekend trip Ryan and I took to Charlotte. I blamed the trip on a “surprise party” for one of Ryan’s friends which was basically a big fat lie. (I feel really bad about that so please forgive me! I just needed everything to be a secret for a little while.)
We actually drove to Charlotte because Ryan had an interview on Monday morning with a new company. We spent Saturday evening and all day Sunday exploring Charlotte, hoping to get a feel for the city just in case Ryan’s interview turned into a job offer.
We already knew we loved North Carolina. If you’ve been a PBF reader for a while now, you may remember me saying North Carolina is a place Ryan and I have always wanted to live. When Ryan’s interview turned into a job offer that very same day, we spent nearly all of the drive back to Florida weighing the pros and cons of a move.
The major con in our eyes was living far away from family. Ryan and I have both never lived more than 2.5 hours from our families, and though it will be a bit of a hike, we’ll still be within driving distance of family (6 hours from mine, 9.5 hours from Ryan’s).
The pros of moving were plentiful and Ryan accepted the offer from his new company the day after his final interview. From the research we’ve done and what we saw during our visit, I think we’re going to love calling Charlotte our new home.
What I’m looking forward to most:
- Seasons: Though I know I’ll probably miss Florida winters soon enough, I’m beyond ready to experience seasons again. I miss actually having a fall and a spring! And Sadie has never seen snow!
- Access to lots of different fitness classes: I’ve really missed living in an active community with a bunch of different fitness options. I can’t wait explore local barre, yoga, Jazzercise and boot camp classes! And they have BODYPUMP in Charlotte. Hallelujah!
- Living in a walkable community: I know that the walkability of Charlotte will depend a lot on where we decide to live, but the areas of Charlotte that really appeal to us at the moment seem very walkable. And oh my gosh, I’ve never seen so many trees along the streets! I know this is a goofy thing to get excited about, but it was so green and gorgeous in the neighborhoods we explored.
- Dining at local restaurants: Ocala has a few local restaurants we adore, but chain restaurants are definitely in the majority. I see lots of fun date nights in our future as Ryan and I check out the local dining scene. (I’ve heard great things about Luna’s Living Kitchen.)
- Living (somewhat) close to the mountains: Yes, we’ll still need to drive a few hours to get to the mountains, but a 2.5 hour car ride to gorgeous Maggie Valley is nothing! I see a handful of fall weekend hiking trips in our future!
- Outdoor activities: I can’t wait to explore parks, local hiking trails, Lake Norman and more!
- Living close to an airport: Living two hours from an airport for nearly three years will make you appreciate having an airport close by, that’s for sure!
- Shopping: 99.9 percent of the shopping I do in Ocala is online. Everyone here seems to make the 90+ minute drive to the malls and outlets in Orlando to do their shopping because the stores in Ocala are rather limited. It will be so nice to have access to stores other than TJMaxx (which I love, don’t get me wrong) to shop and look for gifts for loved ones.
- Museums, Concerts and Theatre: I’ve been peeking around CharlotteCultureGuide.com and getting awfully excited.
- Festivals: Okay, this is a ridiculous one, I know, but I LOVE outdoor festivals and have missed them like crazy ever since we moved away from Orlando. From what I’ve heard from friends who live in Charlotte, there is no shortage of fun little festivals around town. While we were there we actually stumbled upon a little food truck festival and I was in heaven!
So when will we be moving?
Ryan’s start date at his new company is June 16. We’re planning to use these next two weeks to get organized and pack and then we’ll have temporary housing set up for 30 days as we look for a place to live. (Our lease in Ocala runs through the end of August.)
I actually have quite a few blog-related trips planned during the month of June that fly in and out of the Jacksonville airport, so it will be a hectic month as we try to figure everything out! I plan on making some back-and-forth trips to Charlotte in June but will likely permanently be joining Ryan there in early July.
As for my job at the gym, my last day was last week! The timing of all of this was actually pretty great because a new group exercise schedule debuted at our gym on Monday, so I could say goodbye to my previous classes before a new routine was established. I’m definitely sad to leave, but know there’s lots of fun things waiting for us in North Carolina. I can’t wait to bring you guys along for the ride!
If you live or have ever lived in the Charlotte area, I would LOVE to hear any and all recommendations you may have for us as we make this big transition. I know you’ll know best!
And y’all should definitely check out Forest Hill Church!
Agree!!!! I grew up going to that church – now I live about 3.5 hours away but my parents still attend and I try to make it back every chance I get.
This is very exciting! I expect that you will love North Carolina and Charlotte specifically. Much to do and see. Charlotte is such a beautiful city with much to offer.
Exciting! I obv don’t want to share my preferences of where to live and hang out in the area on the blog, but if you want my 2 cents, just shoot me an email or DM. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Congrats to Ryan on the new job! So awesome you will be coming to NC! I also lived in Fl (in Oldsmar) and moved up here to NC. I love living here. I love having the mountains and beaches. I’m not far from you, so maybe sometime we can meet up and go hike! Since you love traveling, you’ll have to check out Mt. Rogers in VA. I go up there to ride horses but they have miles and miles of hiking trails and while hiking you’ll see wild ponies and cattle. 🙂
Congratulations! I am excited to hear all about North Carolina!
If you are looking for great areas to live, I HIGHLY recommend the Dilworth/Selwyn areas! Both are excellent locations, within walking distance to great restaurants and shopping, full of sidewalks for running and walks, and extremely safe! Also within minutes of uptown and the light rail. I’ve lived in Dilworth for a few months now and I could not be happier!
I spent time in CLT too and loved Elevation Church. You’ve shared bits and pieces of your faith along the way so though I’d share.
Thank you so much for the recommendation!
Congrats to yall!! If you ever want to take a trip to the mountains don’t forget about a small quaint little town called Brevard. It’s about 2hrs from Charlotte, has over 100 waterfalls and great hiking trails and is just gorgeous!! Good luck on your move and welcome to NC!
Brevard is awesome!!!! Been there many times growing up!
That’s insane news, but so exciting!! I can’t wait to hear of your adventures in North Carolina. I visited there when I was a kid, and I remember loving it, and would love to make it back as an adult sometime. Good luck with the move – they can be stressful – I just went through 3 in a 4 month span (just call me crazy!) Good luck to Ryan in the new job as well:)
Congrats! SO exciting! What’s crazy is that you’re the 3rd person I know moving to North Carolina in the next couple months. My favorite chiropractor is moving to Asheville with his family at the beginning of July and one of my really good friends and her husband are moving at the end of July!
Congratulations! I have a friend who lives up there (I’m in Georgia so it’s up for me lol) and I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things. I plan on visiting him soon actually. So excited for you!
If you don’t already, you just have to follow (and meet up with!) http://www.peanutbutterrunner.com
I think you guys would have a lot to discuss!
I agree with Rebecca! She seems like a really great girl. I bet you would hit it off!
Oh my gosh. I just checked out that blog and those two are almost identical! It’s almost eerie! They would make great friends!
Julie, I live very close to Freedom Park so I could recommend places to live in the area and recently househunted, if you’d like to e-mail me.
I also know the Uptown (Childress Klein) Y has a body pump class as does a gym on South Blvd.
I’m an avid runner with lots of active friends, which I think you’ll find to be one of the best things about Charlotte.
So exciting! You’ll love Charlotte. I’m in Raleigh if you ever want to meet up! Our pups would totally get along 🙂
Congrats to you and Ryan!! What a fabulous new adventure you’ll experience together!! My brother moved from
Tampa to Charlotte nearly 15 years ago and never looked back. You’ll love it! 🙂 Best wishes on the the move.
I absolutely love Charlotte, so much so that I’ll be celebrating 11 years here in August! I found your blog in a hunt for fitness inspiration so I know you’ll be thrilled with all of the options here! I’ve lived all over the city (Dilworth, Southend, Uptown, Southpark, Myers Park… literally everywhere) and my husband and I are TOTAL foodies so I would be happy to offer any recommendations – feel free to email me! ps – I also have a vizsla! He’s about 60 lbs, so much bigger than Sadie but just as spoiled.
You guys are going to love NC!!!! I moved from the Charlotte area to the Raleigh are and just love everything about this state!! Hope your move goes smooth and you enjoy living in NC much as we do 🙂
I went to NC on a trip once to see Kittyhawk and the museum. I totally loved touring around seeing lighthouses and the fact that people built their decks on the roof! I really enjoyed my brief expeirence there, so I look forward to learning with you all about Charlotte.
Congratulations on this exciting move (and Ryan’s new job!) My grandparents lived in Ashville, NC and I fell in love with the area. It’s definitely one of 2 states I would consider moving to. Best of luck in your move, I know it’s a pain!
SO fun! Congrats!
So exciting, congrats!
You have to meet http://www.peanutbutterrunner.com/, http://www.northcarolinacharm.com/and http://www.bessbefit.com/ all favoriate Charlotte bloggers.
Forest Hill Church is awesome. Contemporary, an amazing community and David (the pastor) is incredible and so down to earth. The key to the big church is getting plugged into a life group.
Dilworth and Selwyn are the best. Great walking neighborhoods, lots and green space, safe and VERY pet friendly.
There are great restaurants, a few faves: Nolen Kitchen, Reids, Cantina 1511, Bad Daddy Burger, Ferenheit, Basil Thai, Copper, Crisp, the list is endless.
We have an aveda institute too. It’s cheap but good for a haircut, especially if your hair is easy with just a simple trim.
Charlotte is fabulous!!
I used to go to Winthrop in Rock Hill and the River Walk they have built along the Catawba is beautiful! It’s great for walking!
OMG, this is amazing news!!!!! I LOVE Charlotte, tooooo! Funny thing is my hubby was JUST there on Sunday also. He started in Raleigh for work/golf, then headed to Charlotte to visit some of our friends who had a baby in April. It’s because of visiting them that made me fall in love with Charlotte. Ahhhhh, can’t wait to follow your journey there!!!
Oh, you have to visit Elevation Church! 🙂 Steven Furtick is a wonderful pastor!
Woohoo!!! Congratulations! I live in Charlotte and I love it! I’m so excited that you guys are moving here! It’s a wonderful city that’s keeps getting bigger and better.
I love: Luna’s Living Kitchen for a great meal.
For working out, I second Mary’s thoughts: The YMCA’s in Charlotte are awesome! I live in Dilworth area so I work out at the Dowd, but the Uptown Y is great as well.
We’re all excited for you and Ryan!!!
Thank you for the recommendations, Brandy! So glad you love Charlotte!
Completely forgot to mention! Just in case you didn’t already know, “The Food Babe” lives in Charlotte too! She’s got a great list of healthy restaurant recommendations: http://foodbabe.com/charlotterestaurants/
Thank you!
You will absolutely LOVE living in NC. If you need good recommendations for places to go all over the state, I’m your girl. I’ve lived here my entire life, and can tell you the best beaches, ski mountains, and everything in between.
That’s so exciting! Our best friends are moving to Raleigh, NC next month (from Chicago). So sad to see them go, but I”m excited they’ll be having a fall wedding there!
Congrats to you both!! SO exciting! 🙂
Ahhhh I am moving to Charlotte within the next month too! My bf and i just signed a lease for an apt in southend right on the light rail that starts in the beginning of july. He is orlando-area born and raised too (and went to UF)… small world! Charlotte seems completely amazing, and I am really excited about finally moving there. I’m excited to see your explorations after you move to charlotte, bc I’m not super familiar with the area and need suggestions! Best of luck to you and Ryan!
That’s so exciting!! I live in Raleigh and I love North Carolina so much. I moved here after college and now I can’t imagine living anywhere else! I’m not super familiar with Charlotte and I’m not sure if you like roller coasters, but they have the amusement park, Carowinds in the city. It’s a great all-day activity for the summer, but the best time to go is in the fall because it’s less crowded. I hope you guys love living there!
Congratulations to both of you! What exciting news! I had a feeling something was up with the seemingly random trip to NC. Can’t wait to hear more and good luck with everything!
Congrats Julie!!! So happy for you and your family. Enjoy the trip and this new chapter in your life 🙂
Heist Brewery has the most amazing brunch buffet! Best of luck!
Super excited for you!! We took a trip to Charlotte last year and I absolutely loved it. You guys are going to be so happy living there. 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!! My grandparents live about 10 minutes south of Charlotte, in a town called Indian Land, South Carolina and I go down there a couple times a year–I will have to let you know next time I am down there! Best of luck!
Congratulations! How exciting! Florida will miss you, but I can’t wait to hear about all of your new NC adventures!
How exciting!!!! I’m from South Charlotte (born and raised) but went East (just within the state) for college and now call Eastern NC my home. I miss the restaurants and the grocery stores (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so much. You will LOVE Harris Teeter. 🙂
Dude!!! Congrats on the move – I swear all my favorite bloggers are going to be there now!! Someday you will have to get together w/ Jenn, Katie and Bess! 🙂
Congratulations! I know you will love it, but I am sorry to lose you in FL! I live in SW FL, near Ft Myers, and always enjoyed hearing about your adventures in Ocala, Jacksonville, St Augustine (where we go EVERY July) and especially Sarasota. I know Charlotte is a wonderful city, and similar to where I grew up in GA. I wish you the best and look forward to hearing about your adventures there!
OMG! Charlotte is BEAUTIFUL! I can’t lie, I’m a little jealous! When my Ryan got his current job offer we had to move from Georgia to Boston, so I’m definitely envious that you’re still a drive away from your family! Congrats to your husband on the new job!
Wow how exciting! I live 20 mins outside of Charlotte! You will love love love it. Such a classy city! SouthPark mall is by far the best for shopping. Change is always a good thing! 🙂
Congratulations, that is so exciting! I live in Charlotte and LOVE it! I went to a Elevation Church for several years and just recently started going the Forest Hill. They are both wonderful churches and have great opportunities to get plugged in and meet people. Charlotte has a ton of fun out door things to do and great areas to run!
just catching up on blogs…huge congrats to you guys!! I’m a longtime reader and just adore your style, info, attitude, etc. you guys deserve all the happiness!
Get ready for corrupt government, ridiculous taxes, and insane traffic.
I went to UNC-Charlotte, and I am thrilled to be transferring.
Welcome (almost) to NC!
Charlotte is a great place to live for all the reasons you listed and more.
Oh Julie, am so happy for you !!! I love the enthusiasm you manifest in each of your posts, but for this one I almost could feel your excitement when reading you. I wish you all the best in NC and sure you are going to love the 4 seasons, although I miss very much the warm FL winters.
All the best, Sibyl in Switzerland
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Charlotte!!! It offers the very best of everything: outdoor activities, nightlife, family activities. Make sure to check out the US National White Water Center.