I do have one dreary-day caveat though. It must rain for me to get the cozy feeling. If it’s simply gray outside, then the day is just dumpy and I want my sunshine back!
Today is a wet day in Orlando, which makes it the perfect day for watching a movie on the couch… or, you know, working behind a desk. 😉
Early this afternoon after crossing a few things off my ever-increasing to do list, I broke for a quick lunch.
On the menu for today was a toasted cinnamon raisin bagelwich, prepared with melted muenster cheese and thin slices of apple and pear. (I ate the rest of the pear last night and polished off the apple as I toasted the bagel thin in the break room.)
On the side of my bagelwich I enjoyed fresh snow peas which made me instantly crave stir fried goodness. Maybe dinner will include some kind of creation made with soy sauce?
Quote of the Day
I just had to share this quote with you guys. It reminded me a bit about what I said in my post about The Comparison Trap. (Thanks to my friend Cherayne for finding this quote!)
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs
This quote further reiterated to me the importance of being yourself and following your heart. Don’t bother wishing that you had the good fortune or good looks of someone else when you are already fantastic just as you are. In the epic words of my favorite Jersey Shore boys, “You do you,” and don’t worry about the thoughts and opinions of others. In the end, it’s how you view yourself that matters most. Hallelujah, amen! 😀
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this afternoon!
I discovered his commencement speech a few months back on Ted.com,
It is so inspiring – his story is simply amazing! Brilliant man he is!!
thank you so much for this post! i just started medical school this year and i’ve defnitely fallen into the trap of comparing myself academically, physically, and even socially. just recently i’ve been trying to get into the habit of telling myself, “you do you and I do me” and this post and quote totally hit the nail on the head! Thanks again 🙂
Love the quote! Congrats on making something said on the Jersey Shore into something intelligent 🙂
What a tremendous quote! Thanks for being so positive and inspiring, Julie!
And I’m an April birthday too – the 19th! I’m never surprised when I meet a fellow April baby because there’s just somethin’ about us!
As someone who can’t tolerate cheese, your daily breakfast of cheese on a bagel, (today with apples) are totally making me jealous! It looks delish