Let’s have some fun this morning!
Look at the picture below. What are the first four words that jump out at you?
They’re supposed to describe YOU.
Fun, huh?
I shared this picture on the PBF Facebook page yesterday after I saw it St. Petersburg Jazzercise page and got a kick out of reading all of the words you guys saw when you glanced at the image. Feel free to play along in the comments section today! (I saw elegant, naïve, outgoing and sweet.)
I also posted the picture on my personal Facebook page and had to laugh when my sister’s boyfriend responded that the first word he saw was “BOGO.” It was very fitting since he is definitely a guy who loves a good deal! (BOGO = Buy one, get one, just in case you’re not familiar with discount shopping vernacular.)
When I saw Ross’ reply, I brought up the picture at home last night and asked Ryan to name the first four words he saw. His reply:
- Time
- Cot
- Pass
- Passionate
Cot? Really?
Apparently this little game isn’t foolproof. Either that or my husband really misses kindergarten naptime on a cot.
Today’s workout began with a quick 20 minutes on the elliptical which I spent reading Ocala Magazine. I then completed a chest and tricep workout before calling it a day.
More foamy coffee!
Along with my lovely cup of coffee, I had another egg, cheese and jelly bagelwich.
We’re all out of oats in our house at the moment and that must change. I wanted vanilla banana protein oatmeal this morning!
Question of the Morning
- What four words did you see when you first looked at the picture at the beginning of this post?
Dramatic, Mental, Outgoing, Outspoken…Hmmmm…not the best character descriptors…But perhaps true?! Still a fun little thing to send to friends to chuckle about 🙂 Grazi.
hahaha those are kinda funny! 😛 this was a cute and fun game! wowww I guess mine aren’t too bad. Elegant, patient, dependent, naive. lol
Wrestless (actually I was getting a little wrestless the first 1 min looking at this, haha i think I was trying too hard!)
thanks for making my mornings fun!
Ooh fun game!! The first 4 that popped out at me were charismatic, elegant, genuine, and insecure… lol. I suppose I can be all of these things sometimes… but in my case, elegant is certainly not a synonym for graceful because I just dribbled salsa on my capris while typing this!
i laughed when i got elegant, too! i’ve never, ever felt like a particularly elegant or graceful person!
I read passionate, naive, sweet, and spoken
I don’t think i’m naive, at least I hope not since I’m meant to become a lawyer lol!
Loyal, passionate, restless, sweet. Lol those are the first four words I saw? I guess they describe me? Haha
LOL! I read “restless” as “relentless” at first and it made me laugh!
passionate (far away from the word passionate :P)
fun game!!
Naive, charming, sweet, and dramatic. I was surprised that the words that popped didn’t all go either vertically or horizontally. Am I the only one that had both?
oh crazy! all the words i saw were horizontal. you’re a creative one! 🙂
That’s funny. Only horizontal ones for me too. Nice, Robyn!
Ha! That is great!
If those 4 words describe me, I I’ll take it!
Ryan’s “cot” selection is wonderful. 😉
Love this- I got patient, sweet, naive and reserved!
talented, passionate, outspoken, outgoing. bout right!
Fun game to start my morning! I saw happy, dramatic, outgoing, and sweet. I’m going to try and not get bent out of shape that the first word I saw was dramatic 🙂 Because that would be, well, dramatic.
It took me a while to see any!
I got passionate, happy, outgoing and sweet!
I must eat a bagel today!!!
My four words were:
Happy, lazy, drama, sweet!
Peaceful, passionate, outspoken & loyal – some of them are accurate, others not-so-much. 😉
I agree with all but patient – it’s NOT a virtue I have!
First and foremost, save the drama for yo mama! Im pretty sure my drama days were over after high school. But im definitely stubborn and my fiancé thinks I’m a passionate person so 3 out of 4 isn’t bad.
I saw passionate, loyal and then wrestle?!? Haha unsure what that means!
i suppose those fit! next one i saw was “overdramatic” and i will have to respectfully disagree, hahaha.
Loyal, Sweet, Passionate, and Drama.
I am definitely not drama but I did peruse drama as in acting during school years and college 🙂
I did this before and I also saw BOGO first! This time, I saw funny first, then BOGO again.
And by funny I meant happy.. it’s too early in the morning for me!
Passionate, Compassionate, Caring and Stubborn!! They are all true… I think it’s funny that the first three are such good traits and then the last one, stubborn, is a more frustrating trait. I guess it just shows that people are made up of a variety of traits, good or not so good, that help shape who they are!!!!
I’m not sure I’m patient at ALL, but I’ll take those words!
This was fun!
Dramatic, Happy, Sweet, Patient! Ut oh! Haha!
I’m not sure what the last two have to do with anything but it made me laugh!
Haha, I <3 that I got BOGO – buy one get one baby!
I like to think I’m all of those but I feel like someone would have to tell me I’m elegant, sweet, and lovely so I don’t sound full of myself. At least I’ve heard people describe me as a sweet and lovely girl. I’m not real sure I’m elegant though…at least if I’m not trying to be. And if I’m trying, I’m probably really not.
I saw Talented, Honest, Charismatic, and Shy.
I hope that talented is right. 😉
I know that I’m very honest.
I might be charismatic – I get along with everyone.
and I definitely can be shy.
reserved, love, loyal, understanding
this is such a cool thing! I want to share it with my friends. Thanks for the morning fun!
peaceful, charismatic, sweet and passionate. 🙂
Those words don’t describe me!!! Ha! Interesting though!
I saw elegant, sweet, patient, and…lethargic?! I reject that one, haha. So my runner-up word was courageous. Much better. 😉
I got patient, passionate, stubborn, and elegant. I also so “grad,” which is funny because I just graduated from college, but I doubt that’s an “official” word 🙂
Glove-weird, I play softball!
Full- ha, if food related, YES
Insecure-sadly, yes I am sometimes
That was fun!
Happy, Passionate, Impatient, Talented…I don’t know about talented, but the rest seem pretty accurate! I love things like this – takes me back to magazine quizzes in high school!
I saw peaceful, sentimental, passionate, and witty! I guess the only one I’m not sure is accurate is witty… ? Although that is a quality I admire in other people, so maybe that’s why I saw it!
All of these do describe me….even elegant to some degree 🙂
I did this yesterday on your FB page and the first three were accurate — kind, polite, and outspoken. But the last one, not so much – patient. Impatience is my biggest flaw!
How fun! I love stuff like this…. My 4 words were passionate, naive, outspoken & reserved…. Clearly the last two have a conflict with each other haha
OH I like this game! I saw outgoing, sweet, thoughtful, and passionate. I definitely would agree with all of these things, although, judging by the other words others’ saw, I probably should have seen impatient and stubborn too because I can definitely be both of those 😉
Passionate, naïve, love and sweet.
Fun game….not sure about naïve though lol
Have a great day:)
okay I stared at it for quite some time before I saw any words … uhhhh so maybe one of the words to describe should be slow-thinking hahaa
Charming, patient, thoughtful, outspoken. i think those fit, besides patient! I definitely am not! haha
happy elegant peaceful patient. hmmmmm……….. haha i like this picture. I have seen it floating around Facebook and Pinterest for a while! Have a good day! Now I want that milk frother! You use almond milk right?
UhOh…that’s a recipe for blissfully ignorant…which I strive NOT to be…Haha.
Thanks for sharing this! I got:
I saw Lazy, Happy, Witty, & Passionate. I guess no one is really happy about seeing a word like Lazy. 🙁 I’ll take it as lazy to workout and I’ll just have to change that. haha
pom (I guess since I was on poms growing up? or some people that quickly glance at the word pom see the word porn..so who knows!)
I saw Peace, Secure, Thoughtful, Dramatic. Those are me to a perfect T!! My friend saw Elegant when she did it and we had a good laugh (“I’m “elegant”??) She *is* tall and long-limbed, much more “elegant” than I’ll ever be at 5 feet nothing :o)