One thing I told myself that always made lacing up my sneakers a little easier was this:
Run as slow as you want to, but just get out there and run.
Since I am not a competitive person and wasn’t running the race with a specific time goal in mind, allowing myself to run at an easy pace on some days made the training much more enjoyable.
This morning I wanted to sleep in a bit, so I decided to skip the gym and take Sadie on a run with me so we could bypass her morning walk, thereby giving me more sleep time.
Since sleep took precedence over the gym, I woke up committed to go for a run to combine Sadie’s morning exercise and my workout in one.
Though my body knew a run would feel great, my head wasn’t quite in the mood. I then remembered my personal “just do it” phrase from my half marathon training. Run as slow as you want to, but just get out there and run.
I did just that and completed five miles. 😀
Post-run, I came inside for a delicious breakfast.
I ate about 3/4 of a large Gala apple before slicing up the remaining quarter to use in a toasted English muffin breakfast sandwich, complete with peanut butter and cinnamon.
The combination of the creamy peanut butter with the sweet, crisp apple was a winner!
Tasty! I want another one… 😉
Travel Insight
Thank you all for you words of advice and travel insights about our potential honeymoon hiccup. I plan to call the resort where we’re staying this morning and will definitely keep you guys posted. 😀
Enjoy your day!
I like your philosophy- something is better than nothing!
I’m not big on running but when it comes to work out, I will go for 20 minutes even if I feel like it may not be enough. Being active sets my mood right!
I’m sure Sadie appreciated your run this morning too 😀
Enjoy your day! Praying for you about your h-moon!!
Speaking of running…I really need to get my butt out the door! Thanks for the push!
Hi Julie, I’m a new reader and love your blog. Congrats on the wedding btw!
I have a Sadie question (who is adorable!!!)…my husband and I just got a dog and try our best to take her on long walks before and after work to make up for so much time alone in the house. How long do you leave Sadie for? Do you find it hard to balance having her and work? Any advice on leaving a doggy home for a while?
Best of luck with St. Lucia!!
Hey julie, I’ve been a “silent” reader for a few months now. I decided I should finally comment when my boyfriend shed some light on the fact that I sound like a creep when I tell him about your life (wedding plans, etc) like were bestfriends! Haha. I just wanted to tell you that your blog gets me through long boring classes 🙂 and motivates me every day to get my morning workout done! I’ve been praying for your honeymoon plans to work out! Please let us know asap. I’m so worried about it!
I think one other thing that helps is planning your exercise so early in the morning. I find that my brain isn’t functional enough at 5:30 am to talk me out of going over to the pool :). You are a smart woman to take that approach.
I always go with the “something is better than nothing” mentality. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your honeymoon.
I really hope things are still clear and safe for you guys to go. And getting started is always the hardest part it seems on days like that. Glad you made the best of it, but didn’t force anything either. 🙂
“Run as slow as you want to, but just get out there and run.” — awesome! I do love to run so I usually have to use that approach when it’s a lifting day or when I have to work out inside due to the weather/daylight/etc. Something IS better than nothing and after I work out, I’m always happy I did. That approach can be used in a lot of other ways too–healthy eating, sleep, school, etc. Anything that can require motivation. Great!!
love your philosophy! it’s so true. When I run, as long as I cross the finish line that’s all i really want heheh.
crossing my fingers about your honeymoon !!
Man girl! You make me want to run so badly! Hopefully all my personal training stuff and excersisies I am doing will allow me to get back out there and run! Stupis back. lol. I should be running pretty soon though hopefully!
Peanut butter and apples were made for eachother 🙂
I like your outlook on how you treat your runs. Often with working out, if I’m not feeling it, I say “just go and run/elliptical/etc for 5 minutes. After 5, you can stop if you really want to.
I’ve rarely stopped at 5 minutes. And felt much better afterwards. 🙂
Totally agree with your “run as slow as you want” approach. I am VERY competitive (with myself, that is) when it comes to running and working out in general, so on days when I feel like I can’t perform by best, it’s hard to get motivated to run at all. On those days, I tell myself the same thing you do. Just gotta get out there and get moving!
Sending positive vibes your way re your honeymoon! You have been such a trooper the past week–taking everything that comes your way with grace.
I think I need to borrow that mantra next time I’m sooo not into a run but know I need to get it done. Seems to have done the trick for you today! Nice job on the five-miler!
I’m never ever ever in the mood to run. I don’t think that can be helped!
I like your mindset! I’m a competitive person, but I think this way of thinking is a very good one in terms of motivating yourself to get out and run! And I’m sure Sadie thanked you too 🙂
Sometimes the hardest part of a workout is just getting out there and going. Usually if I can get to the gym I can push out a good workout. Of course, if I were to exercise in the morning, the chances of going to the gym would be slim.
I love that mantra! Just simply getting out there and starting is the hardest part!
Good luck with the honeymoon! I hope everything works out in your favor. 🙂
Nice job getting 5 miles in despite your desire. I am sure Sadie thanks you 🙂 XOXOXO Love you lady! Have a great day!
That is a GREAT mantra! And brilliant timing too- I have a run planned this afternoon but am not feeling very motivated…this’ll do the trick though! Thanks 😀
Mantra’s get me out the door!! I am going to try yours, great job on 5 miles. I love telling myself that I have never regretting a run! Your breakfast sandwich looks so good! Bummer about the honeymoon plans:(
sandwich looks yummy!
also, if you and Sadie check out (which is on MY iGoogle page), you’ll see Ruby the Vizsla!!
That is a great philosophy! I may use that one myself!! And I love that sandwich idea! I will copy that one. 🙂
Agreed on that philosophy! I felt that way this morning and once I got going, I was fine. Also, that breakfast looks great! Must try to work that into my morning repetoire.
I was not in the mood to be on the elliptical machine last night at the gym. I was so bored. But I completed my workout using a similar idea-go as slow as you want but you need to finish your workout. Although I need to find something else to replace or suppliment the elliptical machine. Bored=not going to the gym=no exercise for Linda!
Hey Julie,
quick question: what do you eat as a pre workout snack in the mornings? Obviously, your workouts are long (1-1.5 hrs) so what do you try and stomach before hand in the early mornings?
I hate those days!! Something is always better than nothing though, and I’ve found that on the days I give myself permission to run easier I actually run faster. Funny how we psych ourselves out!!
No matter how well I sleep there is always a piece of me that would much prefer to stay snuggled up my warm bed next to my hubby.
BUT…if you let that thought, that idea that you will feel energized, alive and better if you move. I get up!
And yes, there is always the rationale that I can run/move/spin as slow as I need to. Just move!
You’re so right. No matter what kind of mood I’m in, all I have to do is start working out! It’s the starting part that can be hard some days…
And P.S.–I’m having my first blog giveaway right now because of you! After you posted about it, I signed up for myBlogspark, and I’m giving away a $25 Visa card and two dinner boxes. Thanks!
Praying that your honeymoon plans work out or lead you to an even more beautiful adventure! You never know, sometimes when one travel plan door is closed, another opens and proves to be exactly what you dreamed of, travel agents (or inventive husbands) can be good like that!
I do a similar thing when the alarm goes off and I don’t want to run…I talk myself through it and promise myself that once I get out there, if it’s really THAT bad, I can stop, but I need to at least try. This works every time because once I get going it feels great!
Every time I want to run but my body doesn’t seem 100% into it, I just say “I think I can, I think I can” haha quoted from the book The Little Engine That Could.
That’s totally my philosophy – not just for running but for exercise in general. Some days I just don’t want to go to the gym but I tell myself, just go. I can go home after 15 minutes if I really want to. Most of the time it doesn’t come to that and I get in a good workout. Staying in the habit is the most important thing even if every workout isn’t the best workout.
That’s actually a really helpful thought. Whenever I hit the gym, I always end up hitting it really hard..and that sometimes makes me not want to go. So I’ll think “just take it easy.” and I go. It usually ends up beeing an awesome workout anyway 🙂
yum, I think I’m going to put cinnamon on my toast from now on… like right now.
Please try this with cheddar cheese melted on the other half! haha it sounds really weird but it’s so good and I think you’ll like it too because you seem to love cheese!