My morning started off at the barre!
I took an early morning Pure Barre class and loved every minute. For real!
One of my favorite things about Pure Barre is the fact that I honestly look forward to the workout. It’s challenging but not incredibly intense so I don’t feel like I need to mentally fire myself up before I walk into the studio. My body shakes and I sweat, but it’s not the same as workouts with a bunch of burpees or heavy lifting which definitely require me to psych myself up ahead of time.
I know that with Pure Barre I’m going to feel the burn, but I’ll be rewarded with a wonderful stretch after we’re done with each muscle group in the class. It’s kind of crazy how a fantastic stretch can feel like a reward during a workout, but somehow it does. I love it and we all know I can use all the help I can get when it comes to improving my flexibility.
Breakfast occurred after Pure Barre this morning.
I actually felt satisfied after eating the egg and cheese sandwich and the almonds, so I’m saving the banana for when hunger strikes again.
Just FYI, I’ve been taking the advice of Nancy Clark and eating a little something before my morning workouts. I have always been more of a wake up and work out girl, but I’m finding that eating something, even when I’m not hungry, makes me feel better and more energetic during my workout. Makes total sense to me! My favorite pre-workout snacks lately have been a small apple or banana or a handful of almonds or trail mix. A lil’ something makes a difference!
Questions of the Morning
- What is one workout you look forward to doing?
- For the early morning exercisers: Do you eat something before your workouts?
For me, Jazzercise is one of the most fun workouts on the planet and one I always look forward to doing, especially when I can take a class with my mom and sister. Pure Barre and BodyPump are workouts I look forward to as well. If you cannot think of a workout you enjoy or look forward to doing, I encourage you to try something new. I’m a firm believer that there’s a workout out there for everyone and finding one you love makes exercise 10,000 times more enjoyable!
I love barre! And you’re right, the stretching at the end does feel like a treat!
BodyPump is definitely a workout I always look forward to doing! Off to teach a class this morning! 😉
Glad you’re loving Pure Barre so much! And yes, I definitely need a little something before I go workout early in the morning. I see a huge difference in my energy levels with a little food in me.
I’ve loved following your BodyPump cert journey! Congrats!!
I’ve never done barre but I’ve been wanting to for so long! Hot yoga is my personal favorite, and kickboxing!
I actually really like the strength training because it makes me feel, well, strong. I love that weights that were way too heavy for me a few months ago are now too light
That’s awesome!
i look forward to almost every workout, really, but mainly my long runs or a good long plyo/circuit sesh. i don’t usually eat before a workout as i’m a wake-up-and-go girl, but sometimes i’ll have a half a banana before a long run or a low-cal, light nutritional shake (Skoop lately!).
I never used to eat before a workout but I love a little almond butter and fruit now to get that energy and push through a hard morning session!
My favorite workout is TGM, a hot yoga studio in Columbus, Ohio! So much fun, the room is totally dark except for a few candles & rope lights, she plays really fun music, and most importantly it kicks my butt every single time. Although living in California makes it a bit hard to attend a yoga class in Ohio!
That sounds so amazing!
I adore BodyAttack! It’s crazy hard, but I smile like a total goofball through the whole class.
Pure Barre is hands down my favorite 🙂 So glad you are liking my favorite PB studio – hope to run in to you sometime!
Hope to see you, too!!
I look forward to this HIIT class that I take at my gym! I’d explain the feeling I get in the same way you do with Purre Barre. It’s intense and I’m working hard, but I’m never so sore that I can’t workout the next day, but I definitely feel a burn! I’m more of a wake up and workout girl too, but I know the importance of eating before hand and it’s something I’d like to work on for myself! Glad to see it’s working out for you – maybe this was the push I needed! 🙂
Leg day!!! I know that I’m in the minority on this one but I just love the burn and I mentally know that strengthening your leg muscles is SO AMAZING for your metabolism and overall tone. There is nothing quite as rewarding as having super sore legs.
I just started barre classes and I LOVE them. I was a little apprehensive at first because I am clumsy and not flexible at all, but they are so great! I really look forward to them!
I also find that eating a little something before a morning workout gives me more energy during the workout. The pre-run breakfasts help push me through the tough last few miles too. 🙂
I really love Barre, yoga, spinning and Tone It Up. All of the workouts are positive, upbeat and challenge my body in a completely different way.
And yes! Now I always eat something before I workout. Before I became pregnant I was a get up and go gal. But I simply can’t do that any more. I find just something small (like you suggested) does the trick and still allows me to get in my am workout.
What a beautiful breakfast!
I workout at 6AM, so around 5:30 I like to eat some dates and a spoonful of almond butter. Some mornings I’ll have half a baked potato + almond butter. I always try to eat some carbs and fat before lifting heavy things.
Hmmmm while I love CrossFit, sometimes I dread the workouts lol. You really have to be pumped up beforehand, because the workouts are so intense… and sometimes I really won’t want to go, but I’m ALWAYS happy afterwards.
i’ve done a number of different group workouts before (trx, boot camp, barre, pilates, yoga, bodypump, jazzercise… and more!) but by FAR the hardest and most fun (in a killer way) workout i’ve ever done in my life: reformer pilates. you should try it! it kicked my butt. i was sore for about 6 days!!!
I usually grab a banana or toast a kashi waffle before i head out for my workout. Also…coffee!
I need to try barre…we have 2 studios about 30 minutes from me and i wish they were closer! Definitely something i would enjoy doing.
I most enjoy HIIT workouts! I love running but right now, this heat is not making me look forward to it 🙁
Swimming is my absolute favorite…but, I also love Body Pump and Circuit Training.
I love swimming, too! I need to do it more often!
I look forward to a good spin class! One of my good friends swears by barre but I haven’t had the time to try it yet since it’s offered during times that conflict with my work schedule. I hope to give it a whirl soon, though!
Pure Barre recently opened by me and I want to try it out. It’s been on my mind all week! I absolutely eat before working out. In fact, I cannot wake up and not eat. I am always starving when I get up and trying to run on an empty stomach would just never ever work.
I love Zumba classes. It really makes you move your body constantly and you really work up a great sweat. I always look forward to it. However, since I can never be sure how much money I’ll be making from week to week, I don’t have a gym membership for them. Instead, I got a Wii for Xmas a couple years ago and purchased several Zumba video games for it and I’m in love. I know it’s not quite the same feel as a class, but it’s still fun!!
I tried Barre once before and just couldn’t get into it! I have been following the Insanity workout plan for the past month and am continuing on to finish the 60 day program. I love doing it in the comfort of my own home (with a fan blasting in this TX heat). I’m officially addicted and really have seen some great results…THAT always helps me love a workout…results!
I usually eat something super super light before a morning workout, like a banana or a larabar. Any more than that and it is NOT pretty.
I always look forward to the Saturday morning yoga classes at my gym. The instructor is just so much much and takes input from people beforehand on what they might like included in the class. I also enjoy the Thursday class, but Saturday morning is my favorite.
As for breakfast, I usually eat breakfast before my workout, but if I’ll be back home before 10 am, I’ll have a little something before and then have something more once I get home.
I actually love Body Combat and I can literally do it everyday without getting tired of it!! Today will be my fourth day this week taking the class. I also have to eat before I workout and like to have half a banana with some peanut butter. Love your blog!
I look forward to my MWF morning yoga classes at 7am. The teacher focuses on strength and it’s an amazing workout!
I force myself to eat a bite of something before a workout too – it’s hard to eat early in the AM, but I agree, it helps a lot during a workout!
I always have a little snack even if I’m not hungry before my early am workout. I find that if I don’t, by the time my workout is done, I’m super starving and eat wayy more than I normally would!
I love step workouts. Not Les Mills BodyStep but legit throwback-to-the-80s step classes. My heart rate stays up for the entire class and I always learn something new. The energy in the class is also so infectious that I can’t help but have fun, even when I have no idea what I’m doing lol
I always, always look forward to barre and yoga workouts for that exact reason. They are challenging but not so much that I feel like I’m going to die during the workout haha
I really look forward to Crossfit. I used to look forward to a boot camp class I used to go to. It makes making yourself get up and go so much easier!
I’m glad that you are trying pure barre, I love barre classes. I feel strong and toned but my body doesn’t hurt after these workouts. It’s a good compliment to my running! 🙂
I just moved and my new place is 10 minutes away from a Pure Barre Studio. I’ve been wanting to try it for years, but I was just never close to one. I just got back from my second class – it is the most wonderful and awful class in the world…so hard, but so good! I feel like the instructors do such an awesome job of keeping you pumped and class flies by. Can’t wait to see the results!
I actually look forward to training runs when I’m actually training for a big race! If the extra motivation is there, there I’m less likely to feel like the workout is a necessary evil 🙂
I used to do body pump & loved it – now I do pure barre. Reading your posts remind me of exactly how I felt when I started – one year in I still love going 5 days a week and it never gets boring!
I almost always need to eat a little something before I work out, or else I feel sluggish!
I look forward to quick, intense bodyweight workouts! Maybe because I know I don’t need fancy equipment and I can crank ’em out anywhere, or maybe because they’re fast. I’m weird and I like burpees, so… 😉 I also look forward to yoga though!
I really enjoy going for a run on the weekends and listening to The Because Show podcast. :0)
My pre-workout snack usually includes a slice of cheesecake, 2 scoops of chocolate peanu tbutter ice cream and a slice of meat-lovers pizza.
Ok, that’s not for real. I just couldn’t resist. :0)
I look forward to anything dancey! Zumba, Pilates, Barre love it all! If I work out in the am I usually have some fruit then a smoothie when I’m finished!
I most look forward to Pure Barre, Hot yoga, and Pilates. I am the opposite of a cardio queen so it takes effort to psych myself up to do it, but I power through anyway! I really enjoy power walks (especially evening ones) with my mom or a girlfriend!
Reformer pilates, that is!
Pure Barre sounds super fun!
I mostly always look forward to teaching my fitness classes-BodyPUMP, CXWORX, GRIT, and Zumba….but there are days when it’s hard to get amped up too. But I definitely get right into the groove once we start!
As for my own workouts, I look forward to stretching OR doing a quick HIIT run on the treadmill OR doing a fun weights circuit. I am a weirdo and actually LIKE to workout and don’t need to get too psyched up about it….except for when it’s REALLY early in the morning 😉
ANd yes, I MUST have something to eat before working out. Or else goodbye energy!
I typically stick to the same workouts (some cardio, followed by lifting weights) but I’ve noticed I really look forward to leg day, whereas I have to psyche myself up more for arms/chest/back days. I usually eat a banana or a luna bar before working out since I also drink coffee right before working out – gotta take the edge off! hah
I almost always have a little something to eat before a workout — usually toast and nut butter. Otherwise I think it’d be so distracted by my grumbling stomach that I don’t think I’d get anything done!
I had a free month of yoga earlier this year, and I almost always looked forward to going to yoga. It was so different from what I’m used to and a really nice change!
i’m loving pop physique. it’s only available in ca and ny right now but they’re expanding pretty fast. it’s a barre class with a soul cycle playlist, amazing!
I always look forward to spin class but I wish they offered it at different times of the day at my gym. I bought a groupon deal for Barre3 but have yet to try it. I’ve heard so many great things about barre classes!
I’m so jealous of all the awesome barre workouts you’ve been doing lately! I LOVE barre classes, but sadly we don’t have a studio in my small town, so I only get the chance to take them when I travel. I’m hopeful that someday someone will bring barre here!
My gym has an Insanity class that I always look forward too and Body Combat as well! Love having classes that keep me motivated and not dreading going to the gym!
Lately, I really look forward to my early-morning walks, because I get to watch the sun come up. I’m a big fan of lifting & CrossFit and so usually look forward to those workouts, too.
I always look forward to the Les Mills classes I take: BodyPump, BodyCombat, CX, and teaching BodyFlow (and soon Sh’Bam!). It’s the class itself (I’ve officially given up on BodyStep – we do not get along, my brain doesn’t work that fast and I spend half the class in fear that my clumsy self will trip or fall off the step and get injured), but it’s also the people. It’s great to have that motivation and encouragement from friends. I like to swim and sometimes run, but I have to super psych myself up and force myself to do those. I just get lonely.
I used to look forward to my workouts in the gym, but got off track a little. Since I’ve started PureBarre, I really look forward to them! Mainly because I met a good group of ladies there, and the music is awesome! It has taken some time to get used to “the shake” but I’m starting to love that part as well!
I love, love, love my Strength and Conditioning class. No class is the same. I don’t ever eat before this 5:30AM class, but I do before early AM long runs OR most runs.
I really need to try barre. I feel like I would love it.