What I’m thankful for… in pictures!
This guy…This nut job…
This day in my life…
These people who made me the person I am today…
This new family of mine…
These girls from high school…
These girls from college…
This gang from UCF…
And, of course, I am thankful for all of you.
Thank you for supporting me and my blog every day. It means the world.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
Aww! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love this!!! That first photo of Ryan is especially hilarious 😛
haha i think that me posting that picture if him made him a little LESS thankful for me. 😉
Aw, happy thanksgiving to you!
Happy thanksgiving! Love the pink dress :).
Awww. Such a sweet post! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Awww… what a great idea!! You definitely have a lot to be thankful for. 🙂 Your friends look like a fun bunch (and all sooo gorgeous!!) Happy Thanksgiving
Lovely post! European here, so no Thansgiving for me, but I hope you have a good one! 🙂
happy thanksgiving! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! 😀
Happy Thanksgiving from up here in Canada! we may not be celebrating it right now officially, but I’ll be making turkey for dinner tonight 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Julie! BTW you looked gorgeous on your wedding day 😀
That was a great day at the Bream house!
this is a great page that i just stumbled upon!! I love aunt diane….what a great Mother In Law to have! I know you know Eva so I am equally as lucky!! This page made my morning a lil brighter! I think the boy needs a page like this o his new blog!