I slept like a rock last night! I guess that 4-hour night’s sleep from this weekend finally caught up to me.
As Ryan and I walked to the gym again, I began to wake up a bit and attempted to pump myself up for a good workout. Since I didn’t feel like going all-out right away, I warmed up with 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical beside Ryan while we chatted about the week ahead and our Easter plans. (Our Easter 2010 recap may be seen here.)
Once Ryan was done with his time on the treadmill, he hopped off and headed into the weight room while I hopped on his abandoned treadmill to complete a sweaty 25-minute interval workout.
I alternated running at an incline with speedier running at virtually no incline and in the end my workout looked like this:
Minutes | Incline | Pace |
0-3 | 1.0 | 4.0 |
3-5 | 1.0 | 6.0 |
5-6 | 1.0 | 6.5 |
6-8 | 2.0 | 6.0 |
8-9 | 1.0 | 7.0 |
9-11 | 3.0 | 6.0 |
11-12 | 1.0 | 7.5 |
12-14 | 4.0 | 6.0 |
14-15 | 1.0 | 8.0 |
15-17 | 5.0 | 6.0 |
17-18 | 1.0 | 7.5 |
18-20 | 4.0 | 6.0 |
20-21 | 1.0 | 7.0 |
21-23 | 3.0 | 6.0 |
23-25 | 8.0 | 4.0 |
And a stat recap for those of you who are number-hungry…
During the one minute spent running at an 8.0 pace, the chorus to Glee’s version of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” came on my iPod and totally reinvigorated my workout. Sometimes the music just moves you! I felt like I was flyin’ and powered through the remainder of my workout like a champ.
After our time at the gym was complete, Ryan and I headed home and I took Sadie on a 20-minute walk before getting ready for the day and makin’ breakfast.
Breakfast required basically no effort this morning thanks to a little prep work last night.
Uber chocolaty overnight oats, baby!
In the mix:
- 1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal
- 1 heaping tbsp. chia seeds
- 1 c. almond milk
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
I topped my overnight oats with banana puffs cereal and ate ‘em alongside a cup of strawberry banana Chobani Greek yogurt for some protein.
This breakfast was so good. I was honestly a little sad when it was over.
Gotta get to work! Stay tuned for a giveaway this afternoon!
So sorry to post this Julie but please vote for me!! Thank you!!!
Please go to this link on Fitness Magazine’s website and vote for me to be the face of fitness. I’m a newlywed and law student in the middle of final exams and could really use the winning prize-a vacation!! Please vote if you can. Thank you!!
I see them all the time on your blog and have yet to have them:( But I would LOVE to enjoy them in overnight oats, muffins and yogurt:):)
I’ve never tried chia seeds in overnight oats but after seeing how volumous they made my oatmeal this morning, I am defo adding them to my mix tonight!
I think they are the key ingredient!
so glad you had a great workout – music really does make a huge difference!
mmm chocolatey oats yum! 🙂
I love adding cocoa powder to my oatmeal – Usually I do 1/4 cup oat bran 1/4 cup oatmeal 2 tablespoons cocoa powder (I like a lot) a dash of cinnamon and stevia – YUM 🙂
That sounds like a great combo!
Love that last picture of you! Cute! 🙂
It is so great how a song can come on your ipod during a work out.. and really turn it all around!
I love my Glee playlist for workouts!! Don’t Stop Believin’ is one of my favorites.. The only thing is that I tend to start singing along while working out… 🙂
I too get that deep sadness when a fine meal has come to an end. It’s like watching a ship sail into the sunset carrying all the things you ever loved…
Oh and I’m happy to see that Journey carried you through. I actually cued that song up when I read this.
Glee music pumps me up so much when I run! 🙂 My new favorite from them is “Raise Your Glass”–so fun!!
I hope you Easter plans include some sort of yummy dessert!!!
So true about music; I need it to pump me up right when I’m feeling like I can’t do anymore
I love when the right music comes on at the EXACT right moment!
Funny enough, when I ran my first half last fall, as soon as I hit 11 miles, a new personal distance record, that same song (Glee – “Don’t Stop Believing”) came on and SERIOUSLY pumped me up! Love it 🙂
Don’t Stop Believing by the Glee Cast always pumps me up and puts me in a good mood! I also had a nice sweaty run this morning, and a pretty killer weights workout after which I’m sure I’ll be feeling tonight/tomorrow morning! Glad you had a great workout too! Can’t wait for the giveaway!
I’m having chia seeds in my buckwheat bake this morning! Yumm! I need to try them in my overnight oats for sure!!
I’m so excited for Easter! I’m gonna make some type of cute treat! idk what!
Think your gonna go treat crazy on Easter when lent is over? ahaha, I would!
Don’t Stop Believing by Glee is one of my favorite songs to work out too! I ran my first 10k this past Saturday and that song came on during the last mile. It was the perfect song to push through and finish the run strong! 🙂
Woohoo for a giveaway!
I love when a great song comes on and you just seem to fly!!! Awesome workout.
Music is the most important part of my workout! If I forget my iPod I’m gone!
I did it!!!! I got up and worked out this morning! It was tough, but thank you for being a motivator all the way in FL 🙂
SUCCESS!!! That’s awesome! 🙂
I love overnight oats!! I have not tried chia seeds yet but I will be picking some up soon. I love that bunny cake you made, so cute!! Hope you have some fun and tasty plans for this Easter, can’t wait for you to share!!
I absolutely love “Don’t Stop Believing”!!! That song really pumps me up-especically the Regionals version because it is slightly faster.
I think it’s so cute that you and Ryan work out together 🙂 I would think that provide a lil’ extra motivation in the morning. I like to run to Glee as well. Don’t Stop Believin is one of my faves, both the original and Glee version!
How amazing is the strawberry banana flavored CHOBANI?!
It is mine & my boyfriend’s favorite, but it literally flies off the shelves here in Chicago. I picked up 12 of them yesterday because the grocery store actually had them stacked up.
Hopefully it’s easier to come by down in FL!
I love that song it is soo motivational. I am addicted to chia seeds as well. Chobani is on sale at Publix 10 for $10.
last bite sadness…I feel like I experience it too frequently. But that is a sign that you are making very satisfying meals 🙂
I always think about making overnight oats…in the morning! I need a reminder to make them before I go to sleep!
Do you use a sweetened almond milk or not add anything sweet at all?
i don’t add any sweetener. i actually think they’re good without it! when i make pumpkin overnight oats, i do add sweetener (usually stevia or splenda).
Delicious looking oats! I really need to make overnight oats. I miss them! Perhaps tomorrow? Yum!
I can’t wait to hear about your giveaway!! 🙂
I rocked a smoothie bowl in your honor today!!! 🙂
Your hair always looks so pretty!
I just discovered Chobani Greek yogurt & I must say it is delicious! I’m excited to try the strawberry banana since I have only had blueberry
Don’t Stop Believing has gotten me through may a tough workout. Love that jam!
My music totally fuels my workouts! I hate it when my MP3 player dies in the middle. It’s happened entirely too often!
glee music has gotten me through marathon training so far. not kidding. the more miles i do, the more glee songs I’m singing along to!
I love the bowl your overnight oats were in… its soooo pretty!!!
Any tips on how to not make my overnight oats tough/too chewy and more creamy like hot oats??? I don’t think I make them right……
do you make yours with milk or yogurt? i found that making them with yogurt didn’t let the oats get soft enough. now that i’m making them with almond milk, their much softer and creamier.
I was using almond milk so Ill hae to try greek yogurt and see how that goes… thanks 🙂
Looks like a great run AND breakfast! 🙂
Chia seeds & cocoa powder is my favorite overnight oats combo, and it’s perfect with banana slices mixed in too for more volume!
Great workout today! One of my favorite songs popped up while running up a hard hill this morning, and it definitely motivated me to power up it.
Hum, your breakfast looks so tasty! I like to have a good breakfast after my morning jogging, you start your day feeling really good! You’re lucky to have enough time to go to the gym before going to work!
It’s crazy how a song can make you move so much faster!!! My song for my half marathon was “Whip My Hair” by Willa Smith…it got me MOVING!
Thought you might like this blog! 🙂
You just made me sad that I didn’t put any chocolate in my oats this morning! Tomrrow morning for usre!
Funny, the Glee version of Dont Stop Believing saved me on my run yesterday. I was about ready to die when it came on and it got me pumped up enough to finish. I love that song! 🙂
Those overnight oats look delicious (per usual!) I might have to venture out and try some of those pretty soon!
I haven’t watched Glee in forever, but some the the music pumps me up. Some of my favorite workout music though is from Jamiroquai!.. So funky and fresh 😛
LOL I love the last pic — too cute!! That’s how I felt when my bowl o’ oats was over this morning, too!!
i love your treadmill workouts! can’t wait to try this one!
My treadmill workouts often look similar to yours b/c I die of boredom on that thing (I overtrained for a marthon on a treadmill. Bad mistake). But your b-fast looks SO great! Yumm.
Holy bajoley! If I ran on the treadmill at an 8 I’d fly right off!
I was just wondering – does Ryan eat the same breakfast food that you do, like chia seeds and baby puffs? I dont think that I could get my husband to eat a chia seed even if I paid him!!
haha no. well, we generally eat the same breakfast on the weekends, but on weekdays we do our own thing. he eats a gigantic bowl of oatmeal with a big scoop of peanut butter and drinks a protein shake most mornings.
I’d love to try them in overnight oats!
New to your blog but happy I found you! I’m feeling inspired to eat healthy and hit the gym!!
Great blog; happy I found you!
Mary xo
Delightful Bitefuls