My parents still haven’t arrived, but that’s not bad news because I’ve been super productive while waiting for them to pull into our driveway.
After spending the morning working on a freelance project for a new publication (Woo!), it was time for a lunch break.
My morning snack didn’t do a great job of tiding me over and I wanted lunch fast… So fast that making a grilled cheese felt like it would take too much time.
Thank goodness for cheese toast sandwiches made in the toaster oven!
I made myself a hot turkey and cheese sandwich by topping honey wheat bread with mustard, two slices of cheese – cheddar and Colby jack – and deli turkey meat before toasting them until the cheese melted and the turkey warmed up.
Sides were supah-fresh and included fresh strawberries, tomatoes and a clementine.
I feel like I hit the tomato jackpot whenever I buy cherry tomatoes that are crisp and not squishy. They’re oddly hard to come by for some reason!
January Book Club Selection
Based on your votes, the January Book Club selection is The Night Circus!
Discussion will occur on February 1.
Happy reading!
What Do I Drink?
Yesterday I received an email from a blog reader, Lauren, asking me about what I drink every day. I frequently blog about the foods I consume, but rarely mention beverages.
Let’s break it down!
Water. (Obviously.)
I try really hard to drink three large 24-ounce Tervis Tumblers full of water every day. Realistically, I drink about two daily, but for some reason drinking out of a big glass with a straw makes it so much easier for me to down copious amounts of water.
Sparking water.
A luxury! I don’t drink it daily (if it was free I think it would replace regular water for me!), but I love sparkling water. The bubbles are fantastic and I am a big fan of La Croix pamplemousse (grapefruit) sparkling water. It’s completely void of artificial sweeteners, sodium and calories and I gulp it down like it’s cool whenever we have it in our house.
(Because I know someone will suggest it, we actually received a Soda Stream to make our own carbonated water as a wedding gift and I use that like crazy when the carbonators are full at our house. Unfortunately we use them up so fast and don’t live close to anywhere that we can trade them in which is a huge bummer, but the Soda Stream rocks!)
Coffee and tea.
I was always a huge tea girl until I entered the working world and began drinking coffee when I worked at the Orlando Museum of Art because it was free and I was freezing.
I don’t feel like I need to drink coffee or tea every morning to wake up and don’t. I just drink it if a craving hits (or I’m cold), which is probably three times a week or so… less in the summer when it’s hot outside.
Almond milk and organic 2 percent milk.
I don’t really drink milk (I don’t like the taste very much), but I really, really like almond milk. I don’t typically drink almond milk by the glass either though, but use vanilla almond milk in my morning coffee. (The grocery store was out of the vanilla variety this week which is why you see unsweetened almond milk above. Not a happy camper!)
I’ll use either regular or almond milk in my overnight oats, typically preferring regular milk. I also use almond or regular milk in my smoothies and the occasional mug of hot chocolate. I always note which one I use if I list regular or almond milk as an ingredient in recipes on the blog.
Ryan and I always have beer, wine and liquor on hand, but neither of us are huge drinkers. We definitely enjoy drinking with friends socially, on dates or on special occasions but neither of us really crave beer or a glass of wine at the end of the day. I enjoy beer and wine when I drink them, but neither are part of my daily routine.
I also think that both of us have seen how alcohol can have a very negative impact on the lives of certain people and naturally don’t drink much except for in social situations to have fun and party it up! A bonus? It saves a ton of money!
Questions of the Afternoon
- What beverages do you enjoy daily?
- Do you drink alcohol regularly or crave beer or a glass of wine at the end of the day?
I drink a ton of water during the day and then seltzer at night. We go through 2 2 liter bottles of seltzer in about 4 days. It’s not even the money that annoys me but the recycling of all those bottles that drives me crazy!
Nice post! I never drink alcohol on my own I feel weird about it. But I drink a lot of water, and tea/coffee and juice in the morning.
What do you order in Starbucks, since you seem to go there pretty often? 🙂
whenever i go to starbucks, i usually blog about what drink i order at the time. my favorites include mocha frappuccinos, peppermint mochas, relax tea and chai tea lattes. thank goodness for gift cards!
I LOVE La Croix too! I wish I had them permanently on hand.
I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE tea fan. If I could only drink one tea for the rest of my life, it would be Tazo Refresh, followed closely by Twinings Earl Grey. It reminds me of summer trips to Ireland with my family 🙂 I just turned 21 so I’m just learning what kind of alcohol I like, but so far my favorite is white Moscato wine! I don’t really crave it, though, I’ll only drink for special occasions.
My drink habits are so similar to yours! I try to keep my Tervis Tumbler and Starbucks tumbler full all day – so I probably drink 4 or so 24 oz glasses of water per day. I also drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day, and occasionally a mug of tea (I picked that habit up when I spent some time in London!).
My fiance & I don’t drink alcohol regularly, but we usually always have wine, beer, and liquor in the house. I honestly don’t even average one drink per week…that’s how rarely I drink! 🙂
I always try to drink a lot of water, mostly between meals. With meals, I much prefer something with flavor like lemonade or Tropicana’s Raspberry Lemonade 60 calories drink.
Wine and sparkling water!! I love my bubbly stuff!
I rarely “crave” alcohol, but I do enjoy drinking it. The few times I really want it, it’s probably a very stressful situation, and I want to unwind. Good job on the water, I try to force myself to drink at least 2 of those a day, and I have been getting worse since the holidays :/
Tomasello Winery is about 30 minutes from my house! It’s so funny it see it in your fridge in Florida, I thought they were a primarily local NJ winery!
You can exchange carbonators at the Bed Bath & Beyond on 200, and weirdly, also at the Staples on 27th. (I don’t know why there, but I’ll take it!)
Love your Anthro mugs! I just got the white one with my initial on it for Christmas!
I drink water because sometimes I feel guilty about using calories on other drinks! I do love juice and lemonade, though. I also drink coffe daily, and use almond milk in cereal, oatmeal, and smoothies.
I don’t drink wine or beer, but I will have those Smirnoff thingys once in a while.
Lots and lots of agua! I have to have coffee in the AM and use just a splash of almond milk. Love, love, love LaCroix but also drink a local Wisconsin brand of sparkling H2O: Klarbrunn. Black cherry flavor is amazing!
I drink SO much fluid during the day, I feel like I am ALWAYS going to the toilet. But a good excuse to get up from my desk, right?! At law school I got seriously hooked on coffee. In my second year I was having 8 cups of so a day, and I went cold turkey at the end of that year, and, man. Shakes and headaches and fatigue for a good week! I’ve cut down now to one or two a day, can’t miss my morning java at work!
First off…how does a midwestern girl NOT like the taste of milk..ha..
But I drink one to two Diet Lipton Green teas a day and 6 to 7 glasses of water a day. And before I go to sleep I drink half a glass of 1%chocolate milk to crave my sweet tooth.
But Ill usually have a can of pepsi Max and a bit of Captain at the end of the work day. Since I cook with booze all day in soups and such its only natural to have some for myself
Sodastream used to deliver and pick up your empties from your front porch. Now, they use UPS so you just order the cartridges online and they send you a prepaid box to ship your old ones back! 🙂
So I drink my water out of 32 oz mason jars. I leave one at work and drink at least 3 during the day and have one at home and usually drink at least one more there. For whatever reason I really love drinking out of the big heavy glass with the wide mouth. You can also put a lid on it to carry it around. I’ve actually gotten my husband and a bunch of co-workers to drink out of them. Highly recommend it. Even better when you pop a straw into them.
I love your anthropologie mug! I have the same one but in a K.
Relax….that is some good wine. 🙂 True story, I once drank the entire bottle in one night. It just went down so well. 😉
I carry around my Tervis Tumbler like a baby. Water, ice, lemon juice, straw. Now I KNOW I’m contributing to wrinkles around my mouth for straw overuse, however I feel like hydration trumps cosmetic face. Thoughts?
I love me some almond milk and coffee! Unfortunately, I do crave coffee everyday. LOL 🙂 Happy Friday!
Mmmmm, La Croix! I tried it for the first time last Summer and fell in love! 🙂
Oh I’m jealous that you get to enjoy those beautiful fresh strawberries in season! I miss them!
From one peanut butter lover to an other, I just wanted to let you know about this recipe I discovered today! Banana Butter (1/2 banana + 4 tbsp PB in a blender). Great texture, PB flavour, less calories!
Thanks for your motivation! I read you everyday!
I always have La Croix in my fridge, it’s the best! They just started carrying a new Coconut flavor at my grocery store, it delish!
I can not drink without a tumbler!!! Water is just blah and naked unless it is in an adorable plastic cup with a straw! I drink a Loooottt of green tea! I LOVE coffee. But it makes my stomach hurt! But I am a green tea-aholic!
Yay for ‘The Night Circus’ being chosen! I really, really want to read it 🙂
Also, I usually only drink water. I read somewhere, over a year ago now, that the only liquid our bodies need is water… the rest is just extra calories. Well, I gain weight easily (5′ tall) and I like to eat so I save all my calories for food 🙂 Also, don’t drink but maybe once a year.
I’m a big water drinker too, but it sometimes gets boring and makes me gag (TMI?). I’ve gotten in the habit of filling my nalgene the night before and adding fruit to soak in it (usually lemon, grapefruit, strawberries or oranges). This makes it soo much easier to drink!
I always have coffee in the morning, iced and I live in NH so I get some weird looks come February!
I also do lots of tea in the afternoon at work, especially mint.
I’m with you on alcohol. My boyfriend doesn’t drink at all, so I almost never do at home. Plus, I love beer right from the tap when it’s super cold so I’ll save it for when we’re out.
I drink loads of water every day and usually start the day with a cup or two of coffee. I drink green juice or tea once or twice a week. I drink beer and wine on the regular. One or two glasses most nights out of the week. I don’t ever drink to party anymore, I just love the taste. My boyfriend and I really get into trying new wines and micrbrews, pairing them with food, etc..
I’m so impatient when I used to make grilled cheese. The cheese would seem to take forever when it needed to melt…like waiting for water to boil. I would always turn up the heat and end up burning it. Haha
I also love to consume vitamin water zero!
I drink a lot of water, tea, and Diet Coke. Yes, I have two cans of Diet Coke a day generally and I’m not ashamed haha. I know most of the blogs I read are anti aspertame….but I love it. And Coke Zero or Diet Pepsi is not the same….Diet Coke all the way.
Oh and I will for sure participate in book club this month…I will see if Night Circus is cheaper at Costco when I go tomorrow rather than downloading it to my Kindle. Looking forward to it!:)
I drink about 3 litres of natural sparkling water (nothing added in taste) and every morning I press 1 glass of fresh orange juice. Every now and then I drink a cup of tea or hot milk with cocoa (no sugar).
Might sound boring but I love it that way! And I find your blog very inspiring!
I have the same try to drink 3, but usually only really drink 2 tervis tumblers of water goal each day! There is just something I love about those big ‘ole cups with a straw! And I LOVE my Soda Stream!
I’m not a huge drinker either, but I like just an alcoholic drink or two if I’m hanging out with friends who are drinking…or even a glass of wine with dinner on a special occassion.
Where did you get your coffee/tea mugs… they are adorable!!!
I try to drink as much water as possible, but being a teacher, I can’t just up & go to the bathroom after I’ve chugged a huge glass of water! I definitely enjoy a diet soda from time to time. I wish I didn’t love it as much as I do!
I have never had beer in my life … and I am 40 something 🙂 OK 43 … Water has always been my drink of choice since I was a child, my mother had to account for my water stock and the family’s (we have always bought bottled water) … I like tea, but don’t drink it every day and drink about 5 cups of coffee a year … 🙂
Hey hun! I have a slight obsession with tomatoes myself. So bad that I can go through a whole half pint in one sitting. I do worry that I will become a Snookie shade of orange someday but it will be worth it lol. I did have a quick question for you…
I am looking into becoming a writer and wanted to dabble with some freelance work to begin and get my toes wet. How did you first got involved with what you are currently doing? any advice for a burgoning writer? You are so inspirational to me and give me the hope that I can go out there and follow my dreams as well. Thanks so much gal and have a great weekend! xoxo
hi wendi! i actually did a whole post about freelance writing a few weeks ago that may be exactly what you’re looking for: i hope this helps! it details how i “pitch” ideas, etc.
Thanks so much girl! I totally forgot you wrote that lovely post…not only was it very insightful and helpful, but it gave me an extra boost to go out and do something! I am happy to day that after reaching out to some local newspapers and publications, I may have my very first writing gig! I am so very excited and jsut had to share the good news with ya!Thanks again chica! You prettty much rock my Elmos socks off 🙂
I’m a water girl through and through, I easily consume a minimum of 2 litres a day. My mum was recently in America and bought me back a 24oz Tervis Tumbler – I love it and use it everyday. I refill it 3 – 4 times a day and I totally agree, it is really easy to drink it with a straw.
I have a close family member who is an alcoholic so I rarely drink. I bought a 6 pack of wine coolers January 2011 and I still have 4 left in the fridge – I think it may also have something to do with the fact that it is not fun to wake up to 4 kids with a hangover!
Beautiful picture! I am not one to snack on plum tomatoes much..I have enjoyed 2 or 3 in a salad a few times but now I am tempted to enjoy it with strawberries and a toasted turkey sandwich!
Its amazing how something so simple looks so delicious!
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Love that lunch- may have to copy :)! My usual beverages are green tea, iced coffee (one daily), lots of water and soy milk. I used to be a huge Diet Coke drinker but as of Jan 1, I gave it up completely– so far so good! As for alcohol, I share your sentiments: I’m not a big drinker but will drink socially!
Good cherry and grape tomatoes really are gems!
I always start my day with coffee and then usually stick to water the rest of the day. When I’m at my parents house though, I enjoy seltzer with a teensy spash of cranberry juice #luxuries
Also, I’m quite excited about the book selection!
I can’t imagine only having coffee/tea three times a week or so. I’m turning 18 tomorrow, and I prefer to have coffee at least once a day (sometimes more…yes, I’m pretty addicted)! Btw, I LOVE your blog ~ It’s my favorite!
thank you so much, kelsey! 🙂
Nothing turns a grocery shopping trip into a pouting fest faster than when they are out of unsweetened vanilla almond milk… its the worst.
Just and ryan were both part of greek life,correct? From what I’ve known, drinking is a huge part of that life with themed parties, away weekends, etc. so, my question is, did you not drink in college that much either? Or did this happen after finishing school?
we drank. 🙂 we still drink socially – with friends, at parties, etc. and were the same way in college.
I’m finding it uber convienient and exciting that I just picked up Night Circus last weekend… 🙂 Excited to participate in my first blogger book club!
I drink water at home and sometimes sweet tea at restaurants. I drink wine a handful of times a year, just a personal preferance on the alcohol.
Haha the almond milk you have pictured is the exact kind I practically live off of! I guess I don’t like sweet beverages though! And I drink an insane amount of water every day, I’m always thirsty!