There’s nothing like crawling into bed with a good book at the end of the day. If I can sneak in an hour of reading before bed, I feel more relaxed and seem to drift off to sleep without a billion thoughts running through my head. I look forward to immersing myself in a different world and unwinding in bed as I flip through the pages with Sadie curled up at my feet on my face.
Late Sunday afternoon, I started reading White Jacket Required, a nonfiction book by Jenna Weber, author of the blog Eat, Live, Run. I heard a lot about the book from other bloggers and after my friend Aggie said I would love it during my trip to Oregon, I ordered it on Amazon last week.
Jenna’s story details her time in culinary school and the confusion she felt after college when she tried to figure out what she really wanted to do with her life. The book was an incredibly fast read and I finished it in two sittings.
Now I’m in the market for a new book! We’ll be voting on the November book club selection soon, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! (I’ll also put a call out on the PBF Facebook page before selecting the three front runners for us to vote on in a week.)
This morning was a pancake kind of morning!
I added a heaping spoonful of pumpkin and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice to Bob’s Red Mill high fiber pancake mix that I got a while back but forgot to use!
I was attracted to the seven grams of fiber and seven grams of protein in a serving of the mix since pancakes made from a mix rarely keep me full for very long. (That’s why I love protein pancakes!) Hopefully these pancakes will keep me full for a while!
Now I’m off to work through the morning before Ryan comes home at lunchtime to help me film a little video project that I have to complete for a client this afternoon. Videos make me anxious!
Question of the Morning
- If you were to write a book one day, what kind of book would you want to write?
I’ve always thought it would be really fun to write a goofy children’s book revolving around silly pictures of dogs!
That book sounds like something I would definitely love to read! Thank you for the suggestion! 🙂
If I could write a book one day, I would probably love to write a cookbook. I think that would be so wonderful.
I haven’t had pancakes in the longest time, and those look delicious! Writing a children’s book would be so much fun, but I would probably have an easier time writing a memoir or someone’s biography. As a writer and journalist, I love interviewing people and learning more about them, so writing an entire book about one person would be fun for me. Weird, I know. 😉
if you love reading about people, you should check out andre agassi’s autobiography, open. i was shocked at how much i enjoyed reading it!
Oh, yeah–I remember when you read it. Thanks for the suggestion, Julie! 🙂
I like historical fictions, so I *think* I’d like to write one of those. However, that would require sooooooooooo much research!
i agree! historical fiction is my favorite. i cannot even imagine the amount of time and effort that goes into research and fact checking!
A cookbook. 🙂 That’s where my passion is and the area of my life that I’d have the most to talk about.
my book would consist mainly of dirty jokes and sugar. Can you base an entire book on dirty jokes and sugar? Gah! I hope so!
you’ve got a guaranteed reader in me! 😀
If I wrote a book it would definitely be based on food and healthy lifestyle, hopefully something that would inspire others!
I’m a historian so if I wrote a book (which I’d love to someday!) it would probably be nonfiction around some topic involving British Medieval History. Either that or historical fiction!
I’m a writer, and finished my first book this summer. It’s a Chick Lit spy book, “Sugar and Spies,” currently only available for eReaders (formatting for paperback is a pain in the neck). Working on book two right now, but there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. 🙂
I’ve heard such great things about Jenna’s book, I definitely need to get it and read it!
Oh man I need to eat breakfast, those pancakes look amazing!
Everyone keeps telling me to write a book about the hubs and I losing 400 lbs but I don’t feel like I can write about that until we’re at goal weight. I must have 4 half written books from age 10 on. As you can see, I’m a “finish what you start” kind of gal. *rolling eyes*
I’ve been wanting to read Jenna’s book, I’ve been hearing it’s fabulous!
Considering that I’m a criminology student, I’d probably write a serial-killer (a la Dexter) or vigilante-crime-fighting novel of some sort! The heroine will eat salads and work out by day and fight crime by night :-p
Your dog is such a cutie! 🙂 I would write a book on healthy eating and living or maybe a fantasy book?? 🙂 I actually love to write and hopefully one day you will see my name in the book stores! 🙂
You should try writing that!! Sadie could be the star of the book!!! I have no idea what I’d write about… Knowing me I’d probably change the subject several times throughout writing that it wouldn’t make any sense! 🙂
I have been wanting to read that book and hoping it comes out for kindle soon! I am reading The Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me and it is all about the pranks she did on her friends, it is so hilarious!
I would write about post grad life and how difficult it is to figure it all out!
I would love to write a book on healthy living/weight loss based on my experience over the years! Cliche but spot on!
I’d love to write a funny jokes & stories book!
I’d actually love to write an epic fantasy book. I love the idea of being able to create a world that has no limits… my imagination would probably go wild.
no workout today?
I just put White Jacket Required on my Christmas wish list last week! But I may not be able to wait two months 🙂 I’ve read so many great reviews for it and love Jenna’s blog. Thanks for the recommendation!
If I wrote a book, I’d love to write a funny novel about dogs. My maniac dog alone could make for a whole story!
I’m sure you are going to do wonderfully with the video! 🙂
I just started reading “The Passage” (can’t think of the author at the moment), but my mom and all of our friends loved it.
I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone earlier this year and LOVE laying in bed at night reading. Sometimes, I stay up WAY to late though. I found out you can download E-books and audiobooks from the library for free. I’ve been reading the Stackhouse Series (I’m addicted to True Blood) With work and planning a wedding, I just want a mindless book that I do not have to think to much about!
I will have to add White Jacket Required to my list though.
I think I would write some kind of Christmas themed book for kids because I love the holiday and love kids 🙂 I once had to write a detective fiction short book for a class and it was so terrible that I know I would need to stick to something light-hearted
Those pancakes looks super thick and dense! Yum! I also love Kodiak Cake Mix. It’s a pancake mix that’s made here locally in Utah that has great nutritional stats. I believe they sell it all over in Targets now or you can order it online. I love it!
I love sleepy sadie pictures! They are too cute!
I can so imagine you writing a children’s book! You’ve got the humour for it! 🙂 That book sounds really interesting, my kind of read! Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia?
I really want to write a book some day. Who knows about what anymore, the topic changes as I age, but it would be a dream come true.
I’d probably write a fiction novel, with a little non-fiction in it!
I need to get my hands on that book – I know I would read it in two sittings, too. BTW I heart pumpkin pancakes. If I were to write a book, it would probably be called Ode to Garlic. 🙂
Julie, you’d be a great author of a children’s book featuring silly pictures of dogs! The captions you add to some of the pictures of Sadie always crack me up 🙂 I think you should go for it!!
Honestly, you’re probably halfway to writing a silly children’s book revolving around dogs already. With all the pictures of Sadie you post and the witty comments that go along with it, you’ve got both a lot of material to work with and a lot of practice already. You could totally do it!
Writing’s been my thing forever, and I did once write a novel (it’s not in any way published…I never even tried to get it published. It needs a lot more work before I’d be willing to pitch it to anyone). I’m all about fiction writing, though, and I’m now also working on a dystopia-esque novel. Whether or not it will actually ever get done is another story, but I’ve made more progress on it than my other writing projects (i.e.: it made it past the first page haha), so we’ll see!
If you want a quick, intense read I would definitely read Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes. It is kinda like the movie Sleeping with the Enemy but with more suspense.
I quite honestly dream about writing a book about my experience with an eating disorder. I need to kind of lock myself down in a local coffee shop one of these days and just get to it.
What a happy dog!
I definitely want to write a book one day…I just still haven’t figured out what to write about. It would need to be inspirational and funny.
I nominated you for a blogger award! 🙂
White Jacket Required is on my to-read list!
I’m the same way about reading before going to bed–even if it’s really just for 2 minutes, it makes me relaxed and I sleep a ton better than not reading at all.
Oh and I forgot to share a book suggestion–“Hungry” by Crystal Renn is a super fast read but it gives fantastic insight to the world of a model and the horrendous pressures put on women to just be skinny, no matter the cost. It’s completely made me change my view of the physical look of my body and the bodies I see as models in magazines, ads, etc. It’s definitely interesting and I love when books, like this one, give me a new perspective on something that seems so “normal” in our society.
I just finished Divergent (at your suggestion) and COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I had to immediately run out and get Insurgent and now I can’t put that down. Thank you for creating a monster 😉
Also, those pancakes look delicious… I’ll have to try them soon!
YES! i’m so glad you read and loved it!! that book is fantastic. 🙂
I’ve been wanting to read that book! My library doesn’t carry it yet, so I might just have to buy it!
7 grains of protein is great for a pancake!
….I’d definitely write some comi-tragic coming of age tale.
I love young-adult novels especially dystopian novels! I think that I would probably chose to write a young adult novel but I don’t think I’d be able to create a dystopian world- it would probably just be about typical young adult problems! I think probably along the lines of Sarah Dessen books…
I’m actually a writer and have been working on a book for 4 years now… well a 3 part book lol :p
I would write a book on my transition to a vegetarian (and possibly vegan in the future?) lifestyle. This book would definitely contain recipes too, obviously! 😉
I want pancakes now! Those look delicious, and an added bonus that they’re healthy, too!
I’m going to look into that book. I’m not sure what I’d write about… maybe college life as an athlete? It would be hard to write so much on one topic!
I just finished my first book! Its a young adult fiction piece that deals with the supernatural. 🙂
that’s amazing! congratulations, rachel!
Thank you!! 🙂 If it ever gets published I will send you a copy!
I would write a mystery novel!
Sounds like an interesting book! I would write a comedic romance book. Not enough of those out there!
I recommend Dark Places by Gillian Flynn if you haven’t read it, that’s what we’re doing for the chicago book club this month and I liked it better than Gone Girl!
It’s an older book but Wallace Stagner’s “Angle of Repose” is pretty amazing! I think it’s a book everyone should read at some point. It makes you appreciate how nice modern living is haha.
i follow your blog and wanted to ask what time you get to bed at to be able to get up at 5 am every morning and have all the energy that you do for everything that you do!
i’m usually in bed by 9:30. 🙂
I would write fantasy.
I actually tried once, wrote something like 200 pages but I could not pace the book equally, everything was going too slow or too fast.
I will likely try again!
As a dog lover I think you would love “A Dogs Purpose”. Such an amazing book. You will laugh and cry.
ahhh.. i’m so with you about making videos! My husband keeps trying to get me to put videos up…I look like a quack when I talk.. not happening. Good luck!