A little before 9 p.m. last night, thick snowflakes began to fall and, if the weather forecast proved correct, I knew I’d be waking up to a white winter wonderland. Schools are closed today and when schools are closed, classes at my gym are canceled, which isn’t a bad thing because I am in Raleigh right now! It looks like the sub I scheduled to take over my spin class got off easy today!
I made the 2.5 hour drive to Raleigh right when I got off work yesterday and though I hoped to pop in and say hi to you guys once I arrived, family fun took over the minute I arrived at my grandma’s place.
This quick trip to see Mimi popped up on my calendar when we found out she wouldn’t be able to make it to Sanibel for our annual family vacation this year. We still really wanted time with her and I’m so happy Mimi is feeling better and was up for some visitors!
My aunt organized a “picnic dinner” in my grandma’s room so everyone could come to her and spend time together. I loved chatting with my cousins, aunt and uncle and also had the chance to meet my cousin Andrew’s girlfriend whom I immediately loved.
We made turkey sandwiches and ate them with chips, fruit salad and pieces of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate for dessert. My aunt took over as master chef and our hot turkey sandwiches were made with Swiss cheese and cole slaw and as someone who doesn’t really like cole slaw, I was shocked by just how much I loved my sandwich! It was so, so good and I actually think the cole slaw made the sandwich. Go figure.
We stayed at my grandma’s place and hung out until close to 9 p.m., when we hugged her goodbye and drove back to my aunt’s house to spend the night. And now I’m here soaking up these incredible gorgeous snowy views. I feel like I should bust out my Christmas CDs or something!
The first part of breakfast this morning was enjoyed in my aunt’s kitchen. When we woke up, the power was out (hooray for a fully-charged laptop!!), so I cut up a pear and ate some blueberries to take the edge off my hunger.
Plus a small bowl of Lucky Charms!
My uncle is due back any minute and he ran out to pick up breakfast sandwiches for us, so we’re anxious for his arrival!
Once he arrives and we finish eating, we’ll head back out to my grandma’s place to spend some more time with Mimi. I hope you guys are staying warm today!
It’s been a looong time since I’ve had Lucky Charms. I might need to snag a box next time I’m at the store!
I’m a little jealous of all your family time. I haven’t been home since Christmas, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make the trip until at least Memorial Day.
Have a great rest of your trip!
Thank you, Courtney! <3
Did you guys know you can now buy the marshmallows for lucky charms separately?!????
Love coleslaw on sandwiches!! Reuben, pulled pork, anything bbq, yum!!
What a sweet picture of you and your grandmother.
Wow! You guys got a ton of snow! The news has been telling us for days that we would have a blizzard today. Nope. We got nothing. That’s Georgia for ya.
When it snows below the mason dixon line everything shuts down haha! I know on the Eastern Shore in MD nothing goes on!
Snow!!! I actually woke up this morning and had an email from my in-laws (who live in Greenville, SC) with pictures of snow. It is so unusual for that area of the country to get that much snow. At least you are enjoying time with family and don’t have to drive around a bunch – I’m sure the panic level goes up for people in the area when it comes to driving in the snow. 🙂 Have fun with your family!
Ah, Lucky Charms. I always eat the crunchy stuff first, working my way around the marshmallows, and then eat the marshmallows last. It’s like dessert for breakfast!
The snow looks so beautiful! I love running in snow..I feel like I’m running in a snowglobe 🙂 The sandwich almost sounds like something from Primanti’s in Pittsburgh..it’s just missing the fries! Coleslaw on sandwiches is the best 🙂
Your excitement for snow is really cute 🙂 Come up to Western NY, we have plenty of it! My husband’s favorite cereal is Marshmallow Matey’s, which is the same thing as Lucky Charms, but according to him way better and naturally harder to find!
Your Mimi looks great! When my grandma was on oxygen, she always made sure she took off the hose b/c she didn’t want it in the pictures. So glad to see that your Mimi is owning it!
Wow! Look at that snow. We always get a ton of snow here in Utah so this winter has been a little weird for us. I’m looking forward to one good snow before the warmer weather is here to stay!
That snow looks so pretty!! There’s flurries here now in TX and we just had a big ice storm.. Getting an unexpected vacation is always nice!
http://trendkeeper.me ..dip it low?!
I’m so glad you’re getting to enjoy time with your family! <3
Snowwww! I still can’t believe I live somewhere that looks that white and snowy at times. Enjoy it! Also, enjoy the family time. <3
i woke up to a winter wonderland too — the best!
I loooooove me some Lucky Charms! 😉
Sometimes a little treat like a bowl of lucky charms is just the thing for a snow day!
Have a wonderful time with your family!! Snow has finally decided to make an appearance here in Salt Lake, so I’m excited to actually see winter in the West!!! ❄️❄️
Enjoy the snow!! 🙂
aww family time is the best 🙂
Your snow looks beautiful! Enjoy your trip 🙂
Oh my gosh, that snow! I didn’t even realized NC got that cold!
Yay snow!!!! Mimi looks stunning 🙂 beautiful genes you have in the family!!
Wow, that’s a lot of snow for North Carolina! I’m from Upstate NY (born and raised) and we ALWAYS get a ton of snow every winter (thanks to the lake effect coming off of Lake Ontario). I love seeing the white stuff before Christmas and even into the new year, but by this time of the year I’m sooooo ready for it to disappear!
Have a great time with your family!
I am from the East and we got 7 feet of snow in 17 days! But, I know that is a ton of snow for you guys.
I don’t have any grandparents living anymore and I miss having them. My grandmother’s name was also Mimi. Yours is as cute as a button. Enjoy your time with her!
Annnnnd, now I am craving lucky charms! It’s funny, I *just” got over a fruit loops kick. Oh well – childhood cereal is worth it. 🙂 Enjoy your family time!
Those sandwiches looked amazing! Hope you have a great time. It is snowing here in Chicago as well, but it’s just random flurries and nothing too outrageous 🙂
I love the picnic basket!! My boyfriend and I love going on picnics and have been yard sale/flea market searching for the past year to find the perfect picnic basket for us!
Enjoy your family time 🙂
Those sandwiches are so good!! I used to work for a restaurant that made them on rye bread. My absolute favorite – we called it the Robin, similar to a reuben 🙂
That snow is gorgeous! I am so happy you got to spend time with your Mimi after she could not make it to Sanibel. That is awesome.
oooh those lucky charms look good 🙂 hope you have so much fun visiting with family!!
The view you have is so pretty! I love when the snow is fresh with no disturbances (once a year that is..haha). Seeing your pear makes me want to bring those little guys back into my fruit routine!! Thank you! Enjoy every minute with your Mimi…I miss mine terribly!
I’m jealous of the snow! This year was unseasonably warm here, and there were only two snowfalls that left anything on the ground. I haven’t missed the icy walks to class, though.
That IS a lot of snow!
Family time is the best. Haven’t been to my Mom’s place since December because we live in different countries… Luckily I go there next weekend. We should be so grateful for every moment with our loved ones.
Those sandwiches look delicious! It’s so sweet that your family makes the time to visit so often, it sounds like you’re having a wonderful time 🙂
Lucky Charms are one of my favorite guilty snacks! The snow is beautiful!
Cinnamon toast crunch or corn pops are my faves if I want a bowl of cereal as a snack!
Enjoy the snow!!
It must be so nice for you to be experiencing the seasons again! I live in Boulder, Colorado and for me to see this picture of the snow you got and to hear that the schools are closed makes me giggle a little bit 🙂 We’ve gotten over 12 inches of snow over the past day and a half and all we got this morning was a late start at CU 😛 Annnnnnyways, so glad you enjoyed the time with your grandma!
I love how you are so family oriented! Family is so important I like that you share that side of your life on your blog 😉 I also LOVE the snow picture! So beautiful! Reminds me of my childhood growing up in Illinois. Enjoy it while it lasts!
We were supposed to get some snow, but didn’t even get a snow flake! Hoping a snowy day or two is on its way here. We would love a snow day! 🙂
Welcome to Raleigh where we’ve had the most snow in one night since Christmas 2010. It’s been pretty today.
So gorgeous!!! I’m sad I couldn’t stay longer!
Lucky Charms! A favorite not-clean indulgence! 😀
Oh, the snow looks gorgeous! And spending time with grandma is the best time spent, in my opinion! Glad you’re having fun!!!
Mandy | http://www.mandydreams.com
Wow so much snow!!! Have a wonderful trip 🙂
Glad your Mimi is feeling better! She is just precious. Love the picnic idea. And I recognize that pumpernickel-rye swirl bread.. My mom always bought that when we were growing up. It’s the best! 🙂
Oh, the snow looks so beautiful! 🙂
And, I’ve only tried cole slaw on pulled pork sandwiches before. I also don’t like cole slaw, but I love it on those- I’ll have to try turkey next.
Great post!
We didn’t end up with quite so much accumulation in Raleigh, only a couple of inches really. Still enough for the kids to stay out of school all week though.
And yes, cole slaw totally makes the turkey reuben whole. it’s fantastic.
Is this when you told your grandma the happy news?!? 😉 I’m catching up on old posts after reading your Tweet about Baby PB