My day yesterday was spent consuming sugary treats. Cookies, brownies, truffles, chocolate-covered popcorn.
I’m not sure if I had even one ounce of lean meat, beans, Greek yogurt or other quality protein after breakfast. Needless to say, my body was cravin’ a protein punch at lunchtime today.
Enter, tuna salad!
Today’s tuna salad included :
- 1 can chunk light albacore tuna
- 2 tbsp. light Miracle Whip
- 1 tbsp. mustard
- 1 carrot, chopped
- 1 celery stalk, chopped
I enjoyed it rolled up in a whole wheat tortilla.
For a little somethin’ sweet, I also ate a cup of plain Greek yogurt, sweetened with honey.
Protein craving satisfied. YES.
Love Languages
The other week at work, I was talking to some of my coworkers about the Real Housewives of Atlanta TV series. I haven’t really hopped on board that particular train (though I love Bethenny from the Real Housewives of New York).
Apparently on a recent episode of the show, one of the wives was attending couples counseling with her husband and they discussed their “love languages” as a way to better understand their partner’s needs.
Apparently every person has their own “love language,” or, according to marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, a “primary way of expressing and interpreting love.”
There are five love languages which you may read about in more detail by clicking here:
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality Time
- Acts of Service
- Receiving Gifts
- Physical Touch
When I first glanced at the love languages, I had a feeling my love language would be Quality Time. After taking a quiz online, that was the language that came out on top.
Here were my scores:
- Quality Time: 11
- Words of Affirmation: 8
- Physical Touch: 6
- Receiving Gifts: 4
- Acts of Service: 1
For the most part, I completely agree with my rankings. The most important way for Ryan to show me he loves me is to spend time with me. I love doing anything with him because we always have so much fun! He could give me a billion gifts, but if I never got to see him or spend time with him, the gifts would honestly mean nothing to me.
I was actually surprised at how little of my points went into the “Acts of Service” category. I really do appreciate when Ryan helps me out, but I think this may have ranked lower for me because I am generally pretty independent and do my own things… which I enjoy.
I just sent Ryan this quiz and am anxious to see where his points fall and which love language comes out on top for him!
What do you think your primary love language would be? Which love language do you think would be least important to you?
(You may also take the love languages quiz here and report back! I’d love to know your results!)
Mine are sorta flip-flopped:
Your Love Language Personal ProfileYour Scores
11 Words of Affirmation
6 Acts of Service
6 Receiving Gifts
4 Physical Touch
3 Quality Time
I guess I need to be told I matter more than actually spending time together..hmm..verrry interesting.
I’m sooo busy that I knew that Acts of Service wouuld rank high too
Well I just did it, and this was mine:
5 Words of Affirmation
11 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
3 Acts of Service
10 Physical Touch
So similar to yours in some ways! I agree that spending time together with loved ones is the most important thing 🙂
Mine are somewhat similar to yours:
9 Quality Time
8 Words of Affirmation
7 Physical Touch
6 Receiving Gifts
0 Acts of Service
Totally fitting for me as I find myself happiest when I’m with my boyfriend, family, and/or friends. I crave quality time 🙂
I learned about these in my interpersonal comm class in college… such interesting stuff!
I’m not surprised ‘words’ came in first! I am a writer, after all 🙂
Your Scores:
11 Words of Affirmation
8 Quality Time
0 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
7 Physical Touch
feel free to send me all of your gifts. 🙂
I also got 0 on receiving gifts! Do not like people buying me stuff at ALL
ME EITHER! It takes a lot for me to feel awkward/embarrassed but i HATE getting gifts. Unless they are from my parents, I honestly feel flustered by it.
My scores-
8 Quality Time
7 Words of Affirmation
7 Physical Touch
6 Acts of Service
2 Receiving Gifts
What a fun little break from work : )
I think mine pretty much fits my relationship with my husband. I’m going to have him take the quiz too!
I had tuna salad for lunch too! Great minds think alike! 😉
10 Quality Time
9 Words of Affirmation
6 Physical Touch
5 Acts of Service
0 Receiving Gifts
Ours are basically alike!
I was an RA in college and for some reason at one of our training sessions/meetings we all took this quiz on paper and discussed it, haha. Residence Life can come up with some interesting ideas…
Mine was Quality Time by a landslide, which doesn’t surprise me. To me, gifts are nice but they don’t show love.
My results were:
5 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time
2 Receiving Gifts
9 Acts of Service
5 Physical Touch
I’m all over the board! But I’m not surprised Quality Time and Acts of Service were highest.
Dr. Chapman is actually one of the pastors at the church I grew up in! It is funny to hear other people talk about him, and then I realize that he is kinda famous!
I have taken the test before, and I know mine is words! I’m pretty sure my bf’s must be touch. 😉
really? how cool!
I purchased this book a couple of years ago and I think it’s SO helpful!
I am mainly quality time (& can’t remember the order of the other things!) and my guy is mainly physical touch and words of affirmation! I think it helps you realize how to love someone WAY better. Even in everyday relationships… I know my mom is “acts of service” so I know if I help her out it makes her feel loved… whereas my dad is “words of affirmation” so I let him know how much I appreciate him.
It’s super interesting!
I found out that after I moved out with my guy, my score for “acts of service” which was once a 0 or a 1… went up quite a few points….
I’d say, take the quiz again in a year or so… its interesting to see parts of you change!
i love that idea!
We were quite similar:
8 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
6 Receiving Gifts
1 Acts of Service
5 Physical Touch
That was a really cool quiz!
6 Words of Affirmation
5 Quality Time
3 Receiving Gifts
5 Acts of Service
11 Physical Touch
I’m not surprised at my results…I knew it would be physical touch!
I have taken a test many years ago and have always thought that my main love language was gifts. Not only receiving but also giving. As my family and friends have moved away I have cherished time with them more than I used to.
1 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time
9 Receiving Gifts
9 Acts of Service
2 Physical Touch
I took this quiz about a year ago after my roommate recommended it.
actually, she shoved it under my nose and demanded i take it.
I think mine was something like this:
Quality Time: 12
Acts of Service: 8
Receiving Gifts: 6
Physical Touch: 3
Words of Affirmation: 1
the weirdest part – I had James take it as well, and his bottom two were my TOP two and vice versa! hey, it’s been two years and it hasn’t mattered. 😉
on the book author’s website, it actually says it’s VERY common for people with different love languages to attract!
I think quality time would probably top my list as well!
That tuna salad looks deeelish!!! =D
Mine is physical touch and then words of affirmation and then quality time!
6 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time
4 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
5 Physical Touch
I think that sounds about right..
9 Quality Time
9 Physical Touch
6 Words of Affirmation
6 Acts of Service
0 Receiving Gifts.
I would say I agree with these results.
I’ve taken this quiz a few years ago! The funny thing mine was the same as yours and I totally agree. I love spending time with people, gifts don’t mean that much to me. and I know I’m a physical touch type girl!
11 Quality Time
10 Physical Touch
6 Words of Affirmation
2 Acts of Service
1 Receiving Gifts
Ooo I have taken this before! I’m basically tied with quality time and acts of service. My husband’s top is words of affirmation though. I think it’s SOO important that couples know their love language.. it really helps in the communication process!
oh we totally did this in our premarital counseling…i’m a words of affirmation and quality time hybrid too! thank goodness we did that test too, otherwise poor nate would be LOST 🙂
Julie – You HAVE to read this book. We recommend it to every couple we know. My husband and I read it and both have a copy and are doing to read it again soon (last time we read it, it was 5 years ago before we got married). You will learn so much about your spouse and yourself and it is FUN. My husband doesn’t particularly like reading but LOVES this book and has bought it for several of his guy friends. I am telling you….READ IT! 🙂
p.s. I am also a quality time person, with my secondary love language being physical touch. 🙂
Okay I have to say one more thing….yes I know, I love this book…one of the ways you can sometimes tell what love language your spouse speaks is by seeing what they do MOST OFTEN. If they are constantly grabbing for your hand to hold or hug you, etc. then they are probably primarily physical touch (the book determines between physical touch sexual and physical touch non-sexual). Or, if your spouse gives you praise a lot, they probably have the primary language of words of affirmation. etc. etc.
I LOVE bethenny, too!
10 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
5 Physical Touch
basically mine told me that i like attention… weird. lol. not really.
10 Quality Time
9 Words of Affirmation
8 Physical Touch
2 Acts of Service
1 Receiving Gifts
I’d agree with this. I tell my boyfriend all the time that I’d rather create memories with him than have material things. The memories last a lot longer and give me joy for much longer than a purse or pair of shoes. Not to say the jewelry he’s gotten me isn’t beautiful, though! 😉
And I’m with you – I’m pretty independant, but he does help out often.
Pretty even across the board!
8 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
5 Acts of Service
9 Physical Touch
12 quality time
8 words of affirmation
6 physical touch
3 acts of service
1 receiving gifts
…its so true.. just like the summary said, postponing plans, cancellations or distractions really do make me feel unloved. I wonder how i can use this in my next dating experience!
My husband and I attended a seminar before our wedding with this author. It was really interesting, and he is a great speaker. We still talk about some of the things he brought up in the seminar.
i thought this quiz was definitely interesting but it seemed like every single question had “gifts” as one of the options. even if the other choice wasn’t a perfect fit, i’d still definitely pick that over “getting gifts is what makes me feel important” LOL.
Keith and I did this a few years ago…we read the book together. My first was words of affimation and Keith’s was physical tough…I thought it fit us perfectly.
I have this book at home. I know that Matt’s was like 99% physical touch (okay not really, but it’s definitely his highest by far).
I think my highest was either words of affirmation or gifts.
This was fun…Thanks!
11 Quality Time
8 Words of Affirmation
6 Physical Touch
5 Acts of Service
0 Receiving Gifts
11 Words of affirmation
8 Acts of service
5 Physical touch
4 Quality time
2 Recieving gifts
I’d say it was pretty close, some questions could have gone both ways! Thanks for sharing!
I JUST discovered this and actually went out and bought the book (only to discover I probably could have just taken the quiz and got the same out of it…and saved 12 dollars!)
My number one is Words of Affirmation… I figured this as soon as I saw the choices. I love “hearing” how Jarod feels about me. If he says something from his heart to me in the morning, I’ll be left smiling (and feeling so loved) throughout the day. I should give him the test though… I’m thinking he’s a “Quality Time” kind of guy… enjoy your day (ps just sent you the link to an AMAZING pb recipe on Facebook) 🙂
I thought that was such a good book with great connecting stories. I thought I would be more service too, but I was a quality-timer!
I can’t believe I’ve scored so little on Quality time 😀 I think they did that questions wrong 😀
9 Words of Affirmation
3 Quality Time
2 Receiving Gifts
8 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch
My top love language is Quality Time with 12 and the lowest was Physical Touch with 1. I’m surprised I didn’t get a 0 on that one.
Thanks for posting the link!
* Quality Time: 11
* Words of Affirmation: 10
* Physical Touch: 5
* Receiving Gifts: 4
* Acts of Service: 0
We almost match up exactly Jul…I’m not that surprised by that though 🙂
Julie, your wedding pictures are gorgeous! I just thought I would let you know that before I asked my question 🙂 I really admire how you so easily whip together meals (especially your baked goods) without following a recipe. I’m just wondering how exactly you know how much flour or baking soda or any other ingredient in your cooking to use. Any advice would be helpful!
thanks so much, emilia! 🙂 as for your question, a lot of the time i’ll google a bunch of different recipes to serve as my base (you can see when i do this b/c i’ll say my recipe was “inspired by X”). this really helps when i am completely lost as to how much of a certain key ingredient (like baking soda) i may need. now that i’ve been baking a lot, i just have more of a feel… like a tsp. of baking soda usually does the trick in normal batch of cookies!
Thanks for posting about the love languages! I am going to take the quiz right now.
9 Words of Affirmation
6 Quality Time
3 Receiving Gifts
2 Acts of Service
10 Physical Touch
This is funny because I actually don’t like being touched by people I don’t know, but I love being touched by people I love. And I’m not surprised about the words of affirmation thing though, that’s what I thought would be my highest!
we have the book…. got it before we got married, but have yet to read it.
9 Words of Affirmation
8 Quality Time
2 Receiving Gifts
7 Acts of Service
4 Physical Touch
i want to have my husband take the quiz too!
I love that book. We did it in church one year. My tops are quality time and words of affirmation as well. Good things to know. I used to try to love my husband in MY love language, not his. That just does NOT work!
Our church actually teaches this concept. I think I own the book and now I wonder if it’s the same Dr.
I own that book! my husband and I read it. He only showed love with acts of service, but I like to receive words of affirmation. I tended to give words of affirmation, whereas he wanted to receive quality time. It was really a good read and we learned how to show love in the way the other person feels it.
I read the book early this year after going through a very difficult breakup. I learned a lot about myself when reading the book. After taking the quiz, I see that I have 2 love languages (the two I thought I had after reading the book) at the top. I guess this just affirms what I read in the book!
I refer to this book a lot now with friends and even relationships I’ve had since because I think it helps people understand themselves and others so much better when they know a person’s love language. I think everyone should read the book! It’s so helpful!
9 Receiving Gifts
8 Physical Touch
7 Quality Time
5 Words of Affirmation
1 Acts of Service
Me and the hubby took this quiz a few months ago and he actually borrowed the book from a friend. My first is Quality time and close behind it is physical touch and words of affirmation. I had no idea that I had a specific love language until we found this!
Hey Jules!~
I love this quiz and have always wondered what my Love Language is. Here are my results:
8 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
3 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
3 Physical Touch
I agree that quality time is the most important quality to me. Although I have yet to find my special someone, I know that he will show he loves and cares about me by giving me his full, undivided attention and truly being there for me.
words of affirmation and physical touch both scored 9, gifts scored 1, acts of service scored 6 and quality time got 5.
I like someone to hug me while telling me how awesome I am, make my bed, take me shopping and then buy me something 🙂