My parents still haven’t arrived, but that’s not bad news because I’ve been super productive while waiting for them to pull into our driveway.
After spending the morning working on a freelance project for a new publication (Woo!), it was time for a lunch break.
My morning snack didn’t do a great job of tiding me over and I wanted lunch fast… So fast that making a grilled cheese felt like it would take too much time.
Thank goodness for cheese toast sandwiches made in the toaster oven!
I made myself a hot turkey and cheese sandwich by topping honey wheat bread with mustard, two slices of cheese – cheddar and Colby jack – and deli turkey meat before toasting them until the cheese melted and the turkey warmed up.
Sides were supah-fresh and included fresh strawberries, tomatoes and a clementine.
I feel like I hit the tomato jackpot whenever I buy cherry tomatoes that are crisp and not squishy. They’re oddly hard to come by for some reason!
January Book Club Selection
Based on your votes, the January Book Club selection is The Night Circus!
Discussion will occur on February 1.
Happy reading!
What Do I Drink?
Yesterday I received an email from a blog reader, Lauren, asking me about what I drink every day. I frequently blog about the foods I consume, but rarely mention beverages.
Let’s break it down!
Water. (Obviously.)
I try really hard to drink three large 24-ounce Tervis Tumblers full of water every day. Realistically, I drink about two daily, but for some reason drinking out of a big glass with a straw makes it so much easier for me to down copious amounts of water.
Sparking water.
A luxury! I don’t drink it daily (if it was free I think it would replace regular water for me!), but I love sparkling water. The bubbles are fantastic and I am a big fan of La Croix pamplemousse (grapefruit) sparkling water. It’s completely void of artificial sweeteners, sodium and calories and I gulp it down like it’s cool whenever we have it in our house.
(Because I know someone will suggest it, we actually received a Soda Stream to make our own carbonated water as a wedding gift and I use that like crazy when the carbonators are full at our house. Unfortunately we use them up so fast and don’t live close to anywhere that we can trade them in which is a huge bummer, but the Soda Stream rocks!)
Coffee and tea.
I was always a huge tea girl until I entered the working world and began drinking coffee when I worked at the Orlando Museum of Art because it was free and I was freezing.
I don’t feel like I need to drink coffee or tea every morning to wake up and don’t. I just drink it if a craving hits (or I’m cold), which is probably three times a week or so… less in the summer when it’s hot outside.
Almond milk and organic 2 percent milk.
I don’t really drink milk (I don’t like the taste very much), but I really, really like almond milk. I don’t typically drink almond milk by the glass either though, but use vanilla almond milk in my morning coffee. (The grocery store was out of the vanilla variety this week which is why you see unsweetened almond milk above. Not a happy camper!)
I’ll use either regular or almond milk in my overnight oats, typically preferring regular milk. I also use almond or regular milk in my smoothies and the occasional mug of hot chocolate. I always note which one I use if I list regular or almond milk as an ingredient in recipes on the blog.
Ryan and I always have beer, wine and liquor on hand, but neither of us are huge drinkers. We definitely enjoy drinking with friends socially, on dates or on special occasions but neither of us really crave beer or a glass of wine at the end of the day. I enjoy beer and wine when I drink them, but neither are part of my daily routine.
I also think that both of us have seen how alcohol can have a very negative impact on the lives of certain people and naturally don’t drink much except for in social situations to have fun and party it up! A bonus? It saves a ton of money!
Questions of the Afternoon
- What beverages do you enjoy daily?
- Do you drink alcohol regularly or crave beer or a glass of wine at the end of the day?
I’m horrible at drinking water – I have to force myself, really. I could go pretty much all day without drinking anything – isn’t that strange?!
I love your attitude about beer and wine!!! Very mature, I should try it 🙂
i honestly see no problem with drinking regularly for people who handle it responsibly and aren’t drinking constantly for reasons other than to simply enjoy a drink, relax or have fun. 🙂
I just received a sodastram Fizz for Christmas from my boyfriend and have had so much fun trying it out! I love the more natural flavors, sometimes I’ll just carbonate the water and add my own lemon or lime.
Im with you on refilling the CO2 bottles though, I’m not really looking forward to that part. Apparently you can send the bottle into the company and they will refill it for you at a discounted price but im not sure how much cheaper that would be when you take the cost of postage and all into consideration.
Yay! I am going to have that book sent to my kindle right now. 🙂 I think book club selections are going to be my present to myself this year. Every month. 🙂
My husband and I both drink. He, far more frequently than I, but we enjoy a beer or glass of wine when out. The difference between us is that I never drink at home, unless we’re throwing a party, and he will drink a beer with dinner a few nights per week.
so glad you’ll be participating! and i agree w/you about drinking more when out – it’s very rare that i drink at home unless we’re having people over or are celebrating something.
My husband and I love Relax. We’re not big on drinking much anymore either but we love Relax. It’s delicious and cheap!
it’s one of my all-time favorite wines!
gotta love a wine with a twist cap, right? 😉
Water and tea–that’s it for me! I don’t really do carbonated sodas, and I usually will only have milk if I put it in cereal or oatmeal (so bad, I know–I try to eat yogurt to make up for it calcium-wise). I feel exactly the same way you do about alcohol. This week has been a treat for me, though, because my parents cleaned out their liquor cabinets over the holidays. So I inherited a lovely bottle of white wine, which I’ve enjoyed a glass of with dinner each night after work. Nothing wrong with a treat once in awhile, right? 🙂
I drink an excessive amount of water, a small amount of seltzer, a coffee or two a day, and an occasional tea. I have to admit though I love red wine. An unfortunately, I do crave a glass of wine at the end of the day. You lucky girl that you don’t. 🙂 hehe
a glass of red wine daily is actually supposed to be good for you, right? you may be the wise one!
HA! Yes…that’s what I’ll keep telling myself. And I think 2 on weekend nights is probably even better for me.
I LOVE sparkling water & I find myself spending $$ on it each time I’m at the grocery or Target. And like you, I couldn’t imagine spending so much $$ on alcohol each week if we drank it regularly. 🙂
I love a glass or two of wine! That’s probably my alcohol of choice.. not more than 3 times a week usually, but sometimes after a long day at work some wine is exactly what I need to wind down 🙂
Going to try the La Croix sparkling waters they sound delicious! and I drink a lot of water, coffee, and tea since I parted ways with most sodas a while back.
Also Almond milk is a great way to make a smoothie or oatmeal 🙂
Does the calorie content of alcohol factor into your decision not to drink?
Nope. It’s just a personal preference thing. Even if alcohol were calorie-free I’d feel the same way.
I love the La Croix sparkling waters, I also buy Klarbrunn sparkling waters! I agree drinking out of a huge cup with a straw does making drinking a lot of water easier! I keep a trevis tumbler at my desk!
I drink water like it’s my job and I never drink soda. I only drink OJ when I’m sick or if I’m craving it on the weekends, but I don’t really buy any type of juices for home. I drink coffee every.single.morning. and maybe even tea later in the day! I HATE the taste of regular milk, and prefer almond or soy as well!
I don’t know if you have a Bed Bath and Beyond nearby but they exchange the carbonators and they will let you use a coupon on them too!
NO WAY!!!! This is the BEST news! Thank you so much. I’m doing that this weekend! Thanks, Lauren!
I’m glad I commented, lol. I love my Soda Stream and only bought it b/c Bed Bath and Beyond started carrying everything. I know Kohls sells them too but I’m not sure if you can exchange carbonators there.
Coffee, unsweet tea, water, oh yeah, and coffee. 😉 I put a crystal light packets in one bottle of water a day, but otherwise plain. I keep almond breeze on hand for cereal and oatmeal but I don’t drink it. No soda, juice, or carbonated beverages of any kind. I rarely drink alcohol, only socially.
Oooo, I was so hoping the pick would be The Night Circus. It certainly sounds like an interesting read.
Drinks are tough for me. I def drink a cup of coffee a day just to wake up. I don’t drink milk, juice or sodas. I try to drink water but realistically I get most of my hydration before and after meals. I like to gulp a glass of water before and after eating. I just don’t crave ANY beverages during the day so I forget to drink at all. 4/7 days a week though, I finish the day with a glass of wine. My hubby likes to expirament with craftbrews so he has a beer or two a day as well.
Phew! That was a long one just to say, I don’t drink anything much at all. 😀 Have a great day Julie!
You said you usually drink vanilla almond this one also unsweetened or the sweetened version? I looove sweetened vanilla almond milk but am curious if the unsweetened version is comparable. Have you experimented with both?
I’ve tried them both and actually PREFER the unsweetened vanilla!
I’ll give it a try- thanks!
Oh the inappropriate things I would do for a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat right now. So good.
I pretty much drink exactly what you drink to the T. The coconut La Croix is my Fav. I am a big coffee drinker and at restaurants I usually always order unsweetened iced Tea. I don’t drink alcohol very often, but I’m not 21 just yet. My mom will let me have a glass of wine with her and at College I pretty much say no to alcohol most times because of my sport.
I am so with you about drinking water through a straw! Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I have found that I am able to down way more water each day if I’m drinking through a straw than out of a cup or water bottle.
toooootally agree!
Your lunch is so colorful I can’t even handle it!
Is that a fiestaware plate by the way!?
it is! they were my grandma’s! 🙂
I love my Soda Stream Penguin! Apparently I was buying so much carbonated water and talking about the Soda Stream so much last year that both my parents and my boyfriend got one for me! I usually just drink it plain, but want to try some naturally flavored carbonated waters, like adding fresh ginger. I used to drink a Diet Coke a day, but gave that up a few years ago after I stopped liking the taste. But I still missed the carbonation, so to me, carbonated water is the perfect solution!
ohhh i love the ginger idea! i like the add fresh mint, but ginger sounds fantastic!
i am a huge water drinker. i usually drink a 16 oz. glass of water with each meal and snack and then randomly throughout the day during/after workouts or when i’m otherwise thirsty. in the morning i always have a cup or two of coffee with a splash of vanilla soymilk in it. i’m not a huge fan of regular milk either (because of the taste). i don’t mind it after i eat something really sweet and rich, but i don’t gulp it down regularly. as for alcohol, my husband and i rarely drink except for special occasions. it gets expensive and like you said, it’s never really something we crave on a daily basis.
I drink a lot of coffee and tea. I try to get most of my caffeine from tea because it has more health benefits than coffee… but I just really love coffee. I drink water throughout the day, but not enough. When I’m out and about I bring a water bottle with me but have to consciously remind myself to drink it. It doesn’t help that I have to pay to use the water cooler in my office… I brought my own Brita pitcher to work with me and that helps.
My schedule really sucks, and when I put my whole day together I’m out of the house from 5:15 AM until at least 8:30 PM, but sometimes as late as 10:30 or 11. For a while I got into the habit of drinking a glass of wine as soon as I got home to wind down, since it was hard for me to immediately go to sleep when I got home. I rarely had more than one, but could tell that it wasn’t affecting me well. I would often wake up in the middle of the night feeling dehydrated. I switched to decaf tea, and that’s helped. My husband and I still like having a couple beers or glasses of wine together while watching a movie or over dinner, though, but that’s mainly on weekends.
you have to pay to use the water cooler!? that’s crazy!
Yeah… I’m a civil servant. We can’t use tax-payer money for those kinds of “luxuries”.
I actually love almond milk, too! I like the Silk Vanilla Unsweetened better than the Almond Breeze for some reason – have you tried that before? I love the coffee cup your sister got you – I’m a “J” too so I may just have to go get it! Hope you have fun with your parents & on date night! 🙂
no – i should try it!
I second that! The Silk almond milk is my absolute favorite.
I completely agree!
I’m with you on the straw thing, my dear. I have a Nathan water bottle that has a straw top [a handme down gifting from Laura of YEARS ago] that I 100% contribute my being able to hydrate so well at the office. I leave it at my desk, and try to get at least 3 bottles in while I’m at my desk.
I also have a few Tervis tumblers with straws similiar to yours which I use at home, too. And I do keep some funky colored straws [and a few personalized “crazy” straws I got for Christmas from an old college friend back in the day – so cool! They say my initials, “bucky” for the UW Badgers, and “Lodi” – the town I went to high school and feel V. passionately about!] in my kitchen for drinking out of other cups and glasses.
Last night I was drinking some water with a crazy hot pink straw and learned that Benson REALLY loves straws. If i leave a mug or cup of water out on a table with my back turned – he ALWAYS jumps up to take a sip. Yesterday was the first time he’s ever been around while I had a straw and he chewed on it for at least 7 minutes. Hilarious. [and woth the twit pic i sent 😉 ] Silly, adorable kitten!
It’s one of my new year’s resolutions to drink that much water!
I am an admitted Tea-aholic. It doesn’t matter what kind, hot or cold, if it’s tea, I’ll probly drink it, but no mint tea. Blech. It’s supposed to sooth your tummy and does the opposite for me.
Pamplemousse is my most favorite French word ever! I even named a puppy that one time! 🙂 But I haven’t tried the sparkling water. Sounds yummy though.
Almond milk ALWAYS curdles in my coffee to some degree – as much as I love Trader Joe’s, theirs is the worst! Yours doesn’t get funky?
not at all! i’ve heard this complaint from others too, though, and have no idea why mine doesn’t have an issue. bizarre!
Claire, if you don’t mind spending a teeny bit of extra time, warming the almond milk first really helps. I pour in my desired amount of almond milk, throw it the microwave for 30 seconds and then pour my coffee over it. Presto, no curdling! If you don’t want to bother with the microwave (or don’t have one), I find the curdling is at least reduced if I add the almond milk to my mug first, and then slowly stream in my coffee. I think that helps “temper” the almond milk a bit.
I try to drink water as much as I can, but I will agree that the straw totally helps! Occasionally I will have a baby Dr. Pepper because I LOVE that flavor. I once was addicted but dropping 5 lbs because I gave up soda did the trick for me lol!
I also prefer a drink called neuro that is smart energy – it helps to lift my brain fog so I can concentrate since I spend so much time in front of the computer working.
One of my favorites though is an Arnold Palmer. Half tea and half lemonade, especially if it’s Publix tea and lemonade. Publix tea by itself is WAY too sweet for me, but somehow the lemonade makes it balance. I would probably drink hot tea more but I’ve been spoiled by my friend that is a tea expert and she has the best tasting stuff. The stuff at the store just isn’t as good. That’s pretty much it for me!
1. I love both your anthro mugs. SO cute!
2. how can you handle the unsweetened almond milk? gaah, I’ve gotta stick with “original” if not vanilla.. I wasn’t a happy lady with the unsweetened stuff.
3. I’m the same way, actually.. I don’t ever really just “have a glass” of alcohol just to have a glass. I save it for partytime. 🙂
Interesting post idea – I also try and drink several big bottle of water and find it way easier to do so with a straw!
I don’t crave it, but if it’s at home I love a glass of wine with dinner or while watching tv in the evening. I used to like beer, but not so much anymore. I loveeeeee margaritas when I go out for tex mex food, but they are $$ so I rarely get them anymore.
I like going to my boyfriend’s parents’ place for dinner because they are religious about their wine drinking and no matter what dinner is, we all have a glass!
I drink water ALL DAY literally! I put down probably close to a gallon. If I go eat somewhere for lunsh I like to have iced tea. I enjoy beer and wine but dont crave it unless it was a stresfull day at work…then its a must!
In the colder months I always start my day with coffee or tea to warm up. Then during the work day I aim to drink 1.5L of water and then usually another mug or two of tea. After work and the gym, usually more water and a protein shake made with almond milk. I am also not a fan of dairy milk.
For alcohol, I do not drink regularly, over the holidays I indulge more, or for special occasions.
Strange question, but do you drink tap water or buy bottled?
Rice milk has become my milk of choice recently – delicious!
Great post Julie :o)
i used to use a brita filter and drink tap water when we lived in orlando, but in ocala we’re on well water and it smells and tastes AWFUL – even when filtered. now we buy those BIG jugs from walmart and refill them for $3.00. they’re great!
I definitely don’t drink alcohol on a regular basis – I really only do it if I’m out with a friend and I don’t want them to be the only one drinking, or if there’s a group of us sharing a bottle of wine. To be honest, I usually just prefer non-alcoholic drinks because they’re more hydrating. As for daily bevvies – I’m like you with the water, tea, and Almond Breeze (I don’t drink it straight-up, I just add it to things!)
I start my days with a bottle of water during/after my workout, followed by another 1C glass with breakfast. At work, i drink green tea pretty much all day long.. as in i usually drink 4 travel mugs worth lol not sure if that’s a bad thing? At lunch i’ll have another glass of water and at supper, I always have a big glass of milk. As for alcohol, i stopped drinking 4-5 years ago so that’s a non issue for me. 🙂
I have oj and tea in the morning and then just water for the rest of the day. I’m not opposed to wine/beer with dinner, but I only want so little I never order it/open it up myself. I just beg others to share with me. 🙂 I’ve also been thinking about trying almond milk in my cereal.
i’m a daily water & coffee kinda girl.
although i really should drink a ton more water!!!
i want to start drinking more tea 🙂
and the occasional drink every now and again.
I got The Night Circus for Christmas! I only managed to read a few chapters on the plane ride home. I’ll join the book club and hopefully that will encourage me to pick it up again!
I LOVE La Croix also!! I drink it whenever I can get my hands on it. Enough that I am thinking about investing in a Penguin or Soda Stream to make it and drink it on the regular.
I need to cut down on the amount of alcohol I consume, yes I am still in college for another few months but that shouldn’t be an excuse to overindulge in anything. I just have an easy time defining anything as a special event haha!!
I drink so much herbal tea! I’m always freezing so sometimes I’ll even just drink straight up hot water. There are very few times I want anything cold.
Mmmmmmmm Relax Riesling!! I can never find that anywhere!! MMMMM 🙂
I drink tons of water when I’m at work – i have a liter bottle i refil..usually 2x, tea in the morning, and some sprite zero w/ dinner. and an occassional diet pepsi or iced coffee….but more iced coffee since we got a Keurig.
Now i have to go pee. 😉
I don’t drink alcohol at all 🙂 Some people find it weird, but my boy-friend really inspired me when we were started dating to step away. Haven’t drank a sip since and I’m proud to say it!
I start out each day with my one cup of coffee then I usually drink water for the rest of the day. I’ll have a glass of wine about once a week if I’m out to dinner, but I hardly ever drink. I prefer my water in my giant Tervis as well!
I always drink coffee or tea in the morning. I try to drink a lot of water but it’s hard for me to drink throughout the day. I love seltzer! I’ve been drinking it ever since I was little. I like the occasional beer or glass of wine. 🙂
Sparkling water has become my new obsession. I just cannot get enough of it. Oh, and my morning has to start with coffee. It’s embarrassing how much of a zombie I am without it!
I’m not a big drinker at ALL, but I do love the occasional glass of wine at dinner. Other than that, I hardly ever touch alcohol.
I love reisling. Especially in blue bottles like Relax and Polka Dot.
I drink water (NOT enough!) and iced tea every single day.. ESP iced tea- being having big pitchers freshly made in the house since I was little. 🙂 I hate the taste of mild a d slightly lactose intol, but I like almond milk in shakes and cereal!
i pretty much only drink water. tap water, because i am cheap. we have some glass bottles that i keep in the fridge so i can always have a nice cold glass of water.
i don’t drink very often. i’ll have a couple glasses of wine or a whiskey and ginger ale one night every couple weeks, and cider if i’m out with people, but that’s about it.
I’m a big fan of carbonated drinks as well! I know bed bath and beyond exchanges the cannisters and I ususally get two or three at a time so the last then exchange them every 2 months or so. I like the La Croix drinks as well. I live in Philly most of the time and don’t see them there, so when I am on vacation in Orlando [like now 🙂 ] I get to drink them!
I’m the same with alcohol. I frankly don’t need the calories and I like to be productive at night which I wouldn’t be if I drank a bottle of wine or a few beers. I definitely indulge on holidays, vacations, or in social situations.