After learning that happy hour coupled with not drinking enough water the day before a long run is a recipe for disaster, I made sure to hydrate properly yesterday and – wouldn’t you know – it made a huge difference!
This morning Sadie and I tackled the 6 mile run we were supposed to complete on Saturday as part of my half marathon training plan. Today’s run was five bazillion times better than Saturday’s cramp-fest.
I felt strong and gave myself a little pep talk as I was running.
Truth be told, I signed up for the Chicago Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon (which takes place on August 1) with some of my friends because it seemed like a neat way to conclude my bachelorette party.
Unlike my last half, I signed up for this race on a whim. Last time, I really thought about it and committed myself to training. Plus, I was curious to see whether or not I physically could complete a half marathon. Each long run was like a mini-milestone.
Now that I know that I can run 13.1 miles, I don’t have the same drive to run and follow a training plan like I did before. I’ve been having a bit of a mental struggle because I don’t like feeling like I have to run. I prefer working out for fun and doing whatever form of exercise calls to me on a particular day.
This morning, my pep talk with myself addressed this issue.
I am determined to re-commit myself to this training. It’s only two months of training with runs scheduled three times a week. No big deal! I feel so blessed to be able to run.
When I think back on the time that I injured my hip and couldn’t run for months, I feel grateful for the opportunity to run in this upcoming half marathon.
My mini-pep talk was filled with tough love and served as the kick-in-the-butt that I needed. Half marathon here I come! 😀
Post Run
One of the great things about running at 5:30 in the morning is being done before 6:30 a.m.!
I had some extra time on my hands this morning and I put it to good use by doing some dishes, vacuuming and straightening up our apartment.
During my quick clean, I placed six of Sadie’s toys back in her toy bin.
Last night Ryan and I were talking about how ridiculous it is that Sadie has so many toys. We’d throw some away, but she honestly plays with every single one. She’s an equal-opportunity player. 😉
After my super-fast clean, my tummy started to get angry at me.
“Feed me, you little jerk,” it said.
I’m never hungry immediately following a run, but 25 minutes later my stomach wants some food!
Breakfast this morning featured my favorite little grain.
Barley was the highlight of my yogurt bowl, which also included freshly sliced strawberries.
So good!
Barley breakfast bowls are one of my all-time favorite breakfasts (French toast still holds the number one spot).
Bridesmaid Dress Update
Check out the text message I received from Ryan this morning:
You know what that means!!! Full speed ahead with the bridesmaid dress orders!!!
I’m glad Ryan seems to have changed his mind about the champagne/cashmere color of the bridesmaid dress.
We really haven’t discussed it too much since looking at the dresses on Sunday, but I did show him some pictures of other weddings where the bridesmaids wore champagne dresses which I think helped him see how elegant and classy they can look. We’ll discuss it a little more tonight, but I’m hoping to place an order soon! 😀
If you are married, what colors did you feature in your wedding? If you’re not married, what colors do you see yourself selecting for your big day?
I was trying to accept maize and I still can, but I LOVE champagne! See you soon. xo
woohoo! can’t wait to see ya mama!
congrats on the great run! I have had dreams about wedding colors the past couple nights! We still have 11 months til the big day but I’ve been wanting to pick our colors so much that I guess I’m thinking about it in my sleep?! haha
my latest thoughts were to do yellow dresses, green accents, and then gray suits for the guys. Very light and spring-y. We’ll see though – may dream up something else tonight 🙂
oh that sounds gorgeous!
Hey! I am totally running the Chicago Rock and Roll Half as well! I live in South Carolina but my sister in law lives in Chicago. Its a huge race so I’m sure I wont see you but good luck. Its my first half marathon!
hooray for your first half!!! should be a good one!
I used black and a very soft yellow at my wedding with yellow roses as my flower.
This may sound weird, but you are so cute!!
I REALLY want to do a pink/orange theme. Emphasizing coral. I love those colors. Brown bridesmaid dresses would be pretty as well. Or spring green.
I chose a mauve/pink color for my girls and let them pick their own style. I think everyone was happy in the end!
It was called ‘eggplant’-deep purple. It was very pretty for a fall wedding.
You have totally motivated me to want to run in the morning! Unfortunately, I have to be at work by 7 🙁 Silly question, but what time do you go to bed when you get up for an early run???
i’m usually in bed by 10pm – hopefully asleep by 10:30!
Congrats on a successful run first thing in the morning! I am sure it totally jumpstart your morning.
Aww, Ryan is such a sweetie. He just wants to make you happy which is what makes such an amazing husband! 🙂
Weird question, but where did you get your TV stand/entertainment console/whatever you call it? I love the style with lots of cubbies – I’m compromising with a low bookcase as a TV stand right now…same concept, but not quite doing it for me.
Oh and I go through lots of phases with wedding colors (uh…but no wedding in my future for a while…awkward) but right now I’m loving a slate gray/midnight blue/goldenrod combo.
Good for you on the run!! Do you hydrate during the 6 miles, or do you just fuel up before you go??
Our wedding was all black and white with some blue accents (hydrangea and delphinium in the flowers) I loved it–the pictures are awesome 🙂
Gorgeous dress!!
I love how you and Ryan are such a team! That text is so kind, thoughtful and not at all like many guys who act like they are ‘too cool/manly/uninterested’ to take the time to think about things like that! It also looks like he said ‘you will make the most beautiful bride ever! ” or ‘they’ll make the most beautiful bridesmaid’s ever’? Either way, it is very sweet and I am SO happy for you guys! You need to hook me up with one of his equally smart and down to earth friends! and write about post about relationships! You are both so amazing!
I’ve been reading your blog forever and just randomly came across this post. I almost died when I saw your kitchen!
You have the exact same cupboards as my mom and her boyfriend. I put a picture of it on my blog during renovations and have always called their kitchen the world’s ugliest due to the cupboards.
Their kitchen makes yours look like it should be in a magazine 🙂